Top 7 Games Similar to Mystery Case: The Copycat

Mystery Case: Reality Star 2 1.1
Hungry Potato
When the rising star of a reality TVshowisfound stabbed to death in a public fountain, Detective Bennethasalong list of suspects who might have wanted the girl dead.Ray Bennet’s prime suspect turns out to be thevictim’sbiggestally. At a dead end, our detective’s only lead is aletterfromsomeone who claims to know the actress’s murderer.In our latest episode Mystery Case: The Reality StarII,delveinto the world of lies, deception and betrayal as youunravelamurder that will reveal the true intentionsofeveryoneinvolved.Find the hidden objects and clues within the differentlocationsinorder to solve the mystery case and catch thecriminalWord of Advice: There are multiple sides to every story!!Mystery Case: Reality Star 2 - Copyright © Hungry Potato2015
Mystery Case: The Expose 1.2
Hungry Potato
The latest episode of MysteryCaserevolvesaround the suicide of the secretary of super starLizbethQueen.Detective Ray Bennet is, however, convinced that thereismore toher death than meets the eye.Mystery Case: The Expose shows the naivety of a younggirlwhogets tricked her whole life and when she finally decidestostandup for truth, she is silenced by the one she trustedmost.Find the hidden objects and clues within thedifferentlocationsin order to solve the mystery case and catchthecriminal.Word of Advice: There is a wolf in sheep’s attire!!!Mystery Case: The Expose - Copyright © Hungry Potato 2015
Mystery Case: The Partners 1.1
Hungry Potato
The world of fashion goes into frenzywhentheowner of a famous men’s magazine disappears andreappearsunharmedonly to disappear again. Only this time, ourcleverdetective knowssomething is not right.Play as Detective Ray Bennet, a very clever detectivewhosekeeneye for details helps him crack the toughest of cases.Packyoursleuthing gear, put on your thinking gear as you try tofindoutwhether the owner’s disappearance is just a clever plantospikethe company’s shares or has she really met with foulplay?Play our latest episode Mystery Case: The Partners andlearnthatbetrayal is a trick that everyone has learned.Find the hidden objects and clues within thedifferentlocationsin order to solve the mystery case and catchthecriminal.Word of Advice: Friends can turn into foes, always!!Mystery Case: The Partners - Copyright © Hungry Potato 2015
Mystery Case: Reality Star 1.3
Hungry Potato
When the rising star of a reality TVshowisfound stabbed to death in a public fountain, Detective Bennethasalong list of suspects who might have wanted the girl dead.In the latest episode of Mystery Case, assume theroleofDetective Ray Bennet as he tries to solve the murder of agirlwhowas destined for stardom but had to pay the pricewithherlife.Play our latest episode Mystery Case: The Reality Star Iandfindout that there are always two sides to every storyandeverysuspect.Find the hidden objects and clues within the differentlocationsinorder to solve the mystery case and catch thecriminalWord of Advice: Everything comes with a price!!Mystery Case: Reality Star - Copyright © Hungry Potato 2015
Guard me, Sherlock! - otome 1.8.2
NTT Solmare Corp.
Beautiful dating sim illustrations and captivating Otome gamemusic.
Mystery Case: The Cure 1.3
Hungry Potato
Find out what really happened to abrilliantandpromising scientist who is found dead in in the earlymorninghoursoutside her home.Was it a botched mugging job or some actually wanted thepoorgirldead?In Mystery Case: The Cure, fill the shoes ofourprotagonistDetective Ray Bennet who solves the toughest of casesbystudyingand observing human behavior.Pack up your sleuthing gear, put on your thinking capanddustyour analytical skills in our all new episode MysteryCase:TheCure where your job is to determine the storybehindtheresearcher’s death.Find the hidden objects and clues within the differentlocationsinorder to solve the mystery case and catch thecriminal.Word of advice – End does not justify the means!!!Mystery Case: The Cure - Copyright © Hungry Potato 2015
Titanic Detective Unseen Case 2.0
Titanic Detective Unseen Case ishiddenobjectgame for Detective v/s Criminals. You are thedetectivesolvemurder case in Titanic Ship. All Ship policeConfucius tosolvecriminal case but only detective able to solvethosecase.Detective can solve different crime scene with help ofclue,matchthe evidence and arrest the criminal..