Top 10 Games Similar to Kapu Bloom Tunes

Kapu Blocks 1.0.3
Kapu Toys
From now on, even the smallest one has the power to buildsomethingbig!
Kapu Planet 1
Kapu Toys
Kapu Planet expands the world of classicKapuForest and reveals the secrets of the globe! Go exploretheenvironments of different continents and all those amazinganimalsthat live there!FEATURES- 8 mini-toys and animals to play with (more to come!)- No time limits, no rules, always fun- Playful sounds and colorful animations- Lovable characters & original artwork- Kid-friendly interface- Intuitive and educational experience- No in-app sales or third party advertising!In Kapu Planet there are no timers, no limits and no highscores.Your kids have complete control and can explore whichevertoy theywant to. They’ll never be stuck on a level and always havefun!MORE KAPU TOYSKapu Fishing - Come fishing with Mr. Fox and catch thebiggestwhoppers in the lake! Catch funny fish andsurprisingsea-creatures, cruise with your motorboat, build lures,tickle andfeed the fox friend and much more! Kapu Fishing isperfect forchildren 2-5+ years old.Kapu Bloom Tunes - Let your kid paint the world withmelodies!Kapu Bloom Tunes not only combines the two of the mostawesomepastimes, creating music and painting, but it also teachesthesmall users the basics of how melodies and tunes are crafted inafun and surprising way.Kapu Blocks – the perfect digital toy for youngcraftsmen,whichfeeds children’s creativity and offers hours of fun. Itteachesthechildren the basics of physics and the rules of gravity, but atthesametime providing a world full of surprises and possibilities tobuildthewildest creations.Kapu Tickle Toy Camera – a super fun digital toy thatactivatesand entertainskids with a surprising gameplay. Teaches children how tousethemobile phone or a tablet camera safely and in a fun way and atthesame time guarantees laughs for the kids and fun forthewholefamily.Kapu Forest - Kapu Forest is a colorful and fun digital toyforkids aged 1-4+. Let them discover the forest and meet alltheanimals through one of more than 10 mini-toys available.ABOUT KAPU TOYSKapu is the digital toy box filled with smiles for kidsaged1-6+. We believe in fun play and clever apps. We’re on amission tocreate digital toys that spark the imagination, inspirefamilies toplay together and let kids learn along the way!
Kapu Tickle Toy Camera 1
Kapu Toys
Kapu Tickle Toy Camera is a super-funtoy,whichcombines classic kids games and toys such aspeek-a-boo,tickle tagand the jumping-jack puppet with moderntechnology!The gameplay and intuitive controls have been designedsothatthere is no wrong way to play with the toy; everything thekidsdowill make it work.HOW TO PLAY• Tickle the characters and make them laugh by pokingthem.• Change any character into something totally new bypullingthestring under the doll up or down.• Turn yourself or your kid into one of the characters bytakingaphoto!• Create new worlds and stories by changing the background toaphotoof your kids’ favorite place!• Or just mix them all up and enjoy the ride.There are no high-scores, time limits or difficulty levels-justendless fun for the tiny ones.FUN WITH THE CAMERA• Teach your kids how to use the iPhone or iPad camerasafelyandin a fun way.• The toy activates children to move around to find newthingstocapture.• Photos are not saved to your camera roll or photo stream.• No location tagging on photos – fully maintaining theprivacyofyou and your child!FEATURES• High-quality Retina graphics with classic1950’sinspiredillustrations.• Playful sounds and colorful animations• Exclusively composed music played with real instruments• Innovative gameplay and intuitive controls for kids• Parental Controls; manage the gameplay time in afeweasyclicks• No in-app sales or hidden costs• No third-party advertisingABOUT KAPU TOYS:Kapu Toys is the digital toy box filled with smiles! Webelieveinfun play and clever apps that spark the imagination,inspirefamiliesto play together and let kids learn along the way!Wecreate digitaltoys for the tiny ones.OTHER RELEASES:Kapu Planet reveals the secrets of the globe and lets youplaywithexotic animals!Kapu Fishing takes you to the lake with Mr. Fox to catchthebiggestwhoppers in the lake!Kapu Bloom Tunes lets your kid fingerpaint theworldwithmelodies!Kapu Blocks is the perfect digital toy foryoungcraftsmen,whichfeeds children’s creativity and offers hours of fun!Kapu Forest - a colorful and fun digital toy for kids aged1-4+.
Little Panda's Forest Animals
Discover five forest animals through unique scenes! Letchildrenplay and learn
Aprender inglés con animales
Descubre a tus hijos los animalesensucontexto, a la vez que aprenden inglés. El perro, lavaca,elelefante, el león... y muchos más amigos os esperan.★ DIVERSIÓN EDUCATIVA ★Aprender inglés con los animales es una divertida yeducativaapppara niños. Permite a los más pequeños de la casadivertirse alavez que aprenden inglés. La aplicación está orientadaa unpúblicoinfantil de entre 2 y 6 años, en edad preescolar.★ DISFRUTA EN FAMILIA ★Ideal para los niños que están empezando a aprender inglésyparaaquellos de otros niveles que quieren repasar vocabulario.Yporsupuesto los adultos también pueden participar, jugarconsushijos, divertirse y aprender juntos. ¡Disfruta deunaexperienciacompartida con tus hijos!★ TODO TIPO DE ANIMALES ★Un cuento interactivo donde el niño puede, a través de14pantallasinteractivas, visitar diferentes escenarios (la selva,eldesierto,el campo…) y descubrir todo tipo de animalestantodomésticos comosalvajes en su contexto original. Leones,cebras,elefantes,perros, gatos, cocodrilos, serpientes, etc.Permite también conocer el nombre del animal y suonomatopeyaeninglés.★ CARACTERÍSTICAS ★• Para niños de todas las edades.• Guión original y creativo.• Exquisitas ilustraciones• Rico en variedad de elementos interactivos. Graciosasanimacionesysonidos que crearán una experienciasorprendente.• Interfaz intuitivo y fácil con acceso directo a escenas.• De fácil lectura gracias a su cuidado aspecto tipográfico.• Toca cada frase para repetir su locución. Estupendoparalosprimeros lectores.• Dulce y relajante banda sonora original.• Desarrolla la coordinación mano-ojo en el niño.• Sin publicidad.• Desde Opciones podrás controlar aspectos como la locuciónolamúsica.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visita nuestra página web en http://www.dadacompany.comSíguenos en Twitter en o hazclicenMe gusta en Facebook enásinformación sobre todas nuestras novedades.Echa un vistazo a los vídeos y trailers de nuestrasappsen★ SOBRE DADA COMPANY ★Dada Company ofrece a los niños entretenimiento decalidaddiseñadopara educar y divertir, y a los padres lasatisfacción deofrecer asus hijos una experiencia deaprendizajeenriquecedora.Cada obra de DADA Company es totalmente original y diferentealaanterior. DADA Company ha sido galardonado con elBolognaRagazziDigital Award 2013 en la categoría de ficción.Algunos de sus títulos son: “Por cuatro esquinitas denada”,“1000Aventuras”, “¡A la cama!” o “Con los transportesaprendo”entreotros.Soporte: soporte@dadacompany.comDiscover yourchildrentheanimals in their context, while learning English. Thedog, thecow,the elephant, the lion ... and many more friends awaityou.EDUCATIONAL FUN ★ ★Learning English with animals is a fun and educationalappforchildren. Allows smaller house fun while learningEnglish.Theapplication is aimed at children aged between 2 and6years,preschoolers.★ ★ ENJOY FAMILYIdeal for children who are beginning to learn English and tothoseofother levels who want to revise vocabulary. And of courseadultscanparticipate, play with your children, have fun andlearntogether.Enjoy a shared experience with your children!ALL KINDS OF ANIMALS ★ ★An interactive story where the child can, through14interactivedisplays, visit different scenarios (forest,desert,field ...) anddiscover all sorts of domestic and wildanimals intheir originalcontext. Lions, zebras, elephants, dogs,cats,crocodiles, snakes,etc..It also allows to know the name of the animal and itsonomatopoeiainEnglish.★ FEATURES ★• For children of all ages.• Original and creative script.• Exquisite illustrations• Rich variety of interactive elements. Funny animationsandsoundsto create an amazing experience.• Intuitive and easy with direct access to scenes.• Easy to read thanks to a dedicated typographic.• Touch each phrase to repeat his speech. Greatforearlyreaders.• Sweet and soothing soundtrack.• Develops hand-eye coordination in children.• No ads.• Since Options can control aspects such as speech or music.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our website at http://www.dadacompany.comFollow us on Twitter at orclickonLike on Facebook at on all our news.Check out videos and trailers ofourapps★ ★ ON DADA COMPANYDada Company offers children quality entertainmentdesignedtoeducate and entertain, and parents are pleased tooffertheirchildren a rich learning experience.Each work of DADA Company is totally original and differentfromtheprevious one. DADA Company has been awarded the 2013BolognaRagazziDigital Award in the fiction category.Some of his titles are: "For four corners made ofnothing","1000Adventures", "Go to bed!" Or "With transportlearn"amongothers.Support:
Práctica de Lectura 2 1
Este juego ayuda a aprender y aentrenarlecturaen niños de 5 a 10 años. El juego consiste en leery elegirel nombrede un alimento de entre cuatro opciones. Losprimerosniveles sonpara completar la sílaba final, luegosílabasintermedias yfinalmente la palabra completa.Hay más de cincuenta alimentos entre frutas, verduras ycomidasquese repiten entre los niveles para que el niño asimilelosnombresde a poco y finalmente distinga la palabracompleta.Aprende y entrena lectura utilizando el método de lassílabasyasimilando visualmente la palabra completa.A medida que se logran los primeros niveles sedesbloqueanlossiguientes para que el aprendizaje sea másordenado.This game helpsyoulearnand train reading in children 5-10 years. The gameconsistsofreading and choose the name of a food from four options.Thefirstlevels are to complete the final syllable aftersyllablemiddle andfinally the whole word.There are over fifty foods from fruits, vegetables and foodsthatarerepeated between levels for the students to take thenamesslowly andfinally distinguishes the entire word.Learn and train reading using the method of syllablesandvisuallyabsorbing the entire word.As the first levels are achieved the following are unlockedtomakelearning more orderly.
Práctica de Lectura 1
Este juego ayuda a aprender y aentrenarlectura en niños de 5 a 10 años. El juego consiste en leery elegirel nombre del animal de entre cuatro opciones. Los primerosnivelesson para completar la sílaba final, luego sílabasintermedias yfinalmente la palabra completa.Hay más de cuarenta animales y se repiten entre los niveles paraqueel niño asimile los nombres de a poco y finalmente distingalapalabra completa.Aprende y entrena lectura utilizando el método de las sílabasyfinalmente con la palabra completa.A medida que se logran los primeros niveles se desbloqueanlossiguientes para que el aprendizaje sea más ordenado.This game helps youlearnand train reading in children 5-10 years. The game consistsofreading and choose the name of the animal from four options.Thefirst levels are to complete the final syllable aftersyllablemiddle and finally the whole word.There are over forty animals and are repeated between levels forthestudents to take the names slowly and finally distinguishestheentire word.Learn and train reading using the method of syllables andfinallywith the entire word.As the first levels are achieved the following are unlocked tomakelearning more orderly.
English Vocabulary Learning 1
This application is aimed at childrenandallwho are getting started in the English language."Learning English vocabulary" has over 190 words and isdesignedintwo stages: a list sorted by category in which thechildrenwilllearn to write and pronounce a word in English.The second part is a game by levels where the children willhavetoguess the name of each picture to advance to the nextlevelofwords.You can find vocabulary about colors, numbers,food,animals,household items, transportation, clothing, etc.
LeLe Sílabas 1.2
Morgade Soft
App for learning syllables, phonemes and words in Portuguese
Meet the Zoo Animals 1.0.4
Welcome to the Zoo! Introduce your childrentothe magic of the zoological parks! Meet the Zoo Animals isthefirst zoo themed educational game created specially fortoddlersand preschool children aged from 2 to 8 years old.A safe, positive and child-friendly experience with abeautifulartwork, fun animations and great sound effects.Stimulate your kid’s early childhood development with thisfun,educational and safe learning experience. It’s their time toMeetthe Zoo Animals!THE ANIMALSLet your small ones have fun with Kenny the Kangaroo, DennistheDolphin, Mikey the Monkey, Oscar the Ostrich, Leo the LionandEllie the Elephant. Each one of them with different setsofactivities for endless hours of fun.HIGHLIGHTS• Very fun and positive experience for children• Completely safe and child-friendly application• Parental gate to prevent children from accessing thesettingsscreen• No advertisementsWatch your children learn by playing while building theirsenseof creativity, curiosity and wonder!Please note! This game is free to play, but it containsitemsthat can be purchased for real money. Some features andextrasmentioned in the description may also have to be purchasedfor realmoney.