Top 11 Apps Similar to تسريع الشحن simulator

شحن بطارية الهاتف بدون شاحن 1.0
تخيل إمكانية شحن بطارية الهاتف بتحريكهفقطفيوقت سريع.سيكون هاتفك مميز و رائع حيث ستخدع أصدقائك و يصدقون أنهيمكنشحنبطارية بتحريك الهاتف .برنامج خصص للمرح لا يقوم بشحن بطارية الهاتفتوفير البطارية و الشحن سيغنيك عن كل تطبيقات حفظ طاقة الجوالكما أن توفير البطارية و الشحن يحتوي على انظمة طاقة تحافظعلىبطاريةجوالك بدون منعك من مميزات الهاتفتوفير الطاقة و الشحن فهو أفضل من عديد تطبيقات موجودة شبيهةلهمثلbatterie pourcentageنظام توفير البطارية و الشحن المطور يحتوي على خصائص تحافظعلىطاقةالبطاريةو بذالك لا يستلزم شحن البطاريه الا مره كل أسبوع فهوشاحنالبطاريةالسريعيحتوي على مرشح يستطيع تخفيض اضائة الشاشة بدون خفضها الىاقصىحد.يحتوي على نضام يوقف التطبيقات التي تستهلك الطاقة .يحتوي على نظام يرشدك الى افضل حلول الطاقة وتقييممواردالجهاز.يحتوي على نظام ادارة شحن البطارية حيث يساعد على سرعةشحنالبطارية.متجر غوغل بلاي يوفر تطبيق البطارية الإقتصاديةeconomiseurdebatterie و دلك لكترة الشكوات بخصوص بطارياتالهواتفالحل النهائي لمشكل بطارية الهاتف * مؤشر البطارية بطاريةتوفيرالطاقةو الشحن nettoyeur economie batterie et antivirusحملهالانImagine thepossibilityofcharging the phone battery just slide it in quicktime.Your phone will be unique and wonderful as Stkhaddafriendsandbelieve that it can charge a battery by moving thephone.Allocated for fun does not charge the phone battery programSave battery and charging Sagnek Remember allmobileenergyapplicationsThe provision of battery charging and contain energysystemskeepsthe battery without your mobile phone features topreventyoufromSaving energy and shipping it is better thanmanyexistingapplications like him like batterie pourcentageSave battery and charging the developer system thatcontainsthecharacteristics conserves battery powerAnd so it does not require charging the battery only onceaweekis the rapid battery chargerContains candidate can reduce the screenbrightnesswithoutreduced to the maximum.It Contains Ndham stop applications that consume energy.It contains system guides you to the best energysolutionsandevaluate the device's resources.It contains charging the battery management system whichhelpstospeed battery charge.Google Play Store application provideseconomicalbatteryeconomiseur de batterie and knead for about KatraAlchukoatphonebatteriesThe ultimate solution to the problem of phone *batterybatteryindicator battery saving energy and shippingnettoyeureconomiebatterie et antivirus him now
شحن البطارية بدون شاحن prank 1.0
taker studio
شحن الهاتف بالطاقة الشمسية هو الحلالأمثللشحنهاتفك برنامج شحن البطاريه كي نشحن جوالك. تطبيق سريع وصديق للبيئة. مجرد أن هاتفك لديه ما يكفي منالضوءهذاسبب كي يتم شحن البطارية. وبفضل تقنية طاقة الشحن السريع،سرعةشحنالبطارية الشمسية هي أسرع من 70? مقارنة مع الشحنالكهربائيكل ما تريد القيام به هو وضع الهاتف تحت أشعة الشمس، ثمسيبدأشاحنالبطارية بالطاقة الشمسية ، شحن الهاتف بالطاقة شمسيةيتمبشكلتلقائي.اشحن هاتفك باستخدام شحن الهاتف بالطاقة الشمسية مع قوةأشعةالشمس.يستخدم شاحن البطارية الشمسية استشعار الهاتف الخفيفلشحنالبطارية.وبعد بضع دقائق في ضوء الشمس سترى مستوىالبطاريةفيالازدياد.أفضل شاحن للبطارية بالطاقة الشمسية في السوق. شحنالهاتفبالطاقةالشمسية تطبيق مجاني لهواتف الأندرويد موبايل.ببساطة تشغيل التطبيق ووضعها في الشمس والساعات لأنهاتجددالذكيةبطارية الهاتف الخاص بك. إذا كنت تغطية لوحة للطاقة الشمسيةمعيدك فيالمساء، وبعد ذلك يتم تشغيل الشحن. أخبر أصدقاءك عن هذاالتطبيق"شحنالهاتف بالطاقة الشمسية" ومازحهمالميزاتشحن الهاتف بالطاقة الشمسية- الرسومات واقعية ومثيرة للإعجاب- برنامج شحن البطاريه- أسرع: شحن هاتفك بشكل أسرع مع هذا التطبيق "شحنالهاتفبالطاقةالشمسية" المزحة- شاحن بطارية لالروبوت موبايل- بطارية افتراضية قوبة- الواح الطاقة الشمسية- شحن سريع بالطاقة شمسية- استخدام جهاز استشعار الضوء مع الألواح الشمسيةلشحنهاتفكبسرعة- عرض إعلام أو نوتيفيكيشن عندما يتم شحن الهاتف بالكامل- خلفية جذابةملاحظة: شحن الهاتف من خلال ضوء الشمس غير ممكن. الرجاء لاتعرضهاتفكلأشعة الشمس لأنها قد تضر به. هذا التطبيق هو مزحة وتطويرهامنأجلالمتعة والترفيه الغرض فقطPhone charging solaristheperfect solution to charge your phone battery chargingprogramtoship your mobile phone. Fast application and environment-friendly. Just becauseyourphonehas enough light this reason to be charging thebattery.Thanks tothe Energy Technology Fast shipping, the speed ofthesolar batterycharging is faster than 70? Compared withtheelectricalchargingAll you want to do is put the phone under the sun, thenthebatterysolar charger will start charging solar poweredphoneisautomatically.Charge your phone using solar-powered charging the phonewiththepower of the sun. Solar Battery Charger uses the phonelightsensorto charge the battery. After a few minutes in thesunlightyou'llsee Mistoybatarah increasing.Best battery charger for solar in the market.Shippingsolar-poweredphone Free Application for AndroidMobilephones.Simply run the application and put it in the sun and watchbecauseitis your smart phone battery renewed. If you cover thesolarpanelwith your hand in the evening, after which it isshippingoperation.Tell your friends about this "phonechargingsolar-powered"application and jokedFeaturesSolar-powered phone chargers- Realistic graphics and impressive- Charging the battery program- Faster: Charge your phone faster with thisapplication,"chargingthe phone Solar" Prank- For Android Mobile Battery Charger- Virtual battery Qhobh- Solar panels- Fast Shipping solar powered- Use light sensor with solar panels to chargeyourphonequickly- Display a notification or Notevikishn when it is fullychargethephone- Attractive backgroundNote: charge the phone through the sun is not possiblelight.Pleasedo not expose your phone to sunlight as it may hurthim.Thisapplication is a prank and developed for funandentertainmentpurpose only
مقوى شبكة النت Prank 3G 1.3
هذا التطبيق يعمل على تقوية و تسريعشبكةالهاتفمن خلال قفل و فتح الشبكة و معالجة الشحنات الهوائية فإذاكانتشبكةجوالك بطيئة و يوجد بها عطل أو تقطيع كل ما عليك فعله هوالضغطعلى زرالتقويةكلمات دالة:نقوية الشبكةتسريع النت3G boostboosterهذا التطبيق مزحةThis applicationworkstostrengthen and speed up the telephone network through thelockandopen the network and address air cargo If your mobilenetworkisslow and there is the failing or cutting all you have todoispress the button RelayKeywords:Myeloid NetworkSpeed ​​up the net3G boostboosterThis application is a joke
FastTV 16.0
FAQQ1: How can I get the Fasttv login?A1: You have to purchase Fastlink Bugatti+ bundle to get thelogindetails for Fasttv.Q2: Is there any cost to access Fasttv?A2: No, you just need to buy Fastlink Bugatti+ bundle toaccessFasttv.Q3: Can I access Fasttv from any other devices?A3: Yes you can access Fasttv from iPhone, iPad, AndroidPhone,Android Tablets, LG Smart TV, Samsung Smart TV, Windows PC&Mac.Q4: Can I access the service from outside Kurdistan?A4: No, the service is currently available only withinKurdistan,Iraq.For more details, please contact our customer care at 066121ڕاسته‌وخۆ سه‌یری تیڤی و فیلم زیاتر بكه‌‌، له‌گه‌ڵ فاست لینك 4GLTEله‌ كوردستان.پرسیاره‌ دووباره‌بووه‌كانپرسیاری یه‌كه‌م: چۆن ده‌توانم داخڵی فاست تیڤی ببم؟وه‌ڵامی یه‌كه‌م: پێویسته‌ كه‌ به‌ندڵی جۆری (Bugatti+) فاستلینكبكڕیت بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی بتوانیت زانيارى چوونه ژوره‌وه‌ به‌ده‌ستبهێنيت.پرسیاری دووه‌م: ئایا ‌به‌كارهێنانی فاست تیڤی هیچتێچوونێكیهه‌یه‌؟وه‌ڵامی دووه‌م: نه‌خێر، ته‌نها ده‌توانیت به‌ندڵی جۆری(Bugatti+)فاست لینك بكڕیت بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی بتوانیت به‌كاری بهێنیت.پرسیاری سێییه‌م: ئایا ده‌توانم له‌ ڕێگای ئامێرێكیتره‌وه‌خزمه‌تگوزاری فاست تیڤی به‌كاربهێنم؟وه‌ڵامی سێیه‌م: به‌ڵێ ده‌توانیت به‌كاری بهێنیت له‌ ڕێگای ئایفۆن،ئای پاد، ته‌له‌فونی ئه‌ندرۆید، تابلێتی ئه‌ندرۆید،ته‌له‌فزیۆنیزیره‌كی ئێڵ جی، ته‌له‌فزیۆنی زیره‌كی سامسۆنگ،ویندۆزه‌كانی ماك وكۆمپیوته‌ری تایبه‌ت.پرسیاری چواره‌م: ئایا ده‌توانم له‌ ده‌ره‌وه‌یكوردستانخزمه‌تگوزارییه‌كه‌ به‌كاربهێنم؟وه‌ڵامی چواره‌م: نه‌خێر، له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ی ئه‌م خزمه‌تگوزارییه‌ته‌نهاله‌ ناوخۆی كوردستان، عیڕاق به‌رده‌سته‌.بۆ زانيارى زياتر، تكايه په‌يوه‌ندى بكه به 066121شاهد البث المباشر للقنوات والافلام واكثر من ذلك مع Fastlink 4GLTEفي كوردستانالاسئلة المتكررة حول البرنامجالسؤال الأول: كيف يمكنني الدخول الى FastTV ؟الجواب: يجب عليك ان تقول بشراء حزمة Bugatti+ للحصول علىمعلوماتتسجيل الدخول الرئيسية.السؤال الثاني: هل هناك تكلفة يجب دفعها للحصول على الخدمة؟الجواب: لآ, كل ماعليك فعله هو ان تقوم بشراء حزمة Bugatti+ للحصولعلىالخدمة.السؤال الثالث: هل استطيع استخدام هذه الخدمة على اجهزةاخرى؟الجواب: بالتأكيد, تستطيع استخدام الخدمة على اجهزة الآيفون,والآيباداو الاندرويد كالاجهزة اللوحية, او تلفزيون إل جي الذكي,تلفزيونسامسونك الذكي, الوندوز, والماك.السؤال الرابع: هل استطيع استخدام الخدمة خارجمناطقكوردستان؟الجواب: لآ, الخدمة غير متوفرة خارج حدود اقليم كوردستان فيالوقتالحالي.للمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء لإتصال بمركز خدمة الزبائن 066121Tags: Fast TV, Fastlink TV, Fastlink IPTV, IPTV Iraq, fastlink4GTV, fastlink, fastlink 4g, fastlink 4g lte
finger battery charger prank 1.1
Finger Battery Charger is anawesome&amazing prank application for android users. If you areapranksteryou would definitely love this finger batterycharger.This RealFinger Battery Charger is actually scan yourFingerprintand chargethe Battery, but this is a prank applicationwhich doesnot chargeyour phone battery in reality and this is madefor thefun and forpeoples who just want to play pranks with friendsandfamily andwant to show off the power of their latest phone.Peoplewouldthink as if it is a real Battery charging application.Sodownloadand start enjoyment.This is very easy to use, simply placed your finger onthethumbscanner and finger battery charger will show thebatterychargingthat will increase rapidly. Fingerprint BatteryChargerprovidesyou the best hd graphics with beautiful appinterface.Finger printBattery Charger is compatible with almostevery androiddevice. Wehave tested on all major devices, androidtablets andandroid basedmobiles phones. Reliability is guaranteedofFingerprint BatteryCharger Prank. Fingerprint Battery ChargerPrankis speciallydesigned in a way that it will definitely workwith allnew devicesand android versions too.Disclaimer:This Finger Battery Charger is prank app, it does notchargeyoumobile battery, just make for fun and entertainmentonly.
Battery charger shake prank 1.2
Imagine if you can charge yourphonebatteryjust by shaking your device in a very littletime.with this prank app you can now pretend that chargingyourbatteryphone by shaking is possible.all your friends will be amazed with the new way that youchargeyourbattery phone .this app is free and only for having fun , it will notchargeyoubattery phone with shaking your device.feel free to rate us.thanks
Moon Battery Charger Prank 1.0
Frozen Apps
Individuals, a significant part of thetimeconfront the issue of charging their mobile phones when theyarefar from power source. Basically this issue happens when you areinuneven degrees on a trip or for other work. Nopersuadinginspiration to extend now in light of the fact that wehave inducedthis moonlight based battery charger application whichwill chargeyour flexible battery when you are in Moon light or someotherlight source like sun arranged sheets.Different individuals have exhibited sunshine develop sheetsinlight of their rooftop top to make power for their home.Samesystem is utilized here to charge your adaptable batterythroughMoon shafts. This application utilizes the light sensor ofyouradaptable and charges the reduced.As It is a substitute approach to manage charge the batterysothe charging will be immediate. Be patient while you arechargingyour device through this application.This is most amazing application than some otherMoon/Solarbattery charger application in the business. Basicallypresent,tell your companion and trap with them.You simply need to do the running with 2 stages:1. Put your device under the light source (Moon light).2. In a matter of seconds tap on the "ON" catch underbatterypicture, our application will recognize the Moon barsthrough lightsensor of your versatile and charging will begin.NOTE: This application is a hypothetical thought and won'tchargeyour device. So unless there is a down to earth use of thisidea,sharp android devices won't get charged. This is wanted tomake funand trap with others.
Battery Fast charger 1.0
Fast Battery Charger 5x is anapplicationthatprovide a great support to your Phone withcompletebatteryinformation. This amazing battery optimizer app havea GreatEasyto Use User Interface and brilliant functions thatsupportyourphone by giving 50% more battery life. This optimizebatteryappwill show the battery level as battery information. Itcanstartworking and saving battery life on one touch. This isgreatpowermanager tool for your device. It provides accuratebatterystatussuch as temperature, voltage and level. Providebatterydetails ina great Graphic interface.✓ Our app is very easy to use and there is nocomplexprocess.Just download and install it from PlayStore for Freeonyourandroid Smartphone or tablet. Tap the optimize button andwewilltake care of the rest. It’s all.✓ Once you install our app you will benefit from ourfastandsmart charging feature that will help your phone tobechargedfastly. You will see a big difference between chargingyourphonewith and without Fast Battery Charger 5x.✓ We guarantee that you will get at least 50% more ofbatterylifewith our app. It was developed by SIGMA SOFTandroidspecialists andthey implemented the latest technologies tohelpyou to get morebattery life.✓ Your battery is running out of energy fastly? Wanttohavebetter battery performance? Our app helps you toincreasebatterylife and have better battery performance.✓ Detailed battery information within the main screen oftheapp.You will be able to see the percentage of battery energyaswell asTemperature in C°, Voltage of battery and finallythelevel.✓ The best thing in our longer battery life app is thatyoucanuse it for Free without paying any fees orspecialmemberships.Enjoy it for Free!✓Once you activate our longest battery life app, you don’thavetotouch it again, because it runs in background andautomatically.Wewill save your battery without opening ourapp.✓ Inside the Battery details section of our optimizebatteryappyou will be able to find many details and informationaboutyoubattery life.✓ With Fast Battery Charger 5x, you can easilyactivateordeactivate Wi-fi network, Bluetooth, Brightness,Rotation,Soundand Timeout. Don’t forget that those settings stealyourbatteryenergy.Just Try it, and if you like it rat us 5 stars.
Solar Battery Charger Fast 1.0.1
Girls App Studio
Solar Battery Charger Fast prank willChargeryour android phone with the power of sun. Solar batteryChargerfast prank uses the phone's light sensor to charge batteryofmobile. Just a few minutes in the light of sun and you willseeyour battery level increasing. Simply start the app put itinforward of the ray of sun and watches as it regenerates yoursmartphones battery. The charging will not start in evening andwhen youare in dark. Tell your friends about this chargingapplication andprank them. This is Solar battery charger technique.Thisapplicationconsumes energy from your battery.Features:- Realistic Solar Panel Like Graphics- Faster : Charge your phone prank faster with this SolarChargerfor Android Mobile- Show Battery Status- Beautiful charging interface with solar panel and sun rays.Note: Charging phone through solar panel in android isnotpossible. Please do not expose your phone to sunlight as itmaydamage your cell. This application is a totally prank anddevelopedfor just fun and entertainment purpose only.
تطبيق سامسونج جالكسي + S6 edge 1.00
يتيح لك هذا التطبيق "سامسونج جالكسي + S6 edge"فرصة استعراض التصميم المطور والمميزات الرئيسية والملحقات لأحدثهاتفذكي من سامسونج جالكسي بصورة تفاعلية، فضلاً عن خوض تجربة عمليةعلىالجهاز واستعراض فوائده.نظرة عامة على تطبيق سامسونج جالكسي + S6 edge1. تصميمٌ جميلٌ ومريح- تصميمٌ منحني الجانبين: استعراض الجهاز عبر 360 درجة منالواقعالافتراضي- واجهةُ مستخدم مطورة للشاشة المنحنية Edge UX(مقربون الشاشة الجانبية والتطبيقات الجانبية People & Appsedge/مرر إصبعك للإيقاظ/ شاشة منحنية سهلة الوصول وقابلة للتخصيص).2. ترفيهٌ غامر- شاشة من نوع Quad HD sAMOLED بحجم 5.7 بوصة- البث المباشر- الكاميرا3. شحنٌ سلكي/لاسلكي سريع- شحن سلكي سريع- شحن لاسلكي سريع4. الملحقات- دليلُ الملحقاتالأجهزة المدعومة: الأجهزة الذكية التي تعمل بنظام الأندرويد(الإصدار4.1 أو الإصدارات الأحدث)الدقة: 720x1280الذاكرة: 1 جيغا بايتThis applicationallowsyou to "Samsung Galaxy + S6 edge" opportunity to reviewthedeveloper design and Key features and accessories to thelatestsmart phone from Samsung Galaxy interactively, as well astoexperience the process on the device and review its benefits. Overview of the Samsung Galaxy application + S6 edge1. Beautiful and comfortable design- Design curved sides: a review of the device over 360 degreesofvirtual reality- A user interface developed for the screen curved Edge UX (Close to the screen side and side applications People&Apps edge / Swipe your finger to the wake-up / curved screenaccessibleand customizable).2. ventured Entertainment- Screen type of Quad HD sAMOLED size of 5.7 inches- Live broadcast- Camera3. Shipping wired / wireless fast- Wired fast shipping- Wireless Fast Shipping4. Accessories- Accessories guide Supported Devices: Smart devices that are running Android(version4.1 or later)Accuracy: 720x1280Memory: 1 GB
Solar Charger Battery Prank 1.1
''Solar Charger Battery Prank''issimulatorthat is the concept of future cell phone charging itisjust forfun to impress your friends and family that youarecharging yourandroid smart phone from solar energy. All thatyouwant to do isplace your phone under sunlight, then start''SolarCharger BatteryPrank'', the application will chargeautomatically.If sunlightyour phone will be charged automatically.''SolarCharger BatteryPrank'' also integrates with quickcharging,supports your devicesquick charging.''Solar Charger Battery Prank'' doesn't charge in actualbutbehavelike charging battery by using solar is only forprankandentertainment. It just simulating and show that yourbatterylevelis increasing. It has awesomegraphics,attractiveinterface/layout, looks and work like reallycharging.Better thanother solar battery charging applications inthe market.This''Solar Charger Battery Prank'' free application forAndroidMobilephones.The first, most realistic ''Solar Charger BatteryPrank''applicationon the market! Check out the screenshots and seeforyourself. Simplystart the application put it in the sunandwatches as it regeneratesyour smart phones battery. If youcoverthe solar panel with yourhand in the evening, then thechargingwill not start. Tell yourfriends and family about thisapplicationand prank them.This application consumes energy from your battery.Thisapplicationis made for fun and entertainment purposes only sothatyou canprank your friends and family. How it work? Simplyplaceyour phoneunder direct sunlight or any other light source andyouwill seethat your phone will start charging. Just a few minutesinthe lightand you will see your battery level increasing.Simplybegin theapplication place it within the sun and watchesbecauseitregenerates your smart phones battery power prank.''Solar Charger Battery Prank'' power does not chargeinactualhowever behave like charging battery byexploitationalternativeenergy prank. This application is barely forprankanddiversion.''Solar Charger Battery Prank'' application charge batteryofyourdevice exploitation the ability of sun. it's only forfunhoweverit's designed in an exceedingly method that its looks atruesolarbattery and it charge your smart phone battery. Itbehaveslikegenerating electricity and you'll see the power ofthissolarcharger.This ''Solar Charger Battery Prank'' application is aprank.Theanimation employed in this application chargingbatteryprankoffers it realistic look. This application doesn'twouldlikedirect sun light-weight to start out the animation ofstarprankpanel and battery power icon.Note:This application is a prank and developed for funandentertainmentpurpose only it will make you laugh.Feature********************1: Solar Battery power2: Attractive and Awesome Graphics3: Simulation Application4: Increasing Charging level5:Solar fast charging6: Useful and friendlyShare this application with your friends & familyandprankthem.