Top 1 Games Similar to Memory span

Digit Span 1
Paramount Labs
Game Play..- Single digit numbers will be shown to you one by one- When the number pad becomes active, key in the digits in thesamesequence as was shown to you- Each level progresses with the addition of an extra digit,therebyincreasing the sequence lengthFeatures..- On the fly verification of input digits- Display speeds can be set to Fast, Medium or Slow- Virtually unlimited levels.If you take it as a challenge, it can very well challenge you.Ifyou consider it as your guide, it can act as a trainer, whowillalways stand by you while improving your memorizationskills.A little on the background of this game..The digit span task exercises your verbal workingmemory.Scientists refer to working memory as the cognitive systemthatallows the temporary storage and manipulation ofinformation.Verbal working memory is involved in many everydaytasks, fromremembering your friend's telephone number while youenter it intoyour phone, to understanding long and difficultsentences. Thinkabout it; how could you understand a whole sentenceif you couldn'tremember the words at the beginning long enough toconnect with thewords at the end! Verbal working memory is alsothought to be oneof the elements underlying intelligence (or 'IQ');thus, the digitspan task is a common component of many IQ tests,including thewidely used WAIS (Wechsler Adult IntelligenceScales).Performance on the digit span task is also closely linkedtolanguage learning abilities; improving your verbalmemorycapacities may therefore help you to master a new language ortoexpand your vocabulary. Though the purpose of this activityisimprovement in Memorization, many people feel that improvingthisindex has compounding benefits for working memory as a wholeandeven improves behavior which includes paying attention, stayingontask and avoiding distractions.The average digit span for normal adults without error is sevenplusor minus two. But a lot more is possible with a trainedmemory.Solomon Veniaminovich Shereshevsky (1886–1958) had anamazing digitspan of over 70.