Top 38 Apps Similar to LAK Exclusive Services

GetResponse Enterprise
This App was created with onlyGetResponseEnterprise customers in mind to help their businessneeds.GetResponse Enterprise helps high-volume email marketersenhanceemail campaign performance through optimizeddeliverability,customized installations, and dedicatedconsultancy.FEATURES:• Create and Send - create emails on the go or senddraftsprepared previously on your laptop or desktop. It’savailableanywhere you go, anytime you need it.• Manage List - view new subscribers instantly and searchyourdatabase in real-time. It’s the handiest way to manage yourcontactlist.• Track and Report - check your campaign performance andforwarda report by email.• Add Subscribers - add contacts by manual entry or importfromsmartphone address book.• View Subscribers - check subscriber locationsandactivities.• Web form list - view statistics for your web forms in aclear,easy-to-read list.• Enhanced landing page module - get statistics, A/Btesting,link-sharing to landing page creator, inbox preview — allin asimple, accessible display.• Click-through ratio (CTR) for links in messages -checkstatistics on links clicked in your messages.• GetResponse blog module - view GetResponse blog posts,nowavailable directly from the dashboard.Feel free to email us at if you haveanysuggestions or ideas about the app.About GetResponse EnterpriseThe GetResponse Enterprise advanced feature set allows ustotailor a solution to meet your requirements. We will providethetools your team and your business need to boost youremailmarketing ROI.High-Volume Capabilities - The technological infrastructureisinfinitely scalable to meet your demand. You can sendunlimitedemails per day without interruption or downtime. Serversarereliable, redundant, and secure, to deliver campaigns attopspeed.Unique IP addresses - unique IP addresses to providecompletecontrol of your email reputation and emaildeliverabilityAccount Management - 24x7 priority support withguaranteedresponse times to ensure your success at every step.Youareassigned a dedicated Account Manager, who works withyouproactively to improve efficiency and performance,providingtargeted support, training, and professionalconsultingservices.Customized Technology - GetResponse has the experience youneedfor seamless custom integrations. Your IT team can integrateyouremail marketing with external applications such as shoppingcarts,transactional platforms or CRMs with GetResponse JSON-RPCAPI.Sub-Level Access - Administrator can create up to 100separateuser accounts - each with pre-definable rights for useraccess,tools, sharing, and statistics - to facilitate management ofusersaccording to skill, function, and level of responsibility.Optimized Deliverability - Your company is assigned uniqueIPaddresses to provide complete control of your emailreputation.Deliverability of your campaigns is not an issue,becauseGetResponse handles ISP monitoring, DKIM, feedbackloops,whitelabeling, and link customization.Consulting Services - As you plan and execute each elementofyour email marketing program, our ROI experts are available tohelpyou increase efficiency and deliver maximum conversions.
SPOTIO | Field Sales App 2.8.1
SPOTIO is a mobile-first solution for outside salesteamstoeliminate guesswork, and focus on the highest impactactivityinthe field. The platform provides outside sales teamswiththevisibility they’ve been missing to increase salesperformanceandimprove team productivity. Integrate SPOTIO with yourCRMandprovide your outside sales team with a mobile solutionthatworksthe way they do. Capture critical sales activity data andsenditback into your system of record as it gathers businessinsightstoenable your sales team to work smarter in the field.***TARGETEDSALES PROSPECTING *** Intelligent pipelinegeneration:On-demandprospect data to keep your pipeline fullCalendarmanagement:Intuitively set, manage, & updateappointments inthe fieldFilter prospects by attributes that mattermost to yourbusiness sotime is spent with the best prospect ***SALES ACTIVITYTRACKING*** Capture critical sales activity and getclearvisibility onwhat’s happening in the field Close business onthespot within-app e-contracts Field data entry: See a full historyofeveryaccount in real-time *** SALES TEAM MANAGEMENT***Executiveinsights: robust field specific analyticsandreportingcapabilities (best times to prospect, number ofmeetingsit takesto close, etc.) Sales leaderboard: Measureperformanceofindividual sales reps, teams, or your entirefieldsalesorganization Sales rep accountability withreal-timelocationverification ***SALES TERRITORY MAPPING***Robustterritorymanagement designed to fit your business (by zipcode, byhand)Territory permissions so they right roles see therightinformationOptimize sales routes for maximum time efficiencyWhyfield salesreps love SPOTIO: Easy to Use - Spotio recognizedthatit’s datawas only valuable if it was used. The platform isdesignedwith a“3-tap” methodology so that most of its key featurescanbeachieved in 3 taps. It Just Works! - SPOTIO increasesfieldsalesrep productivity by 46% and reduces turnover by 14%Repscanoptimize their routes in the fields to make the best useoftheirtime Fill Your Pipeline - Access targeted leads in yourareaWhyfield sales managers love SPOTIO: Real Time Visibility -Seewhatyour team is doing in real time The Metrics thatMatter-understand where you need to increase training and efforttogetbetter results Market Penetration - fully saturate yourmarketwithsmart territory management Shorten Sales Cycles - easilyworkwithyour team to move deals through the pipeline fasterReduceTurnover- good reps stay when they are enabled with the toolstheyneed tobe successful **NOTE - You do not have to have a CRMasSPOTIO canoperate as a standalone solution**
Breez: Lightning Network Client & Point-of-Sale
Breez Development LTD
Breez is a Lightning Network client which makes paying inbitcoinaseamless experience. With Breez, anyone can send orreceivesmallpayments in bitcoin. It's simple, fast and safe. Breezisanon-custodial service that uses lnd and Neutrino underthehood.Breez also includes a Point-of-Sale mode which transformstheappfrom a Lightning wallet into a Lightning cash registerwiththeslide of a finger, allowing everyone to become amerchantandaccept Lightning payments. For more technicalinformation,pleasego to: the appisstill in beta and there is a chance your moneywill be lost.Usethis app only if you are willing to take this risk.
Startup Space – Business & Entrepreneur Community 6.2.23
Startup Space, LLC
Startup Space is an online incubator and sandboxforstartups,entrepreneurs, and small businesses. With StartupSpaceyou getreal-time assistance, advice, and tipsfromexperiencedentrepreneurs, startup owners, and business experts.Nomatter ifyou are just starting a business, need info onbusinessplans,names, startup funding, or even small business ideas,this istheperfect community to get advice and tips! ASK AQUESTIONJoinStartup Space and ask a question related tobusiness,marketing,entrepreneurship, startups, and how to start abusiness.Be asthorough as possible and await for feedback fromthestartupcommunity consisting of experts, local businessowners,startupowners, and so on. In short: people that are or werein thesameposition as you. GET OR READ RELEVANT ANSWERS Thequestionsthatother users asked for may be the same as the one youplan toask.So, carefully see the discussions in our startupcommunityfrontpage. If you can help and want to give a feedback onsome ofthequestions simply join the discussion. Either way, whenyou askaquestion be ready to get or find business startup tips,tipsfromexperts, business startup advice, startup funding ideas andsomuchmore. Connect with relevant experts that can really beofextremehelp for your ideas. To put it in the perspective,StartupSpace isthe online community where you will find all thetools youneed tohelp start your business or accelerate yourbusinessgrowth.Download now for free & make your dreams areality!
TruckX Fleet 2.1.20
TruckX Inc
Fleet Management App is for TruckX ELD Customers
Rapunzl: Learn, Invest & Win With Simulated Stocks 2.3.9
Tired of feeling lost with the stock market? Join Rapunzl -theFREEinvesting community to earn prizes & learn toinvest!TheRapunzl app is an award-winning platform that helps youearnwhileyou trade simulated stocks with real-time prices. Buildyourownstock portfolio & enter into fantasy stockcompetitionsforprizes, absolutely free! “We need more innovativesolutionslikeRapunzl that makes investing and financial educationmoreengaging& accessible.” - Arne Duncan, Former US SecretaryofEducation.Discover your hidden investor potential & neverriska dollarbecoming a Stock Guru! Follow your friends’ &family’sstockportfolios, add companies to your personalizedwatchlist,explorethe world of investing & finance and mimic toptradersin theRapunzl community. Rapunzl lets you imagine yourselfas WallStreetinvestor royalty and take charge of your financialeducation.Learnthe art of investing & master the stock market.Perfectforbeginner investors, part-time day trading orfull-timefinanceprofessionals! Absolutely FREE you can: - Buy, Sell&Short8,000+ stocks (crypto trading coming soon!) -Accessreal-timefinancial data, market data insights & businessnews -Learn toinvest with tutorials & beginner tools to buildyourfirstportfolio - Discover top performing investors &unlockrewards- Win CASH PRIZES! Rapunzl allows you to become aninvestor&invest in simulated stocks with live prices&free,zero-commission trading. Download Rapunzl and join thesocial&collaborative investor community with zero risk.Accessanalystratings, earnings calendars & market news as youlearnto trade& compete in fantasy competitions.RapunzlInvestmentstransforms the financial world. We bring thehighreturns of WallStreet down to ordinary investors withfreeinvesting & hugeupside! The stock market has never beenmoreaccessible. Now is theperfect time to develop betterinvestingskills. Rapunzl has hostedstock competitions with$100,000+ inprizes so the only questionremaining… Think YOU havewhat it takes?Join a Rapunzl InvestingCompetition for free today!If you havequestions & need somehelp, email us Or,check out DISCLAIMERS: Ifyou are under theage of13 you cannot use the Rapunzl app. If youare between the agesof13-17, you may not make in-app purchases onRapunzl &cannotredeem cash prizes or other rewards unlessspecificallystated.Remember: If you are a student who wants tolearn to investnow,create an account with your school-verifiedemail address tobecomeeligible for scholarship prizes! Otherwise:You represent&warrant that you are at least 18 years of age.In locationswherethe minimum age for permissible use of theRapunzl App isgreaterthan 18 years of age, you represent &warrant that youmeet theage requirement for the minimum age forpermissible use oftheRapunzl App. Even if you are over the age of18, if you are notalegal & valid US resident, you are noteligible to receiveanyof the competition prizes offered on thefree Rapunzl app.Rapunzlcompetitions are not associated withApple, Google Play, orotherfinancial services firms or tradingapps including but notlimitedto Invstr, StockTwits, Robinhood,Stash, Acorns &Betterment.Rapunzl is not a registeredinvestment advisor orbroker-dealer.Rapunzl does not provideinvestment advice or solicitinvestmentsof any kind, including forstocks, bonds, futures,options &crypto currencies. No contentin the Rapunzl app shouldbeconsidered a recommendation orsolicitation for the purchaseorsale of investment products.Rapunzl hosts free stocktradingcompetitions with simulatedportfolios & licenseaggregatesentiment data generated on theapp. For more informationon howRapunzl uses data in connectionwith affiliated entitiesorotherwise, please read our
Pre: Play With Our Money 1.1.18
Nousium, LLC
pre Mission: to build a startup community whereyourparticipationmatters! The Pre app provides a GamifiedStartupInvesting®experience that allows investors and audience tobecomehighlyengaged with startups presenting at pitch events.Hosts! Ampup theexperience and take your pitch event to the nextlevel!Investorsand preInvestors get acquainted with Pre tounderstandyourinvestment habits and develop your skills! How itworks A Hostsetsup an event on the app and gets an event codeAudience membersusethe event code to join and receive preMoney -the currency ofpreDuring the pitch event, preInvestors who havejoined the eventwillinvest that preMoney in the most promisingstartups At the endofthe event, leaderboards are displayed for thetop 3 startupsandpreInvestors Bonus: preInvestors can messagestartupswithcomments, questions, and more. Event Hosts can createacustomizedrating criteria that preInvestors use to ratethepresentations bystartups Additional Features Check outhighlightsof curated eventsas well as a calendar of upcoming pitchevents toattend Theperformance screen allows you to get insightonyourpreInvestments, events you have participated in, as wellasyourworld rankings! The Resources screen is Pre’s learninghub,whereyou can check out curated articles and videos ontopicsofentrepreneurship, investing, raising capital, and more.Updateyourprofile and link your social media accounts to let peopleknowwhoyou are With Pre we are taking pitch events intothenewmillennium. You no longer need to have passiveaudiencessnoozingoff. Pre gives your audience a chance to directlyengagewith thestartups and compete amongst themselves to be thebestpreInvestor.Consequently the pitches of startups have agreatermeaning, as thestartups themselves are competing for themostamount of preMoneyin the room. For you as a host, it gives youanopportunity to makeyour event count as you get real livemarketdata that translatesinto analytics you and the participantsof theevent can use and goback to whenever. How good are you atspottinga market favorite?As part of the event results users get astartupleaderboard thatdisplays startups ranked by the amount ofpreMoneythey raised.Investor Leaderboard displays participants withthehighest returnon investment. Startups and Investors that usePrecan make it tothe top of our World Rankings! OurPerformancesection gives youdetailed information on yourpreFormance fromevents youparticipated in to help you adjust yourstrategies as youattendand invest in more pitch events. Analyzingyourinvestmentperformance will be your key to rising in theworldrankings. WithPre we will bridge the gaps betweenStartups,Investors, Audience,and Organizers at pitch events. It istime toopen up the startupeconomy to everyone. We are looking totap intothe core values ofentrepreneurship and create a culture ofbusinessacumen by helpingeveryone understand that business andinvestingreally is foranyone and everyone with a soundunderstanding ofassociated risks.From this, we can all worktogether to translateideas into a worldthat thrives!
Breezeway: Property Care & Maintenance Operations
Breezeway is a mobile solution for intelligent propertycareandmaintenance. Combining custom checklists,automatedworkflows,data-driven property inventory with simpletaskmanagement thatstaff will use, Breezeway helps managerscoordinateinspections,cleaning and maintenance tasks and improvethe qualityof theirback office operations. Enjoy seamless rentalturnovers andshowcare for the properties you manage. WithBreezeway, youcan:Schedule tasks based on property turnover orfrequencyCompleteproperty inspections and include condition, photosandcommentsBuild the property inventory and maintenancerecordsAddmaintenance work, with itemized costs and photosCommunicatewithyour team on specific tasks Breezeway is integratedwithleadingproperty management software including HomeAway,Streamline,RNS,VRM, Barefoot and BookingSync. The Breezeway app isavailabletousers with a PRO account for free.
AWeber Email Stats on the Go 2020.03.20-1387
AWeber Communications
Track the performance of your AWeber emailmarketingcampaignsanywhere, anytime. Stay connected to the activityin yourAWeberaccount right on your mobile device. With AWeberStats, yourdatais always within reach. Track the performance of asentbroadcast,review your campaigns messages’ open rates, learnmoreabout yoursubscribers, and see list growth across your accountat aglance.On the Stats Email Dashboard, you can: * Review yourAWeberliststats, including broadcast statistics fortotalsubscribers,unsubscribes, open rate and click rate *Previewrecently sentbroadcast messages within the app * Previewscheduledbroadcastmessages within the app On the SubscribersOverview you’llsee: *Total subscribers and recent subscribe andunsubscribe countsperlist * Broadcast open and click rate persubscriber * Totalopens,clicks, and messages sent per subscriber *List sourceandsubscribe date New Subscriber Push notifications *Send apushnotification when a subscriber joins your list *Includestheability to configure settings so that you are alertedfor theliststhat are most important to you at the frequency thatfits yourworkflow On the Sent Broadcasts view you’ll see: * Open,click,bounce,and complaint rates for each list and sent broadcastmessage*Detailed stats for each recipient of a sent broadcastOntheScheduled Broadcasts view you’ll see: * Your queue ofallbroadcastmessages per list * Scheduled send time for yourbroadcastOn theAutoresponders view you’ll see: * Open rates foreach emailin yourfollow up series * Active and paused Campaigns*Visualization ofthe engagement metrics for each message withineachcampaign *Settings for each campaign Have a question aboutyourstats, oremail marketing? AWeber’s award-winning customersolutionsteam isavailable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to helpyou. TheAWeber appfeatures mobile access to submit a supportticket, orsearch theAWeber Knowledge Base. About AWeber: Founded in1998,AWeberprovides a full suite of email marketing tools used byover100,000small businesses, bloggers and entrepreneurs aroundtheglobe. Ourweb-based tools help businesses grow by staying intouchwithcustomers and prospects through email.
Epicor CRM 2.0.2140
Epicor Mobile CRM is compatible with Epicor ERP 10.1.500 orlaterreleases.
RiseSmart 2.2.8
randstad risesmart
Finding your next job has never been easier. Continue yourjobsearchon the go with Randstad RiseSmart mobile app. Log in toviewand savejobs, discover new contacts, message your coach, andstayconnectedto your job search at all times. The RandstadRiseSmartmobile appwill give you 24/7 access to: - Yourbest-matched andhandpicked jobs- A snapshot of your personal brandmaterials - Jobsearch resourcesand coaching materials - Ability tocollaboratewith your personaltransition coach Requirements: - Mustbe aregistered RandstadRiseSmart mobile app participant with avaliduser name and password- Completed registration process on alaptopor desktop computerDownload this app to take control ofyourcareer transition and landyour next job faster.
Avaza - Unified Team Work 3.0.5
Avaza is the all-in-one platform forrunningclient-focusedbusinesses, with modules for ProjectManagement,Collaboration,Time Tracking, Expenses, Estimates &InvoiceManagement. Eachof these modules can be used togetherorindependently to suit yourbusiness. Within the app, you caninviteyour team members andcustomers to collaborate. In short,Avazahelps you and your teamget work done and get paid. Avazaisavailable on both desktop,tablet, mobile. It's particularlypopularwith consultingcompanies, freelancers, tradesmen,architects,lawyers, agencies,designers, developers and anyone whowants tomanage projects,track time & send invoices. Whensigning up viathe app, youare creating a free account for yourbusiness. AllAvaza featuresare included in the free account. Onceyou havecreated yourcompany account, you can invite your teammembers andcustomers tocollaborate with you. There are somelimitations on thenumber offree admin/timesheet users, storagespace, customers &monthlyinvoices. See website formore details. Note: Youneed anactive internet connection to usethis app. -- ProjectManagementFeatures -- • Project ProgressDashboards • ProjectBudgeting •Task Lists • Automatic reminders foroverdue tasks •Email enabledDiscussions around Tasks • ActivityFeeds •Integration withTimesheets • Powerful reports -- Timesheets&Time Tracking --• Daily & Weekly Timesheets • Start andstopTimers on anydevice • Flexible billing categories • Per-PersonandPer-Categorybillable rates • Powerful reporting to help youmanageyourbusiness. • Seamless integration with your projectmanagement&invoicing. -- Financial & Cloud AccountingFeatures -- •SendQuotes & Estimates • Beautiful Invoices •FlexibleTaxConfiguration • Track Expenses and attach expensereceipts •AddTimesheets & Expenses to client invoices • CreditNotes•Payment Tracking • Support for Partial Payments • SupportforSplitpayments across invoices • Paypal PayNow buttons onInvoices•Automatic Payment allocation for Online Payments•MulticurrencyInvoices, Expenses, Credit Notes & Payments •BothAutomaticmarket rates & Manual Exchange rates •PowerfulReports
Community Financial Mobile 4.39.124
Community Financials’ secure Mobile Banking app gives youaccesstoyour credit union accounts on the go! Stay connected toyourcreditunion accounts. - View balances & history,includingpendingtransactions - Deposit checks - Transfer funds -Pay loansandbills - Manage alerts - Securely message our team Ifyou haveanyquestions, please contact Community Financial CreditUnion at(877)937-2328 or visit
SimpleTherapy 2.57
SimpleTherapy Inc.
Get instant access to joint & muscle pain management programs
BBAE 3.7.7
- No trading commissions - Through the BBAE mobileapp,Redbridgeprovides self-directed trading access with nocommissions.Noaccount minimum required and no platform fees togetstarted.Relevant SEC and FINRA fees may apply. Please seeourcommissionand fee schedule to learn more. - Free real-timemarketdata - Ourservers stream market data from exchanges inreal-time soyou willget accurate securities quotes. We alsoprovidecorporatefundamentals as well as news on earnings,dividends, andcorporateactions so you can stay on top of yourinvestments. *Accounts withless than $1000 in deposits will becharged a monthly$3 datamanagement fee. - Fast online accountopening - You can signup andcreate a Redbridge brokerage account inless than 10 minutes.-Regulated by FINRA and SEC - All securitiesand investmentsareoffered to self-directed customers by RedbridgeSecurities LLC,aFINRA member firm. All investment advisory servicesare providedbyBBAE Advisors LLC, an SEC registered investmentadvisor. BothBBAEAdvisors LLC and Redbridge Securities LLCarewholly-ownedsubsidiaries of BBAE Holdings LLC. - Accountprotection- RedbridgeSecurities is a member of the SecuritiesInvestorProtectionCorporation (SIPC), which is a nonprofitmembershipcorporationthat was created by federal statute toprotectinvestments andincrease investor confidence in the eventofinsolvency. For moreinformation on SIPC coverage We usecutting-edge security measures to protectyourassets and yourpersonal information. 9.1.3
You Don't Need a CRM!
Manage prospects, pipelines, and leads on the go with the noCRMapp.
Remote fleet device monitoring. Monitor and control yourdevicesfrom anywhere
vCita CRM for Mobile
With over 100,000 small businesses, vCitanowenables your team to interact with your clients anywhereyougo.vCita app for Android is more than just a CRM, it takes careofscheduling and appointment booking, email notifications &textreminders, invoices, credit card payments and file sharing. Allinone place, in-sync with your current email and calendar, andnowavailable on your phone.vCita also brings your business website to life with theLiveSiteapp, capturing more clients online, and providing yourclients aplace where they can schedule, pay, complete forms anduploaddocuments.App Features:* Access all your contacts, appointments, invoices, paymentsanddocuments.* Create, edit and view client records* Schedule appointments* Manage your calendar* Send invoices and accept online payments
Your Virtual Upline 177
Bob Heilig Media LLC
Network Marketing Training
Quadrasoft CRM 1.1.314
Quadrasoft LTD
Offline module for Quadrasoft CRM
Volunteer Time Tracking
Track it Forward
Volunteers track their hours so you can generate reports withTrackit Forward.
Habitat Home 23.06.200
Rise Buildings, LLC.
The Habitat Co. Resident App
FitWay CRM 2.0.42
FitWay CRM app helps you manage your clients, trackeveryenquiries,collaborate with your team to grow your sales,andnurture clientrelationships with timely customersupport.Targetmore leads, easilyschedule follow ups, and close evenmore dealsusing the FitWay CRMapp. Start your day with a clearoverview ofyour scheduled followups, renewals, and calls. Plan yourdaybetter with these insights,and set reminders for youractivitiesso you'll never miss out. Logcalls to capture the finerdetails ofyour conversations, and markenquiries as converted onceyou'redone. Be at the top of your gameby reviewing notes andattachmentsbefore you head out for yourimportant meetings. Check-into recordyour customer visits andupdate the deal details afterevery singlemeeting. Save time byattaching voice notes, and closedeals withease. Stay up-to-datewith real time reporting anddashboards. Gainsales insights on keymetrics to make informeddecisions fromanywhere. You can evenaccess and modify informationwhen you'reoffline. Don't worry - itgets automatically synced whenyou'reback online. Connect with yourcolleagues instantly no matterwhereyou are. Notify and engageother team members with SMS, CallsandWhatsApp. With FitWay CRM'sMobile App, you can connect withyourcustomers on the move andmanage your end-to-end salescycle.Features: - Visualize sales andmarketing trends to makedecisionswhile you're away from your desk.- Schedule tasks andcalls rightfrom your app, and set reminders tostay on track. - Planmoreefficiently using geo-location torecognize a sales rep'spositionand provide a map of clients andsales opportunities inthatvicinity. - Record customer visits, andadd voice notes andfilesto Deals with ease. - Log calls and createfollow-upactivities. -Collaborate in real time with your team withFeeds. -Sync yourdata automatically across all platforms withoutworryingaboutnetwork connectivity. Regardless of your role,whether it's asalesrep, sales leader, salesman or business owner,FitWay CRM willbeuncontested in customer management, salestracking, and helpingyouand your team be more productive and growyour business. FitWayCRMwill help you with most accuratereporting, Reporting is themainphases of every management, so forperfect management of thewholegym activities, reportingcustomization plays the vital role torunthe gym perfect and by theperfect reporting, timing,schedulingpayment management can beprinted. we can conclude thatCustomerRelationship management forGyms plays vital role in Growthand tomake growth for your businesssmartly.
Download READYSAVE™ to: • Login securely usingfacialrecognition,fingerprint recognition, or passcode • Checkaccountbalances,transaction history, and projected monthlyretirementincome byplan • Track investments and personal rate ofreturn overtime •Model changes in salary, retirement age, savingsrate, andoutsideassets using Retirement Outlook to see how yourbalancecould grow• Adjust your savings rate with personalizedguidancethat’s uniqueto you Wherever you are in your retirementjourney,READYSAVE™ canhelp you build confidence as you save foryourfuture. Download theapp today and log in using yourexistingaccount username andpassword. Stay tuned for newfunctionality asthe experienceevolves.
LeMay Inc. 2023.5.1
Garbage and recycling schedules and reminders for LeMay Inc.
Wealthbase: Stock Market Game 1.3.8
Fantasy Stock & Crypto Trading.
Workast - Organize your work 1.5.0
Workast, Inc.
Workast is the best project management platform for Slackteams.Workast helps teams manage projects, tasks, events, clientsandto-dos easily. Use your Slack account to sign up in less thanaminute and keep track of work in both Slack and Workast,creatingtasks quickly and seeing what needs to be done wherever youlike towork. In fast paced conversations, tasks often get missedand workleft undone. Workast helps record and track action items sothatwork is never forgotten about again. Team members know exactlywhatneeds to be done and feel more organized, less stressed andfocusedwhen they have their work in Workast. What can you do withWorkast:- Add a task for projects, reminders, ideas, to-dos andrequests -Create and manage projects, clients, customer requests,daily workand ad-hoc tasks - Add due dates, assignees, followers,files andadditional information to tasks - Comment on tasks or makechangesto existing tasks - See all the tasks assigned to you so youknowexactly what needs to be done - Keep track of all the tasksthatare due today so you don’t miss any work - Review all theworkyou’ve completed in Workast and your accomplishments - Getnotifiedof any task updates and changes - Create and manage tasksdirectlyin Slack Free to download and unlimited usage: - TryWorkast outfor free - Upgrade Workast for larger teams and advancedfeatures
Reputation 4.9.7
Your Reputation on-the-go - respond to reviews, post socialcontent,& more!
Housters, Property Management 7.0.19
Simple, easy, intuitive rental tracking forthenext generation of mobile landlords and property managers.Keeptrack of your tenants, rent roll, expenses, and more.Everything iscloud-synced so your mobile devices and laptops allhave access toyour latest Housters data!- Tenant Tracking:Manage tenants and their lease terms. Track how much rent is owedbyeach tenant, when tenants are late on rent, and whenleaseagreements are ending.- Accounting:Manually add transactions for rent payments, bills, etc...,setuprecurring transactions, or import your transactionsautomatically.Enable double-entry accounting mode and input allaccounts affectedin a transaction. Reconcile accounts againststatements.- Task Management:Add to-do lists to track tasks you need to complete on yourrentals,such as finding a tenant for a unit that will soon bevacant orfixing a leak in a roof. Assign tasks to vendors andinvite them tologin to Housters and view/update the tasks assignedto them.- Financial Performance:View key performance metrics for each of your properties, suchasgross income, operating costs, net operating income, cash gain,andcash on cash invested.- Alerts:Alerts will be generated when tenants are late on rent,leaseagreements are ending, task deadlines are approaching, andmore.These alerts can be delivered to your email or you can justviewthem on the Housters dashboard.- Documents:Upload rental documents to Housters, such as lease agreements or3day notices, and then pull them up on your phone for quick andeasyreference.- Tenant Interaction:Invite tenants to join Housters, which gives them the abilitytoview how much rent they owe, submit service/repairrequests,contact you, and view their lease agreement.- International Support:Add properties for any country. Customize your date format,currencyformat, and financial year start date.- Pricing:Use the app for free for 3 months to make sure it fits yourneedsand purposes. Contact us if we can add features to help youdobusiness! After your trial, you can pay in-app for amonthlysubscription to Housters. It's just $1 USD per unit permonth, witha $5 USD minimum.We're rapidly adding more features as they are requested, and haveagrowing community of users. Come join us on Housters!
Digital Hire 2.0.5
Digital Hire Inc
Digital Hire lets companies and candidates schedule,completeandreview interviews wherever it’s most convenient.Companies cansetup interview questions, invite and reviewpotentialcandidatesright on their phones and tablets Getting hiredhas neverbeeneasier with our one-step process. Create your profile,uploadyourresume, and show your personality to potential employers.Putonyour best selfie-face, and get ready to be digitallyhired.Whyyou’ll love using the DigitalHire app: 1. VideoResumes:Candidatescan record video resumes and submit it to thenetwork ofbigcompanies. 2. Create Jobs: Companies can create jobsandinvitemillions of candidates to video interviews. 3.EvaluateCandidates:Companies and evaluate video resumes ofthousands ofcandidatesright in one place. 4. Shortlist and Hire:Shortlist yourfavouritecandidates and hire them instantly. IsDigitalHire Free touse?DigitalHire is completely free forcandidates to use when theyareinvited by a company for aninterview! Companies can avail a14-DayFree Trial and then payweekly subscription of $124.99 toinvite,find and hire the righttalented people. How can companiescreateDigitalHire Account?Companies can get 14 Day Trial orPaidSubscription to get started.How can candidates createDigitalHireAccount? Candidates accountsare FREE and can only becreated whenthey are invited to a jobinterview by a companythrough email orsharelink. Once account setupis done, simply loginusing our appto take the interview.PrivacyPolicy: Terms&Conditions:
SalesforceA, inc.
"A" is for admin! Admin superheroes, we dedicate this apptoyou.It's your utility belt for essential user managementtasksinSalesforce. Use your mobile superpowers to: *Unlocklocked-outusers * Reset users' passwords * Freeze users,whichinstantlyprevents login access until full de-activation Also,youcan view amobile-friendly version of Salesforce release notes,seecurrenttrust & maintenance info, and engage withtheSalesforcecustomer community.
Base CRM
Base CRM (Future Simple)
Base CRM is the sales tracking app youalwayswanted. By streamlining your contacts and sales into asimple,mobile workflow, Base CRM makes growing your businesseasy.Manage your contacts, track sales, log calls or create tasksallfrom your Android phone or tablet. Then watch as all ofyourchanges are instantly synced with the Base CRM web The next generation CRM allows you to easilycaptureinformation during or after meetings and carry your salesdata withyou everywhere you go.Base for Android is 100% free. It allows you to track up to 50salesopportunities in your sales pipeline. However, the webversion islimited to a 14-day trial with pricing starting at$25/month. Thismeans you're able to use Base on your Androiddevice for as long asyou'd like, for free.EASY CRM AND SALES MANAGEMENTAt Base, we believe that CRM software should beintelligent,friendly, and by your side everywhere your businesstakes you. Witha highly usable interface, Base is the first post-PCCRM tochallenge the stale business software landscape. Effortlesslygrowyour business, no matter how crazy things get.Features:-Native tablet app-Use Geolocation to map your customers and salesopportunities-Sync all of your notes, contacts and deals across the computersanddevices you use-Automatically log calls, then create a note or task to documentthecall-Capture leads or contacts while you’re on the go and managethemthrough your sales pipeline-Add tasks and reminders so you always remember to follow up-See the latest updates from your colleagues-And much much more...This application uses Google Analytics to anonymously trackusagedata within the application.ACCOLADESReadWrite: “Very neat and clean UI that is immediatelyobvious,something that Salesforce and other more complex CRM toolscan'tclaim.” (Aug, 2011)TMCnet: “No more complicated forms, consultant customizationandever-increasing license fees.” (Oct, 2011)TechCrunch: "It’s deceptively simple to use but actuallyprettypowerful in its simplicity."What are you waiting for? Get your free Base account today tostartgrowing your business.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud 1.26.1827, inc.
Salesforce Marketing Cloud Mobile App is a brand new waytomanageMarketing Cloud from anywhere. With the power to runyourmarketingfrom your phone or tablet, you can now trackperformanceacrossmultiple brands, take action and collaborate withyour team.- Viewpast or future scheduled messages in your calendar-Trackperformance for your Emails & Automations - Takeactionssuchas pause, cancel and resume for Email - EasilySwitchBusinessUnits to view data across the organization
PlanNet Marketing 2.5.2
ngage Mobile Apps
Get closer to your business than ever before! With thePlanNetMarketing Mobile App, you stay up date on company news andevents,get instant updates on your Rep's and ITA's activity,easilycontact your team members and stay up to date on theirrecentactivity as well! The PlanNet Mobile App also is your keymarketingtools for sharing Videos and Websites to prospectiveleads. You'llbe notified the instant someone visits your website orwatches avideo you've shared so you can follow up with theseprospectsimmediately! Keep up with company news and events! We'llnotify youabout special news and announcements and you'll also haveaccess tothe latest company news and events!
Dubai Commercial Directory 1.6
ATN Marketing
This is the official commercial directory publication of theDubaiChamber
SMART Systems Pro Connect 1.3.9
App is used by our restaurant client to be used forordering,inventory...
OurCrowd - Equity Crowdfunding 3.2.2
OurCrowd is a leading global equity crowdfundingplatformforaccredited investors to invest in global startups.WithOurCrowd,investors build a diversified venture capitalportfolio ofstartupsand funds within a wide range of sectors,stages and worldregions.The OurCrowd App is your venture capitalinvestingexperience -anytime, anywhere. Get notified when newinvestmentopportunitiesbecome available, and access due diligencematerial inone click.Browse the curated startups, make investments,and reviewthestatus of your portfolio, all with the convenienceofyoursmartphone.