Top 6 Apps Similar to Magnetic Field Around Magnet

Magnetic Forces 1.0
Wiki Kids Limited
From this App you can learn: Understand why a moving chargegetsdeflected in a strong magnetic field and determine theforceexperienced by the charge moving in the magnetic field.Discuss theimportance of Fleming’s left hand rule in determiningthe directionof force on the conductor carrying current in auniform magneticfield. Discuss and relate magnetic field and fluxthrough a surfaceand investigate how to measure the flux throughany given surfaceusing Gauss’ law. Investigate and explore themotion of a chargedparticle in a magnetic field, with relevance topracticalobservations like trajectory of electron beam in ahelmholtz coil.Discover the working of a mass spectrometer and itsapplication todetermine the mass of a charged particle. Discuss thehall effectand its application to determine the force on thecharged particlein a uniform magnetic field. More details pleasevisit "" hostsconceptoriented content in Maths & Sciences specially designedfor K-8to K-12 grades. "Wonderwhizkids (WWK) enables students toenjoylearning with application oriented, visually rich contentwhich issimple and easy to understand. The content is aligned tobestpractices of learning and teaching. Students can developstrongbasics, critical thinking and problem solving skills to dowell inschool and beyond. Teachers can use WWK as a referencematerial tobe more creative in designing engaging learningexperiences.Parents also can actively participate in their child'sdevelopmentthrough WWK". This topic covers under Chemistry subjectas a partof the Electricity and Magnetism topic and this topiccontainsfollowing sub topics Magnetic Forces Force experienced bycharge ina magnetic field Motion of a charged particle in amagnetic fieldMass spectrometer Torque on a current carrying coilDirect currentmotor
magnet therapy 1.0.4
magnet therapy magnets circuits manual isNOTanapplication for learning.This application contains circuits for differentailmentsmagnets.
Prezi 1 magnetic field 6
1.Prezi animation model 1 is aboutelectricandmagnet.2 Topic chosen is magnetic field which consist of 8subtopics:a)magnetic field on a particleb)solenoid and magnetic field linec)discovery of electrond)cross field effecte)a circulating charge particlef)cyclotron and synchrotrong)magnetic force on a current carrying wireh)torque on a current loopThese subtopics are constructed in a mind mapping conceptinprezisoftware.Despite animation which created by using flash 8 softwaretothecorrespond topics are imported in the prezipresentation.3. Power point presentation is also provided.4. Question bank for these topics together with answer schemeisalsoavailable.
ABC Magnetic Alphabet for Kids
Dot Next
Play with your kids and teach them their ABC with theMagneticAlphabet!
Magnet Rezeki -Ust.H.Nasrullah 1.0
Kumpulan Audio Magnet Rezeki olehUst.H.Nasrullah yang di berikan secara gratis lewatchaneltelegramsangat bermanfaat sekali . saya membuat aplikasiinikarenaterpanggil untuk berbagi sesuatu yang sangat bermanfaatbagikitasemua karena saya sendiri adalah salah satu testimonidiantararibuan testimoni yang sudah sukses dalam bidangmasingmasingdengan hanya mendengar ceramah motifasi Beliaudanbertindakseperti yang beliau sampaikan Insyaallah keajaibanakandatang dalahidup anda.sekali lagi Mohon dengar sesuai urutan yangBeliausarankanInsyaallah akan bermanfaat.Audio ini akan selalu di update sesuai Chanel MagnetRezekidiTelegram.
Production of Magnetic Field 1.0.0
Trendyworks LLC
Magnetic Field produced bycurrentcarryingstraight conductor - Key Features :1) You can Zoom and Rotate the 3d model.2) Take apart to understand the anatomy better.3) Each layer or object can be made Glassy to see through.4) Label or Title every object or layer.5) Analyse feature allows educators for show special focusonaspecific part.6) Snap feature allow you to save the image of the 3Doraugmentedreality model. This image can be used for yournextproject orlearning. Share or upload or print the images toshowcaseit toyour friends.7) Pen tool allows teachers to draw or pin specific partsoftheModel.8) The AR button allows you to bring the model from virtualworldtoreal life situation by placing the camera on a marker.