Top 10 Apps Similar to 看雜誌(3澳門)

澳門日報 5.1.7
Macao Daily News Limited
《澳門日報》於1958年8月15日創刊,發行量和廣告量長期居澳門中文報紙首位,是澳門地區規模最大、最具代表性的日報。服務對象以澳門讀者爲主,兼顧香港、台灣、北美、歐洲、東南亞以及珠江三角洲和中國各大城市的讀者。每天出本埠版12至20大張、外埠版9至16大張,以內容豐富、訊息量大、言論權威、弘揚中華文化見稱。"Macao Daily News"onAugust 15, 1958 publication, circulation and advertisingvolumeranking first in the long-term Macau Chinese newspaper, isthelargest and most representative of the daily Macau. Serviceobjectto Macau readers mainly take into account Hong Kong, Taiwan,NorthAmerica, Europe, and the readers of China Pearl River Deltaandmajor cities in Southeast Asia. Day of collection of thelocalversion of the 12-20 large sheets, other towns edition 9-16largesheets, with rich content, message volume, speechauthority,promote Chinese culture known for.
Macau Mobile News
CyberCTM News App, a platform of news, entertainment, videoandsocial network.
NEWS GOV-MO 2.2.33
“Macao Government News”is an App developed by the MacaoGovt.Information Bureau
GCE Macao 3.0.8
An official mobile app developed by the Chief Executive OfficeofMacao S.A.R.
澳門教育 2.14.2
Macau Education is a publication by the Macao EducationAssociationpublication.
==VIVA暢讀開啟文化品質閱讀==VIVA暢讀是一款文化資訊類閱讀應用,主要生產、聚合國內外文化、科技、時政、生活、軍事等新聞內容,想用戶推送包括新聞、圖片、視頻等在內的新鮮文化科技資訊;同時,暢讀具有文化視頻、文化直播、即時新聞推送等功能,並可精准的根據用戶的閱讀偏好、流覽次數推送新聞資訊和閱讀內容,完美為用戶實現定制化體驗。VIVA暢讀帶你在文化的海洋中尋找藝術的魅力!中國傳統文化——國學、中醫、禪修、繪畫、中文系、戲劇、工匠等頻道帶你領略中國文化藝術的博大精深。報導全新科技科技,跟上科技時代的步伐,當代科技-軍事、航空、数位、互聯網、人工智慧等領域。------暢讀,是一種智慧------閱暢讀越文化------人生智慧,聆聽名家心聲,探索文化精髓,記錄經典瞬間;閱暢讀越氣質------品味精彩人生,享受品質生活,行走於江湖,主要看氣質;閱暢讀越知新------深度揭秘業態趨勢,追跡行業動態,傳播先進科技理念;== VIVA smooth readopencultural quality reading ==VIVA smooth read cultural information is a classreadingapplication, the main production, domestic andpolymerizationculture, technology, politics, life, military andother newscontent, the user would push fresh cultural andscientificinformation, including news, pictures, videos, etc.,; atthe sametime , smooth read cultural videos, live culture, instantnewsfeeds and other functions, and accurate based on the user'sreadingpreferences Viewed push news and reading content, perfectfor usersto achieve customized experience.VIVA smooth read with you to find the charm of art in the cultureofthe ocean! Chinese traditional culture - Confucianism,traditionalChinese medicine, meditation, painting, Chineseliterature, theater,artisans and other channels bring you a tasteof the profoundChinese culture and art. Reported new technologyscience andtechnology, science and technology to keep pace withthe times,contemporary technology - military, aviation, digital,internet,artificial intelligence and other fields.------ Smooth read, is a kind of wisdom ------Read more read Chang ------ cultural wisdom of life, listen tothevoices of artists to explore the essence of culture, recordinganinstant classic;Read more read temperament ------ smooth taste wonderful life,toenjoy the quality of life, walking in the arena, mainly to seethetemperament;Read more smooth read that the new format Secret ------ depthtrend,tracing industry dynamics, spread advancedtechnologyconcepts;
澳門車域 2.0.1
力報Exmoo News 2.0.7
UO e-Information_Limited
《力報》是由中匯國際傳播有限公司出版,並以澳門本地製作的免費報紙《力報》。《力報》全澳發行量最高,覆蓋率最廣的免費報紙,逢星期一至星期五工作日,早上於全澳門各大繁忙地點免費派發。「事事求真.動力傳新」正是《力報》的宗旨,除了為澳門市民帶來全新的新聞資訊體驗外,最重要是為澳門市民發聲,緊站澳門大街小巷的情況,並深入探討及報導,絕對是為澳門市民服務。《力報》內容全面覆蓋生活上每個層面,包括澳門新聞、重點港聞、國際要聞、生活消費、娛樂演藝、旅遊及健康資訊、時尚流行、環球快訊、美食推介、數碼科技、財經金融、地產等,派發目標讀者群除全面覆蓋澳門居民外,同時服務來澳高消費旅客,致力打造澳門人及旅遊人士每週必讀之免費報章。"Force News" ispublishedby the Central Department of International CommunicationCo.,complimentary newspapers and Macau local production of"forcereported." "Force reported that" the highest circulationinAustralia, the most extensive coverage of free newspapersfromMonday to Friday weekday morning in Macao's major busylocationsdistributed free of charge. "Realistic everything. The newpowertransmission" is the "force reported," the purpose, inaddition tobringing a new experience for the people of Macao News,the mostimportant is the people of Macao sound, tight stationMacaostreets, and depth and coverage is definitely Macao public."ForceNews" comprehensive life cover every level, including Macaunews,focusing on local news, international news,consumption,entertainment, performing arts, tourism and healthinformation,fashion, Global Alerts, food promotion, DigitalTechnology,Finance, real estate, distribution of the targetaudience inaddition to comprehensive coverage of Macao residents,the sametime service to the Australian high-spending visitors, tocreatethe Macao people and visitors must read freeweeklynewspaper.
TDM Mobile 1.2
歡迎使用TDM Mobile!請給予寶貴的意見, 或電郵至,以便作出改善及更進。*************************************透過此軟件你可以了解澳門廣播電視股份有限公司的所有最新資訊。包括即時新聞,電視新聞,澳廣視所有綜藝節目的最新動向及播出時間。Welcome toTDMMobile!Please give valuable advice, or e-mail to, in order to make improvements and more into.*************************************With this software, you can learn all the latest informationonMacau's Radio and Television Corporation. Including thelatesttrends in real-time news, television news, TDM and allvariety showbroadcast time.