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Mosby's Drug Reference for Health Professions 11.1.556
From Abilify to Zyrtec and nearly every drug in between,Mosby'sDrugReference for Health Professions, 3rd Edition is themust-haveitemfor every current or aspiring health professional inthe fieldtoday.Filled with the details you need to know about yourclients'orpatients' medications, this edition featuresconcise,reliableinformation that is easy to navigate and simple tofollow.Keydetails are presented in short monographs for 1,000genericdrugs(including 4,500 trade-name drugs) that arelistedalphabetically.Precautions and considerations sections arewrittenwith healthprofessionals in mind to ensure that you have themostrelevant andcurrent content applicable to your field ofpractice. *Up-to-dateinformation throughout includes newchemotherapy,ophthalmic, andother pertinent drugs. * Monographsections include:drug name,pronunciation, trade name(s), categoryandschedule,classification, mechanism ofaction,pharmacokinetics,availability, indications anddosages,contraindications,interactions (drug, herbal, and food),diagnostictest effects,side effects, serious reactions, andprecautionsandconsiderations. * The precautions and considerationssectionsforeach drug monograph are written specifically forthehealthprofessions and include important information onstorageandadministration, highlighting those drugs that requirespecialcarein order to maintain potency. * Useful appendices covertopicssuchas Error-Prone Drug Name Abbreviations with theJointCommission'smost up-to-date "Do Not Use" list, NormalLaboratoryValues,English-to-Spanish Drug Phrase Translator, andmore. *Lifespancontent presents geriatric, pediatric,andpregnancyconsiderations, providing the answers you needwhenworking with avariety of clients. * Easy-to-spot iconsidentifyspecial druginformation, includingIVcompatibilities/incompatibilities andhigh alert warnings. NEW!Lookup words in any other Android appwith the Tap to Translatefeature,and do it in style with any ofthe four colorful new themes.Alsoincludes advanced search andlanguage tools that have becomethestaple of quality language appsfrom MobiSystems, Inc. SEARCHTOOLS- effortlessly find wordsthanks to a clear, functional,andeasy-to-use interface. Designedto provide the mostcomprehensivesearch experience the dictionarycombines severalsearch tools tomatch or suggest what you arelooking for, including:* Searchautocomplete helps find wordsquickly by displayingpredictions asyou type * Keyword lookupallows you to search withincompound wordsand phrases * Anautomatic ‘Fuzzy filter’ to correctword spelling,as well as ‘Wildcard’ ('*' or '?') to replace aletter or entireparts of a word *Camera search looks up words inthe cameraviewfinder * Use ourVoice search when you don't know howan entryis spelled. * NEW!Tap to Translate entries in other apps *Shareword definitions viainstalled apps on your device *Swipe-to-deletefunctionality inthe Recent and Favorites menus.LEARNING TOOLS -engaging featuresthat help you further enhance yourvocabulary. *Designed to giveyou the freedom to structure yourstudies the wayyou see fit the'Favorites' option allows you tocreate customfolders with listsof words from the vast library ofentries *‘Recent’ list to easilyreview looked-up words * Learn anew wordevery day with our ‘Wordof the day’ option * Home screenwidgetprovides random words at aglance ***This is a fullyfunctional30-day trial version*** Geteven more with PREMIUM: •Permanentlyunlock the complete featureslist. • Offline mode - lookup wordswithout an internetconnection • Premium Support – Getexpeditedsupport for anyapp-related issues • Ad-free
myPlan 3.0.8
Does your partner do things that make you feel scared orunsafe?Doyou have a friend or family member whose relationshipworriesyou?You are not alone. Relationship abuse is common. Itnotonlyaffects someone’s health and wellbeing but can also puttheminserious danger. myPlan can help you see more clearly tomakesafetydecisions by helping you assess the health and safety ofyour(or aloved one’s) relationship, get personalized informationforyourunique situation, and connect to resources. - Choose asecurePIN -Answer questions about you and your relationship somyPlancanprovide you with personalized information - TaketheDangerAssessment to learn about your level of risk from apartner -Rankyour priorities to help determine what’s mostimportant to you-Explore safety strategies and local resourcescustomized to you-Bookmark what’s useful for later to create asafety planthat’sright for you myPlan is backed by research withthousands ofpeopleexperiencing abuse from a partner. Safetyfeatures: - Noaccountset up required, myPlan use is completelyanonymous - Setyour ownsecure PIN code to keep your informationprivate - “Dummycode”option will hide the contents of the app incase you areforced toenter a PIN by someone - Quick lock button onevery pageSafetyNotes: - If someone monitors your device activity,having anappabout relationship abuse could put you at risk. Ifconcernedaboutsomeone discovering the app, delete it when you aredone withit,but know that on devices it’s not possible to deletetheappcompletely from your purchase history. - myPlan is notintendedforuse if you are in crisis, if in immediate danger call911.-Talking to trained advocates or counselors is themosthelpfulthing people can do to stay safe, but we know thevastmajority ofpeople experiencing abuse never access theseservices.myPlanexpands access to safety information by providing away toget toindividualized safety information—with the ease ofaccessandprivacy of a device. However, myPlan is not intendedtoreplacelive trained service providers.