Top 15 Apps Similar to Micromégas de Voltaire

mobiBac 1re S 2.7
mobiBac accompagne les élèves de PremièreetdeTerminale des séries générales (S, ES et L) dans ladernièrelignedroite avant les épreuves du Bac. Le contenu estadapté ausupportet à un usage en temps limité pour faciliter lesrévisionsentredeux cours, dans les transports, etc.Pour chaque matière, l’élève dispose :• de fiches de révision concises avec des tableauxsynthétiques,desrécapitulatifs sur les points principaux duprogramme ;• de résumés de cours audio d’une à deux minutes surlespointsprincipaux du programme ;• d’un lexique des concepts clés ;• de séries de tests permettant de s’évaluer sur unouplusieurspoints du programme ;• de conseils méthodologiques sur les épreuves etl’organisationdesrévisions.Il peut également accéder à :• des conseils santé et bien-être ;• des succès à débloquer au fur et à mesure de sonavancement;• un simulateur de notes ;• et surtout un module de révisions en temps limité pouradaptersesrévisions en fonction d’une durée donnée (5 min, 10min,etc.).Tous les titres mobiBac :• mobiBac 1re S : français• mobiBac 1re ES : français• mobiBac 1re L : français• mobiBac Term S : philosophie, mathématiques,physique-chimie,SVT,anglais• mobiBac Term ES : philosophie, SES,mathématiques,histoire,géographie, anglais• mobiBac Term L : philosophie, histoire, géographie, anglaismobiBacaccompaniesthestudents first and final year of general series (S,ES and L)inthe run-up to the tests of Bac. The content is tailoredtosupportand use in limited time to facilitate revisionsbetweenclasses,transportation, etc..For each subject, the student has:• of flashcards with concise summary tables, summary ofthemainpoints of the program;• During audio summaries of two minutes on the main pointsoftheprogram;• a glossary of key concepts;• series of tests to evaluate one or more agenda items;• methodological advice on the organization ofeventsandrevisions.It may also access:• the health and welfare advice;• of achievements to unlock and as it progresses;• simulator notes;• and especially a module revisions limited time toadaptitsrevisions based on a given time (5 min, 10 min, etc..).All titles mobiBac:• mobiBac 1st S: French• mobiBac 1st ES: French• mobiBac 1st L: French• Term mobiBac S: philosophy, mathematics, physics,chemistry,SVT,English• mobiBac Term ES: philosophy, SES, mathematics,history,geography,English• mobiBac Term L: philosophy, history, geography, English
Candide Quiz et Chapitres 2.0
Avec l’application Candide Quiz etChapitrestirée de l’œuvre de Voltaire Candide ou l'Optimisme, àtout momentcliquez… apprenez !* Lisez facilement l’intégralité des chapitres +commentairescomposés sur le chapitre 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 et nouveausur lechapitre 18 l'eldorado* Testez vos connaissances parmi une centaine de questions* Obtenez un score sur 20, idéal pour le bac* Proposez des questions dans le QCM* Découvrez la carte du voyage de CandideQue vous ayez besoin d’apprendre pour le bac S, ES ou L ,quevous recherchiez des informations sur un chapitre précis oùquevous cherchiez simplement à tester vos connaissances, CandideQuizpour Android peut vous aider.Mots clés : bac, baccalauréat, français, lycée,conte,philosophie, questionnaire, quiz, seconde, première, corrigé,qcm,analyse, questionWith theapplicationCandide Quiz and pulled Chapters of Voltaire's workCandide orOptimism at any time click ... learn!* Read all the chapters easily + compounds comments on chapter1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and again on Chapter 18 Eldorado* Test your knowledge from a hundred questions* Get a score of 20, ideal for tray* Submit questions in the MCQ* Discover the map of the journey of CandideWhether you need to learn for the tank S, ES or L youwerelooking for information on a specific chapter where simplylookingto test your knowledge, Candide Quiz for Android canhelp.Keywords: pot, bachelor, French, high school, story,philosophy,questionnaires, quizzes, second, first, corrected mcq,analysis,issue
Concours Fonction Publique 20
📱 BadApps Studio
Prepare and manage your support of Public Service!
General Knowledge quiz 🥇 79
📱 BadApps Studio
Improve your general knowledge to succeed your exam !
Révision Bac QCM Quiz SVT TS 6
Le bac S ou le prochain contrôleapprochent…Toujours pas compris la méiose et ses brassages intraetinterchromosomiques ? Pas eu le temps d’assimiler laréponseimmunitaire adaptative ? Toujours pas digéré lemétamorphisme de lacroûte continentale ? Vite un QCM - Quiz pourtester sesconnaissances en SVT et faire une dernièrerévision.Révision Express Bac S QCM - Quiz c’est plus de 300 questionssousforme de QCM ou quiz conçues par des enseignants et portantsurtout le programme de SVT de Terminale S, y comprislaspécialité.Finis les impasses et les trous noirs… Merci qui ?Alors, téléchargez Révision Bac S SVT sans plus attendre !Vite, téléchargez Révision Bac S SVT sans plus attendre !Au programme de Révision Express Bac S QCM – Quiz :Génétique et évolution :Le brassage génétiqueDes mécanismes diversification êtres vivantsL’évolution biodiversitéL’évolution humaineLes plantes et la vie fixéeLes continents et leur dynamique :Les caractéristiques du domaine continentalLa formation des chaînes de montagnesLa production de croûte continentale dans les zonesdesubductionLa disparition des reliefsEnjeux planétaires et contemporains :Géothermie et propriétés thermiques de la TerreLes plantes cultivéesCorps et santé :La réaction inflammatoireL’immunité adaptativeLa commande réflexe du muscleLa motricité volontaire et la plasticité cérébraleSpécialité :Energétique cellulaireLa régulation de la glycémieAtmosphère, hydrosphère, climatsEt ce n'est pas fini : guettez la sortie prochaine de nos QCMetphysique-chimie et d'histoire géographieThe S tray or thenextinspection approach ... Still not understand meiosis anditsintermingling intra- and interchanges? Not had time toassimilatethe adaptive immune response? Still smarting metamorphismof thecontinental crust? Quickly a QCM - Quiz to test yourknowledge andSVT make a final revision.Revision Express Bac S MCQ Quiz - it's more than 300 questionsinthe form of multiple choice quiz or designed by teachersandcovering all the SVT program Terminale S, includingthespecialty.No more dead ends and black holes ... Thanks who?Then download Revision SVT Bac S without delay!Quickly download Revision SVT Bac S without delay!In Revision Express program Bac S QCM - Quiz:Genetics and evolution:The genetic mixingDiversification mechanisms of living thingsThe biodiversity evolutionHuman evolutionPlants and fixed lifeThe continents and their dynamics:The characteristics of the continental areaThe formation of mountain rangesProduction of continental crust in subduction zonesThe disappearance of reliefsGlobal and contemporary issues:Geothermal and thermal properties of the EarthCrop plantsBody and health:The inflammatory reactionAdaptive immunityMuscle reflex controlVoluntary motor and brain plasticitySpecialty:Cellular EnergeticsThe regulation of glycemiaAtmosphere, hydrosphere, climatesAnd that's not all: watch for the upcoming release of our QCMandphysics and chemistry Geography and History
QCM Informatique Corrigé 1.0
Tetouani man
Cette application contientplusieursqcminformatique avec correction pour bien préparer a lesconcoursetles examens aussiThisapplicationcontainsseveral computer qcm corrected to prepare for acontestandexaminations as
Ezee App - Child Safety, test & learning app 4.07
Welcome to eZee Test....! An Exam-prep and EvaluationappforAndroid. The eZeeTest Exam preparation Appissystematicallydesigned for Class 8th, 9th, & 10th studentsofMaharashtraState Board of Secondary and Higher SecondaryEducation[MSBSHSE].The Easy Test App helps the students to evaluatetheirlearnings,achieve the targeted practice, manage timeefficiently,and earncompetent skills necessary to pass theMaharashtraEducation BoardTest. The Easy App is user-friendly andinteractivein such a waythat the parents and teachers of thestudents are ableto track andanalyze the progress. Key Features:-1. Maharashtra SSCBoardQuestion Papers pdf 2. Online Test Series -Class 8, 9 and 103.Practice Test Questions - Class 8, 9 and 10 4.Mock Test Papers-Class 8, 9 and 10 5. Free Online Mock Test,Practice Test,andAptitude Tests 6. Custom-made Practice Questions7. SSCPracticeTest and Test Series 8. Personal Report 9. DaySpecial 10.GoodThoughts 11. Exam Time-Table 12. Video:- (Parentsmeeting,Classactivity, Gathering, Students Program) 13.ScholarshipQuestionPaper – Class 5, 8 Key Points:- The EzeeTestEducationalAppcomprises of about 3,00,000 questions, 70,000 totaltests, andiscounting more. In this easy to use the app, we havefocusedandcovered the test/practice papers chapter-wise aspertheMaharashtra State Board syllabus. The learning helpsthestudentsto compete at the district and state levelsmoreconfidently. Weensure that you will love this app which helpsyouachieve academicexcellence via free online mock test, testseriesfor SSC exam, SSCmock test, SSC practice test papers, onlinetestfor classes 8, 9& 10, and, aptitude test papers. Moreover,wehave covered allthe mentioned online test series in Marathi,Urdu,& Englishlanguages. Further, we launch free test papers onthesecond andfourth Saturday of every month. If you are lookingforpracticingtest series online, then EzeeTest App is forYOU!EzeeTest App forScholarship: This 5th & 8thstandardScholarship app is veryuseful for students. It's veryattractive,interactive, innovativeand joyful. here you can practiceMCQ Test,Question papers and itgives you a chance to create yourown test.Near about 70,000questions are included in it for real andbetterpractice. EzeeTestApp for Students: The EzeeTest Appisstudent-friendly withsecurity features. The Maharashtra SSCTestseries discussed herecould be navigated easily by the students.Thestudents are able tochoose the tests they would like toattempt,utilize the hints andsolutions, and solve the papers.Further, theymay use the samplepaper for 8th, 9th or 10th, tracktheir progressreport and checkLeaderboard for Top Performers.EzeeTest App forParents: TheEzeeTest Revision App has parentscontrol settings. Theparents areable to scrutinize their child’sTest series by trackingandanalyzing the test paper report inreal-time. Moreover, theyareable to interact with their respectivesubject teachers, viewtheircomments directly, and gain real-timecourse gradenotifications ontheir mobile. EzeeTest App forTeachers: TheEzeeTest Study Appcomes with Teacher's controlsettings too. Thesubject teachers areable to view and compile theirstudent’sprogress report as thedigital portfolio. They are able toanalyzetest attempts and thetime taken by the students. It helpsthestudents to be competentin achieving their academic excellence.Itdemonstrates the actualexams and prepares them to get accustomedtoattending every aspectof the upcoming Maharashtra SSC BoardExams.And, at the same time,they are connected with their parentsandteachers in real-time.This Online Easy Test App is brought toyouby Abhinav IT SolutionsPvt. Ltd., Pune. If you have any queriesorlike to send usfeedback, please email
Auxiliaire Puericultrice 63
📱 BadApps Studio
Prepare and manage your Puéricultrice Auxiliary contest!
Learn Japanese hiragana, katakana andkanji,and test yourself by drawing, or multiple choice.This application helps you memorize:- Japanese syllabary :Katakana & Hiragana, with flashcard,keyboard, or drawing recognition- Numbers, in romaji, Hiragana, or kanji- 2300+ japanese kanji's (level 1-5 JLPT or Jouyou 1-7) withstrokeanimation (source KanjiVG), translation, readings(SourceKanjiDict) with flash card and drawing game.- 14600+ japanese words (in english) from EDICT with flashcardtest- Experimental gramatical particle test (around 100 sentencesfromproject Tatoeba) central to japanese language.- Tae Kim Japanese Grammar guide.- new locales (German, Spanish, Russian, Portugues, Thai,Polish,Chinese, Swedish and French), if you can help me adding newlocalesplease contact me.SD write authorisation for write Database to SD cardAnalytic ( and Ads can be disabled in thesettings.-- If at install you have an error "unknown 18", try to removeyourMicroSD car and install again. If it still don't work try tosendme a mail (thanks for the help Matthiew)
Concours Infirmier 👩‍⚕️ 16
📱 BadApps Studio
Prepare and Get Your nurse contest!
Kana Town: Learn Japanese, Hir 2.5.1
Kana Town - Learn Japanese Hiragana, Katakana and vocabularywithease and fun!
Parapente QCM 1.0.4
Application d'entraînement à la partiethéoriedes brevets initial, pilote et confirmé pour leparapente.Drive application inParttheory initial patents, pilot and confirmed forparagliding.
Comic & Meme Creator 1.8.0
Tilted Chair
Create Marvel style comics with super heroes and villains andsharethem online.
Computer Science MCQs 1.0
Pak Solution Hub
Computer Science MCQsandroidapplicationcontains multiple choice questions (MCQ) &answerswhich helpsstudents & professionals in refreshing thebasicconcepts andit acts as handy guide for preparingcompetitivecomputers scienceexams.Application contains MCQ’s on following subjects:1.C Programming2.Computer Architecture3.Computer Fundamentals4.Computer Organization5.D B M S6.Digital Electronics7.Object Oriented Programming8.Operating Systems9. Networking10.Computer Hardware11.Artificial Intelligenceand coming more and more.....this app is under-construction........Each question has answer & supporting explanations.Application is useful for preparation of competitiveexamslikeGAT, NTS & other entrance exams.We are in process of adding more questions inournextupdates.Kindly send your suggestion &
Manuel Sésamath 3e 1.3
L’application “Sésamath 3e” estladéclinaisonnumérique du manuel scolaire conçu parl’associationSésamath etédité par Génération 5. Un grand nombre deprofesseursen activitéont collaboré à sa conception et l'ont testéen classe.Cette version Androïd réalisée par Génération 5 metàladisposition de tous l’intégralité du manuel : onretrouvelesactivités de découverte, les rappels de cours, lestravauxdegroupe. On dispose également d'exercices variés, deQCM,denarrations de recherche, et d'une partie "méthodologie"avecunecharte graphique attractive.Particulièrement ergonomique, l’application présente unequalitédelecture inégalée. Elle apporte également une réponseadaptéeauproblème du poids des cartables.Dernières nouveautés :•Grâce à une interface spécifique, il est possible decréerdesannotations manuscrites.•Le contenu de cette application a été pensé autantpouruneutilisation individuelle sur la tablette.Les habituelles fonctions de zoom-on et zoom out permettrontdevoirn’importe quelle partie du cours aussi bienqu’unepagecomplète.L’application Sésamath 3ème présente doncunegrandecomplémentarité avec l’ouvrage imprimé etfavorisel’émergence denouveaux usages en classe.- Génération 5 est le premier éditeur françaisderessourcesnumériques pour l’éducation.- Sésamath est une association de professeursdemathématiquesdont le but est de diffuser et d’encouragerlaproduction deressources pédagogiques libres pourl’enseignementdesmathématiques.Theapplication"Sésamaththird" is the declination digital textbookdesigned bytheassociation Sésamath and edited by Generation 5. Manyteachershavecollaborated to activity design and tested in theclassroom.This version of Android made by Generation 5 providesalltheentire manual: include discovery activities, remindersduringthegroup work. It also has various exercises, MCQ,narrativesofresearch, and some "methodology" with anattractivegraphic.Particularly ergonomic, the application has aplaybackqualityunmatched. It also provides an appropriate responseto theproblemof the weight of schoolbags.Latest:• With a specific interface, it is possible tocreatehandwrittenannotations.• The content of this application has been designedbothforindividual use on the tablet.The usual zooming zoom out and we will see any part of thecourseaswell as a full page.The application therefore has a Sésamaththirdcomplementaritywith the printed book, and the emergence of newusesin theclassroom.- Generation 5 is the leading French digitalresourcesforeducation.- Sésamath is an association of teachers ofmathematicswhosepurpose is to disseminate and encourage theproduction ofopeneducational resources for teachingmathematics.