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Melchisedec - Our High Priest 0.1
Justice Kwesi Akuffo
The Judge Himself Became Our Attorney And Advocate, Melchisedec-Our High Priest. There was a King and a Priest in Salem the cityofpeace, which became the city of David. The name of this Kingandpriest was Melchisedec. lt is clearly stated in scripturesthatthis King did not have beginning of days or ending of Life, hehadno Father or Mother and was without descent and was known astheking of righteousness. Angels have a beginning, the world hadabeginning, man had a beginning and all spirits of all levels hadabeginning including principalities and powers in high placesetc.,for they were created by God, but it is said of this Kingandpriest that he had no beginning or ending of days. Who isthisKing? I will answer boldly. There is only one King who hasnobeginning and has no end and He is God Almighty the creator oftheuniverse, Elohim the self-sufficient one. Oh how sweet it istoknow that the God we serve has no beginning and has no endingofdays for He is the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omegaandthat he is the King of Salem: The king of peace. Because he istheking of peace he gives us peace which passeth allunderstanding,the peace which when in you will be like the riversof waters nevergoing dry. There was the need for a priest unto Godin Jerusalembut God did not get any one who was qualified: Sinlessand worthy,so God occupied the position Himself. It is worthnoticing that itwas in the mind of God that Levites should becomepriest unto Godin Israel and as priest they will be entitled totithe. But how canthey take tithe from the other tribes of Israelhaving not paidtithe themselves. They have to be justified fortaking tithe and tobe justified they had to pay tithe .If the titheis paid to man,what justification has he having not paid tithebefore. The onlyone they could pay the tithe to, to be justifiedwas God and Godwas justified for taking tithe because he createdman. Abrahamtherefore paid tithe to God almighty on behalf of Levi.That's whyLevi as a priest of God was justified for taking tithefrom all theother tribes of Israel on behalf of GOD. God was theportion ofLevi and therefore was entitled to that which belongs toGod;Joshua -13:33 and Hebrew 7. In other words, the one Abrahampaidthe tithe to have to be God. Those who are seeking for Godandwaiting for His appearing I dedicate this little book. Godblessyou.
Ruqya Healing Guide 1.1.0
Abu Nadeer
The Alruqya Healing app is designed under the guidance ofbothSheikh Khalid Al-Hibshi and Abu Nadeer, two highly recognisedandrespected Raaqi's in the field of Ruqya. The main purpose ofthisapplication is to Empower yourself with correct tools andandknowledge so that you can follow correct treatment planaccordingto your signs and symptoms and to be able to motivate yourself tocomplete your Ruqya plan on a daily basis. The aim of theapp is toequip you with the best tools and knowledge needed foryourtreatment plan I'm accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah.Weunderstand that many struggle to stay motivated, so we havemadethis app user friendly and helpful for people to be abletocomplete their program successfully. Our ethos at Alruqyaissimple: • Improving Health through Educating Society •RuqyaAccording to the Qur'an and Sunnah • Revival of thePropheticMedicine • Effective Support and Treatment for SpiritualAfflictionOne of our primary goals is to instil hope in you and toremind youthat you should not allow your affliction to overwhelmyou. We donot want you to feel disheartened by it and instead wehope to makeyou understand that it is simply a test from Allaahsubhanahu wata'ala which will in shaa Allaah strengthen yourrelationship withHim. We aspire to make you feel optimistic inseeking a cure. MAINFEATURES OF APP: • Ruqya Audio Library - Quranrecitation and Duatargeting different types of spiritualafflictions. • Quran Reading& Listening - Specially designed tohelp you recite the versesyou need for your Ruqya plan along with aproficient reciter tominimise any difficulties in reading. • Dua -A collection ofsupplications from the Quran & Sunnah that arehighlyrecommended in the daily life of a Muslim. • Detailedarticles withuseful knowledge in understanding differentafflictions. Topicsrange from Tawheed, dealing with spiritualafflictions, real lifecase studies and much more. • Emergency Ruqyaplan - A simple andeffective guide to be used in case ofemergencies such asfits/convulsions, falling unconscious etc • TheProphet's Medicine- A list of remedies mentioned in the Quran &Sunnah that canbe incorporated in your Ruqya treatment for optimalresults by thepermission of Allah. • Videos - Deliveringeducational andmotivational messages and more. • A Full Body HijamaDiagram -Displaying all the recommended points during Hijama fordifferentillnesses and general well being. • The Raqi Guide -Teaching youthe difference between a Raqi who is Islamically lawfuland thosewho are unlawful to visit for treatment. The Quran is theactualwords of Allah (swt) which has been revealed to theProphetMuhammad (SAW) as guidance and a cure for all of mankind, itisused for expelling demons, black magic and evil eye. Wemustunderstand that the Quran benefits us in every aspectsocially,economical, spiritually and physically. Understanding ofthe cure(Shifa) in general is a cure in it self and those whounderstandachieve the blessing. Allah (swt) has clearly told us inthe Quranthat the actual words of the creator is a healing for allthose whobelieve therefore when used with full conviction seekingthe Helpof Allah (swt) this form of treatment can bring greatmiraculouscures to all forms of illnesses. ‘Allah says in the quranAnd Wesend down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy tothosewho believe’ (Al-Israa, 17:82)
Prayer Book 2.2.0
Arash Payan
All the Bahá'í prayers, available at your finger tips.
Povitr Pustok(Konkani Bible) 1.2
Raul Fernandes
One of its kind konkani Bible app that makes Bible reading aoneminute affair.
Faith Point Holy Spirit 1.5
David E. Thiele
Faith Point - Holy Spirit helps you understand Bible info ontheHoly Spirit.
Naya Team - Dating.Friends
Naya Team
Dating application for Arabic speakers