Top 19 Apps Similar to Food Inspector

Calories in food 2.0
Alexey Korobov
The app shows the energy content of more than 8700 food items.
FoodLogger Lite 1.16.7
Vitor Ribeiro
Du möchtest Tips und Anleitung beimAbnehmenoder Zunehmen, willst beim Sport motiviert und angetriebenwerdenund suchst eine App die Dir die Verantwortung abnimmt?Dann bist Du bei FoodLogger falsch.Hast Du die Einsicht, dass Du Deine Ernährung aktivgestaltenmöchtest und Deine Ernährungsgewohnheiten erkennen undggf. ändernwillst.Dann bist Du bei FoodLogger genau richtig.Führe ein Ernährungstagebuch auf dem online Portalundnutze FoodLogger als Deinen täglichen mobilen BegleiterzurEingabe, Analyse und Auswertung Deiner Ernährung undsportlichenAktivitäten. Lass Dich durch eine leistungsfähige,intuitive undauf das wesentliche reduzierte Oberfläche beiDeinerErnährungsgestaltung unterstützen.Wie hilft Dir FoodLogger?Ernährungstagebuch:- Suche Lebensmittel in einer riesigen onlineLebensmittelDatenbank- Scanne den Barcode und lade Dir die Daten zum gescanntenProduktaus der Datenbank *- Speichere Dir Deine Lieblingsprodukte als Favoriten fürdenschnellen Zugriff ab- Führe ein kostenloses Ernährungstagebuch auf Erstelle Listen und Rezepte und übertrage diese ganz oderanteiligin Dein Ernährungstagebuch- Bearbeite Dein Ernährungstagebuch und ändere oderverschiebeEinträge.Planung und Kontrolle:- Plane Deine sportlichen Aktivitäten und berücksichtigedieverbrauchten kcal im Tagebuch- Analysiere die aufgenommenen Macro- und Mikronährstoffe inderdetaillierten Tagesübersicht- Kontrolliere Dein Gewicht. Habe deinen Gewichtsverlauf und denBMIimmer im BlickFoodLogger gibt es auch als Pro-Version mit starkerweitertemFunktionsumfang.Die App greift auf Lebensmitteldaten der Web-Datenbank fddb.infozu.Änderungen im Tagebuch, im Gewichtsverlauf und in derFavoritenlistewerden sofort in den Account bei fddb.infozurückgeschrieben.FoodLogger benötigt einen kostenlosenFDDB-Account.Bitte richte diesen über den Browser vor derersten Nutzungein.FoodLogger nutzt die FDDB-Datenbank, steht abersonstin KEINER Beziehung zu FDDB. Bei ProblemenmitFDDB bitte direkt bei dem Website-Betreiber melden. DieAppkann nur eingesetzt werden solange FDDB verfügbar istunddie API zur Verfügung stellt. Für die Richtigkeit derdurchFDDB bereitgestellten Informationen wird keine HaftungoderGewährleistung übernommen.Wichtig: Die von der App ermittelten undangezeigtenInformationen sind nicht zur ErmittlungvonMedikamenten-Dosierungen vorgesehen und es wird keine Haftungfürdie Richtigkeit der berechneten oder angezeigtenWerteübernommen.Eine Onlinehilfe und Handbuch istunter: erhältlich* Barcode scannen über die externe App "Barcode Scanner"desOpen-Source-Projekts ZXingIcons und Cliparts aus www.openclipart.orgundopeniconlibrary.sourceforge.netYou want tips andguidanceduring removal or waxing, want motivated in sport and aredriven andlooking for an app you decreases theresponsibility?Then you are wrong in Food Logger.Do you have the insight that you would like to actively shapeyourdiet and see your eating habits and want to change itifnecessary.Then you are exactly right with Food Logger.Keep a food diary on the online portal and use FoodLoggeras your everyday mobile companion to enter, analyze andevaluateyour diet and physical activities. Let assist you throughapowerful, intuitive and reduced to the essential surface inyourdiet design.How you can help Food Logger?food diary:- Find foods in a huge online Food Database- Scan the barcode and invite you the data for the scannedproductfrom the database *- Save you your favorite products as favorites for quickaccessfrom- Make a free food diary on Create lists and recipes and transfer them entirely orpartiallyin your food diary- Complete your food diary and change or move items.Planning and Control:- Plan your sporting activities and take account of theconsumedcalories in the diary- Analyse the recorded macro and micronutrients in detaileddailyoverview- Ready to control your weight. Have your weight history andBMIalways in viewFood Logger is also available as Pro version with greatlyenhancedfunctionality.The app accesses food data of web database to. Changesinthe diary, the weight history and in the favorites list areupdatedimmediately in the account at logger requires a free FDDB -Account. Please teach thisonethrough the browser before the first use.Food logger use the FDDB database, but is otherwise inNOrelationship with FDDB . For problems with FDDB pleasecontactdirectly with the site owners. The app can only be used aslong asFDDB is available and the API provides. no liability orguaranteefor the accuracy of the information provided by FDDB.Important: The calculated and displayed by the app are notintendedfor the determination of drug doses and there will be noliabilityfor the accuracy of the calculated or displayed values​​.Online help and manualis: available* Barcode scanning via the external app "Barcode Scanner" oftheopen source project ZXingicons and clipart from
Fddb - Calorie Counter & Diet v5.3.3 (Build 1)-gms-release
Calorie Counter & Food Diary. Weight Loss, Diet andNutritionTracker
Calories Carb Prot Fat Counter 3.1.5
You know what they say: “If you want toloseweight, you have to burn more calories than you consume,” and“Yourfoods influence your health.” As it turns out, those sayingsaretrue. Whether you want to lose fat or put on somemuscle,Calories! Basic acts as your personal health coach tohelpyou reach your goals.Calories! Basic offers these great features:Food:★ Offline database with more than 6,600 foods (Europe) /10,100foods (outside Europe)★ Plus the option to upgrade with over 10,300 (Europe) /6,800(outside Europe) additional foods (in-app purchases)★ Serving sizes for almost all foods and dishes withuser-definedserving sizes for all foods to make things fast andsimple★ Traffic lights for foods according to their energy density★ Calculation of recipes (Pro version only)Nutrition:★ Nutrition Diary with optional use for meals★ Express input for when you only want to enter calories,fat,carbs, or protein★ Diet assistant for losing or gaining weightFitness and Exercise:★ Exercise Diary with more than 400 sports thatautomaticallycompensates for calories burned★ Weight Diary that calculates your BMI and presents diagrams★ Fit: read exercises and energy consumptions, readweightdiaryUser Interface:★ Instant overview using the dashboard★ Detailed analysis for any time span★ 3 widgets (1 free, 2 Pro version)★ Search by text, favorites, and recently-used foods★ Convenient copy of consumptions, exercises, foods, sports★ Straightforward adding for new foods and sports…And much, much more!What Makes Calories! Basic better than all the Other AppsOutThere:★ Everything is accessible offline, so you don’t have toworryduring your vacation!★ Straightforward and simple user interface★ No forced registration with Facebook or any other website★ Recipe calculation (Pro version): Availableonlyhere!★ Easily add new foods: Simply enter the numbers fromthepackaging★ Option to remove advertisements (in-app purchase)★ Personal and fast support: We have great customer reviews andarealways interested in hearing your feedback!★ All purchases are one-time only (no subscription!) andaren'tbound to a single device★ Exchange experiences in our Google+community: if you’re looking for a fun, fast, and easy way to burnfat,build muscle, or just improve your overall health,downloadCalories! Basic now and see why our users love itsomuch!Facebook: @digitalcurePrivacyPolicy:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: backup ofyourdata, advertising (for caching data),• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: accesstoCommunity Server, advertising, crash reports, in-appbilling,anonymized statistics,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: barcode scanner,• BILLING: in-app billing,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, in-app billing,• READ_LOGS: crash reports,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION: advertising,• READ_PHONE_STATE: advertising (identification of thecurrentcountry using the SIM card).Original feature graphic: © FomaA –
Kalorienzähler FoodScanner 1.4.9
Die neueste und verständlichste Android-Appfürdas Portal FDDB.Mit Kalorien! FoodScanner hast Du Dein ErnährungstagebuchvonFDDB im Griff! Egal ob Du Gewicht verlieren oder einigeMuskelnaufbauen möchtest, lass Kalorien! FoodScannerDeinpersönlicher Gesundheitscoach bei der Erreichung DeinerZielesein.Kalorien! FoodScanner bietet diesegroßartigenFunktionen:Ernährung:★ Online-Datenbank mit mehr als 270.000 Lebensmitteln★ Integrierter Barcode-Scanner★ Ernährungstagebuch mit Tageszeiten / Mahlzeiten★ Grafische Auswertungen, frei wählbare Zeiträume★ Diät-Assistent zum Ab-/Zunehmen (nur Pro-Version)★ Express-Eingabe für Kalorien, Fett, KH, Eiweiß★ Lebensmittelampel nach Energiedichte★ Skaldeman-Index (nur Pro-Version)Fitness und Training:★ Sporttagebuch mit mehr als 240 Sportarten,automatischeVerrechnung von verbrannten Kalorien★ Gewichtstagebuch mit BMI-Rechner und grafischer Auswertung★ Fit: Lesen von Trainings und Energieverbrauch, LesendesGewichtstagebuchsSynchronisation auf verschiedene Geräte und mit dem Web:★ Tagebuch★ Favoriten★ Diätbericht★ ListenBenutzeroberfläche:★ Schnelle Übersicht auf der Startseite, konfigurierbar★ Detaillierte Auswertung für beliebige Zeiträume★ 3 Widgets (1 frei, 2 Pro-Version)★ Suche nach Text, Favoriten, Listen★ Bequemes Kopieren von Verzehren und Trainings...und viel, viel mehr!Was macht Kalorien! FoodScanner besser als all dieanderenFDDB-Apps:★ Geradlinige und einfach zu bedienende Oberfläche★ Leicht verständliche Umsetzung des FDDB-Konzepts★ Sehr leichte Erweiterbarkeit für neue LebensmittelundBarcodes★ Werbung kann entfernt werden (In-App-Kauf)★ Persönlicher und schneller Support – Oft gelobt und immereinoffenes Ohr!★ *Alle Käufe im Shop sind einmalig (kein Abo!)* und nicht aneineinzelnes Gerät gebunden★ Austausch in unserer Google+Community: Du also auf leichte, schnelle Art und mit FreudeGewichtloswerden, Muskeln aufbauen oder einfach nur DeineGesundheitverbessern möchtest, dann lade Kalorien!FoodScannerherunter und finde heraus, warum unsere Benutzerdiese App solieben!Hinweis: Um diese App nutzen zu können, benötigst Du einkostenlosesFDDB-Konto. Bei Problemen mit dem Login oder derRegistrierung meldeDich bitte direkt beim FDDB-Team derWebseite.Kalorien! FoodScanner nutzt die FDDB-Datenbank, stehtabersonst in keiner Beziehung zum Betreiber des FDDB-Servers, derFddbInternetportale GmbH. Diese App kann nur eingesetzt werden,solangeFDDB sein API freundlicherweise zur Verfügung stellt. FürdieRichtigkeit der durch FDDB bereitgestellten Informationenwirdkeine Haftung oder Gewährleistung übernommen.Wichtig: Die von der App ermittelten und angezeigtenInformationensind nicht zur Ermittlung von Medikamenten-Dosierungenvorgesehenund es wird keine Haftung für die Richtigkeit derberechneten Werteübernommen.Facebook: @digitalcureDatenschutzerklärung:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Sicherung(Backup)Deiner Daten, Werbung ("Cache", Zwischenspeicher fürDaten),• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: ZugangzumFDDB-Server, Werbung, Absturzberichte, Verkäufe,anonymisierteStatistiken,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: Barcode-Scanner,• BILLING: Verkäufe innerhalb der App,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, Verkäufe innerhalb der App,• READ_LOGS: Absturzberichte,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION:Werbung.Original der Feature-Grafik: © Ars Ulrikusch – Fotolia.comThe latest andmostcomprehensible Android app for the portal FDDB.With calories! Food Scanner you have your food diary ofFDDBunder control! Whether you lose weight or want to buildsomemuscle, let calories! Food Scanner be your personal healthcoach inachieving your goals.calories! Food Scanner has these great features:diet:★ online database of over 270,000 foods★ Integrated barcode scanner★ food diary with times of day / meals★ Graphical analysis, freely selectable periods★ Diet Assistant for disconnecting / Increasing (Proversiononly)★ Express input for calories, fat, KH, protein★ food traffic light energy density★ Skaldeman index (Pro version only)Fitness and Training:★ sports diary with more than 240 sports, automatic clearingofcalories burned★ weight diary with BMI calculator and graphical analysis★ Fit: reading training and energy consumption, reading theweightdiarySynchronization on different devices and the web:★ diary★ favorites★ diet report★ listsUser interface:★ Quick overview on the home page, configurable★ Detailed analysis for any period★ 3 widgets (1 free, 2 Pro version)★ Search for text, favorites, lists★ Convenient copying digestion and training... And much, much more!What is calories! Food Scanner better than all the otherFDDBapps:★ Straightforward and easy to use interface★ Easy to understand implementation of FDDB concept★ Very easy expandability for new foods and barcodes★ advertising can be removed (in-app purchase)★ Personal and fast support - Often praised and always open!★ * All purchases in the shop are unique (no subscription!) *Andnot tied to a single device★ exchange in our Google+community: if you get rid of easy, fast way and with joy weight,buildmuscle or just want to improve your health, then loadcalories!Food Scanner down and find out why our users love thisappso!Note: To use this app, you need a free FDDB account. If youhaveproblems with the login or registration you please reportdirectlyto the FDDB team of the website.calories! Food Scanner uses the FDDB database, but isotherwiseunrelated to the operator of the FDDB server that FddbInternetportals GmbH. This app can only be used as long as FDDBkindlyopens its API. no liability or guarantee for the accuracy oftheinformation provided by FDDB.Important: The calculated and displayed by the app are notintendedfor the determination of drug doses and there will be noliabilityfor the accuracy of the calculated values.Facebook: @digitalcurePrivacyPolicy:• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE: Backup (backup)ofyour data, advertising ( "cache" buffer for data)• INTERNET, ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE, ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: access toFDDBserver, advertising, crash reports, sales,anonymousstatistics,• CAMERA, FLASHLIGHT: barcode scanner,• BILLING: sales within the app,• GET_ACCOUNTS: Google Drive, sales within the app,• READ_LOGS: crash reports,• ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION: Advertising.Original feature of the graphics: © Ars
Calorie, Carb & Fat Counter 4.0.8
Lose weight with Virtuagym Food, the best calorie, carb &fatcounter.
Nährwertdatenbank, Nährstoffe 1.0.2
The Food Composition Database shows you the nutrients oftheirmeals.
Low Carb Diet
Detail diet guide for the low carb, fiber, protein, fat, andmacronutrients.
Vitamin Deficiency Finder
The application can find thevitamindeficiencies by matching your specific symptoms andprovidecorresponding food suggestions. Also provides nutritiondetails incommon foods, key vitamin information, dosage ofsupplements etc..Vitamin Deficiency Finder (VDF) from YantraMindhelps you matchyour specific symptoms against hundreds of symptomsof deficiencyof common vitamins and minerals. Based on a highlyoptimizedinteractive verification process, about the presence orabsence ofrelated symptoms, the app can find possible deficienciesand therelative probability of each of those deficiencies. Thisreport canbe can be sent over mail and saved for future reference.App alsoprovides food suggestions and all the other importantdetails likekey functions, daily dosage, toxicity symptoms, etc.for thesevitamins. The app supports multiple profiles so that moreusers(like different family members or a group) can keep track oftheirspecific reports, history and trends.The app is based on a patent pending innovation related to AIbaseddiagnosis.Key Features-------------------•Diagnosis of the vitamin deficiency based on key symptoms-Identifies further symptoms through question and answers.-It can show multiple deficiencies withassociatedprobabilities.-System displays the probabilities only if it is greater thanaspecific confidence factor.•Food Suggestions for major vitamin deficiencies-Color coded for user's food preferences like veg,ovo-lacto,non-veg•Vitamins in food-Nutritional details of some of the common foods•Vitamin InfoAll key information about the vitamins-Key functions of the vitamin in the body-Major deficiency symptoms-Foods with that vitamin-Toxicity symptoms-Search functionality based on keywords or any detail ofthevitamin•Daily dosage-Daily dosage based on age, sex•Ability to handle multiple profiles (e.g. different familymembers)and reports on prior conclusions. These reports also canbe sentover mail or other data sharing apps.Warning------------The application is provided for information and educationalpurposesonly. It is not intended to provide any sort of diagnosisor medicaladvice. You should consult your own personal physicianto determinethe appropriateness of the information for yourspecific situationbefore making any decision regarding treatmentor medication relatedto vitamin deficiencies.Vitamins and Minerals included in this analysis-----------------------------------------------------------------•Vitamin A•Vitamin B1•Vitamin B2•Vitamin B3•Vitamin B6•Vitamin B12•Vitamin C•Vitamin D•Vitamin E•Biotin•Choline•Folic Acid•Inositol•Calcium•Copper•Iodine•Iron•Magnesium•Manganese•Potassium•Selenium•Sodium•ZincAbout Yantramind--------------------------Yantramind ( ) focuses on developingtechnologysolutions using machine intelligence to solve real worldissues.Healthcare is one of our focus areas and vitamin deficiencyproblemis the first one we are trying to solve. This application istheweb/mobile version addressing the area of vitamindeficiency,leveraging our medical information correlationengine.Your feedback and suggestions--------------------------------------------Your feedback and suggestions are extremely important for us. Letusknow if you want this solution to be extended based on yourideas orproduct or service offerings. Requesting your feedback andcontinuedsupport. Please send your feedback
Calorie counter Calories! 10.1.4
OFFLINE calorie counter, barcode scanner + more than 100,000foods(purchase)
Gout Diet Lite 2.1
Light weight and easy to use appcenteredaround the level of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food)whichwill be produced by common food items.- > 300 food- 8 categories- Android 4.0 UI- quick access- able to work without an internet connectionGout is a painful inflammatory form of arthritis(goutyarthritis) where joints become swollen as a result from animmuneresponse to uric acid crystals. This typically happens nearthe bigtoe, but can happen at other joints too. When it comes togout,there is a lot of mention of purine and it is metabolized intouricacid. What is usually failed to mentioned is that there aremanykind of purine, and not all are effective in increasinguricacid.Gout Diet is a one stop app to quickly browse through a listofcommon food items and identify if these food will result inhighlevel of uric acid (mg uric acid / 100g of food).**Ad SupportedKeywords: gout, food, list, common, everyday, uric acid, high,low,diet
CarbCounter 4.1
Oof Studios
Use this simple app to track daily net carbohydrateconsumption.Enter as little or as much information as you want.Enter the netcarbs yourself, or enter all the nutrition details andlet the appdo the math for you. Please note that this does *not*tell younutrition information! You have to know what you eat anduse thisto help keep track. Details are kept for each entry.Long-press toreview or edit them any time. You can also export yourhistory in afile suitable for Excel or any other spreadsheetsoftware. A chartprovides visual feedback of your day-to-dayconsumption of thenutrition info you care about. Choose betweentotal carbs, netcarbs, calories, fiber, or sugar alcohols. Acustomizable widgetlets you keep your counts at your fingertips.Perfect forKeto/Paleo/Atkins, or for anyone counting carbs,calories, etc.This app utilizes the GraphView library which isreleased under theGNU Lesser General Public License, and gratefullyacknowledges thework of Jonah Gehring.
Nutrition Tracker 3.0.7
Meuuha Apps
Calories are not everything ... proteins, carbohydrates and fatsareessential nutrients for a good diet! You want to track what youeaton a daily basis? Follow not only the amount of calories youhaveconsumed, but also carbohydrates, lipids or proteins?NutritionTracker is there for you. Nutrition Tracker is a simpleandintuitive tool to manage your nutrition. Whatever is your goal:gain or lose weight; Nutrition Tracker is your pocket companiontoget there. You can determine all of your meals nutritionalandcalorific contribution using the food database of over 1400 ofthemost consumed food. Oh no! your favorite food is not inthedatabase! No problem, you can customize your databasebyadding/modifying new foods, and enlarge your personaldatabase.Build your food diary by saving your meals day by day, andthenfollow your progress at a glance thanks to the chartrepresentationof the calories, proteins, carbohydrates and lipidsconsumed. Butthis is not all, set yourself targets in terms ofcalories, lipids,carbohydrates, proteins, or simply weight. And tohelp youdetermine the goal, you can use the body mass index (BMI)computingfunctionality, which will let you know, based on yourheight andage; your ideal weight. To summarize: - Enter your mealson a dailybasis using the nutritious food database of over 9000items -Determine your meals' calorific and nutritious contributions:calories, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids - Set yourselfgoalsin terms of weight, calories, carbohydrates, proteins andlipids -Follow your progress at a glance thanks to the chartrepresentation- Compute your body mass index (BMI)
Vitamin Finder 1.1
Adil Hameed
"Vita Finder" helps you know the Benefits&Sources of Various Vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B1,VitaminB2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, FolateFolic,Biotin,Choline, Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids, Vitamin D, VitaminE &much more!
Perfect buttocks&legs workout 2.8.0
Your own trainer for firm legs, buttocks and hips. Workoutforperfect body
Workout Trainer Calorie Count 1.0
Health For Care
Workout trainer calorie count is idealforpeople who want to get in shape without using anyexerciseequipment. The workout trainer App is designed to work withyourexisting Workout Trainer account that allows you to access allofyour custom designed workouts directly from your Android device.Feature :Why Use a Personal Trainer and How Do You Choose the BestOne?Do You Need a Physical Fitness Trainer? Here’s How YouCanDecide!Why Choose a Kettler Cross Trainer For the Home Gym?The Importance Of Having The Best Personal TrainerIn Getting a Personal Fitness TrainerAnd More ...Also great for those who enjoy tabata, High intensityIntervalWorkout trainer calorie count (hiit), timed workouts,crossfit WODand the Scientific 7-Minute workout.Everything tracked with workout trainer application withthewebsite, so you can track your progress online, and connectwiththe active community of millions that have made workout traineratop free Android app in Health & fitness.
Baby Care 1.0
Congratulations on entering intothiswonderfulnew experience!Don't panic! We will help you to know how to give your babytherest,sustenance and care that your new born needs as well asahealthydose of love and affection.Learn how to care for your new bundle of joy with the helpofthemost famous parenting coach in these applicationbabycarevideos.In this application we will help you to learn step by stepHowtoTake Care of a New Baby:1- How to Pick Up a Baby2- How to Hold a Baby Correctly & Safely3- How to Help a Baby Turn Over4- How to Swaddle an Infant (Baby Burrito)5- How to Position Your Baby for Sleep6- How to Dress a Baby7- How to Clean a Baby during a Diaper Change8- How to Fasten a New Baby Diaper9- How to Handle Diaper Rash10- How to Burp a Newborn Baby11- How to Help a Gassy Baby12- How to Get a Baby to Sleep13- How to Give a Newborn a Bath14- How to Wash a Baby's Hair15- How to Dry a Baby after a Bath16- How to Take Care of Newborn Skin17- How to Clean a Baby's Eyes, Ears & Nose18- How to Take Care of Your Newborn's Belly Button19- How to Pick the Right Baby Bottle20- How to Bottle Feed an Infant Properly21- 7 Pacifier FAQs22- How to Deal with a Teething Baby23- How to Clean a Baby's Teeth24- How to Use an Aspirator to Remove Mucus fromNose&Throat25- What Baby Supplies Do You Need for a Newborn?26- How to Care for & Clean a Newborn's Environment27- How to Create a Stimulating Environment for a Baby28- Diaper Bag Must-Haves for Your Baby29- Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable Diapers30- How Much Should a Newborn Baby Eat?31- How Much Should You Feed a 3-Month-Old Baby?32- How & When to Introduce a Baby to Solid Food33- How to Set a Baby Feeding Schedule34- How to Interpret Your Baby's Cries35- How to Help a Crying Baby36- How to Soothe a Colicky Baby37- How to Help an Infant with Hiccups38- How to Handle Infant Spit-Up & Vomit39- What You Can Learn from Your Baby's Poop40- How to Handle Baby Constipation41- How to Handle Baby Diarrhea42- How to Handle an Infant's Cough43- How to Handle an Infant's Cold44- How to Get Rid of Thrush in Infants45- What Should You Do If Your Baby Has a Fever?46- How to Take a Baby's Temperature47- How to Identify & Handle a Baby Rash48- How to Spot Baby Vision & Hearing Problems49- How to Recognize a Baby's Failure to Thrive50- How to Prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)51- How to Prevent Flat Head Syndrome aka Plagiocephaly52- How to Cut a Baby's Nails53- What Vaccinations Does Your Baby Need?54- How to Protect Your Baby from Sun ExposureDownload it for free! and Learn basic guidelines fortakingcareof your new baby.**If you like it, please support us by rating it ★★★★★.
Glow Period & Ovulation Tracker, Fertility App 7.24.6-play
Glow Inc
Glow is the world’s best period andovulationtracker, fertility calendar app. Glow helps women learnabout theirfertility and improve their reproductive health, whethertrying toconceive or avoiding pregnancy. Glow is an ovulationtracker thatalso records your period, mood, symptoms, sex, andmedications, andassists those undergoing fertility treatments likeIVF orIUI.Winner of 2014 Webby for best Health & Fitness app, Glow isanelegant, data-driven fertility tracker & ovulationtrackerdesigned to help you monitor and improve yourreproductivehealth.IMPROVE WOMEN’S HEALTH+ Innovative ovulation tracker and fertility charts, poweredbysophisticated data analysis.+ Predict your peak fertility days and upcoming period with aperiodtracker that gets smarter over time.+ Community and partner support, not found in any other ovulationorperiod tracker.+ Personalized reproductive health and fertility insights basedonyour ovulation, period timing, and other health data.+ Reminders for your medications, birth control and/orothercontraception.POWER FEATURES+ Sync your health profile (including fertility data andovulationdays) to the cloud.+ Sync with other apps like MyFitnessPal and Google Fit.+ Fertility treatment support for IVF or IUI patients.+ Partnership with leading fertility clinics such as BostonIVF,Shady Grove Fertility and RMA NY.+ More than an ovulation tracker - the only fertility trackerandperiod tracker that focuses on overall women’s health.TRACK YOUR SYMPTOMS+ Five-day and monthly calendar views show your next fertilewindow,ovulation days, and upcoming period.+ Set medication, contraception, ovulation andperiodreminders.+ Daily log helps you track over 40 different healthsignals,including BBT, cervical mucus, sleep, stress, weight,exercise andmore.+ Make beautiful charts of your menstrual cycle, ovulationandfertility data.+ Review past periods, and ovulation dates to better understandyourfertility.UNPARALLELED SUPPORT+ Get support from the unique and vibrant Glow Community,unmatchedby other fertility tracker or period tracker,ovulationcalendar.+ Continue your journey on Glow Nurture, Glow’s pregnancyapp.+ Mirror app for your partner - because fertility’s ateamsport!GLOW FIRSTGlow First is for those wanting to have a baby as soon aspossible.If you choose to join and don’t get pregnant, you willreceivefunds to help cover the cost of your infertilityscreening.CONNECT WITH USWeb - http://www.glowing.comFacebook - - @GlowHQInstagram - @GlowHQPinterest - @GlowHQIf you are having technical issues or have any questions, we'rehereto help. Please send us an email
My Food Intolerance List
Do you suffer from lactose,fructose,histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid intolerance?Or doyou even have several of them? No problem! With ALL i CAN EATyouhave all your food intolerances under control.ALL i CAN EAT adjusts to your individual intolerances andcalculatesyour compatibility for each food. The compatibilitiesare displayedin a simple traffic light system, ranging from green(very welltolerated) to yellow and orange up to red (bad idea toeat). If arecommendation does not apply to you, you can easilysave yourindividual tolerance for the food concerned.Search quickly for a specific food, browse certain categoriessuchas beverages, fruits, dairy products, etc. or filtercompatibilitesby color. In addition, ALL i CAN EAT does alsoprovide many detailssuch as the amounts of lactose, fructose,glucose, histamine,sorbitol, salicylic acid, amines, amino acids,etc. And in case youshould miss a food, you can add iteasily.You will never have to search various lists again or learnanynumbers by heart! With ALL i CAN EAT you manage all yourfoodintolerances in one place.