Top 20 Apps Similar to Notícias Brasil

Inst News - Notícias do Brasil 0.3.7
InstNews Team
Notícias rápidas e do seu gosto!Inst News é um aplicativo de notícias inovador que lhepermiteacesso às últimas notícias do Brasil e do mundo em temporeal, deuma forma mais simples com apenas textos e imagens ( mododeInst Look). Selecionamos milhões das novidades de todaamídia confiável (UOL, Globo, Veja, MSN, iG, etc.) e lheoferecemosas melhores do seu gosto.★★★Principais Características★★★►Tópicos Personalizados:Siga os tópicos que lhe interessem — por exemplo o seu time,ascelebridades ou equipamentos favoritos. Analisamos suasnavegaçõeshistóricas e salvamos as notícias da sua preferência noInstNews.►Conteúdos Abrangentes:Se mantenha atualizado facilmente sobre as melhores fontesdasnotícias, selecionadas de UOL, Globo, Veja, Exame e muitomais.Explore as categorias Mundo, Brasil, Tecnologia,Entretenimento,Esportes, mulheres e muito mais.►Inst Look:Uma maneira mais fácil de ler noticias! Carrega na hora. Leiaasnoticias em segundos!►Notícias Sem Limite:Sempre temos notícias novas a qualquer momento quando renovarapágina.►Disponível Em Qualquer Lugar:Salvar as notícias automaticamente quando está no ambientedeWifi. Obter acesso rápido às notícias quando a Internetestáruim.►Navegação Fácil:Deslize para a esquerda ou a direita para ler o próximoartigo.Edite sua própria lista de tópicos, seja bem-vindo.***********************************************************************************************************************************★Acesso Inst News no web também está disponível:★Acompanhe o Inst News:Página do Facebook: no Facebook: Fórum do Inst News APP - instnewsteam@gmail.comShort news andyourtaste!Inst News is an innovative news application that allows youtoaccess to the latest news from Brazil and the world in realtime, ina simpler form with just text and images (mode of InstLook ).Selected millions of news of all reliable media (UOL,Globo, Veja,MSN, iG, etc.) and offer you the best on yourtaste.★★★ Main Features ★★★► Custom Topics:Follow the topics that interest you - eg yourteam,celebrities or favorite outfits. We analyze their historicvoyagesand save the news of your preference on Inst News.► Comprehensive Contents:Remains easily updated on the best sources of news,selectedUOL, Globo, Veja, Exame and more. Explore the categoriesWorld,Brazil, Technology, Entertainment, Sports, women andmore.► Inst Look:An easier way to read news! Carries on time. Read the newsinseconds!► News No Limit:We always have new news anytime when renewingthepage.► Available Anywhere:Save the news automatically when the Wifi environment.Getquick access to news when the Internet is bad.► Easy navigation:Slide left or right to read the next article. Edit yourownlist of topics is welcome.***********************************************************************************************************************************★ Access Inst News is also available on the web:★ Follow Inst News:Facebook page: group: the Inst News APP Forum -
BBC Mundo
BBC Mundo, more than the news in SpanishBBC Mundo’s distinctive content is now easier and faster toaccessfor free on your Android phone.The app is simple to use, with stories in Spanish arrangedintocategories covering Latest News, Latin America, World,Business,Technology, Science, Health, Society & CultureandVideos.You can also view all stories within the app in chronologicalorderor according to their popularity among the users.With the BBC Mundo App you can:• Keep up to date with the latest headlines• Read and watch the most popular news stories• Get in-depth features and analysis of big stories• Personalise the app, choosing the News categories thatmostinterest you• Increase or decrease the story text size• Share stories by email, Facebook and Twitter• Read the top three stories from each category even whenyou'reoffline• Watch video content over Wi-Fi and 3G connectionsWe welcome your comments and feedback.App will run on v2.3.3 and above.The app will scale for any screen size but is optimum at smalltomedium screens (phones up to 7inches)Some Android devices may experience play difficulties withcertainvideos; if you experience this please try to download theh.264Main Profile codec or a player that supports it for yourdevice orrefer to your device manufacturer.
Extra Notícias
Jornal Extra
O aplicativo do Jornal Extra, com asúltimasnotícias do Brasil e do mundo, sempre tratadas de formaclara eobjetiva! Extra Notícias, o aplicativo de um dos jornal maislidosdo país! Baixe aqui e fique ligado!Informações úteis e interessantes sobre famosos, esportes,empregos,economia, casos de polícia, TV, novelas, política,universo femininoe muito mais. Serviços no seu smartphone, napalma da sua mão comatualizações em tempo real e fotos dequalidade dos principaisassuntos do momento.O aplicativo tem uma navegação simples e direta, que se adapta àsuatela, e reproduz a estrutura do site ao qual vocêestáacostumado.As diferentes editorias são:Notícias (Brasil, Mundo, Economia, Educação, Carros)PolíciaEmprego (Capacitação, Concursos, Servidor Público)FamososMulher (Beleza, Corpo, Decoração, Moda)TV e Lazer (Novelas, Música, BBB)Esporte (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)FotosTodas elas permitindo o acesso rápido à notícia que você quer lerea possibilidade de compartilhar no Facebook, Twitter oupore-mail.Outras funcionalidades do aplicativo são a possibilidade deaumentare diminuir o tamanho da fonte, de avaliar o aplicativo efalar com opessoal do Jornal Extra.Extra Notícias é um produto Infoglobo.The application ofExtraNewspaper, with the latest news from Brazil and the world,alwaystreated in a clear and objective manner! Extra News,theapplication of one of the most widely read newspaper inthecountry! Download here and stay tuned!Useful and interesting information about famous, sports,jobs,economy, police cases, TV, novels, politics, and morefeminineuniverse. Services on your smartphone, in the palm of yourhandwith real-time updates and quality photos of the main issues ofthemoment.The application has a simple and straightforward navigationthatfits your screen, and reproduces the structure of the site towhichyou are accustomed.The various editors are:News (Brazil, World, Economy, Education, Cars)PoliceEmployment (Training, Contests, Public Servant)FamousWomen (Beauty, Body Decoration, Fashion)TV Goods (Novels, Music, BBB)Sport (Brasileirão, Copa 2014)PhotosAll of them allowing quick access to the news you want to readandthe ability to share on Facebook, Twitter or by email.Other features of the application include the ability toincreaseand decrease the font size, to evaluate the application andtalkwith the staff of Extra Journal.Extra News is a Infoglobo product.
20minutos Noticias
Grupo 20minutos
Nueva aplicación de 20minutos parasmatphone,tabletas, Smart TV y relojes inteligentes, en la quepodrásconsultar todas las noticias e informaciones de última horacómoday rápidamente. Disfruta de un diseño innovador, basado enelMaterial Design de Google, con una navegación más ágil y connuevasopciones de configuración que optimizan la interacción delusuariocon todos los contenidos de 20minutos.Funcionalidades:- Última hora, noticias, artículos, fotos, vídeos y horó Recibe notificaciones de última hora y de los temas que másteinteresen.- Comenta cualquier noticia, vídeo o galería de fotos.- Comparte contenidos con tus amigos fácilmente.- Guarda y lee más tarde con la opción de 'Favoritos'.New applicationforsmatphone 20minutes, tablets, Smart TVs and clocks, which canseeall the latest news and information easily and quickly hour.Enjoyinnovative design, based on Google Design material with amorestreamlined navigation and new configuration options thatoptimizethe user interaction with the entire contents of20minutes. Features: - Last minute news, articles, photos, videos and20minutos.eshoroscope.- Receive notifications of late and topics that interest you.- Discuss any news, video or photo gallery.- Share files with friends easily.- Save and read later with the option to 'Favorites'.
Estadão Digital 6.4.220907
now access the Estadão news on your Tablet or Phone.
SPUMENEWS notícia inteligente 2.0.6
O QUE É?SPUMENEWS organiza visualmente as noticias do brasil de milharesdeconteúdos de forma inédita! Lemos fontes dos jornais de noticiasdoBrasil e do mundo todo como: UOL noticias, Veja, G1 noticias,GloboNews, Exame, Terra, R7, ClickRBS, Correio Brasiliense, BandNews, OGlobo, Info e mais 80 jornais do brasil.SPUMENEWS transforma informação em mapas mentais.VANTAGEM?Aumenta a velocidade de leitura em 1/5 do tempo e reduz em 20%osseus cliques.NOSSAS CATEGORIAS?1 - ESPORTEA categoria de informações em tempo real, como esporte espetacularecampeonato brasileiro ou internacional.•FONTES do jornal hoje do esporte do mundo todo: Terranoticias,BandNews, O Globo noticias, G1 noticias, ClickRBSnoticias, UOLnoticias, Correio Brasiliense noticias e Folha de SãoPaulo.•TENDÊNCIAS que nosso robô monitora: band esporte,esporteespetacular, globo esporte, jornal hoje entre outrasnoticias da tve atualidades, etc.1.1 - FUTEBOLMonitoramos tendências para quem gosta de futebol: obrasileirão,campeonato brasileiro, esporte espetacular, g1, globoesporte, bandesporte.2 - ECONOMIACobertura dos assuntos da economia, mercado de ações, bolsadevalores, Bovespa e Petrobras.•FONTES de news economia de jornais e revistas: Folha de SãoPaulo,Terra noticias, GloboNews, O Globo noticias, BandNews,UOLnoticias, ClickRBS noticias, G1 noticias, Correio Brasiliense eR7noticias.•TENDÊNCIAS que nosso robô monitora: vg noticias, rbs noticias,nenoticias, jornal a noticia, itamaraju noticias, ipunoticias,berimbau noticias, super noticia, r7 noticias, egonoticias, sobralportal de noticias, msn noticias, agreste noticia,ego noticias,super noticias, berimbau noticias, ipu noticias,Itamarajunoticias, rede sul de noticias, globo news, band news,maravilhanoticias, mt noticias, calila noticias, brumadonoticias.3 - POLÍTICAAcompanhamos de perto o governo Dilma, CPI da Petrobrás,impeachmente a ampla cobertura do que é realmenteimportante.•FONTES de news política de jornais e revistas e do mundotodo:Correio Brasiliense noticias, camaçari noticias, Terranoticias,GloboNews, O Globo noticias, BandNews, UOL noticias,ClickRBSnoticias, Folha de São Paulo, G1 noticias.•TENDÊNCIAS que nosso robô monitora: vg noticias, rbs noticias,nenoticias, jornal a noticia, itamaraju noticias, ipunoticias,berimbau noticias, super noticia, ego noticias.4 - TECNOLOGIATendências das empresas que revolucionam. Temas importantes domundotodo.•FONTES de news tecnologia de jornais e revistas:CorreioBrasiliense noticias, O Globo noticias, BandNews, UOLnoticias,Folha de São Paulo.•TENDÊNCIAS que nosso robô monitora: sobral portal de noticias,redesul de noticias, maravilha noticias, mt noticias, calilanoticias,brumado noticias, agreste noticia, msn noticias, terranoticias,jornal hoje, msn noticias.5 - MUNDOInformações do mundo todo, últimos acontecimentoseconomia,investigações internacionais e tudo que é necessário paraestar beminformado.•FONTES de news mundo de jornais e revistas: Folha de SãoPaulo,Terra noticias, O Globo noticias, BandNews, GloboNews eR7noticias.•TENDÊNCIAS que nosso robô monitora: vg noticias, rbs noticias,nenoticias, jornal a noticia, itamaraju noticias, ipunoticias,berimbau noticias, super noticia, r7 noticias, egonoticiasOutras FONTES que agregamos:G1 noticias, R7 noticias, TechTudo, GloboNews, camaçarinoticias,BrasilPost, CanalTech, InfoMoney noticias, Yahoo News,Guizmodo,ClickRBS noticias, Folha de São Paulo, CorreioBrasiliensenoticias, CBN noticias, Terra noticias, BBC noticias,Zero Hora,EBC noticias, IG noticias, Info, CanalTech, IDGNOW,TechTudo,TechMundo, msn noticias, rede sul de noticias, globo news,bandnews, maravilha noticias, mt noticias, calila noticias,brumadonoticias, agreste noticia, ego noticias, super noticias,berimbaunoticias, ipu noticias, rede sul de noticias, Itamarajunoticias,vg noticias e mais 80 do mundo todo.WHAT IS IT?SPUMENEWS visually organizes Brazil the news of thousands ofcontentas never before! We read sources of news from newspapers inBraziland around the world as UOL news, see, G1 news, GloboNews,Examination, Terra, R7, ClickRBS, Correio Brasiliense, BandNews,The Globe, Info and more than 80 newspapers in Brazil.SPUMENEWS transforms information into mind maps.ADVANTAGE?Increases reading speed in 1/5 time and reduces by 20%theirclicks.OUR CATEGORIES?1 - SPORTA category of information in real time as spectacular sportandBrazilian or international championship.• newspaper SOURCES today worldwide sport: Earth news, BandNews,OGlobo news, G1 news, ClickRBS news, UOL news, CorreioBrasiliensenews and Folha de São Paulo.• TRENDS our robot monitors: band sports, spectacular sports,sportglobe, newspaper today among other news the tv andupdates,etc.1.1 - FOOTBALLWe monitor trends for those who like football: the Brasileirão,theBrazilian championship, spectacular sport, g1, globe sport,bandsport.2 - ECONOMICSCoverage of the issues of the economy, stock market, stockexchange,Bovespa and Petrobras.• Sources of news economy of newspapers and magazines: Folha deSãoPaulo, Terra news, GloboNews, O Globo news, BandNews, UOLnews,ClickRBS news, G1 news, Correio Brasiliense and R7 news.• TRENDS our robot monitors: eg news, rbs news, ne news,newspaperthe news, Itamaraju news, ipu news, berimbau news, supernews, r7news, news ego, sobral portal of news, msn news, harshnews, egonews, super news, berimbau news, ipu news, news Itamaraju,south ofnews network, globe news, band news, wonderful news, mtnews,Calila news, Brumado news.3 - POLICYWe closely monitor the government Dilma, CPI ofPetrobras,impeachment and comprehensive coverage that isreallyimportant.• Sources of news political newspapers and magazines aroundtheworld: Correio Brasiliense news, camaçari news, Terranews,GloboNews, O Globo news, BandNews, UOL news, ClickRBS news,Folhade São Paulo, G1 news.• TRENDS our robot monitors: eg news, rbs news, ne news,newspaperthe news, Itamaraju news, ipu news, berimbau news, supernews, newsego.4 - TECHNOLOGYTrends companies that revolutionize. Important issues aroundtheworld.• Sources of news from newspapers and magazines technology:CorreioBrasiliense news, The Globe news, BandNews, UOL news, Folhade SãoPaulo.• TRENDS our robot monitors: sobral news portal, south ofnetworknews, news wonder, mt news, Calila news, Brumado news, harshnews,msn news, earth news, today's paper, msn news.5 - WORLDInformation from around the world, latest happeningseconomy,international investigations and all that is needed to bewellinformed.• Sources of world news from newspapers and magazines: Folha deSãoPaulo, Terra news, The Globe news, BandNews, GloboNews andR7news.• TRENDS our robot monitors: eg news, rbs news, ne news,newspaperthe news, Itamaraju news, ipu news, berimbau news, supernews, r7news, news egoOther SOURCES we add:G1 news, R7 news, TechTudo, GloboNews, camaçari news,BrasilPost,CanalTech, InfoMoney news, Yahoo News, Guizmodo,ClickRBS news,Folha de São Paulo, Correio Brasiliense news, CBNnews, Terra news,BBC news, Zero Hora, EBC news, IG news, info,CanalTech, IDGNow,TechTudo, TechMundo, msn news, south of networknews, news globe,band news, news wonder, mt news, Calila news,Brumado news, harshnews, news ego, super news, berimbau news, ipunews, south ofnetwork news, news Itamaraju, eg news and 80 moreworldwide.
Noticias Libres 1.30
Adrián Domínguez
Con Noticias Libres podras acceder alasnoticias de medios de ámbito español sin tener que recurriramedios pertenecientes a la AEDE. Incluímos lossiguientesmedios:- El Diario- La Información- 20 Minutos- Público- Periodista Digital- Infolibre- Europa Press- Periódico Diagonal- Revista La MareaEsta aplicación surge del descontento ciudadano nacido a raizdela nueva LPI que obliga a pagar un canon a CEDRO y los mediosdeAEDE por mencionar y enlazar sobre su contenido. Con lamismaqueremos demostrar que no es necesario acceder a estos mediosparaestar informados, y a la vez participar en el movimiento"BoicotAEDE".La aplicación está en evolución constante, por lo que siconocéisalgún medio más nacional NO adherido a AEDE y queréis queseincluya, dejadlo en los comentarios.La aplicación ha sido creada a través de la api de APPYET.Lainformación mostrada en la misma es propiedad de los propiosmediosque la proveen, accesible a través de sus RSS.With Free News you cangetnews Spanish media field without resorting to means belongingto theSAFE. We include the following means:- The diary- The information- 20 minutes- Public- Digital Journalist- Infolibre- Europa Press- Newspaper Diagonal- Magazine TideThis application comes from public discontent born in the wakeofthe new LPI forcing CEDRO pay royalties and media SAFE mentionandlink to its content. With it we want to show you do not needaccessto the media to be informed, and also participate in themovement"Boycott SAFE".The application is constantly evolving, so if you know anymorenational average NO SAFE adhered to and want to be included,Ileave it in the comments.The application created through the API APPYET. Theinformationshown therein is owned by the media itself that provideaccessiblethrough its RSS.
Portuguese News and Media 7.04
In one place: news, sports, magazines, radios and useful websites!
Brazilian Newspapers 6.0.4
Groups all news of the most important newspapers and magazinesofBrazil
Aristegui Noticias 3.0.3
Aristegui Noticias es un portal denoticiassobre México y el mundo con información, fotografías,vídeos,reportajes especiales y exposiciones multimedia con lostemas demayor impacto y relevancia noticiosa.Con la edición para Apps de Android ampliamos nuestros espaciosdecomunicación con una sociedad cada vez más demandante,crítica y exigente y nos permite refrendar nuestro compromisoprincipal con usted : ejercer "desdecualquier medio, periodismo enlibertad" isanews portal for Mexico and the world with information,photographs,videos, special reports and multimedia presentationswith topics ofgreater impact and relevance news.With the edition for Android Apps we expand our opportunitiesforcommunication with a demanding increasingly demanding society,andallows us to review and endorse our primary commitment toyou:exercise "from any media, journalism freedom."
Latest News 6.0.3
smart solutions
Get all News you want from many sources fast and easy
تمام لوحة المفاتيح - الجزائر 1.18.105
Alef Network
Tammam keyboard is a smart and easy to use Arabic keyboardspeciallydesigned for Algeria
Noticias Caracol 1.0.1
Caracol Televisión S.A.
Aplicación oficial de Noticias Caracol conloshechos más relevantes de Colombia y el mundoFormal implementationofCaracol News with the most important events of Colombia andtheworld
Estadão Notícias 7.0.21
National and international news, quickly and credibly in one place!
Noticias Telemundo 3.1.2
NBCUniversal Media, LLC
Noticias en vivo y de última hora por Noticias Telemundo
Brazil News and Media 3.0
In one place: news, sports, newspapers, magazines, radios andusefulwebsites!
Jornal do Brasil 2.2.4
Baris Efe
Lista dos principais jornais do Brasil, revistas, sites denotíciason-line.
España Noticias 8.4.0
It's a fast and easy way to read Spain(España)News (Noticias) in Spanish (Español) on Android.España Noticias gives you easy access to read the mostpopularnews sources from Spain (España) on your Android device.Take thisapp with you and stay informed with access to the latestnews.FEATURES:√ News by site.√ News by category.√ Download news briefs automatically.√ Offline reading.√ News widget.√ Convert webpage to mobile format.√ Remove or sort news sources.√ Edit default news sources√ Subscribe more news sources via RSS√ Import more news sources via OPML√ Option to block images (reduce bandwidth).√ Share news via SMS, Email, Facebook, Twitter...*NOTE*:If the application crashes after upgrading, please uninstallandreinstall it.
Infobae Argentina 4.0.0
Infobae delivers breaking news in real time, 24 hours a day,sevendays a week.