Top 16 Games Similar to Rectangles Puzzle

Shikaku 1.1.3
Shikaku puzzle is available to 900 stage completely free ofcharge.5x5 - 300 stages 8x8 - 300 stages 12x12 - 300 stages Shikakuis agame dividing the grid into smaller squares according to therulesof the game. Shikaku (しかく) means the square (四角) andoriginatesfrom '四角に切れ' is the word. This game is called with adifferentname.(Rectangles, Tetra Square, Divide by Box, etc.) Bysolvingproblems through logical thinking puzzle Shikaku, you canget a lotof help in improving brain. [Game Rules] 1. Divide thegrid into asquare or rectangle. 2. Each rectangle contains only onenumber. 3.The number indicates how many cells are contained in therectangle.[Game Mode] Easy - 5x5 puzzle Normal - 8x8 puzzle Hard -12x12puzzle [Game Features] - To provide a total 900 stage of thepuzzleYou will be able to make the 300 stage for each stage game.-Select the level of game Easy (5x5), Normal (8x8), Hard (12x12)thelevel can be selected - Save the results of game A resultofcleared stage will be saved automatically. - Settingbackgroundsound It can be turned on / off of the game backgroundsound. *Let's improve the brain through a more evolved Shikaku thanSudoku.
Shikaku 1.4
A puzzle game from the creators of Sudoku
SlitherPuzzle3 1.0.2
This app is a puzzle data for Slither Puzzle additionalpackages.This need "Slither Puzzle" app separately.
Ejelta LLC
Find a hidden closed loop by following numeric clues
SlitherPuzzle 1.26.17
Rules are simple! Absolutely no doubt that if you like logicpuzzlesfit. Rules 1. Connect dots with vertical / holizontal lineand makeone loop. 2. Numbers define how many lines can be drawnaround it.3. Lines cannot be crossed or branch off. SlitherLink Theexplanationabout the button [+] Zoom In [-] Zoom Out [↓] A save ofprogress onthe way(3 at the maximum) [↑] The reading of the stateofpreservation Long Tap: Undo the reading of the stateofpreservation History v1.26.13 - Bug fix v1.26.12 - Imademodifications so that a level was changed by a flick in puzzlelistscreen. v1.26.11 - Bug fix. v1.26.10 - Bug fix. v1.26.9 - Bugfix.- Faster drawing - Undo the reading of the state ofpreservation(Read button long press or Undo button) v1.26.8 - Bugfix. v1.26.7- Bug fix. v1.26.3 - Bug fix. v1.26.2 - Bug fix.v1.26.1 - Go backto the list screen after solved the puzzle v1.26.0- Correspondingto the URL that is output by the purepazuv3 v1.25.4 - Bug fix. v1.25.3-Responding to SlitherPuzzle2. - Bug fix. v1.25.1 - To speed uptheinitial startup. - Added to the menu to initialize the playdata. -Bug fix. v1.25.0 - Added 5 levels of Normal puzzle. - Added5levels of Hard puzzle. v1.24.0 - Added 10 levels of Normalpuzzle.v1.23.0 - Added 10 levels of Normal puzzle. v1.22.0 - Added5levels of Hard puzzle. - Added 5 levels of Very Hardpuzzle.v1.21.1 - Bug fix. v1.21.0 - Added 10 levels of Very Hardpuzzle.v1.20.1 - Bug fix. v1.20.0 - Added 10 levels of Normalpuzzle.v1.19.3 - Bug fix. v1.19.2 - Add Undo/Redo v1.19.1 - Bugfix.v1.19.0 - Added 5 levels of Hard puzzle. - Added 5 levels ofVeryHard puzzle. v1.18.0 - Added 10 levels of Very Hard puzzle.v1.17.0- Added 10 levels of Very Hard puzzle. v1.16.1 - Fixed theupdatedoes not add a puzzle v1.16.0 - Added 10 levels of VeryHardpuzzle. - Highlight where last touched v1.15.0 - Added 5 levelsofNormal puzzle. - Added 5 levels of Hard puzzle. v1.14.0 - Added10levels of Very Hard puzzle. v1.13.1 - Operate together withthecorresponding Slither Maker v1.13.0 - Added 10 levels ofNormalpuzzle. v1.12.0 - Added 10 levels of Very Hard puzzle. - Addalevel of solved - Adjust the volume of sound effects with hardkeyv1.11.3 - Bug fix. v1.11.2 - When you load the progress, shownbydotted lines where the first touch v1.11.1 - Bug fix. v1.11.0-Added 10 levels of Normal puzzle. - Modified a check functiontoshow a toast. v1.10.2 - Bug fix. v1.10.1 - Add a check functioninthe menu. v1.10.0 - Added 10 levels of Normal puzzle. v1.9.2 -Bugfix. - Modified to verify when retry game. v1.9.1 - Bug fix.v1.9.0- Added 5 levels of Hard puzzle. - Added 5 levels of VeryHardpuzzle. v1.8.1 - Bug fix. v1.8.0 - Added 10 levels of VeryHardpuzzle. v1.7.3 - Bug fix. v1.7.2 - Helper "Color panelassist"separated by level. v1.7.1 - Bug fix. v1.7.0 - Bug fix. -AddedFull screen option. - Added 5 levels of Hard puzzle. - Added5levels of Very Hard puzzle. v1.6.0 - Added 5 levels of Hardpuzzle.- Added 5 levels of Very Hard puzzle. v.1.5.1 - Bug fix. -AddContext menu. v1.5.0 - Added 5 levels of Hard puzzle. - Added5levels of Very Hard puzzle. v1.4.2 - Bug fix. v1.4.1 - Bug fix.-Responding to Android 1.6(Cupcake). v1.4.0 - Added 5 levels ofHardpuzzle. v1.3.2 - Correct mistakes of the data puzzle. v1.3.1-Correct mistakes of the data puzzle. v1.3.0 - Fixed savingfeature.- Fixed scroll range of landscape. - Added screenorientationsettings. v1.2.1 - Correct mistakes of the data puzzle.v1.2.0 -Added 5 levels of Very Hard puzzle. v1.1.1 - Bug fix.v1.1.0 -Added 10 levels of Hard puzzle.
Colorstrips 1.2.3
Sven Paroth
A fun simple yet challenging puzzle game based on "Shikaku"!
Slitherlink Game Free 1.04
KP Funny Apps
Slitherlink is a funny logic puzzle that was created bythecreatorof Sudoku. This game is suit for everyone even a kid,youcan letyour child play this game as a brain training. Thepuzzleconsistsof a grid of dots, with some cells containingnumbers. Thegoal andrules of this game are simple. 1. Make a singlecontinuousloop byconnecting dots with vertical or horizontal lines.2. Theloopnever crosses itself and never branches off. 3. Thenumbers ofeachblock equals the number of lines surrounding it. 4.Emptyblocksmay be surrounded by any number of lines. This app isconsistof100 puzzles in each levels and grid layouts (morepuzzlescomingsoon!). There are 5 levels (Beginner, Easy, Normal,Hard,VeryHard) and 3 grid layouts (5x5, 10x10, 15x15). If you feelthatthepuzzle you are playing is too difficult, you can use helpitemstomake it easier. There are 3 types of help item : 1. Hint :revealanumber on one random block 2. Color : unlock a newcolorfordrawing 3. Fill : replace a specific color on the gamewithnewcolor, you can also delete all lines and cross markswiththisitem, just select the new color as white. Slitherlinkalsoknown asFences, Takegaki, Loop the Loop, Loopy, Ouroboros,Surizaand DottyDilemma. For more information about Slitherlink, youcansee onWikiPedia : IfyoulikeSlitherlink Puzzle Maniac, please support me by givingagoodreview and +1 for this Slither game. Thank you very much.
SlitherLink Plus 2.1
Tatsuya Kaido
• Outline:Slitherlink is a puzzle where you connect dots togetherwhileobserving a set of rules; it is based on a very simple andyetdeeply acute logic. Similarly to sudoku, it is the type ofpuzzlethat requires you to think carefully at each step and henceit isideal for brain training."Slitherlink Plus" is an application that builds on itspredecessor"Slitherlink". It is a much more powerful applicationthat providesadditional download functionality and a number ofimprovedfeatures.• Main Features- A collection of high quality puzzlesAll puzzles included in "Slitherlink Plus" have beencreatedmanually by puzzle specialists.They do not include sub-standard puzzles, as can often be foundwithcomputer generated puzzles, where there is more than onesolution,there are too many redundant clues or you need to performexcessivetrial and error."Slitherlink Plus" allows you to enjoy a great variety ofexcellentpuzzles where each one has been created with extreme careandattention; these are puzzles that can only have beenhand-made.- Download of additional puzzle packsEven after you have finished solving all puzzles, you canstilldownload additional new puzzles.There are currently more than 250 puzzles available fordownload,giving you plenty of total play time: 150 hours forbeginners andmore than 50 hours for intermediate players.We will be adding more and more puzzle packs as required.- Greatly improved featuresThe response times of the application when drawing the linesandwhen scrolling the images up and down have been improvedoverall,making the puzzle much more pleasant to use.Also, new vibration functionality has been added, making itmucheasier to use.You can choose between 3 different input methods (tap, drawandflick) so that you can solve the puzzles in whichever stylesuitsyou best.- Help functionality to aid beginnersFor people who are playing Slitherlink for the first time, itshowsan easy to understand tutorial.Also, it provides support functionality to allow users tochecktheir answers as they go along, useful for particularly largeorcomplex puzzles.
Slitherlink Full
Ejelta LLC
In a Slitherlink puzzle your goal is to formasingle loop through the game field using numerical clues.In addition to classic square grids of different sizesanddifficulties this implementation of Slitherlink offershexagon,pentagon and mixed grids. Try solving those, it mayrequiredifferent ways of thinking than with squares.Automatic coloring of clues and lines helps thinking, but canbeturned off for more classic look and tougher challenge.A free ad-supported version is also available.*********************Add us on Google+ to vote on features, see updates, and togivefeedback: email if you have issues. It is impossible to respondtocomments left on the market. Thank you!*********************Highlights:- Tablets support- Dark and light themes- Unlimited supply of levels- Parity shading- Bookmarks- Scores & Sharing- Pre-loaded levels to play offline- "Kites", "Cairo", "Squares" and "Honeycomb" grids- Tutorial- Colored clues (optional)- Orientation lock
maru shikaku 1.0.0
爽快!当てはめパズルゲームの「maru shikaku」!!まるとしかくを増やしたり、減らしたりして、上か落ちる「maru shikaku」を当てはめろ!他ユーザーとのランキングで上位を目指そう!!Exhilarating!"Marushikaku" fitting puzzle game! !You can increase the circle and qualifications, withorreduce,fall above or to Atehamero the "maru shikaku"!Aim the top in the ranking with other users! !
Loop The Loop 0.0.1
"Loop The Loop" is a perfectbrainstorminggame. It is one of the best ways to keep your selfbusyininteresting mathematical cum logical puzzles.Easy to understand & play yet challenging. Checkout"HowToPlay" section before you start.Two Grid Levels: 5x5 & 7x7Two Difficulty Levels: Easy & HardBeginners may start with 5x5 grid & easydifficultylevel.Afterwards, take up challenge for hard and 7x7grid.HOW TO PLAY...=> Construct a loop with the numbers as hints.=> Tap on an edge draws a line on grid. Tap againtoundrawline.=> Long tap erases the line. Can be handy around number0!!=> Number inside the squares indicates the number of linestobedrawn out of four lines which surrounds it.=> A square with no number can have any number oflinesaroundit.=> There is only one solution to each puzzle.=> There can only be a single loop with no loose ends.
Takuzu 1.8
A Sudoku-like but original, simplenumberpuzzle game.To play, all you need is your mind and your finger. Tap toswitchbetween 0 and 1 on each empty cell to complete the grid andsolvethe puzzle.• 3 levels of difficulty,• 5 different grid sizes (4x4 to 8x8 on phone, 6x6 to 12x12ontab),• Unique grids, purchased in packs or unlimited, createdrandomlyfor you as you go,• 50 free games to get you started.An original and addictive mental exercise to boostyourneurones.
SlitherLink Loop Levels 1.9
Gururaj P Kharvi
--------- RULES--------1. Connect adjacent dots with vertical or horizontal lines,makingsingle loop.2. Cross Over, branches and hanging lines are not allowed.3. Numbers in the puzzle indicate the number of line thatshouldsurround it.4. Number marked as Zero, should not surround any lines.5. Empty cell may surround any number of lines.-------- HOW TO START --------Begin drawing lines from number 3 next to zero. So we know thatzeroshould not surround any line and cell number 3 has exactly 3linessurround it.
Number puzzle "Rosary" 1.3.0
Brain training puzzles"Rosary" is an application for playing with Android, thenumberpuzzle "JUZU" Mr. Kazuhisa Koyanagi was invented.Rules1. Connected by a line between the numbers round.2. In round numbers lead wire only the number of digits.3. Do not cross the line.How To Play1. You can draw a line by tapping the numbers, and drag it tothenumbers around.2. Follow the same steps again, you can turn off the line.Keyword- Slither Link, Fences, Takegaki, Loop the Loop, Loopy,Ouroboros,Suriza, Dotty Dilemma, Sudoku, KenKen, Kendoku,Mathdoku
MathDoku Version 2.12
Ben Buxton
Sudoko with a mathematical twist - use math challenges to helpsolvethe puzzle.
Brain puzzle aRippleEffect 1.0
warai kamosika
Brain puzzle aRippleEffect is alogic-basednumber placement puzzle.It is the puzzle which fills up the board side with anumberaccording to a rule.1. There are 80 problems of the intermediate person play.2. Because there are undo, an automatic preservation function,Youcan ease operation.3. there are a function to reduce a screen and functiontospread.4. A record of the completion time is stored.5. Because BGM 50 pieces prepare, You can choose afavoritething."