Top 22 Apps Similar to PetterDay, Pictogram Schedule

PictogramAgenda 3.4
Lorenzo Moreno
Autism. Visual Schedules with your pictures and 15000+ Pictograms.
Pictograms 2.1
Carlos Bustos Tore
Very easy to use application forhelpingchildren with dyspraxia.Allows mute, autistic and other children with speech disordertoexpress what they want.Ideal for use with a tablet 5", 7".Once the children have learned the application you canadd more photos and customize the application by sending me anemailwith photos, so children can recognize their toys,food,family,...TTS required for speak. if your phone/tablet don't haveTTSdownload from android market
Niki Agenda 1.0.3
Alessandro La Rocca
A calendar for children and teen-agers needing visualorganizationof their days
First Then Visual Schedule 1.13.50
First-Then visual schedule isanaffordableuser-friendly mobile application designed forcaregiversto providepositive behavior support through the use of"visualschedules".First-Then was designed for individuals withAutism,communicationneeds, developmental delays, Down'sSyndrome,Alzheimer's, oranyone who would benefit from astructuredenvironment.First-Then allows schedules to be created "on thego"andcustomized to the needs of the individual. Schedules canbecreatedto show daily events or steps need to complete aspecificactivityor daily events.BEFORE YOU DOWNLOAD APP PLEASE NOTE: We offer THREEDIFFERENTVIEW"MODES" TO FIT ANY DEVICE - (phone or tablet)Choose "SWITCH MODE" in the settings menu. Choices areSmall,Mediumor Large. Choose the best option to fit yourscreen.Use it to Show:*Daily Events*Routines*Specific Steps to complete an activity(ex: use the bathroom, make a sandwich, get dressed)*Any activity that requires a transition.Features include:THREE DIFFERENT WAYS TO VIEW A SCHEDULEFull ViewSplit View (with or without First Then written prompt)List ViewADD CUSTOM IMAGES-Built in camera (when applicable)-Internet Search feature-Stock image library ( Download up to 12,000 vectorandSmartySymbols directly into the stock image library).- Photo GalleryRECORD SOUND TO THE IMAGESTIMER FEATURECHECKLIST FEATUREPASSWORD PROTECT SETTINGS MENU-Password protected settings menu were all features canbeturnedon/off and editing features disabled.EDIT "ON THE GO"-Improved time-saving Editing features: you can now createaschedulefrom scratch or create a new schedule using apreviouslysavedschedule.- Easily change the order of steps in an activity or delete oraddastep.SHARE SCHEDULES between devices- Share schedules via email or Dropbox.Named one of the "TEN BEST APPS FOR AUTISM FOR THE iPad".
Piktosaac. Symbols for Autism 1.5
It is a free application to downloaddirectlytoyour Tablet or Smartphone the ARASAAC symbols library.Symbols for Autisms Free (Piktosaac) is not an interactiveApp.Ifyou are not familiar with the world of Autism,CerebralPalsy,Education, Augmentative Communication etc., please donotdownloadthe App.This is a resource for teachers, parents,specialistsandtherapists of people with special educationalneeds.The APP simply downloads more than 10.000 symbols ofArasaacfromour server to your device. To do not depend oninternetconnectionin the future.STEPS:1) Simply select your preferred language and downloadthesymbolslibrary.2) Check in your notifications; download progressbarwillappear.3) A folder "Home / Piktosaac / ... " will be createdinyourTablet.ATTENTION: The process can may take several minutes,thousandsofimages will be downloaded.Be patient :-) please.Pictographic symbols used are apropertyofCATEDU( /) under CreativeCommon’sLicenseand they have been created by Sergio Palao.
Mis PictoCuentos 1.9
Con Mis PictoCuentos podrás crear tuspropiospictocuentos, los cuales son un recurso educativo muyenriquecedorpara los niños en general, pero sobretodo para los quepresentandificultades en la lectura derivadas por diversas causas.Lalectura de este tipo de cuentos es muy útil para hacer queelvocabulario del niño aumente de forma significativa y lúdicaporlos dibujos que ayudan a ello.Los pictocuentos utilizarán símbolos e ilustraciones en reemplazodelas palabras favoreciendo la comprensión de relatos y lainmersióntemprana en el mundo de la literatura. Al encontrarse enundispositivo móvil, se puede acceder a ellos en cualquier lugar,sinnecesidad de tener acceso a internet. Además depoderpersonalizarlos de manera muy sencilla y rápida, según losgustos ynecesidades del niño.Con Mis PictoCuentos, podrás grabar las lecturas de loscuentosde manera muy sencilla, para luego poder escucharla lacantidad deveces que lo desees. También podrás exportar tuspictocuentosfavoritos a un archivo PDF, manteniendo laconfiguración realizada.Al crear un archivo con formato PDF, elcuento se puede imprimir,leer desde una computadora con Windows,enviar por correoelectrónico (Email), subir a internet, compartirpor dropbox,etc..Al instalar la app, ya vienen preconfigurados 2 pictocuentosymás de 500 pictogramas de arasaac. En caso de necesitarlo, desdelaapp se podrán exportar los cuentos para leerlos y editarlosdesdecualquier otro dispositivo Android.NOTA: Al abrir por primera vez la app será necesario contarconconexión a internet, ya que los contenidos se descargarán desdeunrepositorio externo.IMPORTANTE: Para lograr una mejor calidad de audio al utilizarelmotor de voz (tts) desde el dispositivo Android, se recomiendaeluso de las voces gratis de Ivona, la cual cuenta con vocesdediferentes idiomas, entre ellas en español latino, además quelosdiferentes textos se reproducen de manera correcta. Se hadetectadoque utilizando el motor de voz Pico TTS, es posible quealgunaspalabras no se escuchen bien.Algunos de los símbolos utilizados son obra de Sergio PalaoparaCATEDU ( que los publicabajolicencia Creative CommonsWith My PictoCuentosyoucan create your own pictocuentos, which are a very enrichingforchildren in general educational resource, but especially forthosewith reading difficulties arising from various causes.Readingthese stories is very useful to make the child'svocabularyincreases significantly and playful way for the drawingsthat helpit.The pictocuentos symbols and illustrations used in place ofwordsfavoring the understanding of narratives and early immersionin theworld of literature. Being in a mobile device, you can accessthemanywhere, without having internet access. Apart from verysimple tocustomize and quickly, according to the tastes and needsof thechild.With My PictoCuentos, you can record the readings of thestoriesin a simple way, and then to hear the number of times youwant. Youcan also export your bookmarks to a PDF file pictocuentos,keepingthe settings made. When creating a PDF file, you can printthestory, read from a computer with Windows, e-mail (Email),Internetuploading, sharing of dropbox, etc ..When installing the app, and come preconfigured twopictocuentosand over 500 pictograms ARASAAC. If needed, since theapp canexport the stories to read and edit them from anyAndroiddevice.NOTE: When you first open the app will require internet,becausethe contents will be downloaded from an externalrepository.IMPORTANT: For better sound quality when using the speechengine(tts) from the Android device using free Ivona voices,whichfeatures the voices of different languages, including SpanishinLatin, also recommended that different texts arereproducedcorrectly. It has been detected using Pico TTS speechengine, it ispossible that some words may not play properly.Some of the symbols used are by Sergio Palao for CATEDU( that publishesunderCreative Commons
Visual Schedule 2.0
Wizard Solutions Inc
Visual Schedule, Social Stories for Autism and Special Education
PictoDroid Lite 3.3.2
Pictographic communication for everyone
Student Agenda Pro 2.5.6
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.••• This version does not display advertisements.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send us aemail!(We can't reply you on Google Play) you!
AraBoard Player Junio
Affective Lab.
AraBoard es un conjunto deherramientasdiseñadas para la comunicación alternativa yaumentativa, cuyafinalidad es facilitar la comunicación funcional,mediante el usode imágenes y pictogramas, a personas que presentanalgún tipo dedificultad en este ámbito. Dada la versatilidad deestasherramientas, AraBoard también puede ser utilizado paracreartableros con rutinas sencillas y tableros para anticiparlarealización de cualquier tarea prevista.AraBoard nos permite crear, editar y usar tableros decomunicaciónpara distintos dispositivos (ordenador, smartphone otablet), asícomo para distintos sistemas operativos. Para suejecución,AraBoard requiere que el player Adobe Air (gratuito) estéinstaladoen el dispositivo. Actualmente, Araboard está disponibleparaWindows y Android, y, en futuro próximo, para MacOs eiOs.AraBoard se compone de dos herramientas complementarias:- Araboard Constructor: esta herramienta se utiliza para lacreacióny edicion de los tableros de comunicación. mediante lacolección depictogramas Arasaac y cualquier otra imagen y audioalmacenados enel dispositivo.- AraBoard Player: esta herramienta se utiliza para ejecutarlostableros de comunicación previamente creados enAraboardConstructor.AraBoard se caracteriza por su sencillez de uso en todoslosaspectos, ya que posee una interfaz gráfica diseñada paraquecualquier persona pueda crear y editar tableros de formaintuitivay en pocos minutos.Con AraBoard podemos crear tableros desde una hasta treinta ydoscasillas, utilizando para ello las distintascombinacioensposibles: 1 fila x 2 columnas, 2 filas x 2 columnas, 3filas x 4columnas, ..., 4 filas x 8 columnas. Esta característicaconviertetambién a la herramienta en una posible alternativa parapersonascon discapacidad motriz y necesidades comunicativasmuybásicas.En esta nueva versión, se han implementado una seriedefuncionalidades que facilitarán todavía más la elaboracióndetableros personalizados. A partir de ahora, tenemos laposibilidadde tomar fotografías instantáneas, utilizando la webcam-en el casode la versión para PC- o la cámara trasera y delantera-en el casodel smartphone o de la tableta Android-. También se haintroducido,para las dos versiones, la opción de grabardirectamente nuestrasvoces o sonidos a través del micrófono del PCo del dispositivoAndroid,Una de las características fundamentales de AraBoard eslacomunicación directa a través de Internet, mediante unaAPIdesarrollada a tal efecto, con el servidor del Portal Aragonésdela Comunicación Aumentativa y Alternativa ARASAAC.Estacomunicación permite la búsqueda de cualquier pictogramacontenidoen la base de datos y su descarga instantánea, junto conlalocución correspondiente. Una vez finalizado nuestro tablero, yanoserá necesaria dicha conexión, puesto que todos losdatos(pictogramas y locuciones) quedan guardados en el ordenador oen eldispositivo.AraBoard is a set oftoolsdesigned for augmentative and alternative communication,which aimsto facilitate functional communication through the useof picturesand pictograms, to persons with any type of difficultyin this area.Given the versatility of these tools, AraBoard canalso be used tocreate simple routines boards and boards anticipateconducting anyscheduled task.AraBoard lets you create, edit and use communication boardsfordifferent devices (computer, smartphone or tablet), and forvariousoperating systems. For its implementation, AraBoard requirestheAdobe Air player (free) installed on your device.Currently,Araboard is available for Windows and Android, and in thenearfuture for MacOS and iOS.AraBoard consists of two complementary tools:- Araboard Builder: This tool is used for creating andeditingcommunication boards. by pictograms ARASAAC collection andanyother image and audio stored on the device.- AraBoard Player: This tool is used to run thepre-builtcommunication boards in Araboard Builder.AraBoard is characterized by its ease of use in all aspects asithas a graphical interface designed for anyone to create andeditboards intuitively and in a few minutes.AraBoard can create panels with from one to thirty-two boxes,usingdifferent combinacioens possible: 1 row x 2 columns, 2 rows x2columns 3 rows x 4 columns, ..., 4 rows x 8 columns. Thisfeaturealso makes the tool a possible alternative for people withmobilitydisabilities and very basic communication needs.In this new version, we have implemented a number of featuresthatfurther facilitate the development of custom boards. From nowon,we are able to take snapshots using the webcam, in the case ofthePC version, or the front and rear camera-in the case ofsmartphoneor Android Tablet. Also introduced to the two versions,the optionto record our voices or sounds directly through themicrophone ofthe PC or Android device,One of the key features of AraBoard is direct communication viatheInternet, using an API developed for this purpose, with theserverAragonese Portal of Augmentative and AlternativeCommunicationARASAAC. This communication allows any glyph searchthe contentdatabase and instant download together with thecorrespondingutterance. Once our board, and that connection is notnecessarybecause all data (pictograms and phrases) are stored inthecomputer or device.
Pictogram 1.1
Application developed and geared forchildrenwith cognitive and/or motor disability. Can be used as asimplepictograms to a child for their learning.Available only on 10-inch tablet (720dp) for easy accessthroughthe options for the user. The main function is occupationaltherapyfor the user. It also serves as support for speechtherapy.Function for communication and understanding oftheirenvironment.It has voice synthesizer, which speaks the word when an iconisselected and it's displayed full-screen for the user to displayitas an alternative to speech.
Agenda escolar aulaPlaneta 1.0.2
Grupo Planeta
Sigue con la Agenda escolar de aulaPlanetalaevolución de las tareas de tu hijo. Comprueba si ha realizadolosdeberes y el estado en que se encuentran.Características de la Agenda escolar de aulaPlaneta:- Muestra el número de tareas pendientes por alumno- Permite localizar las tareas con fechas cercanas de entrega- Visualiza el estado de todas las tareas: porcentaje,ejercicioscompletados...- Personaliza los datos de tus hijosCreada y desarrollada por aulaPlaneta para el seguimientodetareas escolares en el entorno educativo.Follow schoolAgendaaulaPlaneta the evolution of the tasks of your child. Checkif youhave performed the duties and the state meet.Characteristics of School Agenda aulaPlaneta:- Displays the number of pending tasks per student- Quickly find nearby tasks with deadlines- Displays the status of all tasks: percentage completedexercises...- Customize the data of your childrenCreated and developed by aulaPlaneta to monitor homework inaneducational setting.
Miranos 0.1.8
Juan Carlos González
Miranos es una aplicación quetrabajaconjuntamente con una base de datos en entornoweb.( trata de una herramienta diseñada para el control, diseñoyseguimiento de cursos y terapias con niños oadultosdiscapacitados.Pensado en un principio para personas con autismo, Miranos espartede la plataforma Miranos que se compone de lassiguientesfunciones:RED SOCIALCon la que queremos crear un punto de encuentro paranuestracomunidad. Habilitaremos opciones de usuario para quelasasociaciones o equipos de trabajo puedan tener su propioportalpara comunicarse directamente con sus socios omiembros.Incluiremos un área de noticias y anuncios relacionadoscon nuestracomunidad y será punto de encuentro para padres yprofesionalespara que se puedan crear contactos o alianzas paranuevosproyectos.BASE DE DATOSTodo el material que se pueda necesitar lo queremostenerdisponible. Los propios usuarios podrán hacer copia deseguridad desu material y compartirlo con el resto de usuarios omarcarlo comoprivado según proceda. Fotografías, pictogramas,fichas,secuencias, etc. Incluso galerías de Ablah para descargarocompartir.Aunque se puede encontrar material en un buscador deInternet,nuestra idea va mucho más lejos. No se trata solo de crearuna basede datos. Queremos crear un archivo en el que puedas buscarporcategorías cualquier tipo de material para usar en tus terapiasypoder saber la efectividad que tiene ese archivo en otrasterapiascon otros niños. Nuestro programa, valorará automáticamentelosdocumentos de la Bd. en función del número de usuarios queloincluyan en sus actividades e incluso el resultado que produceconlos alumnos.SEGUIMIENTO Y CONTROL DE TERAPIASEsta puede que sea la parte más interesante de la aplicación.Eneste punto, un usuario puede dar de alta un alumno y diseñarunprograma de trabajo basado en actividades.El programa, que se configura desde laweb, permite el diseño deactividadespersonalizadas para cada alumno y asigna un área oámbito detrabajo así como un sistema de puntuación personalizadoquepermitirá llevar un control exhaustivo de los progresos delalumno.Por medio de un panel de control podremos compartir tantolainformación como los programas con el entorno delalumno:terapeutas, profesores, familiares… y si es necesario,podrándiseñar cada uno su propio programa de trabajo. Al igual queen labase de datos, las actividades se podrán marcar como públicasoprivadas para compartirlas. El programa incluirá formulariosdeevaluación para valorar el nivel de cada alumno de manera que,enfunción de sus aptitudes o necesidades, el propioprogramarecomiende las actividades que puedan ser más beneficiosasparacada alumno.La combinación de estas tres funciones es la solución máscompletahasta la fecha para facilitar la comunicación, el accesoalmaterial y el control de las terapias de nuestros niños.Watch us is anapplicationthat works with a database in a webenvironment.(Http:// is a tool designed for control, design and monitoring ofcoursesand therapies with children or disabled adults.Originally thought for people with autism, look at us is part oftheWatch us platform that consists of the followingfunctions:SOCIAL NETWORKWith which we want to create a meeting point for our community.Wewill enable user options for partnerships or teams can havetheirown portal to communicate directly with their partners ormembers.Will include an area of ​​news and announcements related toourcommunity and will be a meeting place for parents andprofessionalsso that they can create contacts and alliances fornewprojects.DATABASEAll material you might need what we have available. Usersthemselveswill be able to back up their material and share it withother usersor mark it as private as appropriate. Photographs,pictograms,tokens, sequences, etc. Even Ablah galleries todownload orshare.Although you can find material in an Internet search engine,ouridea goes much further. It is not just to create a database.Wewant to create a file in which you can search by categoriesanytype of material to use in your therapies and to know howeffectivehas that file in other therapies with other children. Ourprogramwill automatically assess Documents Bd. Depending on thenumber ofusers who include in their activities and even the resultitproduces with students.MONITORING AND CONTROL OF THERAPIESThis may be the most interesting part of the application. Atthispoint, a user can register a student and design a workprogrambased on activities.The program, which is configured from theweb, allows the design of customactivitiesfor each student and assigns an area or field of work aswell as acustomized scoring system which will keep a tight controlstudentprogress. Through a control panel we can share bothinformation andprograms with the student environment: therapists,teachers, family... and if necessary, they can design their ownprogram each work.As in the database, the activities may be markedas public orprivate to share. The program will include evaluationforms toassess the level of each student so that, depending ontheirabilities or needs, the program itself recommends activitiesthatmay be more beneficial for each student.The combination of these three functions is the mostcomprehensivesolution to date to facilitate communication, accesscontrolequipment and therapies of our children.
School Agenda 1.1
Mitchell Caisse
Simple agenda application to keep track ofyourhomework, quizzes, tests and projects. Just enter thecoursedetails, and add the assignments. Note when the assignmentsweregiven, and when they are due. Add course details such aslocation,contact, and any other details you would like. Perfectsubstitutefor a normal paper agenda.
iPrompts® - ASD Visual Support 1.1066
★ SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE! ★iPrompts®, the original app for visual supports, isusedbyparents, special educators and therapists of those withautismandother developmental delays. iPrompts® also works greatwithkidswho just need more structure, including kids withAttentionDeficitDisorder (ADD/ADHD), and even typical,pre-verbaltoddlers!iPrompts® is used by thousands of caregivers, andhasbeenacclaimed on television and in news stories worldwide.Createdbythe parents of a boy with Autism and researched underaU.S.Department of Education study, the app providesseveralusefulvisual and picture prompting tools (no audio promptsorvoiceoutput) to help individuals transition from one activitytothenext, understand upcoming events, make choices, and focusonthetask at hand:* PICTURE SCHEDULES: Allows caregivers to createandpresentsequences of pictures, guiding those they careforthroughactivities of any sort. Schedules can have many pictures,orevenjust two (i.e., to create a FIRST THIS, THEN THATpictureprompt).Captions can be edited for each image, allowingusers tocreatebasic SOCIAL STORIES™. To create a Schedule, userscan choosefromhundreds of stock photos and illustrations in ourstarterLibrary,add pictures from a built-in Web Search tool, orsnappicturesusing the rear-facing camera of an equippedAndroiddevice.* VISUAL COUNTDOWN TIMER: Displays an image ofthecaregiver'schoice along with a graphical countdown timer (settoanyduration). Useful for demonstrating how much time is leftuntilacurrent activity ends, or before the nextpicturedactivitybegins.* CHOICE PROMPTS: Lets caregivers offer choicesbetweenimages,empowering those who cannot vocalize theirpreferences.Whenrotated horizontally, the Choice Prompt andPictureSchedulefeatures enlarge and orient images for displaytoindividualsneeding visual support.* EXPANDABLE IMAGE LIBRARY: Our starter libraryincludeshundredsof useful illustrations and digital pictures acrossmanycategories.Users may add their own images to the Librarythrough abuilt-in WebSearch feature, or by taking pictures withtherear-facing camera ofan equipped Android device. Users mayalsoduplicate or deleteimages, and edit their captions.iPrompts® is a portable, flexible, easy-to-use,stigma-freeandgreen alternative to using physical pictures (likePECS), andisespecially helpful in reducing the frustrations ofeverydaylifewhen traveling or on the go. The app is also thesubject of aU.S.Department of Education-funded research study inspecialeducationsettings.Endorsements, Awards and Other Support:* Finalist in Reader's Choice Award(FavoriteSpecialNeeds App, 2012)* Featured Partner in Autism Speaks Online Marketplace* Research of iPrompts® in special education funded bytheU.S.Department of Education, Institute of EducationSciences,SmallBusiness Innovation Research (SBIR) Program* Frequent top-grossing app on iOS (Medical, daily sales)Verified Devices:* iPrompts® is designed for a consistent and stablevisualsupportand picture prompting experience on a widearrayofAndroid-compatible devices. We find that it works best onthemostrecent 4"+ smartphones and on 7" tablets. A growinglistofverified smartphones and tablets is provided below.Pleasecheckback as we add to the list. If your device is not onthis listandyou've installed the app, please emailusat[] and let us know howiPrompts®isrunning for you!TABLETS:* Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus (3.2)* Acer Iconia A200 (4.0.3)* HTC Flyer (3.2.1)SMARTPHONES:* Samsung Galaxy Nexus (4.0.2)* HTC Inspire (2.3)
Student Agenda 2.5.17
Appsbuyout Development
Developed by students, with the goal ofbeingsimple and lightweight, the Student Agenda was made tohelpstudents organize themselves and have, consequently,betterperformance in studies.The objective of using this app is to perform tasks withinthecombined deadlines, divide better the time between academicandpersonal life, conduct the day-to-day with more calmnessandless stress.On Student Agenda, important information about tests,homeworks,appointments and timetable will always be available onyoursmartphone to checks and new schedulings, wherever you are. Averyuseful feature are the reminders, that will help youdon'tforget important activities.These features are adequate for school, for college, foryourday-to-day... The goal is to make student life moreorganized,managing appointments that can't be forgotten.The app was developed to be simple and easy to use. To start,youcan simply add your subjects and then your timetable.Main features:• Simplicity and lightweightness;• Timetable;• Scheduling of events (exams, homeworks/tasks, activitiesandreturning books to the library);• Add photo to increase the description of events;• Notification schedule (reminder) for events;• Check events as "completed";• Events ordered by day, week and month;• Timetable of the day;• Timetable of the week;• Calendar;• Management of marks;• Timetable and events widgets;• Share events with your friends.If you have any problem or suggestion, please send usaemail!support@appsbuyout.vcIntelligent Caller ID functionality added. Caller ID now helpsyouidentify callers - even the ones not in your contact list.Thisfeature is optional and you can adjust or disable Caller ID atanytime in the settings menu.Thank you!
IF Agenda 2.0.0
Mário de Araújo
O IF-Agenda é um aplicativo desenvolvidoporestudantes do IFMA-Campus Buriticupu. O aplicativo foicriadopensando nos Estudantes em geral.O IF-Agenda possui várias funções que são referentes ao dia adiados estudantes, com ele o estudante pode gerenciar datasdeprovas/trabalhos/seminários e devolução de livros àbiblioteca,registrar notas de avaliações durante o semestre emontar suasgrade de horários das disciplinas do semestre.Também é possível cadastrar os gastos pessoais do dia adiaestudantil e gerar gráficos mensais dos mesmos. Além dissoeletambém permite acesso ao Sistema Acadêmico da instituiçãodosalunos para um melhor acompanhamento acadêmico dosestudantes...Essas e outras várias funções estão disponíveis noIF-Agenda.Outra função muito útil é o agendamento denotificações(lembretes), com ela o usuário escolhera uma data parasernotificado para que não se esqueça de suaatividadesimportantes.A missão do IF-Agenda é garantir um maior desempenhodosestudantes e permitir que isso seje feito de uma formaSIMPLES,PRÁTICA E RÁPIDA.Principais características:• Praticidade, simplicidade e rapidez;• Cadastro de disciplinas;• Grade Horários de aulas (Matutino, Vespertino e Noturno);• Agendamento de Tarefas (provas, atividades, trabalhos,semináriose devolução de livros à biblioteca e outras);• Possibilidade de tirar foto para incrementar a descriçãodeeventos;• Possibilidade de agendar notificação (lembrete) paraastarefas;• Visualização de eventos mês;• Calendário;• Gerenciamento de notas;• Controle de Gastos;• Relatórios em gráfico (Pizza);• Possibilidade de tirar foto dos produtos gastos;• Acesso Direto ao Q-Acadêmico IFMA;• Interação com Professores (E-mails, mensagens e ligações);• Opção de compartilhar tarefas (Redes sociais, mensagens eoutrosserviços);• Configuração de toque para os lembretes;• Personalização – Criação de perfil do aluno (Foto, nomeefrase);• Consistência de dados;• Função de Pesquisa;• Listas e Horários Coloridos;Atualizações:Versão 2.0.0:- Melhorias no Design com Google Material Design- Função de Pesquisar- Botões Flutuantes- Animações SLIDE durante a navegação das telas- Correção do Bug do Sistema Acadêmico- Listas e Horários Coloridos- Melhorias em todas as funções- Nova tela de Ajuda- Nova tela de Boas Vindas- Novo Sistema de Navegação de Gaveta- Novos papéis de parede- Nova opção de selecionar registro- Nova tela de Sobre- Função STATUS em Notas- Menu de Contexto na função HoráriosVersão 1.1.5:- Suporte ao Android 5.1 e 6.0- Melhorias no Design com AppCompatActivity- Função de Redefinição de Configurações- Melhorias no Design da tela de Configurações- Opção Papel de Parede em Configurações- Função Backup/Restauração de dados- Opção para Compartilhar a APP nas redes sociaisVersão 1.1.3:- Correção do Bug de Links do Sistema Acadêmico- Função Camera e Galeria ao adicionar Fotos no Perfil.- Opção de Seleção de Estado Federativo em Configurações, parapoderacessar o Sistema Acadêmico da Instituição do Estado.- Melhorias no Design- Implementação de Barra de Subtítulo para facilitar a navegaçãonaAPP.Autores:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaOrientação:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaApoio:Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA) Campus IF-Agenda isanapplication developed by students of IFMA-Campus Buriticupu.Theapplication was created thinking of the students ingeneral.The IF-agenda has several functions that are related to thedailylife of students, to him the student can manage dates of tests/assignments / seminars and return books to the library,recordingnotes assessments during the semester and assemble yourschedulegrid of the semester disciplines.You can also register the day of the personal expensesthestudent day and generate monthly charts thereof. In additionitalso allows access to the academic system of studentinstitutionfor better academic monitoring of students ... These andothervarious functions are available in the IF-Book.Another very useful function is the scheduling ofnotifications(reminders), with it the user had chosen a date to benotified soyou do not forget your important activities.The IF-Book's mission is to ensure greater studentperformanceand allow it seje made a SIMPLE way PRACTICE ANDFAST.Key features:• Practicality, simplicity and speed;• Register of disciplines;• Grade Hours classes (Morning, Evening and Night);• Task Scheduling (events, activities, work, seminars andreturnbooks to the library and other);• Ability to take pictures to enhance the descriptionofevents;• Ability to schedule notification (reminder) for the tasks;• Event View month;• Calendar;• notes management;• Expenses control;• Reports in graphic (Pizza);• Ability to take a picture of product costs;• Direct Access to Q-Academic IFMA;• Interaction with Teachers (E-mails, messages and links);• Option to share tasks (social networks, messaging andotherservices);• Touch Configuration for reminders;• Customization - Student Profiling (photo, name and phrase);• Data consistency;• Search Function;• Lists and Schedules Colorful;Updates:Version 2.0.0:- Improvements in Design with Google Material Design- Search function- Floating Buttons- Animations SLIDE during navigation screens- Bug Fix the Academic System- Lists and Schedules Colored- Improvements in all functions- New help screen- New Welcome Screen- New Drawer Navigation System- New wallpapers- New option to select record- New About screen- STATUS function in Notes- Context Menu in the function timesVersion 1.1.5:- Support Android 5.1 and 6.0- Improved design with AppCompatActivity- Function Settings Reset- Improvements in Design Settings screen- Option Wallpaper Settings- Function Backup / Restore Data- Option to Share APP on social networksVersion 1.1.3:- Bug Fix the Academic System Links- Camera and Gallery Function to add profile photos.- Option federal state selection in Settings, you can accesstheAcademic System of the State Institution.- Improvements in Design- Subtitle bar implementation for easy navigation in the APP.Authors:Mário de AraújoLucas da CostaGuidance:MSc. Ulysses Santos SousaSupport:Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA) Campus
Student Tools 2.5.1
Mayke Desenvolvimento
The Student Tools is an App to any studentwholikes to organize his academic life.With this App you can:1- Manage your disciplines;2- Manage and view your schedules;3- Manage your scores;4- Manage your simple events.Developed by a student Analysis and Development Systems, IFTM-Campus Paracatu MG.
myHomework Student Planner
What makes myHomework the best studentplannerfor english speaking students at school or university?* Beauty, Simplicity, and Reliability - myHomework has amoderndesign and simple interface making it easy for anyone to use.Ourapps fill their role as a planner withoutnetworkconnectivity.* Amazing Anywhere - With highly rated apps for your phone,tablet,laptop and a wonderful website, it's the most complete onthe goplanner experience anywhere.* Price - It is free and a premium ads-free experience isjust$4.99/year across all of the apps and website.* Experience - myHomework has been around since 2009 andcontinuallyimproving the experience based on the feedback of ourusers.But don't listen to us, check out just some of the coveragewe'vereceived...2015: Good Morning America App to School2014: PCWorld 10 Best Apps for Students2014: Family Circle Magazine 10 Best Apps for Students2014: USAToday Best Back to School Apps2013: Edudemic The 16 Apps And Tools Worth Trying This Year2012: HLNTV Top 4 Back to School Apps2012: Yahoo News 10 Helpful Apps for Students2012: The Street 10 Best Back-to-School Apps2011: Main Street Back-to-School: The Best Smartphone Apps2010: Mashable Top 10 Back to School Apps2009: Time Magazine Top 10 Back To School Apps2009: Business Insider The Top 10 Back-To-School iPhone AppsThe Free Android App:Homework Organizer/Student PlannerHomework WidgetClass ScheduleHomework CalendarWith a Free account:Sync HomeworkReminders That SyncLate & Upcoming From Home & WidgetFree Blue, Black and Pink ThemesWith a paid Premium Account:No AdsAccess to over 60 ThemesUpload pictures and files to your homework and classesClass Schedule Widget for Today's ClassesmyHomework accounts with ads are available free of charge. Wealsooffer a premium ad-free service for those that wish to pay.Once anaccount's paid premium time has expired, they will beconvertedback to the free plan.Permissions:Course Location - used to help find schools and classesnearbyAccounts - used to prepopulate email address when signing upInternet - used to sync with myhomeworkapp.comPhone State - used to get the identifier of the deviceDo you forget your school agenda? Have trouble when youstudyreading what you wrote in your planner? Are you looking forareplacement to that paper student planner, school diary,oracademic agenda? myHomework is just what you're lookingfor.The clean interface and design make this app great for college,highschool, or middle school. This homework agenda containsadditionalfeatures that make it easy to use for high schoolstudents with ablock class schedule. Keeping track of assignmentshas never beenbetter! With myHomework, you'll never forget tostudy again.The myHomework student agenda is today's students favorite waytofocused, reduce anxiety and study better. With this schoolagenda,the information normally hidden in the academic planner isnowavailable everywhere.Using myHomework as a school organizer makes keeping track ofwhatassignments to do easier than ever before. With myHomework,whenit's time to study, you won't waste any time trying torememberwhat to work on.Improve your study habits; start using myHomework to trackyourassignments today!Download Today!
Agenda Kids
Agenda Kids
O Agenda Kids é um aplicativo queintegraPais, Filho e Escola. Facilita a sua comunicação com asecretariae coordenação e auxilia na organização da vidaescolar do seufilho.Envie mensagens para a escola, receba push pelo celular de todososcomunicados, tenha acesso ao calendário de eventossemanais,mensais e até anuais e tudo de uma forma eficiente,prática esegura. Toda vez que a escola enviar uma mensagem,comunicado ouevento vc receberá um aviso por push e tudo seráregistra na agendapara vc verificar a qualquer momento.A escola do seu Filho não tem AgendaKids?♥ } Entre no site e cadastre a escoladoseus filhos e a equipe do AgendaKids entra em contato com aescola.Esse aplicativo funciona somente para as escolas queadquirirem aplataforma.Faça agora o download do AgendaKids - é gratuito!Destaques:✏ Acesso ao calendário de Eventos semanal, mensal e anual dosseusfilhos.✏ Receba Comunicados através de push e se informe emrealtime.✏ Envie e receba mensagens para a escola. O melhor canaldecomunicação entre você e a escola, evitando ligações pararesolverpendências mais simples, como aviso de quem vai buscar nocolégio,falta do aluno e questões do dia-a-dia da escola.Curta nossa página no Facebook Kids Calendar isanapplication that integrates Parents, Child and School.Facilitatestheir communication with the secretariat and assists inthecoordination and organization of school life of yourchild.Send messages to school, receive push by mobile communicationsofall, get access to the calendar of weekly, monthly and evenyearlyevents and everything in an efficient, safe and practicalway.Whenever the school send a message, statement or event youreceivea warning for push and everything will be recorded on theagendafor you to check anytime.The school of your Son has not AgendaKids?♥} Enter the site and sign the schooloftheir children and staff AgendaKids comes in contact withtheschool. This application works only for schools who purchasetheplatform.Now download the AgendaKids - it's free!Highlights:✏ access to calendar events weekly, monthly and yearly fortheirchildren.✏ Receive Notices push through and report in real time.✏ Send and receive messages to school. The best channelofcommunication between you and the school, avoiding calls toresolvesimple disputes, such as notice of who will get in school,lack ofstudent issues and day-to-day school.Like us on Facebook and Google+
eduK Agenda 3.3
eduK Cursos
Que tal ter em suas mãos a agenda completadaeduK e ainda ser notificado quando os cursos forem ao ar?Issomesmo, a eduK está lançando seu novo aplicativo para que vocênãoperca nenhum curso.É bem fácil de utilizar. Vamos lá:- Instale o aplicativo em seu celular ou tablet- Você terá a sua disposição todas nossas categorias, é só clicaremSeguir nas categorias que você tem mais interesse- Na aba Agenda, após seguir as categorias, você verá os cursosqueestão agendados das categorias que selecionou- Veja detalhes dos cursos, informações sobre os autores eassistaaos teasersPronto, você será avisado quando o curso estiver quaseparacomeçar.Este aplicativo estará em evolução constante, portanto, sevocêvir algum probleminha ou quiser sugerir algo, entre about havingyourhands on the full agenda eduK and still be notified whencoursesare aired? That's right, the eduK is launching its new appso youdo not lose any progress.It is quite easy to use. Here we go:- Install the app on your phone or tablet- You have at your disposal all our categories, just click onFollowin the categories you are most interested- On the Schedule tab, after following categories, you will seethecourses that are scheduled the categories you've selected- See course details, information about the authors andwatchteasersThere, you will be notified when the course is abouttostart.This app will be constantly evolving, so if you see anysmalltrouble or want to suggest something, please contact:
Studentic: Study Organizer 3.3.0
Turki Alkhateeb
Record every Mark you get. Get notified for upcoming homeworkandtests.