Top 38 Apps Similar to STEMI

12-Lead ECG Challenge 2.1.1
Limmer Education, LLC
12-Lead ECG Challenge is the ideal way to sharpenyourinterpretation skills.
ECG CALC Lite 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC Lite is an app that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
ECG pocket 2.0
Börm Bruckmeier Publishing LLC
The ECG pocket is an essential and easy‐to‐use toolfortheunderstanding and interpretation of ECG. With lotsofpracticalexamples this app provides all you need to know foryourdailyroutine. Including ‐ index based searchlist ‐history‐function‐”last viewed” button ‐ notes and bookmarksAllnecessaryinformation about ECG – always at your fingertips!
Stemi Alert 1.1.5
Med Apps LLC
Every year nearly a quarter of amillionpeoplesuffer from a STEMI (ST segment elevationmyocardialinfarct). Wehave developed an app that will decrease thetime ittakes for aphysician to receive the critical informationneeded inorder toprompt the start of interventions before thepatient evenreachesthe hospital. The benefit of using this appcompared to thecurrentemail based system is its speed, reliability,costeffectiveness andease of use. Any healthcare provider that hasthepotential to lay ahand in the care of a STEMI patient needstohave this app.The STEMI Alert app allows the healthcare provider tostartthechain of life-saving interventions in a matter ofsecondsforpatients suffering from a STEMI. EMS Agencies thatutilize thisappare able to activate early transmission todestination hospitalsbyusing everyday technology. We believe thatsimpleconcepts, such as self-explained text input andcameracapturing,make this app stand out for its ease of use.Thisenables employersto equip quick service-wide training whetheritbe for EMS agencies,hospitals, urgent care centers orDr.offices.The STEMI Alert team works to customize the app toeachspecificcommunity including EMS agencies, hospitals andotherhealthcareoffices utilizing the STEMI Alert app. The appconnectshealthcareresources throughout communities by providing adirectlink tothose services.The app’s simple and user-friendly designquicklyprovidesphysicians with the necessary patient informationand aclear ECGso that early detection results in early activationof acath-lab.Early activation of the cath-lab in the field hasbeenproven toshave off the time it takes to provide the patientwithalife-saving intervention. One study concluded that 92%oftheirpatients reached a balloon to door time of < 60minuteswithearly activation.Referencelink: 2013 the American Heart Association recognizedthesignificancethat cellular technology could play in theearlytransmission of ECG.Displaying the results of a study fundedbythe University ofVirginia, it was proven that this technologywasquicker, morereliable and cost effective. That idea hadnotreached our fingertipsuntil now with the potential tosavemillions of lives. Moreinformation on the study may be foundbyaccessingthelink: STEMI Alert app was created by a team of medics whowantedtobuild an easier and more cost effective way toprovidebetterpatient care for their cardiac patients. Throughthedevelopment ofthis app, smaller companies and departments nowhavetheopportunity to be an integrative part in earlytransmissiontolocal hospitals for STEMI Alert activation.Currently, email based transmission for an EMS agencywitharound20 med units can cost upwards of $15,000+ a yeartomaintain. Onaverage, these transmission systems cost around$1,500per unit tostartup as well as monthly fees. With STEMI Alertthereis aonce-a-year activation fee of $20 per unit/device.Remember that EMS service with 20 med units… they justcuttheiryearly transmission cost from $15,000 to $400 whilealsoprovidinga quicker and easier route for doing so. No worriesabouthaving touse a particular network service, because you can useyourlocalnetwork provider.The STEMI Alert team provides excellent customer supporttoensureyour system is established and working properly. Formoreinformationon the STEMI Alert app, visit orcontact us at us also viaFacebook and Twitter. @stemialertapp
Jörn Kalz
Formel nach:Ann Emerg Med. 2012Jul;60(1):45-56.e2.doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2012.02.015. Epub 2012Apr 19.Electrocardiographic differentiation of earlyrepolarizationfromsubtle anterior ST-segment elevationmyocardialinfarction.Smith SW1, Khalil A, Henry TD, Rosas M, Chang RJ, HellerK,ScharrerE, Ghorashi M, Pearce LA.Formula by:. Ann Emerg Med 2012 July; 60 (1): 45-56.e2. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2012.02.015. Epub 2012 Apr 19thElectrocardiogram Graphic differentiation ofearlyrepolarizationfrom subtle anterior ST-segmentelevationmyocardialinfarction.Smith SW1, Khalil A, Henry TD, Rosas M, Chang RJ, HellerK,ScharrerE, Ghorashi M, Pearce LA.
STEMI 1.1.17
Martin Studencan
PROBLEM:Myocardial infarction (STEMI) is life-threatening situationandECGis principal tool to diagnose it. The best treatmentisangioplastyperformed in specialized cardiocentre. ECG recordingisstandardcare provided by EMS ambulance staff. However,statisticsshows, upto 2/3 of cases are transferred to localhospitals withaim toconfirm ECG diagnosis. If confirmed, secondarytransfertocardiocentre is arranged. This approach causespatient-harmfultimedelay. It was scientifically proven that everymin. ofdelayaffects 1-year mortality.SOLUTION:Mobile app which enable EMS staff to scan recorded ECG onthesiteand immediately transfer it for consultation to thehandhelddeviceof the cardiologist in the nearest cardiocentre. Itenablesprimarytransfer of all confirmed STEMI patients directlytocardiocentresand activate invasive team in the centre inadvance.The app hasreal potential to improve clinical outcomeincludingmortality ofpatients in everyday clinical practice. In thesametime the appincreases availability of EMS for otherpatients.A PROBLEM:Myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a life-threatening situationandECGis principal tool to diagnose it. The best treatmentisangioplastyperformed in specialized cardiocentre. ECGrecordingwith standard ofcare provided by EMS ambulance staff.However,statistics shows, upto 2/3 of cases are transferred tolocalhospitals with aim toconfirm ECG diagnosis. If confirmed,itcardiocentre secondarytransfer is arranged. This approachcausesharmful patient-TimeDelay. It was scientifically proven thateverymin. of delay affects1-year mortality.SOLUTION:Mobile App Which enable EMS staff to scan ECG recorded onthesiteand immediately transfer it for consultation to thehandhelddeviceof the cardiologist in the nearest cardiocentre. ItEnablesprimarytransfer of all confirmed STEMI patients directlytocardiocentresand activate invasive team in the center inadvance.The app hasreal potential to improve clinical outcomeincludingmortality ofpatients in everyday clinical practice. In thesametime the appIncreases availability of EMS for otherpatients.
Multi-ECG 1.12.6
The Multi-ECG app allows - in combinationwiththe match box sized CardioScout Multi-ECG recorder - thefirstmobile resting ECG recording with Android Smartphones andTablets.The derived ECG data are sent online via Bluetooth from theECGrecorder to the Android device and displayed on the screen. TheECGdata can be stored locally or – as an option - on a server.Theserver stored data can be visualized and handled with anywebbrowser over a secure connection. In addition, the serverstoreddata can be downloaded and processed into our VMX00 restingECGsoftware. If you are using our Cardio cout Multi-ECG as aholterthe Multi-ECG app can be used for the startup onlinecontrol.The app further allows the manual collection andgraphicalpresentation of weight, blood pressure and glucoselevels.- mobile recording of resting ECG with Android SmartphonesandTablets- mobile online control system for operating the Holter- storing the ECG data- stored ECG's can be send as PDF via Bluetooth, E-Mail...- optional storage on a server (10 Euro / month)- optional download in the resting ECG software VMX00- detection of weight, blood pressure and glucose values
ECG Guide by QxMD 2.0.0
Succinct yet authoritative, ECG Guide is a critical companionforclinicians.
ECG Interpretation 1.11
MeetDoc Developers
This app briefly elaborate of ECG irregularities with waveformanddescription.
ECG Master: Quiz & Practice 2.1.10
iMedical Apps Pro
ECG quiz & practice for evaluating abnormalities ofheartrhythms or impulse
Cardiax Mobile ECG 1.41
Companion application for Cardiax Windows full-scale, 12-ChannelPCECG system.
ECG Tools 6.03
Timur Karimov
ECG Tools has everything you need for analyzing an ECG/EKGformedical courses.
ECG 100 casos prácticos 5.0
Practica Cardiología clínica con estos 100 casos diversosdesituaciones que pueden ayudarte a diganosticar en el día a díasieres profesional sanitario o estás estudiando para ello. Cadacasose acompaña de un electrocardiograma que debes interpretar conlosdatos aportados. *Click en "Mostrar Resultado" para ver soluciónyposible tratamiento. *Se plantean casos desde infarto agudohastaWolf Parkinson White, y en diferentes edades. *El objetivo deestaaplicación es la orientación aproximada a la interpretación deunecg, no obstante siempre debes tener en cuenta la opinión deunespecialista.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis 1.2
iMedical Apps
"Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" is designedforhealth care practitioner to determine heart axis in vectordegreesfrom an electrocardiogram (ECG) result. The heart axisrepresentsthe major vector of ventricular activation, which is theoveralldirection of electrical activity. It is important to assesstheheart axis of a patient with suspected heart disease. Whyshouldyou choose "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis"?🔸Simple and very easy to use ECG app. 🔸 Accurate andprecisecalculation of cardiac or heart axis. 🔸 The electrical heartaxisis shown in vector degrees. 🔸 Interpretation of the vectordegreesresult, namely normal heart axis, left axis deviation (LAD),rightaxis deviation (RAD), and extreme axis deviation. 🔸 It istotallyfree. Download now! "Electrocardiogram (ECG) Rhythm App:HeartAxis" is a simple application to determine heart axis by usinganelectrocardiogram (ECG) reading. "Electrocardiogram (ECG)RhythmApp: Heart Axis" app is designed to help health professionalinclinical practice, intensive care, or emergency department.Heartaxis or cardiac axis is the direction of action potentialsduringventricular depolarization. In "Electrocardiogram (ECG)Rhythm App:Heart Axis" app, you need to input the QRS complexdeflection inlead I and lead AvF. The electrical heart axis willthen be shownin vector degrees. The interpretation of the vectordegrees resultis provided. There are 4 interpretations in"Electrocardiogram(ECG) Rhythm App: Heart Axis" app, namely normalheart axis, leftaxis deviation (LAD), right axis deviation (RAD),and extreme axisdeviation. For more info contact us
ECG Rhythm App: Corrected QT 3.3
iMedical Apps
Determine corrected QT interval from the electrocardiogram(ECG)reading
ECG 100 Clinical Cases 5.0
Practice clinical cardiology with these 100 different casesofsituations that can help you to diagnose heart pathologies.Highrecommended for medical students! Always remember to askaspecialist.
Tutor del ECG Ritmo 2.2.0
Anesoft Corporation
Interpret ECG rhythm waveform while sweeping the screen.
Ecg Help 1.1
Durante vários anos de carreira Médicapassamospela necessidade de fazer plantões em Pronto AtendimentoseEmergências, atendendo os mais variados tipos de doenças que,namaioria das vezes, fogem da nossa especialidade.Dentre as doenças que encontramos, as mais frequentesepotencialmente graves são as doenças Cardiovasculares.Agora imagine a conveniência e segurança de ter sempre aoseulado um especialista para discutir esses casos.Com o ECG HELP você tem esse apoio!Equipe 100% CardiologistasParecer sobre EletrocardiogramasTranquilidade para seu plantãoAviso Legal:Os pareceres aqui emitidos não configuram laudos médicos. TodoECGdeve ser avaliado dentro de um contexto clínico e pormédicohabilitado.During several yearsofmedical career spent by the need to shifts in Ready callsandEmergency, meeting all kinds of diseases that, in most cases,arebeyond our specialty.Among the diseases that we find the most frequent andpotentiallyserious are the cardiovascular diseases.Now imagine the convenience and security have always besideaspecialist to discuss these cases.With ECG HELP you have this support!Team 100% CardiologistsOpinion on electrocardiogramsPeace of mind for your callDisclaimer:The opinions herein do not constitute issued medical reports.AllECG should be evaluated in a clinical setting andregistereddoctor.
Mobile ecg recording 12
MCT Ganseman BVBA
Android tablet and L12 makes mobile full 12 leads ecgrecordingeasy.
Istel ECG 3.13
Diagnosis S.A.
T-ECG Doctor Telephonic ECG
T-ECG Telephonic ECGT-ECG (Telephonic ECG) is a mobile application for mobiledevices.It replaces the remote central program for demodulate theaudiosignal produced by trans-telephonic ECG devices and,displays,analyzes and archives the resulting chart.Mobile trans-telephonic devices usually record 12 lead ECGsandtransform the original electrical signals of the heart in aFMaudio signal that can be transmitted over normal phonelines.T-ECG converts the acoustic analog signal produced bythetrans-telephonic ECG devices in a digital representation andstoresit in your mobile.Functions:1 - Demodulates the audio FM signal produced by the ECG deviceandstores digitally the signal;2 - Reconstructs the original analog signal and play itifnecessary;3 - Displays the complete ECG chart on the screen;4 - Displays a detailed view of any single lead;5 - Produces a PDF document with the ECG;6 - Creates a patient record with basic information (Name, age,sex,etc.);7 - Sends by mail the digital version in XML format to otherdevicerunning T-ECG;8 - Sends by mail the PDF document withcardiologistdiagnostic.Compatibility- Aerotel HeartView® LIIx10+12x2,5/4- Cardiette Microtel® 12x2,5/LIIx10- Cardiette Microtel® 12x10Heartview, Aerotel, Cardiette and Microtel are registeredtrademarksof their respective owners.For compatibility with other models you can contact us sendingyourdevice characteristics via e-mail at
ACLS Rhythm Tutor 2.2.0
Anesoft Corporation
Learn to interpret ECG rhythms as the waveform sweeps acrossthescreen.
iSTEMI 2.1
Aplikasi iSTEMI dirancang sebagaiupayauntukmeningkatkan pelayanan penyakit jantung sindromakoronerakutkhususnya STEMI yang dikelola oleh KelompokKerjaAcuteCardiovascular Care (ACC) PERKI.Aplikasi ini akan memandu penggunanyadalammendiagnosis,memberikan tatalaksana awal dan memantausistemrujukan secararegional dan akhirnya dapat menggambarkanefektifitasdan performasebuah fasilitas kesehatan dibandingkandenganfasilitas kesehatanlainnya secara keseluruhan.Istemiapplicationisdesigned as an effort to improve care for heartdisease,especiallySTEMI acute coronary syndrome who are managed bytheWorking Groupon Acute Cardiovascular Care (ACC) Perki.This application will guide the user indiagnosing,providinginitial management of referral and monitoringsystems on aregionalbasis and ultimately may describe theeffectiveness andperformanceof a health facility compared to otherhealthcarefacilities as awhole.
Ekg ratunkowe 7.3
Application of developing the skills for rapid interpretation ofECGpatterns.
ECG pratico 2.87
“ECG pratico” è un applicazione creataperaiutare ad acquisire le nozioni dibasedell'elettrocardiografia;nozioni che tutti gli operatori sanitari dovrebberopossedere,specialmente quelli che operano nelle terapie intensivequali UTIC,Rianimazione, Sale operatorie, ecc.L’elettrocardiografia sicuramente non è una materia “facile”, maconun minimo di impegno si possono acquisire le informazioni dibaseper poter individuare una situazione critica ed allertareilcardiologo o chi di dovere. L’elettrocardiogramma è unesamesemplice, veloce, assolutamente indolore, di bassissimo costo,epuò decisamente salvare la vita di una persona. In Italia ogniannocirca 120.000 persone vengono colpite da infarto miocardico,diqueste, circa 25 mila muoiono prima di arrivare in ospedale.Ladiagnosi di infarto miocardico viene fatta prevalentementeconl’esecuzione dell’ECG.Con "ECG pratico" potete apprendere in maniera semplice iprincipibase dell'elettrocardiografia, potete calcolare lafrequenzacardiaca a partire dai millisecondi o dal numero diquadrati fradue RR, potete vedere diversi esempi di tracciati ecg,calcolarel'intervallo QT corretto, trovare l'asse QRS del vostroecg oppurepotete fare la vostra "diagnosi" semplicementerispondendo adalcune semplici domande.Nota: L'app non elabora le foto scattate con la fotocameraocaricate dalla galleria per non pregiudicare la loroqualità.Caricare immagini di grosse dimensioni (>4 mpx) puòprovocare ilcrash dell'applicazione, specialmente in telefoni conpoca memoria.Se riscontrate problemi del genere, scegliete unarisoluzioneinferiore a 4 mpx, e scattate da una distanzaravvicinata.Versione "Demo".La versione “Demo” ha le stesse funzionalità di quellanormale,l’unico limite è nel numero di aperture dell’applicazionestessa.Non ho voluto mettere il solito limite temporale (nummassimo digiorni) perché a me stesso è capitato di aver installatoapp daprovare per un certo periodo di tempo, ma per motivi dilavoro eimpegni famigliari non ho potuto provarle sufficientementeprimadella scadenza.Il presente software NON DEVE assolutamente essere usato perporreuna qualsiasi diagnosi medica e/oinfermieristica, ma deve essere usato esclusivamente ascopodidattico.Prima di acquistare la versione completa (questa), provatelaversione “demo” del prodotto. Se dopo averla provatarimanetesoddisfatti, acquistate la versione completa esostenetel’ulteriore sviluppo dell’applicazione.Per segnalazioni di errori, commenti e suggerimentiscrivetemi:kapelis95@gmail.comRecensito da"ECG practical" isanapplication designed to help you acquire the basicsofelectrocardiography;notions that all health care workers should possess,especiallythose who work in intensive care units such as CCU, ICU,operatingrooms, etc..Electrocardiography is definitely not a matter "easy", but withaminimum of effort you can acquire basic information in ordertodetect a critical situation and alert the cardiologist ortheproper authorities. The electrocardiogram is a simple test,fast,painless, very low cost, and can definitely save the life ofaperson. In Italy each year about 120,000 people are affectedbymyocardial infarction, of these, approximately 25 000 diebeforereaching the hospital. The diagnosis of myocardial infarctionismade mainly with the execution of the ECG.With "ECG practical" you can learn in a simple basic principlesofelectrocardiography, you can calculate your heart rate fromthemilliseconds or the number of squares between two RR, you canseeseveral examples of ECG tracings, calculate the correctedQTinterval, find the QRS axis of your ECG, or you can makeyour"diagnosis" simply by answering a few simple questions.Note: The app does not process the photos taken with the cameraorloaded from gallery to not affect their quality. Uploadlargeimages (> 4 mpx) may cause the application to crash,especiallyon phones with low memory. If you encounter suchproblems, choose alower resolution than 4 mpx, and shot from aclose distance.Version "Demo".The version of "Demo" has the same functionality of the normalone,the only limit is the number of openings of the applicationitself.I did not want to put the usual time limit (num Maximumdays)because I happened to have the same app installed to try foracertain period of time, but for reasons of work andfamilycommitments I could try them sufficiently beforethedeadline.This software is absolutely MUST NOT be used to place anymedicaldiagnosis and / ornursing, but must be used for educational purposes only.Before buying the full version (this), try the "demo" version oftheproduct. If you remain satisfied after trying it, you buy thefullversion and support the further development oftheapplication.For bug reports, comments and suggestions pleaseemail:kapelis95@gmail.comReviewed by
Electrocardiograma PRO 3.0
Versión mejorada de la aplicación Electrocardiograma, en laqueincluimos casos clínicos para que pongas en práctica lasleccionesque también podrás estudiar en esta aplicación. Practicacon 30casos prácticos, las patologías mas frecuentes que puedesencontraren un electrocardiograma. Además con cada caso seañadenexplicaciones para que te sea más sencillo diagnosticarlapatología.
EKG-Monitoring 4.1
Overview of the typical ECG monitoring
EKG Axis 1.1
Simple tool for doctors. This apphelpstocalculate electrical axis of the heart.First choose the equiphasic lead and then watch the directionoftheperpendicular lead.In most cases it's possible to find the approximateddirectionofelectrical axis of the heart.Electrocardiography , Electrocardiogram, Bundlebranchblock,arrithmia, EKG, ECG. medicine
EKG-card™ 1.0
ScyMed Inc.
The best and Classic EKG pocket medical reference card -foralmost20years-. EKG-card™ assures QUICK & EFFICIENT ACCESS to"Pointofcare information that matters™". It offers an excellentsynopsiswithpractical, user-friendly, reliable information,forphysicians,residents, med students, and healthcareprofessionals.The EKG-card™App includes definitions, data, andmultiple rhythmstrips. DevelopedbyBoard-certifiedphysicians.---------------------------------------EKG-card™CONTENTS: RateElectrical Axis Hexaxial System QT Interval(info&calculation) Right Atrial Hypertrophy RightVentricularHypertrophyLeft Atrial Hypertrophy Left VentricularHypertrophy1ºAtrio-ventricular Block 2º Atrio-ventricular BlockMobitzI(Wenckebach) Mobitz II 3º Atrio-ventricular BlockRightBundleBranch Block Left Bundle Branch Block Left AnteriorHemiblockLeftPosterior Hemiblock Normal Sinus RhythmAtrialPrematureDepolarization Premature Atrial ContractionAtrialBigeminyVentricular Premature DepolarizationPrematureVentricularContraction Paroxysmal Atrial TachycardiaMultifocalAtrialTachycardia Supraventricular Tachycardia AtrialFlutterAtrialFibrillation Bigeminy Trigeminy JunctionalRhythmAcceleratedIdioventricular Rhythm Ventricular TachycardiaTorsadesdes PointesVentricular Fibrillation Asystole IschemiaSpecific ECGChanges(drugs, diseases)---------------------------------------Thetraditional EKG-card™printed version images are included(front& back). The EKG-cardis also available in Spanish (underthename ECG-card™). OtherMedical Apps developed by ScyMedincludeMediCalc®, eH&P™ andGalên™ (mobile & online).
ECG CALC 1.3.4
IT Health
ECG CALC is an application that helps health professionalsinterpretthe ECG
Elektrokardiogramm EKG Typen 10.0
Lernen Sie verschiedene Arten von EKG, ideal fürStudentenzuidentifizieren. Fügen Sie kurze Erklärungen zu denGrafiken.
Clinical Skills
Saleh khalid
Clinical Skills meant to be anevolving,evidence-basedguide to history-taking and the physical exam and simple ECG .Thisis thefirst release and it well be regularly updated bymedical students at the Mosul Medical College in mosul, Iraq.If you find the application useful, have any feedback,or if it saved your hide rounding one day, let us know
eEKG 6.3
eEKG is the first mobile interactive educational tool in Poland.
Sanket Life-ECG,Stress,Fitness
Agatsa Software Pvt Ltd
Using our innovative & unique ECGdevice,users can easily monitor and share upto 12 Lead ECG in 15seconds,Log their Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol levels,or getDoctor opinion from Regular Paper ECG. In a simple process,usersjust need the SanketLife device and this app, and ECG testwill bedone fast and effectively. It’s the only device and app thatcanperform 12 lead ECG check. The ECG data is kept on the phoneandcan be instantly sent to a cardiologist/doctor forinterpretationand review. Besides the heart rate monitoring, thedevice and appcan also follow and monitor stress levels, Get PaperECG reviewedinside app.ONE-OF-A-KIND HEART MONITORSanketLife device can measure and share ECG from I, II, III, V1,V2,V3, V4, V5, V6, aVR, aVL, aVF leads, which makes it auniquehealthcare device. SanketLife App can share the same datatodoctors for instant review and analysis. It’s much more than justaregular heart rate monitor device and app.SAVES TIME & MONEYIt saves time & money and makes things much more transparentandeasy. Patients can also do checks whenever they want, and notwhenthey schedule an appointment and go to the hospital. The 12lead ECGand interpretation are much easier with SanketLife! It’smuch MOREthan anything you ever used to measure your heart rate,stress andMonitor your blood pressure levels, blood SugarandCholesterolMONITOR, DISCOVER SYMPTOMS & PREVENTSymptoms such as heart pain, palpitations, and shortness ofbreathmay be signs of heart diseases such as angina orcardiacinfarction. With the Sanket ECG Monitor, a recording can bemadewhen symptoms occur whether at home or away. These recordingscanthen be shown to the doctor, who can examine it and use itforcorrect diagnosis. Doctors have a separate app in which theyreviewand manage these recordings! With relevant advice anddiagnosis, alot of health conditions can be prevented.USE IT IN REAL-TIMESanket can connect via Bluetooth with Android and iPhonemobilephone. This enables live ECG waves to be available on themobilephone screen and the ECG reading to be displayed instantly.Thismakes the device a portable ECG monitor with real time displayofinformation for on-the-spot checkups.MONITOR & LOGMonitoring of efficacy and tolerance to the medication regimen.TheSanket ECG Monitor should only be used by patientsfollowingconsultation with a medical professional. However, besidesthis,any user can log personal blood pressure, blood sugar,cholesteroletc. for free. There is also a possibility to createtransreports.WHY USE IT?User-friendly screening and monitoring device, immediatelyavailableat any time to manually record transient cardiac dailylife events,suit- able for the patient and professional use.Helpful indetermining cardiac etiology of symptomatic events.Monitoring ofheart condition for ambulatory patients exposed tostroke, MI, andsudden death risk.Call +91 0120 6500400 or buy from www.agatsa.comGREAT DEVICE & APP FOR:- patients- doctors- fitness (people that exercise frequently)- institutions and NGOsWHO SHOULD USE IT:Patients with transient or paroxysmal events of• Brady- and Tachycardia• Atrial Fibrillation (AF)• Arrhythmia• SyncopePatients with complaints of suspected cardiac origin• Dizziness• Palpitations• Chest/arm pain• Shortness of breathPatients after medical cardiac intervention• Checking frequency of AF and Arrhythmia• Checking severity of AF and Arrhythmia• Diabetes• Hypertension• Obesity• Smoking etc.SanketLife heart & stress monitor device are a lastingchangeand amazing for the health of anyone.Ecg tests shouldn’t be money and time-consuming. Don’t wait orwastetime, use Sanket device and apps and get faster resultsandinterpretation!The ultimate device & heart rate monitor for smartphones.Download now forEkg,ECG,test,device,12lead,stress,bloodsugar,portable,doctor,pressure,check,cardio,graph,health,analyze
SEPSIS 3 1.2
ScyMed Inc.
Sepsis Calculators & Data
DiaCard - ECG Recorder
Solvaig JSC
DiaCard: electrocardiograph, event monitor, holter - all inonesystem
Eixo Cardiograma 1.0
Yuri Furusho Becker
Uma nova ferramenta de ECG.Inserindo os dados de DI, DII, DIII, aVR, aVL, aVF, verifiqueoângulo do vetor do eixo cardíaco.Agora está muito fácil de interpretar o eletrocardiograma.A new ECG tool.Entering the DI data, DII, DIII, aVR, aVL, aVF, check thevectorangle of the cardiac axis.Now it is very easy to interpret the ECG.