Top 30 Apps Similar to Call Blocker - Block Blacklist

Calls Blacklist PRO - Blocker
Vlad Lee
Block numbers: unwanted calls and texts, call blocker. Fullversion,no ads.
Call Blocker 1.1.7
Vlad Lee Apps
Easy to use, yet effective call blocker.
PixelPhone Pro
Dorado Apps
PixelPhone is a smart dialer &contactsmanager. With years of development, PixelPhone grows to bean appwith high flexibility, various themes, easy-to-use, dualSIM-card,anti-spam and some other awesome features. This year,weinvest moreon research, bringing easy and convenient callingexperience.Full description:- Call recording:Record any call you want to save( just forproversion)- Easy-to-use launch and go:quick search and fast dial by usingbestQWERTY & T9 dialer;- Fully customized interface: DIY font size, photos size, colorsofthemes and simcard(mobiletelephone,SIM-card,calls,dialer,caller);- Various themes: various theme plug-ins that can be downloadedforfree- Dual mobile phone SIM-card: allows up to 3 SIMcards;Autoselection of mobile phone SIM-card based on rules (mobilephonemask and contacts)- Quick dial Support: Swipe for call or message ;speeddial1-999- Blacklist: Block unwanted calls and Harassingcallsreported!- Caller ID available :Track caller locationCAUTION:- For emergency calls (911, 112, …) PixelPhone uses theoriginalmobile contact app which is better not touninstall/disable. Testcalling emergency calls before start usingPixelPhone.- Recording calls without letting your caller know may not belegalin some countries, or states.◆Useful Skills- Long press the call logs or contacts list for morefunctions- Swipe left dial pad to undo typing- Long press the button of contacts/favorite/# to setyourpreferences◆Most Exciting Features- Contacts group management (group message; photo andringtonemodification, organization …)- Customized gestures (swipe left-right tocall/message/SIM1/SIM2…)- Customized multilingual dialer with vibration/audiofeedback- Merged call history by date, contacts and call- Concise dial pad- Adjustable dial pad size- Group of frequent contacts and quick dial- Customized frequent operations of contact (call, message,e-mail,location …)- Missed call badge.- Diacritics-insensitive search supported◆Known Issues- The dual SIM function of some mobile devices doesn’t supportCM13system.We are now working on it and will release hot fix soon.- Consistent notifications of missed call.For Android version above 4.3, you can go to system"Settings"->"Security" ->"Notification access", andcheck“PixelPhone".For others, it is not suggested to root your phone.◆AcknowledgmentsPr* reported and helping us fixing the sony D6633 bugke* reported and helping us fixing the Asus Zenfone2bugmfe*@mfedorov.rureported and helping us fixing the E6883 bugArq* help us revise Spanish translationDmi* give us a lot of support and encouragementPixelPhone will continue upholding the user-oriented designconcept,bring easy and convenient calling experience to you.◆Keep in Touch★Welcome to Join our G+ Group:★Facebook:★Official Website:★FAQ:★Translate PixelPhone toyourlanguage:
Block SMS And Call 2.1
SMS And Call Blocker makes it easy to block calls and SMSs,reverselookup phone numbers .Features:- Easy to add a phone number from Contacts List , Call LogintoBlacklist.- Block calls and SMSs from one person.- Stop telemarketers and debt collectors before they wasteyourtime.- Automatically intercept calls and SMSs fromprivate/unknownnumbers.- Call blocked history , SMS blocked history.- Block calls or SMSs if phone number of sender is less than'x'characters . Ex: 8755,8533,...--> less than 5 characters.
Blokirator caller ID anti-spam 2.8.8
Get rid of unwanted calls from collectors, banks,microfinanceorganizations and other spam once and for good. Theblocker willprotect you from unwanted calls. You can fine-tune thelevel ofprotection to suit your needs, from simple notification ofunwantedcalls to complete blocking. Safe and completely free.Theapplication has many options for blocking incoming calls frombothhidden and unknown callers, a personal blacklist, blocking SMStextmessages, a blocked call log and many options forfine-tuning.Calls are blocked imperceptibly, without disturbing youever again!Caller Information Caller ID displays information aboutan incomingor missed call from an unknown number, including thename of theorganization, it's category and number rating. Theblocker canimmediately warn you that a scammer is calling, and canalsoautomatically block a known spammer to keep you from anunpleasantconversation. Application features: - Effective blockingofincoming calls and SMS messages. - Advanced automatic callerID,the ability to find out who called, even if the number is notinthe contact list. - Personal black list - blocking anyphonenumber, area code, as well as blocking by mask. - Blocking bytime,rating and category: banks, MFOs, collectors, spam. - Abilitytochange the blocking method: drop the call, mute, accept andreset.Additional functions: - Dark and light theme. - Blocking SMSandMMS messages. - Setting for phones with 2 SIM cards (Dual SIM).-Blocking calls from hidden and unknown numbers. - Protectionofcontacts - you will never miss an important call from a callerfromyour contacts list. - Caller ID: During an incoming call, youcanimmediately see who is calling. - Block any area code, forexample:+1 202, +1 302. - Support for blocking by mask, forexample: +1305-555-????. Advantages: - Finished and constantlyupdateddatabase of numbers: collectors, banks, microfinanceorganizationsand other unwanted numbers. - Protection against spam(anti-spam),phone scammers, advertising, surveys, resellers,financial pyramidsand other intruders. - You can find out who iscalling from anunknown incoming phone number, caller ID. - Worksoffline - uses anoffline database, does not require an Internetconnection. Choose aprotection level and get rid of unwanted callsfor good.
Абонент не отвечает 1.2.1
Пожалуйста внимательно прочитайтеданноеописание! Программа простая, но со сложным функционалом :)Программа "абонент не отвечает" позволяет Вам понеобходимостипобыть "вне зоны доступа", хотя телефон остаетсявключен и всесервисы работают (исходящие звонки, СМС, MMS,мобильныйинтернет).Если Вам предстоит важный разговор по TELEGRAM, SKYPE,VIBER,WhatsUp или с помощью других программ IP-телефонии, товыберитережим "КОНЬЯК" и будьте спокойны - Ваш разговор не будетпрерванgsm звонком!ВНИМАНИЕ! Чтобы узнать кто Вам звонил в режиме"коньяк"используйте услугу "кто звонил", "Вам звонили", Вашегооператора.Проверено, с билайном точно работает, приходят СМСки опропущеныхзвонках! Скорее всего и у других операторов будетработатьтоже.Если Вам нужно отдохнуть от звонков и заняться делом,используйтережим "СОВЕЩАНИЕ". звонки будут в бесшумном режимепоступать нателефон на несколько секунд и далее уходить навыбранное Вамиголосовое сообщение.Основное удобство - ИНИЦИАТИВА ЗВОНКА НЕ ПЕРЕХОДИТ К ВАМ, тоестьте, кто Вам звонили, услышав автоответчик "абонент неотвечает"будут перезванивать сами!Это очень удобно :)ВНИМАНИЕ, НА ТЕЛЕФОНАХ С 2я СИМ КАРТАМИ КОРРЕКТНАЯРАБОТАПРИЛОЖЕНИЯ НЕ ГАРАНТИРУЕТСЯ, Т,К, ВСЕ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛИ ПОСВОЕМУ, НЕСТАНДАРТНО, РЕАЛИЗУЮТ ФУНКЦИИ ВТОРОЙ СИМ КАРТЫ!!!Отличие между режимами "КОНЬЯК" и "СОВЕЩАНИЕ" - во второмслучаев списке пропущенных вызовов Вы будете видеть номерателефонов, впервом - нет.Варианты голосовых сообщений:1. "Абонент не отвечает или временно недоступен".2. "Аппарат абонента выключен или находится вне зоныдействиясети".3. "Данный вид связи недоступен для абонента".4. автоответчик израильской сотовой сети5. будут и другиеЕсли у Вас есть идеи новых автоответчиков - присылайте текст,судовольствием реализуем:)По истечению установленного Вами времениавтоответчикавтоматически будет отключен.Работа программы не влияет на прием и отправку СМС, MMS инавозможность совершения исходящих звонков.Во время работы приложения в строке статуса появится белыйшарикв котором будет отображаться оставшееся время в минутах.Пояснение по правам, запрашиваемым приложением:а) "Доступ к звонкам" - для посылки команд на установку иснятиепереадресации.б) "Доступ к интернет" - для загрузки рекламы.с) "Доступ к карте памяти" - программа записывает на картусвоесостояние на случай отключения питания телефона.д) "Запуск при включении телефона" - на случай пропаданияпитаниятелефона. При возобновлении питания программа вовремяотключитавтоответчик.е) "Отключение спящего режима" - чтобы программа моглачеткоотрабатывать во время "засыпания" телефона.Ключевые слова: "автоответчик", "не беспокоить", "внезоныдоступа", "переадрессация", "переадресация", "неправильнонабранномер", не правильно набран номер", call forward,callforward, outof coverage, answer mashine, do not distribe,DND.Please readthisdescription carefully! a simple program, but withcomplexfunctionality :)The "party does not answer" allows you as necessary to stay"outof reach", although the phone is switched on and all serviceswork(outgoing calls, SMS, MMS, mobile Internet).If You have an important conversation on TELEGRAM, SKYPE,VIBER,WhatsUp or other IP-telephony software, then select the"cognac"and do not worry - your conversation is interrupted gsmcall!ATTENTION! To find out who called you in the "cognac" useservice"Who Called", "You have been called" your operator. CheckedwithBeeline operates exactly come SMSki missed calls! Most likely,andother operators will work, too.If you need a break from phone calls, and get down tobusiness,use the "Meeting" mode. calls will be in silent mode toenter thephone for a few seconds and then go off in your selectedvoicemessage.The main convenience - Initiative calls are not transferredtoyou, that is, those who call you to hear the answeringmachine,"you do not answer" will call back for yourself!It is very convenient :)ATTENTION, 2nd on the phone with sim cards THE APPLICATION ISNOTGUARANTEED, T, K, all manufacturers on the, not a standardthatimplements the functions of the second SIM card !!!The difference between "cognac" and "Meeting" - in thesecondcase in the missed calls list, you will see a phone number inthefirst - no.Options for voice messages:1. "The subscriber does not answer or istemporarilyunavailable."2. "The recipient's machine is turned off or out ofcoverage."3. "This type of communication is not available for theuser."4. autoresponder Israeli network5. will be otherIf you have ideas for new autoresponders - you can send text,happyto sell :)At the expiration of the time you set your answering machinewillbe turned off.The work program does not affect the reception and sendingofSMS, MMS, and the possibility of making outgoing calls.In the white ball in which to display the remaining timeinminutes while the application will appear in the status bar.Explanation on the rights requested by the application:a) "access to it" - to send commands to the installationandremoval of forwarding.b) "Access to the Internet" - to download advertising.c) "access card" - the program writes to map the condition onphonepower failure.d) "The launch of the phone is switched" - in case of failurethephone power. When power is restored the program in time willturnoff the answering machine.e) "Turn off the sleep mode" - so the program can work wellduring"sleep" phone.Keywords: "answering machine", "do not disturb", "out ofreach","redirect", "forwarding", "wrong number" is not correctlydialed ",call forward, callforward, out of coverage, answermashine, do notdistribe, DND.
Perfect Blacklist 1.2
Description:• Perfect Blacklist is an application that avoid unwanted,annoying,calls, by reject, or mute, like annoying advertisingcompanies, yourEx, your manager that calls you after workhours.• With this app, you can set a schedule for eachnumberindividually, for when to reject, or allow thecallsautomatically.• And if you’re really annoyed from him/her, just let the settingbydefault (All the time).• Perfect blacklist gives you a notification when a“blacklistedcaller” gets blocked.• You can disable this feature from the settings.• You can secure the app by setting a password to stop anyonefromchanging your app settings without your permission.• A new UNIQUE feature that you can set another “fake” passwordthatopens the app, but hides all your information, settings, andthepeople you set to block. It also make the app useless tothe“Unauthorized” user, until the actual password is entered.Features:• Block or mute a Number from Contact.• Block or mute a Number from Call logs.• Block or mute a Number you write manually.• Schedule for each number separately.• Password for entering the program.• Another fake password that enter you on a fake interface.• Enable and disable blocking by one click.Advantages:• Reliable.• Lightweight.• Works on all devices.• Simple, beautiful interface.• Doesn’t have a great load on the device resources(Memory,Battery, …) .• All Features in the app is FREE.Features only in this app:• Another fake password that enter you on a fake interface.• To mute a specific caller during his call withoutblockinghim.• The Ability to appear not available or the number isn't aworkingnumber in the PRO version.If you have any questions about the program, have adesignsuggestion, please let us know by e-mail:
Mobile operators
Gleb Zakaev
Identifying the operator and region by phone numberforincoming/outgoing calls
Call Blocker 4.18
Block unwanted incoming and outgoing calls. Call Blocker. Blacklist
Call Reject Blocker,SMS,MMS 1.0
Nes App Developer
Call Reject Blocker,SMS,MMSCall Reject Blocker,SMS,MMS is one of the most effectiveappstoprevent/easily block unwanted calls & SMS text messagesandcangive you a peaceful life.To block calls from Robocalls, spam, scams,the IRSscam,MicrosoftTech scam, Grandparent scam and block calls fromthousandsof otherscammers and do not be disturb by marketing orunwantedcalls, addit to the blacklist, allows you to create andmanageblack list ofunwanted contacts by You can add numbers to theblacklist, Takeyour privacy back with a call blocker that lets youblacklistnumbers and stop calls and SMS Call And SMS Smart Blocker right now, as this isagreatsolution that will allow you to add unwanted callstoyourblacklist immediately.So no matter who calls you, if you don’t want to answer, CallAndSMSSmart Blocker will assist you in blocking them andcreatingyour ownblacklist.features:- Easy to use- Block incoming calls and sms using the blacklist.- Blocking unwanted/spam calls and text messages,receivingtextmessages, anonymous numbers and private andunknowncallers- Whitelist for phone numbers that should not be blocked.Usethewhitelist for important contacts.- Adding numbers to blacklist and whitelist fromcontacts,logs,messages and adding manually number and then blockthesenumbers byselecting different blocking modes- Numbers from the blacklist are blocked silently andwithoutshowingany signal and disable notification.- Multiple Blocking modes at your choice- Blacklist: You can add unwanted numbers to blacklist.- Whitelist: Add important phone numbers to your whitelistsotheycan always reach you.- Prevent possible phone scams.- Auto delete unwanted incoming message, unwanted incomingcall,misscall from history- Add, delete phone numer from call log, meshistorytoblacklist- Blocking call / call blocker, call-ID- Blocking sms / sms blocker (blocking messages/messagingblocker)- Blocking unwanted/spam calls and text messages,receivingtextmessages- Blocking anonymous numbers.- Enable/Disable notification of blocked calls and SMS.- Blocking private & unknown callers- Blocked SMS will be erased before received- You can easily monitor blocked calls blocked SMS fromtheblockedlog- Blocking incoming call blocker, unwanted callblocker,blacklist,lock the phone number, block numbers, cell phonenumber,textmessage, receiving text messages- This app is light-weighted and stable, cost very littlememoryandCPU resources.- Free call and sms blocker app for download.- Compatible with Android Phone and Tablet.This app is compatible with almost every androidsmartphone.Soenjoy your favorite Call Reject Blocker,SMS,MMS anddon't forgettorate us and give your feedback.You often are angry with spam messages, unwantedcall,theadvertising message?This application is the best for your choosing, you don'thavetoworry, not to bother from unwanted messages, unwantedcallSMS blocker, call blocker will offer you great features
call blocker, SMS blocker 1.9.2754.09
Lock Screen hn
You often are angry with spammessages,unwanted call, the advertising message?This application is the best for your choosing, you don't havetoworry, not to bother from unwanted messages, unwanted callSMS blocker, call blocker will offer you great features such as:Addthe number to the black list, store the message did not want toreadin the blocked historyWith the full functionality of the messaging application, youcansend messages, chat, send MMS picture ... what otherapplicationscan not doBacking up your message.Support password, you can protects your privacyWith SMS blocker, call blocker, you can set up callblocking,message in a certain period of time in the day, can blocksomeexternal contacts, block call, block SMS, block unwantedcalls,unwanted texts, spam and protects your privacy.This app will lock unwanted SMS and calls from blacklist andalsoprivate numbers.MAIN FEATURES- SMS blocker- Call blockerFEATURES:- Auto delete unwanted incoming message, unwanted incomingcall,miss call from history- Add, delete phone numer from call log, mes historytoblacklist- Blocking call / call blocker, call-ID- Blocking sms / sms blocker (blocking messages /messagingblocker)- Blacklist- Lock phone number- Blocking unwanted/spam calls and text messages, receivingtextmessages- Blocking anonymous numbers.- Enable/Disable notification of blocked calls and SMS.- Blocking private & unknown callers- Call waiting block support- Blocked SMS will be erased before received- You can easily monitor blocked calls blocked SMS from theblockedlog- Blacklist and blocked log backup facilities- Easy to use- Blocking incoming call blocker, unwanted call blocker,blacklist,lock the phone number, block numbers, cell phone number,textmessage, receiving text messages- phone call filter- Blocking sending message (Comming soon)- Send, receve message, SMS, MMS from your phone- Make callThank for choosing SMS blocker and call blocker
Call blocker 1.8.2845.03
Lock Screen hn
You often are angry with spam call,unwantedcall, the advertising call?This application is the best for your choosing, you don't havetoworry, not to bother from unwanted callCall blocker will offer you great features such as: Add thenumberto the black listSupport password, you can protects your privacyWith call blocker, you can set up call blocking in a certainperiodof time in the day, can block some external contacts, blockcall,block unwanted calls, spam and protects your privacy.This app will lock unwanted calls from blacklist and alsoprivatenumbers.MAIN FEATURES- Call blocker- Call blacklistFEATURES:- Auto delete unwanted incoming call, miss call from history- Add, delete phone numer from call log, mes historytoblacklist- Blocking call / call blocker, call-ID- Blacklist- Lock phone number- Blocking unwanted/spam calls- Blocking anonymous numbers.- Enable/Disable notification of blocked calls.- Blocking private & unknown callers- Call waiting block support- Blacklist and blocked log backup facilities- Easy to use- Blocking incoming call blocker, unwanted call blocker,blacklist,lock the phone number, block numbers, cell phonenumber- phone call filter- Make callWe also support SMS blocker applicationThank for choosing call blocker
VBlocker: Call and SMS Blocker 3.0.3
Vishal Bodkhe
Stop spam callers and blockunwantedcalls with a few clicks and swipes with the most popularAndroidapp for call blocking – VBlocker. This highlyuser-friendly appis developed to be the #1 Call blocker andSMSblocker in the market.VBlocker promotes a hassle free mobile experience to itsuserbase with an array of unique attractive features. VBlocker isnot amere app to block unwanted calls, but a lifesaver.Thesuperiority of the Call blocker and SMS blockerappis due to its unique features and performance that competitorappscannot offer. This is simply the glitch free version ofcurrentAndroid apps for call blocking available in themarket.Unique Features Of VBlockerApart from the user-friendliness, attractive and minimalisticUIs,and high-end performance, the R&D component of the app ledtheteam of developers to take blocking unwanted calls intoanew level.Below are the key highlights implemented to the latest versionofVBlocker after researching on more than 25 top callblockerand SMS Blocker apps in the market.VBlocker has introduced a range of inimitable featuressuchas:• Spam Community Blocking (Automatically block spam call andspamtext message as per spam server report database)• Spam Caller Identification and Pop up• Private number blocking• Blocking unlimited numbers• International Call and Text Blocking• Schedule Blocking (offers a range of options to create theirownschedule of activating call blocking)The Call Blocker And SMS Blocker App Also Facilitates:• 6 methods to block unwanted calls (via the CallLogs,Contacts, SMS Logs, Series/Word, Manual Numbers or ‘Unknown’NumberList)• Create Whitelist contacts list• Voicemail Blocking (Supports only in lower version devices,notall. In higher version 5.0 and later Android Framework denythepermission of call accept and hang and that is the reason it isnotworking. One can give it a try)• Wildcard Blocking (Start with and ends with)• Call and SMS Blocking Log• Identify and Report Spam option• Recent Call logs with dialer and Contacts tab• Battery Level Blocking• Password Protection• Backup And Restoration Capability• Auto Response Capability• Export History• A Range Of Awesome Skins• Customized levels of blocking for each number• Compatible with Android versions 2.3 and above• Supports 42 widely used international languages withChooseLanguage OptionVBlocker call blocker app also presents its users withaminimal number of ads in the free version, Read/UnreadBadges,ON/OFF checkbox to control the Blocker Service, faster andreliableblocking, numerous suggestions and improvements,user-friendlysettings, and different skins. The Call and SMSblockerandroid app’s non-irritating rating and advertisementprincipals isanother feature that distinguishes the app fromthecompetitors.Download the most advanced call blocker Android app ofalltimes to block unwanted calls and stop spamcallersfor good!**All your suggestions, comments and issues can be dropped viaanemail through your device runs on Android V4.4 and above, it is necessarytoSet VBlocker as the Default SMS app to support SMS Blocking asperAndroid Framework. VBlocker will be your SMS app for sendandreceive text messages.
Root Call SMS Manager 1.23gp
Manager block calls and SMS with support of DualSim.
SMS blocker 1.9.2809.09
Lock Screen hn
You often are angry with spam messages,theadvertising message?This application is the best for your choosing, you don't havetoworry, not to bother from unwanted messagesSMS blocker will offer you great features such as: Add the numbertothe black list, store the message did not want to read intheblocked historyWith the full functionality of the messaging application, youcansend messages, chat, send MMS picture ... what otherapplicationscan not doBacking up your message.Support password, you can protects your privacyWith SMS blocker you can set up message in a certain period oftimein the day, can block some external contacts, block SMS,unwantedtexts, spam and protects your privacy.This app will lock unwanted SMS from blacklist and alsoprivatenumbers.MAIN FEATURES- SMS blockerFEATURES:- Auto delete unwanted incoming message from history- Add, delete phone numer from call log, mes historytoblacklist- Blocking sms / sms blocker (blocking messages /messagingblocker)- Blacklist- Lock phone number- Blocking unwanted/spam and text messages, receivingtextmessages- Blocking anonymous numbers.- Enable/Disable notification of blocked SMS.- Blocking private & unknown callers- Blocked SMS will be erased before received- You can easily monitor blocked SMS from the blocked log- Blacklist and blocked log backup facilities- Easy to use- Blocking incoming SMS blocker, blacklist, lock the phonenumber,block numbers, cell phone number, text message, receivingtextmessages- Blocking sending message (Comming soon)- Send, receve message, SMS, MMS from your phoneThank for choosing SMS blocker
ISY Block 5.7.9
DIT Systems
Сontrol all your communications and decide who can contact youandwhen
Easy call blocker 2.3.610
I noticed that all blocking apps aretoocomplicated for such a simple task so I decided to create thisonebased in iOS do not disturb.There is currently a bug in the message list that causes a crashina few devices. Will be corrected in the weekend.Does not work on some devices, you just have to do a test.If you want to see how the development of new features is going,youcan join the community: Enable/Disable- Block all calls- Block private/unknown/anonymous/hidden numbers- Block numbers not in contact list- Block numbers not in favorite contacts (not on trial)- Outgoing call confirmation- Individual contacts blacklist. (read-only on trial)Low memory footprint and minimal blocking delay.The calls will be forwarded to voicemail if ‘Callforwardingsettings’ are configured or else will be simplyblocked.Under development:SMS sending and threads and also an advanced modeThis app has In-app purchases, some functionality is limited
Call Block: Filter and Blocker
Call Blocker app: Identify unknown callers, block spam calls,fraud& robocalls
BlackList Ultimate 1.1.0
BLOCKS UNWANTED CALLS AND MESSAGES. IT’S FREE. ALL IN ONE, THEREISNOT PRO VERSION.Create Your Black List and get rid of spam messages,campaigncalls of firms, unwanted calls of Marketers.Create Your White List and only people you want reaches youatnight, in meetings, in exams.Send SMS automatically to people You want when their callsareblocked.Create schedule for time range.Track blockeds and callbackeasily.Create Your Text Filter and get rid of unwanted Messages.Note: By clicking on the ads, will remove the advertising onthescreen.Why Application Wants Permissions:Messages :is required to prevent unwanted SMS.Network communication :is required for ads to appearinpractice.Personal information :is required to show your contactsduringdefining of White List and Black List.Storage :is required to take backup.Services that cost you :is required to send a message toblockednumbers depending on your choice.Phone calls :is required to prevent unwanted calls.Hardware Controls :is required to close ring of unwanted calls.- Call Blocker- SMS Blocker- BlackList- CallBlocker- SMSBlocker- White List- SMSBlocker- Spam SMS Blocker- SMS Blocker
Blacklist - super call blocker 3.0.0
dev ousber
Put the disturbing numbers and SMSwithintheblack list with the application Blacklist - Super CallBlocker.Blacklist: Super Call Blocker; Block and reportblacklistphonenumbers now!You can finally Block calls for Mobile android. Identifyspammycallsand block them.Blacklist: Super Call Blocker is an application to blockthephoneyou want to call rejection.Characteristics:- Numbers blacklist (blocking both incoming calls as SMS).- Using a lock schedule can select the days when thelockisenabled- Whitelist (never blocked numbers)- Daily Record of calls and SMS blocked- Blocks private numbers (hidden)- Block all numbers that are not in the contact list- Block all incoming calls- Block all incoming SMS- Notification of blocked calls and SMS (can be disabledintheconfiguration window)- Activate and deactivate the option to schedule intheconfigurationwindow- All records and lists are stored in different files ontheSMSBlackList Calls directory on the external storageAdvantages:- Easy to use- It is stable- Do not consume memory or CPU resourcesSay goodbye to unwanted blacklist calls — for good.
Caller ID & Call Blocker 2.0.2
Find the true caller, block spam calls & call blocker.
Call Blocker Easy Blacklist 1.0
No more unwanted calls and messagesorspamcalls! Call Blocker Easy Black List is the mosteffectivecallblocking appFully-featured Call Blocker, and easy Blacklist appandWhitelistapp. You can Easily block anyone from calling, sendingMMSortexting you.Additionally you can use the logging feature to viewyourhistoryof blocked or blacklisted calls without cluttering upyourphone'shistory.necessary.If you are looking for a call blocker this is the oneyouneed.Light weight.Block callsBlock phone numbersCreate phone number black listBlock Robo Calls--------- Features of Call BlockerEasyBlacklist-------------► BLOCK UNWANTED CALLS- Blocking mode: Block all from custom blacklist. Blockallcallsfrom those NOT in your Contacts list. Block Private&Unknowncalls.► NOTIFICATIONS AFTER BLOCKINGNotification of blocked calls.► PERSONAL BLACKLIST- Blacklist: Calls from blacklisted numbers will be blocked.► CLEAN PHONE LOGBlocked numbers will be kept out of your call log► BLOCKED CALLS DON'T RING- Don't be bothered.► RECORD LOGS- Record logs of rejected numbers.► BLOCK MODES- Block Blacklist, Allow Whitelist(Block calls that isnotinwhitelist), block all calls or more ...► CALL BLOCKER EASY BLACKLIST FREE!- Blocking app will not charge you anything, it's totallyFREEmadewith LOVE <3.--------- Advantages of Call BlockerEasyBlacklist---------- Robust call blocker.- Works on all devices.- Easy to use.- Lightweight.And it's totally FREE!
SMS Antispam online 2.34
pv org
The new generation spam defence!
Calls Blocker - Blacklist 1.9
dev ousber
“Calls Blocker - Blacklist” helpsyouavoidannoying calls. Forget about unwanted people,telemarketersandrobocalls. Nobody will be able to disturb you whenyou don'twantto talk.Many Android phones provide call blocking capabilities. Whyis“CallBlocker” better? It has several core features thattogetherprovidestrong protection against annoying calls.This iswhatdistinguishesCalls Blocker - Blacklist.Easy to use, rich-featured and having a clean design, youcanchooseany combination from different blocking modes suchas:- Block All- Block Blacklist- Block Private Calls- Allow Whitelist- Allow ContactsStop telemarketers, debt collectors, sales people, andotherannoyingindividuals you do not want to speak with.
Call ID Informer free
The window with the information from the contacts.
Hello — Caller ID & Blocking
Make your phone smarter with Hello. BuiltbyMessenger just for Android, Hello combines info from Facebookwiththe contact info on your phone so it's easy to stay in touchwiththe people you care about.Now you can see who's calling, block unwanted calls and searchforpeople and places on Facebook. You can also call and textpeoplefor free using Messenger.• See who's calling you, even if you don't have that phonenumbersaved in your phone.• Easily block unwanted calls.• Automatically block calls from numbers that have been blocked byalot of other people.• Search your phone contacts and people and places onFacebook,without switching between apps.• Always have the latest info about your contacts, includingtheirprofile pictures and birthdays.• Open a Facebook profile or Page with just one tap.• Call and text for free with Messenger.• Call, add and edit contacts — just like you do onyourphone.Download Hello and make it your dialer.
Block-Spam - Blacklistcall 13.4.0
Blacklist CALL app. Free and very easy to use, Blacklistcallistheworld’s most powerful and intuitive telephone firewallapp,givingyou complete control over who can phone you whileprotectingyoufrom nuisance calls. Control all phoneblockingfeaturescentralized in the same page. FEATURES: * BlockSPAMnumbers frombeing able to contact you ever again: BlockSPAMnumbers that otherusers identified as annoying phonenumbers.Blacklistcallapplication will automatically block it assoon a SPAMnumberphones you! * Alerts you when SPAM number phonesyouindicatingthat the incoming call could be SPAM. * Block SMStextmessages aswell as calls. (Feature not available forAndroidVersion 4.4 orhigher). * Automatically hang up on unwantedcallersadded in theblacklist. * Turn an unknown caller to silent. *Blockall hiddenor restricted numbers. * Possibility to only allowcallsfromauthorized contacts. * Possibility to send anauto-replymessageafter a rejected call. * Lock numbers duringcertain timesof dayconfigured by you. * Simple to setup and use, soanyone caneasilyhave control of their privacy. *Absolutelly free.Noin-apppurchases. PRIVACY Unsolicited calls fromtelemarketers,spammers,fraudulent companies and unwanted peoplearen’t just anirritation;they can cause genuine distress, fear anddanger. Butyou spend alot of money owning a smartphone. WithBlacklistcallinstalled, youwill increase your privacy. NUISANCECALLS Telecomcompanies andgovernment agencies around the worldreceive thousandsuponthousands of complaints about nuisance callsevery week,andthere’s little or nothing they can do to combatthisseriousproblem. Your best line of defense begins right herewiththis app,and your phone. GIVING YOU BACK CONTROL ByinstallingBlacklistcallyou take back full control of your privacywithoutsacrificing theprimary reason for owning a smartphone; beingableto talk topeople. Take a look at how the Blacklistcall firewallappputs youback in charge of your connected life. Blacklistcallhasbeenextensively tested, is very lightweight so it won’taffectyoursmartphone usage, and is trusted by over 500,000smartphoneusersaround the world. You wouldn’t leave yourcomputerunprotected, sodon’t let your smartphone be a victim tonuisancecalls any longer.Join the Blacklistcall community today,and takeback control.
Call Chat Blocker viber 2017 1.0
Call Chat Block for viber helpsyouavoidannoying calls. Forget about unwanted people,telemarketersandrobocalls. Nobody will be able to disturb you whenyou don'twantto talk.Many Android phones provide call blocking capabilities. WhyisCallBlocker For viber better? It has several corefeaturesthattogether provide strong protection againstannoyingVideocalls.This program is best for your selection, you will not havetoworrywill not bother unwanted messages from unwantedcalls.AntiSMS,Call Blocker will give you excellent features suchasincreasingthe number of black lists, message store does not wanttoread in ahistory that was blocked.With the full functionalityoftheapplication to send messages, you can send messages,chat,sendpictures using mms hat more can be done.Back upyourmessagesSupports password, you can protect your privacy.WithBlocker SMS,block calls, you can set up call blockingmessagesduring aparticular time of day that can block someexternalcontacts, callblock SMS, calls, unwanted text blocksunwanted. spamand protectyour privacy. This app will lock unwantedSMS and callsfromblacklist and also private numbers.Call Chat Block for viber Features:- Auto delete Adverse incoming phone calls from Ms. history.- Add, delete call records from phone numer,meshistoryblacklisted.- SMS Blocker (Message Block).- International call block- Black list- Phone lock- Block unwanted calls / text spam and receive textmessages,missedcalls as private.- Blocking anonymous figures.- Enable / Disable Notification of blocked calls and SMS.Main features:- Prevent SMS- Call BlockingWith this app, you won’t have to be anxious anymoreabouttheseAdverse call and you won’t have to waste time answeringthemjustadd them to the blacklist. We will help you keep yourcallingVideocall chat Massager Block and avoid you just have to addthemto theblacklist!No one should disturb you unless you want them to,sodon’thesitate. Simply press the download button to accessthebest,highest quality Call and SMS blocking tool that willaddeveryAdverseperson to your blacklist You will be able tofinallyhavecomplete control over your call and messages, so don’tmissthisopportunity!Thank you for choosing Call Chat Block for viber - BlockerSMSandblock calls.
Jaqqa black list with timer 1.1.1
Jaqqa is a modern version of the "blacklist"unwished calls for Android users.Managing of phone numbers of unwished calls from coldcalls,scams, prank calls and other “persona non grata”. Blocknumbers forany time: an hour, a day, a week, forever.Integraded timer, will remove number from the listautomaticallyin end of selected time.Other features of the application:Completely hide unwanted SMS;Work in the background;Adding a number manually, and from the call log list;Optimized for different screen resolutions;It supports both Russian and English languagesEasy to use;Completely ad-free.
Calls blacklist SMS blocker 1.0
Erika Best Big Store
Calls blacklist SMS blockerThis application blocks, and helps manage ablacklist.Numbersfrom the blacklist are blocked. Whatever you do,you willnot bedistracted by phone calls.Calls blacklist SMS blockeris themosteffective app to easily block unwanted calls ortextmessages.* Block numbers and texts for android* Blacklist, add numbers to blacklist to block* Record logs of rejected numbers* Automatically intercept calls and SMSsfromprivate/unknownnumbers.Calls blacklist SMS blocker is the most effective app toeasilyblockunwanted calls or text messages.If you notice that this app is not blocking calls or SMSfromanynumber, Kindly send us your mobile model, android versionandtheoriginal phone number in exact format in which it is addedinyourphone from which the problem persists.Any numbers in any format, can be added to both the blackandthewhite lists.You can create whitelist for callers thoseyouthink areimportant and only receive their calls.