Top 21 Apps Similar to Alfa Veterinaria

Vetemecum 2.1.0
Diego Muñoz Cárcamo
Vademecum for veterinary where you have hundreds of doses of drugs.
vet-Anatomy 3.1.2
vet-Anatomy: Atlas of veterinary anatomy
Procedimentos Veterinários 202 5.2.1
Application that can not miss on your smartphone or tablet toaveterinarian
Mi Veterinario 1.3
Quality Compusoft S.L.
Remember your upcoming appointments and treatment, contactyourveterinarian.
Medvep Profissional 1.0.75
App oficial da Medvep que permite o estudo de casos clínicosatravésda interação de veterinários e estudantes universitáriosatravés deimagens, artigos e links. A rede compartilhada para osprofissionaisdo segmento clínicopet.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Disponívelcom todas as informações sobre a Comfel 2016. Confira aprogramação,horários das palestras (faça sua inscrição através doapp), dadossobre os palestrantes, conteúdos complementares e tudoque vocêprecisa para tirar o máximo proveito doevento.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Compartilhe imagens de casos clínicos e obtenha a ajuda e opiniãodeoutros profissionais do seu segmento - Teste o sistema de buscaporimagens, onde através de um upload seu, você encontracasosparecidos para análise e comparação - Se especialize atravésdoconteúdo da Medvep, disponibilizado exclusivamente no app-Publique suas teses em um meio especializado de profissionais-Transmissão exclusiva de palestras da Comfel, com acessosomentepeloapp-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fundadaem 2005, a Medvep é uma editora que oferece diversosprodutos ecursos de atualização profissional para médicosveterinários de todoo Brasil. Entre suas publicações, estãodiversos livros sobre temasveterinários, o Jornal Brasileiro deCirurgia Veterinária (JBCV), aRevista Científica de MedicinaVeterinária de Pequenos Animais eAnimais de Estimação (RevistaMedvep) e a Revista de EducaçãoContinuada em Dermatologia eAlergologia Veterinária (MedvepDermato). Ainda promove cursos eeventos em diversas cidades doBrasil durante todo o ano, sendo oprincipal o Congresso Medvep deEspecialidades Veterinárias, queteve sua terceira edição em julhode 2015, na cidade de Curitiba,com cerca de sete mil participantes.O, uma família deaplicativos e soluções digitais para osegmento pet, vem trazerpara a Medvep uma nova atuação, agoraonline e com umainteratividade totalmente inédita.
AnyPetz by VetFinder24 3.6.5
Autentek GmbH
One app for all pets AnyPetz by VetFinder24 wasdevelopedanddesigned in collaboration with pet owners andveterinarians.Errormessages and suggestions for improvement arealways welcome.Whatawaits you - worldwide veterinary search -Emergencyservices,veterinary clinics, on-call services -animal-like goodexcursiondestinations - Service provider aroundpets - Create andreceivewarnings - Report missing pets andparticipate in searches -Createand remember events - Dog swimming(outdoor dog pool) -Anamnesisat the push of a button - MediCal, themedication reminder-inoculation memory - weight monitor - birthdaycalendar -chocolatecalculator - insurance comparison - and muchmore specialhealthrecords for the following pet species - dogs -cats - horses-leporidae - small animals - birds - reptiles -amphibiansAnyonecan join in - suggest new places - Suggestmissingveterinarians -Create events
Ficha Animal VET
Bruno Diego Martins
App for veterinary uses.You with the records of clients and animals in your hands.Organize and record your consults.Controls the anamnesis, physical examinations, requestedexams,diagnostics and treatments.
DermatoVet UNESP Botucatu
Welcome (a) the issueVeterinaryDermatology.The veterinary dermatology, among the existing specialtiesinveterinary medicine, is presented differently,beingmultifactorial, with possible systemic involvement ornot.The current preoccupation with diseases with zoonoticpotential,arising from factors such as immunosuppression bydiseases such asAIDS or by factors such as age and submission totreatments such aschemotherapy or post-transplant suppression,associated with anincreased contact between animals and humanspotentiated theimportance of dermatology today.The skin is considered anatomical and physiological barrierbetweenthe organism and the environment, and largest organ of thebody,providing protection against physical, chemical and /ormicrobiological attacks. Possessing receptors fortemperature,pressure, pain and itching.By being so exposed skin, or integument, accounts for 20-75% ofthesample of clinic small animals and is characterized bysufferingand anguish both animals and owners, which leads us to avery bigconcern with the formation and update of personnel, and forthemarket.Each of the conditions met in this specialty can be difficulttodiagnose, always requiring a thorough clinical examinationinaddition to the aid of a device for microscopy only afterpropertreatment it is recommended.For good care and diagnosis, in order to improve the prognosisofthe case must avail ourselves of some exams, and the vastmajorityis done by the dermatologist himself, such asparasitologicalexamination by skin scraping, aspiration cytology,biopsy andhistopathology, mycological cytology, mycologicalculture,examination of brushed hair coat, ribbon printing acetate,mycologyby Wood's lamp, trichogram and mycological culture.Here you will find interesting information, educationalmaterials,scientific, links and disclosure of events in thearea.The aim is to contribute to the education of students andtheimprovement of professionals working in veterinarydermatologyarea, or not, always with the use of semiotics andworkup.The material contained here is a compilation of materials usedinour routine of Veterinary Dermatology Service FMVZ UNESPBotucatucampus, having the function of disseminating knowledge. Ifanycontent does not have a duly referred to authorship, we pledgetoupgrade the data after receiving the correct reference.
Clínica Práctica 6
Maven Inventing
Federacion Iberoamericana de Asociaciones Veterinarias ofAnimalesde Compañía.
Fluidoterapia Free 1.0
Fluid therapy is one of the therapeutic measures used inveterinarymedicine.
AAV 1.2
Guep Group, C.A.
Herramienta de uso veterinario
Vet Smart Cães e Gatos 7.8.0
Vet Smart
We are the largest technological platform in the veterinarymarketin Brazil.
Vet Smart Bovinos e Equinos 7.8.0
Vet Smart
We are the largest technological platform in the veterinarymarketin Brazil.
PEV Móvil 4.3.4
PLM Latinoamérica
PEV App - Elanco, more than 2,400 veterinary products and highvaluecontent
Petable 3.1.2
Changing families lives, one pet at a time
Prontuario Farmaci Veterinari 1.0
Davide Ruffolo
L'applicazione Prontuario MedicinaliVeterinariconsente di effettuare la ricerca dei medicinaliveterinari incommercio in Italia.La ricerca può essere effettuata filtrando per:- Nome medicinale- GTIN- Principio AttivoE' possibile visualizzare il dettaglio del farmaco,inparticolare:- Nome- Principio Attivo- Confezione- GTIN- AIC- SpecieL'applicazione non ha bisogno dell'utilizzo di unaconnessioneinternet.Per informazioni, suggerimenti, problemi e consigli inviateunaemail allo sviluppatore.The applicationVeterinaryMedicines Handbook allows you to search for veterinarymedicinalproducts marketed in Italy.The search can be done by filtering by:- Product Name- GTIN- Active principleE 'can view the details of the drug, in particular:- Name- Active principle- Pack- GTIN- AIC- SpeciesThe application does not require the use of aninternetconnection.For information, suggestions, problems and advice please sendanemail to the developer.
VetHelp - Cálculo de Dosis 2.1
★ Vet Help, aplicación gratuita para elcálculode dosis de fármacos en Animales.★ Opción entre mg, UI, g y µg.★ Aplicación realizada para médicos veterinarios, estudiantesdemedicina veterinaria, técnicos en medicina veterinaria y más.★ El uso de la aplicación queda a revisión del mismo usuario,laaplicación sólo es un cálculo lógico para la medicación deunanimal.★ Vet Help,freeapplication for calculating drug doses in animals.★ Choice between mg, UI, g and g.★ Application realized for veterinarians, veterinarystudents,veterinary technicians and medicine.★ Using the application is reviewed by the same user,theapplication is only logical for medication of ananimalcalculation.
Veterinary Dictionary: Free Of 1.1
The Apps Studios
Veterinary Dictionary App is for vet & veterinarianconsiststhousands of words
App Veterinarios 1.0
App 51
1) APP VETERIANRIOS, es una APPparaClínicasVeterinarias.2) Con APP VETERINARIOS, Fidelizarás y Aumentarás TuCarteradeClientes.3) Darás Mejor Servicio a Tus Clientes.4) Avisos de vacunas y revisiones.5) Podrás enviar Promociones, Ofertas, Encuestas ...atusClientes.6) Se Personaliza en base a Tu Imagen Corporativa.7) Club de Descuentos para tus Clientes, conTarjetadeFidelidad.8) Incluye 25 Funcionalidades.9) Hemos hecho App´s para Clínicas Veterinarias yAsociacionesdeEmpresarios de Veterinarios.10) Por tan solo 100 € / año, sin compromisodepermanencia.Pruébala.1) APP VETERIANRIOS,isanAPP for Veterinary Clinics.2) APP VETERINARY, Fidelizarás and increaseyourcustomerbase. 3) Will you give your customers better service. 4) Notices of vaccines and reviews. 5) You can send Promotions, Offers, Surveys ...yourcustomers. 6) is customized based on your corporate image. 7) Discount Club for your Customers with Loyalty Card. 8) Includes 25 Features. 9) We made APP's for Veterinary Clinics andVeterinaryAssociationsof Entrepreneurs. 10) For only 100 € / year, with no fixed term. Try it.
Apifarma SImposium Veterinário
comOn, SA
APIFARMA - Simposium Veterinário é uma appquelhe trás o seu simpósium à distância de um clique.O objectivo desta app é revolucionar a forma comoédisponibilizada a informação sobre medicamentos e produtos desaúdeanimal a todos os médicos veterinários e também ao públicoemgeral, num manual completo, prático e fácil de utilizar.Esta app foi desenhada com foco na comodidade do utilizador,poispoderá ser acedida em qualquer lugar ou condições.Funcionalidades:1. Pesquisa Avançada1.1. Pesquisa por Nome1.2. Pesquisa por Princípio Activo1.3. Pesquisa por Classificação1.4. Pesquisa por Laboratório1.5. Pesquisa por Espécie Animal1.6. Pesquisa por Modo de Administração1.7. Pesquisa por Código de ClassificaçãoNota: Estes critérios poderão ser utilizados individualmente ouemconjunto sendo que o número de medicamentos encontrados serátentomenor quanto mais critérios forem utilizados.2. Pesquisa por Ordem Alfabética3. Contacto4. AjudaAPIFARMA -VeterinarySymposium is an app that brings you your Symposiumdistance of aclick.The purpose of this app is revolutionizing the wayinformationabout medicines and animal health products to allveterinarians andalso the general public, a comprehensive,practical and user manualis available.This app has been designed with focus on user convenience, itcanbe accessed anywhere or conditions.Features:1. Advanced Search 1.1. Search by Name 1.2. Search by Active Ingredient 1.3. Search by Rating 1.4. Browse by Laboratory 1.5. Search by Animal Species 1.6. Search Administration Mode 1.7. Search by Classification Code Note: These criteria may be used individually orincombination with the number of medications found will try tolowerthe more criteria are used.2. Search by Alphabetical Order3. Contact4. Help
Veterinario 1.11
Veterinario App es un serviciodemensajeríainstantánea, con la que podrás enviar fotografías detumascota, yconsultar todas las dudas que tengas sobre su estadodesalud a losmejores veterinarios reales, ¡sin tener quedesplazartea ningúnsitio!• ¡La primera consulta es completamente gratuita! Tansólotienesque conectarte con Facebook y seguir las instruccionesqueteindicamos en la app para conseguirla.Si tienes algún problema con el uso de la app, otienesunasugerencia de mejora o comentario puedes hacé y haremos lo posible porayudarte.¿Eres fan de Veterinario App? Danos tu “Me gusta” enFacebookysíguenos en Twitter para estar al día de App es una aplicación de descargagratuita,perorequiere conexión a internet para su uso. La primeraconsultaescompletamente.Descargando esta aplicación, estás aceptando los términosdeusodisponiblesen veterinarianisaninstant messaging service, which allows you to sendpicturesofyour pet, and discuss any questions you have about yourhealthtothe best real vets, without having to go anywhere!• The first consultation is completely free! So justconnectwithFacebook and follow the instructions indicated in theapp youto getit.If you have any problems using the app or have asuggestionforimprovement or comments you can send it and do our best to help you.Are you a fan of Veterinary App? Give your "Like" onFacebookandfollow us on Twitter to stay abreast of App is a free downloadable app, butrequiresinternetconnection to use. The first consultation is.By downloading this application, you agree to the termsofuseavailableon