Top 20 Apps Similar to Hisnulmuslim - Dua Book

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EBook Reader & PDF Reader
The Excellent PDF or EPUB reader, it's optimized for Android.
MeeGenius Children's Books 3.0.4
MeeGenius Inc.
Captivate your child’s imagination by giving them access tohundredsof read-along books with MeeGenius, turning your mobiledevice intoan expansive library of digital books for children upto 8 yearsold. All MeeGenius books are available with read-alongwordhighlighting, rich illustrations, and engaging storynarration.MeeGenius makes it easy to keep your child reading byofferinghundreds of e-books including classics, MeeGeniusoriginals, andpartner content from Sesame Street, Dr. Seuss, andP.D.Eastman.Here’s what parents, teachers, and publications have beensayingabout MeeGenius:*** 2013 National Parenting Publication Award WinnerforPre-School Virtual Products*** 2013 “Best Children’s Reading and Book Apps”–*** 2013 “Best Interactive Games” Award Winner –“All your kids books right at your fingertips” -PeopleMagazine“Awesome, interactive children’s stories” - TechCrunch“The future of e-books” – Bloomberg TV“This is my number one app for my kids” – CraigPC“Must have for any parent” – MamaH2O“MeeGenius builds a common background knowledge of literatureata young age” – Reading specialist, Riverdale Country School
L'eveil Islamique (Livre) 1.0
Aws Books
L’EVEIL ISLAMIQUE :REGLES ET CONSEILSEcrit parMUHAMMAD IBN SÂLIH AL-CUTHAYMÎNTRADUIT PARABDULLAH AL-FARANSÎIntroduction de l’auteurLa louange revient à Allah, nous Le louons, Lui demandonslepardon,et cherchons refuge auprès de Lui contre les maux denosâmes, etcontre nos mauvaises actions. Quiconque Allah guide,alorsil n’y apersonne qui puisse l’égarer, et quiconque Il égare,iln’y a alorspersonne pour le guiderJ’atteste qu’il n’y a rien qui mérite d’être adoré endehorsd’Allah,Seul et sans associé, et j’atteste que Muhammad estSonserviteur etSon messager. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) l’aenvoyéavec la guidéeet la religion de vérité. Il a transmis lemessage,honoré sesengagements, s’est montré loyal envers lacommunauté eta combattupour Allah comme il se doit. Il a ainsilaissé sacommunauté sur unepreuve claire et limpide, sa nuit étantcommeson jour. Nul ne s’enécarte sauf celui qui est voué àpérir.Ensuite lui ont succédé les califes bien-guidés de sacommunauté,lesguides religieux qui ont emprunté le droit chemin,ceux qui ontsuivila voie du messager d’Allah (alayhi salatou wasalam) danslacroyance, l’adoration, le comportement, lestransactions, laprêcheà Allah (azza wa jal) et le combat dans Sonsentier. C’estainsiqu’Allah, à travers eux, a montré le chemin etilluminé cequiétait obscur.On trouve à leur tête Abû Bakr le véridique (Radhi Allahu‘Anh)puiscUmar, celui qui tranche entre le vrai et le faux(RadhiAllahu‘Anh), puis cUthmân, celui qui a reçu deux lumières(RadhiAllahu‘Anh), puis cAlî Ibn Abî Tâlib (Radhi Allahu ‘Anh) àqui leprophète(alayhi salatou wa salam) a annoncé lorsqu’il l’aenvoyé àKhaybar :« Rends-toi doucement à leur rencontre, jusqu’à ceque tuarrivessur leurs terres, puis appelle-les à l’Islam etinforme-lesdesdevoirs qu’ils ont envers Allah [dans cettereligion]. CarparAllah, qu’Allah guide par ta cause un seul hommeest bienmeilleurpour toi que de posséder des chamelles rousses».Mes très chers frères, personne n’ignore ce avec quoi Allahacomblécette communauté islamique dans ce pays et dans d’autres,parcetélan béni et cet éveil plein de vitalité que l’on constatechezlesjeunes de l’Islam si l’on considère le cap vers lequel ilssesontorientés. Et cette orientation saine est celle qui a pourbutdeparvenir à la législation islamique à travers le Livred’Allah etlaSunnah de son messager (alayhi salatou wasalam).Aussi, il ne fait nul doute que ce réveil et ce dynamisme–commetous les autres réveils et mouvements dynamiques qui sontbonsetbénis – verront se dresser face à eux des ennemis. Eneffet,dèslors que la lumière de la vérité devient ardente, le feudufauxs’attise. Cependant, « ils veulent éteindre de leursboucheslalumière d’Allah, alors qu’Allah parachèvera Sa lumière endépitdel’aversion des mécréants ».En outre, le réveil islamique dont nous faisons le constatcheznosjeunes hommes et femmes – et qu’Allah en soit Loué –neserestreint pas exclusivement à notre pays, maisseretrouveégalement dans toutes les contrées islamiques. Aussi, ilabesoind’un certains nombres d’éléments qui en ferontunmouvementprofitable et constructif par la permissiond’Allah(Subhanahu WaTa’ala).Dans ce qui suit, je vais clarifier – en demandant l’aided’Allah–ces éléments et ces règles pour permettre à ce renouveaud’êtreunsuccès et d’être bénéfique et constructif par lapermissiond’Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala). Et je demande à Allah(Subhanahu WaTa’ala)qu’Il y mette la lumière et qu’Il en fasse unargument enfaveur deson auteur, son lecteur et de l’ensemble desmusulmans [lejour duJugement].L’auteur.ISLAMIC AWAKENING:RULES AND ADVICEWritten byMuhammad ibn Saalih al-CUTHAYMÎNTRANSLATED BYABDULLAH AL-FARANSÎIntroduction of the author  Praise returns to Allah, we praise Him, ask Him forforgivenessandseek refuge with Him against the evils of our souls,andagainstour evil deeds. Whoever Allah guides, then there isnonethat canlead him astray, and whomever He wanders, then thereisnobody toguideI bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worshipexceptAllah,alone with no partner and I bear witness that MuhammadisHisservant and messenger. Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) senthimwithguidance and the religion of truth. He conveyed themessage,honoredits commitments, has been loyal to the community andfoughtforAllah as they should. He thus left his community on aclearandclear evidence, the night is like its day. No onedeviatesexceptone that is bound to perish.Then successor the rightly guided caliphs of hiscommunity,religiousleaders who have taken the right path, thosewho followedthe path ofthe Messenger of Allah (SAW Salatou wasallam) inbelief, worship,behavior , transactions, preaching toAllah (azzawa jal) and thestruggle in His way. Thus does Allah,through them,has shown the wayand illuminated what wasobscure.It is headed by Abu Bakr the truthful (Radhi Allahu Anh)and'Omar,the one who decides what is right and wrong (RadhiAllahuAnh),then Cuthman, who received two lights (Radhi Allahu Anh)CalithenIbn Abi Talib (Radhi Allahu Anh) to whom theProphet(alayhiwasallam Salatou) announced when it was sent toKhaybar:"Makeyourself slowly to meet them until you land on theirland, andcallthem to Islam and inform them of the duties they havetowardsAllah[in the religion]. For by Allah, may Allah guide yourcauseone manis much better for you than possessing red camels."My dear brothers, everyone knows that with which Allah hasfilledtheIslamic community in this country and in others bythisblessedmomentum and this awakening full of vitality that weseeamongyoung people of Islam if Considering the heading to whichtheyaredirected. And this healthy orientation is one that aimstoachievethe Islamic law throughout the Book of Allah and theSunnahof HisMessenger (alayhi wasallam Salatou).Also, there is no doubt that this revival and dynamism -likeotheralarm clocks and dynamic movements that are good andblessed -willrise up against them enemies. Indeed, since the lightoftruthbecomes fiery, the fire will flare false. However, "theywanttoput out of their mouths the light of Allah, but AllahwillperfectHis light, though the disbelievers are averse."In addition, the Islamic awakening which we are the findinginouryoung men and women - and by Allah be praised - notonlyrestrictedto our country, but is also found in allIslamiccountries. Also,it needs a certain number of elements thatwillmake this aprofitable and constructive move by the permissionofAllah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala).In what follows, I will clarify - asking Allah's help-theseelements and rules to enable the renewal to be a successandto bepositive and constructive by the permission ofAllah(Subhanahu WaTa 'to the). And I ask Allah (Subhanahu WaTa'ala) Hewill put thelight and that He makes an argument in favorof itsauthor, thereader and all Muslims [Judgment Day]. The author.
Prayer book 5.07
Your prayer - always at hand
Le Livre de la Jungle 7.0
Il était une fois un petit garçon quiavaitvécutoute sa vie dans la jungle, élevé par desanimaux...
Sahih Muslim Urdu eBook 1.3
Perfect Islamic Apps
Designed with readability in mind, this ismusthave app for all muslim.Sahih Muslim (Arabic: صحيح مسلم, ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, fulltitleAl-MusnaduAl-Sahihu bi Naklil Adli) is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (sixmajorahadith)of the hadith in Sunni Islam. It is the second mostauthentichadithcollection after Sahih al-Bukhari, and is highly acclaimed bySunniMuslims.It was collected by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, also known as ImamMuslim.Sahihtranslates as authentic or correct.Muslims consider it the second most authentic hadithcollection,afterSahih al-Bukhari. Sahih Muslim is divided into 43 books,containinga totalof 7190 narrations. However, it is important to realize thatMuslimibnal-Hajjaj never claimed to collect all authentic traditions ashisgoal wasto collect only traditions that all Muslims should agree onaboutaccuracy.Features:- Complete book translated in urdu anguage- change text font size- Easy and quick index navigation- Auto Bookmark (Last read topic & hadith)- No internet or online connection required for reading- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tablets
Dua & Azkar
Ahsanul Haque
***This is a very powerful app with manyimagesand audios (over 90mb) and therefore it ‘MAY NOT’ work ,downloadaudios or contents on older devices and earlier versionsof Androidsoftware ****** Our sincere apology to all the users with older devicesorsoftware ***≡ CONTENTS ≡Dua & Azkar is one of the most authentic ‘opensource’application available on Google Play.≡ We are NOT ‘student of the knowledge’, Imam orSheikh.Alhamdulillah we have striven and collected Dua and Azkarfromvarious books and website over many years.All our contents are checked and approved by our local ImamsandSheikh Abu Ahmed (ELM) also with the help of many app usersoverperiod of time. Alhamdulillah we believe all the contentsareAuthentic and error free.≡ If you find ERRORS or MISTAKES let us know via[] with correct details, forcorrection. If you benefit from this app please remember us inyourDu'a!≡≡ THIS APP IS SPECIALIZED IN BASIC DUA’s AND TOPICS THATARENEGLECTED! ≡≡PLEASE ‘DO NOT’ REQUEST TO ADD ADDITIONAL DUA’s (We would liketokeep it simple) ≡≡≡ APP NOT WORKING ≡:::: DO NOT presume the app is faulty if download fails ::::≡ (Alhamdulillah) The App works perfectly but unfortunatelytherewill be some devices that may have issues and that could bedue toolder device, poor network or old software no longersupported byAndroid.≡ Email us before you submit your negative review andrating,InshAllah we will do our best to help. Please read ‘ABOUT’ within the app for full explanations 
Muslim Dua Now - Dua & Azkar 3.85
Quran Reading
Muslim Dua Now 2019 is an application consisting ofBeneficialIslamic Duas divided in 18 major duas and azkarcategories. It willhelp Muslims of all ages including Muslim kidsand adults to know,learn, memorize, and recite differentsupplications for daily lifeand other occasions. The Translation,Audio Recitation, andTransliteration features are greatly useful inknowing the actualmeaning, recitation, and pronunciation of thesedaily Duasrespectively. It is the most authentic app for daily Du'aandAzkar. Features: i) Translation of Duas into English & Urdutoknow its implication. ii) Transliteration choice helps userinknowing correct way of articulating Islamic supplicationsinArabic. iii) Recitation for each dua is also given inapplicationthat will also help the Muslims to know how to correctlyrecite aDua or Dhikr. iv) Search feature allows the user to findout Duasfeaturing the particular term. iv) 18 Duas Categories meantforachievement in different instances are available:•Morning/Evening: Contains daily supplications for After Wakingup,Before Sleeping etc • Restroom: Entering and leaving therestroom •Prayer: Contains Duas for Wudu, Hearing Adhan, Replyingto Call ofMoazin, Entering Masjid etc. • 40 Rabanas: A collectionof 40Rabbanas Duas from the Holy Quran • Eat/Drink: Learn Duas formeali.e. Before eating, on finishing the Meal etc. • Dressing:Enlistssupplications for Wearing New Clothes, and getting DressedandUndressed. • Travelling: Contains supplication While undertakingaNew Journey, upon Reaching Destination etc. • Family: For gettingaChild, Duas and Azkar for Allah`s Protection for Children etc.•Home: Looking for a nice house and while leaving house forSpecialWork. • Blessings: Duas upon visiting the sick, praisingotherMuslims etc. • Protection: When wind blows, againstdistractions ofSatan. • Forgiveness: Asking for Allah`s Forgiveness(Astaghfar),Replying Salam of non Muslim etc. • Fasting/Ramadan:Dua afterforgetting Fast Dua, family inviting for breaking fastetc. • Hajj:Daus for Mount Safa and Mount Marwah, on Day of Arafaetc. •Funeral/Grave: Dua For Dying person to say, while visitingGravesetc. • Animal: For person stung by scorpion, mounting onanimalsetc. • Rain: During and after rain and withholding of Rain.•Random: Dua against an enemy, being angry etc. v)Beautifulpresentation with eye soothing graphics. vi) Favoritesoption letsindividual to mark its most preferred Masnoon Duas forfrequentusage vii) Font Size can be adjusted according topreference. viii)3 different kinds of Font Styles are alsoincluded. ix) Shareoption lets one to distribute this beautiful appwith loved ones.Download this free and easy to use IslamicApplication onSmartphone in order to benefit from Daily Duas inyour life.
Dua Rabbana (40 Quranic Duas) 4.5
Manal Tech
*** Full version for limited period ***Dua-Rabbana application designed for benefiting Muslims, togetthe habit of remembering Allah every time. In this app youwillfind the recitation of 40 Rabbana duas from Quran,these allduasstarts with Rabbana meaning "Our Lord". Dua (supplication) inIslamis one of the most beautiful and profound aspects of worship.It isa direct channel to communicate personally with your Creator,Whois ever Present, and ever ready to Respond. Dua isconversationwith Allah, out Creator, our Lord and Master, the AllKnowing, theAll Powerful. This act in itself is of extraordinarysignificance.It is the most uplifting, liberating, empowering, andtransformingconversation a person can ever have. We turn to Himbecause we knowthat He alone can lift our sufferings and solve ourproblems. Wefeel relieved after describing our difficulties to ourCreator.Every invocation has a great impact on your daily life, It isamethod which makes you feel closer to God. They help youbuildstrong beliefs, illuminate your heart and pursuerepentance.Features:======• Application starts with beautiful ayaath with translation basedupuser selected language.• Ayaath revealed indicator (Makkah or Madina based uponsurahrevealed).• Ayaath references of each Ayaath from Quran.• Listen to the accurate Arabic recitation for each Dua• Choose reciter voice from the 5 world bestselectedreciters.• Scroll through the entire list of 40 duas easily (text).• Starting 10 Duas of 5 reciters are present, it's user choosetolisten selected reciters voice• English Transliteration for all duas are present.• Meaning of duas in 14 languages (Arabic, Bosanski,Deutsch,English, Esponal, Hindi, Itialian, Farsi, Portugues,Kiswahili,Tamil, Turkish, Urdu, Russian & Malay).• Arabic Text from The Holy Quran, with ayath references inlistscreen & detail screen.• Show / Hide translation & transcription throughtheconfiguration.• No advertisements are embedded in the application.• Mute the recitation and read the Arabic text / translationsofevery invocation.• Paused/resume of invocations to complete dua afterward.Reciters:=====Abdul Rahman Al Sudais.Mohammed Rashid Al-FasyAhmed Ali Al AjamyMaher Al MueaqlySaad El Ghamdi.Note: If you like the application, please rate it and addyourreviews for the benefit of other users.
Dua of Salat 2.1.1
Trios Labs
Duas of Salah for muslims
ePUB EBook Reader 3.2.30
Read your EPUB books anywhere. Small, clean interface, fastandreliable.
Tafsir Al Jalalain Arabic Book 1.3
Perfect Islamic Apps
Tafsir al-Jalalain (Arabic : Tafsir alJalalaynتفسير الجلالين , literal meaning: "the interpretation oftwoJalals") is a book of famous commentary of the Quran , whichwasoriginally developed by Jalaluddin al Mahalli in 1459, andthencontinued by Jalaluddin as- Suyuti, his student in 1505.Thisinterpretation book is generally regarded as aclassicinterpretation of Sunni books which many used as areference,because it is considered easy to understand and iscomprised ofonly one volume alone.Features:- Complete Tafseer book in arabic language- Can change text font size- Day and night reading mode- Easy and quick index navigation- Select Tafseer for any Surah (Chapter) or Ayah (Section)ofKoran- Auto Bookmark (Last read topic)- No internet or online connection required for reading- Designed for both Android mobile phones and tablets- Read anywhere and anytimeNote: This free Malay App is supported by Ads. JazakAllahKheir.
30 Duaas (Invocations)
In Islam, Dua (دعاء) which literallymeans"invocation" is an act of supplication.This application is a collection of 34 duaas with audio for eachDuawith translation and phonetic transcription.
Arabic Book(Qaida) 1.0
The best among you is he who learns theQuranand teaches to others (Bukhari)To read Holy Quran with correct accent and Tajweed, it’snecessaryto learn to read the Arabic Book For Biginners withcorrect accentand Tajweed. Arabic Book For Biginners containsalmost all thepronunciation rules of reciting the Holy Quran.Arabic Book For Biginners is the application for kids and elderstounderstand how to read holy Quran correctly. Start learningQuranfrom the basics with Noorani Qaida.
French Prayer Book 1.21
Mirko Martinović
French Prayerbook
Hisnul Muslim | حصن المسلم 6.5
NOTE: We appreciate your feedback! Do write to us if uhavesuggestions/corrections! This app consists ofauthenticdu'as/ssupplications, remembrance/azkaar from the Quranand sunnah.Most of this app is adapted from the popular book ofauthenticsupplications, "Hisnul-Muslim" compiled by the Shaykh,Sa'eed IbnWahf Al-Qahtaanee. The rest of the supplications consistof Duasfrom the Qur'an and some other authentic duas from thesunnah,compiled from various mentioned sources. Features-------------- -Translation languages: ENGLISH, FRENCH, URDU, ROMANURDU -Transliterations to help those who are still learning arabic(Note:it is NOT recommended to rely on this and abandon learningarabic).- Audio for each dua, listen & repeat (formemorization) - DuaTEXT and AUDIO SHARING - Search for any dua -search using title,translation or phonetic! - References for eachdua - Mark yourfavorites for easy access - Umrah section - umrahduas compiled ina simple step-by-step guide form. - 99 Names ofAllaah - Extrareading
TOP African-American Studies 1.0
Stud Muffin Crazy
If you love African-American Studiesstories,TOP AFRICAN-AMERICAN STUDIES is a special gift from ustoyou.Read free African-American Studies books. Discover thebestAfrican-American Studies stories by popular writers.- Search and browse more than 138 books- Downloaded books can also be read offline- Customize your reading settings to personalizeyourexperience- Collect & organize your favorite books- User-friendly interface and intuitive control- Other useful features not to miss: recent read books- Share books with friends via email, facebook, ...What are you waiting for? Download our app & Get startedreadingtoday!Please let us know if you have suggestions.
Günlük Dualar (Sesli) 2.1.0
Semerkand Mobil
Günlük Dualar Bu uygulamada, Şadırvan yayınlarındançıkanGünlükDualar kitabından yararlanılmıştır. Uygulamanıniçeriğinde,günlükhayatta herkese lazım olan ayet, hadis kaynaklıveya büyükİslamalimlerinin tavsiye ettiği dualar yer almaktadır.Dualartürkçeaçıklamalarıyla birlikte Eyüp Beyhantarafındanseslendirilmiştir.Ayrıca istediğiniz duayı yazı veyaresim olaraksosyalplatformlarda paylaşabilirsiniz. - Besmele, -Temizlik ileilgilidualar, - Evde, yolda, çalışırken okunacakdualar, - Yeme,içme ileilgili dualar, - Ve birçok dua... AyrıcaGünlük Dualarkitabını,tüm Semerkand İletişim Merkezlerivewww.semerkandpazarlama.comsitesinden temin edebilirsiniz.Uygulamaile alakalı şikayet veönerileriniz içinlütfen, veyasupport@semerkandmobile.comadresinemail atınız.
Dua Kitabı 1.4
Misvak Bilişim
Calendar of Worship and Prayer