Top 14 Games Similar to 生活模拟器

The Sims™ 3 1.5.21
LONG LIVE THE SIMS! Enjoy hours of fun onyourAndroid device as you shape your Sims and their world.Thepossibilities are endless!Can’t get enough of The Sims? Download and play The SimsFreePlayto continue living large!Live it up with The Sims 3!• Take your Sims with you anywhere! The Sims 3 is the ONLY Simsgameon your Android devices that does not require internetconnection toplay• Complete Goals and Wishes! Unlock and achieve 73 goals andwishesto help your Sims reach their full potential• Complete activities to earn “simoleons” to purchase items foryourSims and moreCREATE YOUR OWN SIMWill your Sims be neurotic, funny or shy? Chooseappearances,clothing, personality traits, and accessories, andbring your Simsto life! Make your Sims flirtatious or total jerks!If your Simsare the solitary kinds, head to the lake and go fishing(make sureto bring a pole, though).SEE AND EXPLORE NEW LOCATIONSLose yourself in the amazing open-world environment. Discoverwhatkinds of characters your Sims will turn out to be! Will theystayhome and take care of the house, or will they be Simsabouttown?KEEP ‘EM SATISFIEDFulfill your Sims' essential needs like eating and sleepingtoincrease the amount of activities your Sims can do. Take goodcareof your Sims so you can enjoy more exciting interactionsandactivities.DREAM BIG!Stay in tune with your Sims’ whimsical desires like growingcorn,staying well-rested, or buying stuff. Unlock and achieve 73Goalsand Wishes to help your Sims reach their fullpotentials.As always – due to the rich, immersive quality of this game –yourdownload will take some time. We promise it’s worth thewait!Be the first to know! Get inside EA info on great deals, plusthelatest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: US: US: US: of Service : and Cookie Policy: EULA: for assistanceorinquiries.EA may retire online features and services after 30 days’noticeposted on Consumer Information. This app: Contains direct linkstothe Internet; Contains advertisements for EA and its partners
City Island 4: Simulation Town 3.3.3
City Town Builder. One of Great City Building Games. Create yourowntown city.
夢想星城 1.0.11
大型社交類模擬經營手遊《夢想星城》浪漫來襲!全台最多正妹玩的手遊,男女比例2:8~體貼清修女、性感小魔女、都市僑女郎…女朋友都在這,和寂寞說bye清純校園愛戀、神秘辦公室戀情、浪漫沙灘邂逅之戀…一一挑選,也能全部擁有 (~︶~)↗對的他/她就在這裡,快來擺脫無聊和單身吧~夢想星城等你唷『交友互動 告別單身』❤即時語音,實時定位,讓你輕鬆交朋友。真人認證系統,是否對眼一看就知道,陌生、熟悉到戀愛,再也不拖沓❤結婚系統浪漫上線~轉角邂逅心儀的他/她,表白、約會、求愛、結婚步入夢想的殿堂!全服獨一無二的夢幻婚禮為你打造,同性也能結婚唷❤校園青澀,社會的狂歡,跨越最美青春。沙灘趴認識結交社會名流,認識大咖名人。組建home趴、club聚會尋找趣味相投的好友~『模擬生活 花樣養成』❤夢想之屋,由你親手定制。從小單間到大豪宅,涵蓋日韓歐美四大風格,隨心佈置,任意切換,和他/她打造你們溫馨的家。❤貼心管家服務,寵物養成陪伴。性感女僕甜美配音+帥氣執事磁性聲線,24小時都在, 6大Q萌寵物陪伴,宅在家裡永遠不孤單。❤造型百變,你的衣帽間當然要最美。居家、旅遊、職場、約會分類選擇,一秒就能美美der。還能自由混搭,打造專屬fashionlook。❤打折購物,自營店鋪,天天買買買。打折促銷天天有超實惠,總有一款你喜歡。自營店鋪,上班下班你說了算,收入多少你來控制,再也不受老闆氣。※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:service03@inchtw.com服務時間:24小時全年無休
City Island: Winter Edition 3.0.4
Sparkling Society ™
If you are familiar with our game CityIsland,or if you played simulation city builder games before, thisnew'citybuilder in the snow' edition is definitely something youneedto try and play for free!In City Island: Winter Edition you will be responsibleforbuilding a city on this cold and snowy Island instead of theexoticparadise of City Island. Build houses for your citizens andcreatejobs with commercial buildings to earn money. At the sametime, besure to build enough decorations and community buildings tokeepthem happy.Gameplay in this edition is the similar to the originalCityIsland, but with the winter season ahead of us, this citybuildinggame with snowflakes dropping from the sky, provides youacompletely new user experience.In this romantic scenery, simulate a wonderful virtual citywitha choice of over 100+ unique buildings, like hotels,cinema's,offices, bakeries, restaurants, and even an oil platform.Catchsome fish with your boats in the docks, make people happybybuilding schools, churches, parks, museums, libraries andmuchmore. Furthermore, share codes with your friends in thecommunityand be rewarded with extra cash and gold! A minisimulation of lifeon an island in its best form!Try this free builder game now and enjoy many hours offreeplay!
おじモン【超きもカワ☆捕獲&強制労働☆シミュレーション】 2.6.0
戀愛警報 ~東京特勤部~ 15.08.10
GMO GameCenter, inc.
======================◎【收集活動】銀色雪山♥MAGIC◎【連動扭蛋】Twinkie★Powder Snow◎【生日扭蛋】HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAKUYA2016◎【好友邀請】第17彈好友招待開跑!◎【劇情販賣】Kuroneko Memorial開張======================■故事簡介原本是一位平凡的跨國企業OL,在一次聚會中,為了營救好友,如同灰姑娘情節般,意外被捲入秘密特務組織所執行的任務中,人生從此有了意想不到的轉變….以特務的身分與5名花美男特務一起展開故事。為了成為優秀的特務,將會進行一連串的訓練及任務,戀愛模擬遊戲中可以靠著和同事累積的友情來克服試煉。透過人物間的對話可以了解同事間的過去及苦惱, 進而發展成男友並譜出浪漫戀愛故事。備受推薦的人氣乙女戀愛養成手機遊戲,妳決定要和哪位特務成為搭檔呢?※遊戲內語言完全爲繁體中文。※必須於網路環境下操作。■遊戲特色★如電影中的型男特務個性率直令人無法討厭的頑皮鬼,溫柔體貼充滿熟男魅力的性感女性專家,個性木訥卻身懷秘密的料理師,隨心所欲卻值得依靠的年下男,冷靜又享受孤獨的隊長。除了5位東京美少男特務外,甚至還有懷抱著遠大理想的恐怖分子。與不同魅力的美男特務一同執行任務,即使過程中緊張危險,但與5位如王子般的帥氣特務同心合力,刺激劇情中同時也發展出如灰姑娘般的浪漫情節…妳想與誰成為搭檔呢?★回憶相簿故事情節進行時,可看到與角色所互動的經典畫面,第一次一起出任務、第一次的悸動、不經意的身體接觸、小鹿亂撞的告白、浪漫月下的吻、特別的夜晚等等…感動的畫面可儲存在回憶相簿,隨時觀看。★故事選擇女性向的戀愛養成遊戲,劇情中靠著和同事累積的友情來克服試煉。透過人物間的對話可以了解同事間的過去及苦惱。面對的各種選擇都將影響與角色的親密度,依照選擇的不同,將會有不同的故事情節發展,妳和男友會迎向哪個結局?。Happy ending 由妳來決定…★美女特務的妳,千萬不能錯過★●喜歡和美少男來段純純戀情的妳●喜歡被花美男捧在手掌心的妳●喜歡女性戀愛遊戲/乙女系養成遊戲/戀愛手遊的妳●喜歡BL同人誌/男男愛等等的戀愛動漫的妳●喜歡無時無刻都沉醉於戀愛氛圍的妳★同公司戀愛系列手遊令人臉紅心跳的快感指令Next, 可以談場穿越時空的愛戀的神影萬花鏡等多款乙女戀愛系列手遊,任君選擇!Facebook官網:討論版:
夢想星城-我要上車 1.0.11
夢想星城<3見證愛情!全新本土社交遊戲,一齊入嚟做星星的後裔啦!愛情隨時發生,搭地鐵坐巴士,緊有一個女仔喺你附近玩緊《夢想星城》~全港最多女仔玩嘅手機遊戲《夢想星城》(๑•́₃•̀๑)新居入伙,全屋裝修任你佈置。上堂吹水溝女搵返那些年返學嘅樂趣。帶埋寵物去散步,話唔定你都有一段寵物情緣!夜晚約埋班豬朋狗友開P玩通頂,唔驚差人查牌阻住晒!最後,喺度搵返個理想情人,陪你過埋下半世(^u^)<3男男女女語音傾計喺星城入面你會搵到個耐心聽你講嘅人,係邊個雖然冇人知,不過我可以話你知嘅係只要你有夢想《夢想星城》一定會幫你實現(*´∀`)~♥<3打造你嘅夢幻小屋現實「上車」唔容易(#`Д´)ノ不過喺《夢想星城》入面就唔同啦,想點裝修間屋都冇問題,因為呢到係你話事架!而《夢想星城》更加獨創「愛人共建系統」可以同心目中嘅Mr.Right共築愛巢!<3藝人助你圓明星夢當紅偶像藝人化身NPC助你一步步踏上演藝之路!下一站「天后/天王」絕對可以喺你身上發生(๑´ㅂ`๑)因為《夢想星城》夢想無處不在!<3挑戰成就成就人生多達百種成就等你挑戰達成,下至「搵野能手」上至「天王巨星」《夢想星城》陪你體驗各種人生百態(๑´ㅂ`๑)<3Q爆寵物一路陪你除左喵星人同汪星人外,呢到恐龍怪獸都可以由細養到大(๑´ㅂ`๑)每日仲可以帶寵物出去散步添,或者你可以喺散步途中遇到心儀嘅「佢」Σ(lliд゚ノ)ノ!?<3女僕管家隨傳隨到遊戲獨有管家系統,以及有唔同個性嘅管家比你揀緊有一款岩你口味唔好以為佢地得個樣吖,做任務果時好多時都要靠佢地架。<3你都係潮流教主千樣百搭,潮流服飾,想每日換唔同嘅衫(*゚∀゚*)?其實好易,喺呢到你都可以打扮出只屬於你嘅個性裝扮。撞衫?《夢想星城》入面係冇可能發生<3成就社交女王 / 王子創建俱樂部,邀埋豬朋狗友晚晚開P,就算你嘈到拆天喺呢到都冇人會話你,因為社交Is my life(`3´)<3經營店鋪賺錢換裝今鋪由你做老闆自己創業自己賺,幾時返工幾時放工全權由你話事(´・ω・`)玩《夢想星城》有得揀先至係人生!※本遊戲需要網路連線※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時與我們聯繫!台灣專線:+886 2-77290505香港專線:+852 81925396Email:service03@inchtw.com服務時間:24小時全年無休Dream Star <3witnessof love! The new local social games, do the stars come outand walktogether into the descendants of it!Love occur at any time, the subway by bus, there is a tightGirlsplaying near you play tight "Dream Star City" ~Hong Kong Up Girls play with your phone game "Star Dream" (1 • ₃•1) new home occupation, no matter how you arranged the wholehouserenovation. Blowing on the Church back to the gutter presswithfinger female fun generous return to school in those years.Buriedgo for a walk with a pet, then you have a set period of WellMan'sBest Friend! Night buried about classes boon to play throughthetop opening P, Well surprise police raids block the sun!Finally,back to press with finger Bei degree ideal lover, accompanyyouplanted Half (^ u ^)<3 men and women poured voice countStar City Bei into the surface you will patiently listen to youtalkWendao a generous man, though Nuisance side of a line ofpeopleknow, but I know you can talk as long as you have a dreamtiegenerous "Dream Star City" will help you achieve (*'∀`) ~ ♥<3 generous build your dream houseReality "on the train" Well easy (# `Д') Techno but Bei" Stardream"into the surface on Wu Tong friends, like to pointdecorationJianwu she has no problem, because if you do it to thesystem rack!The "Star dream" more original "love to build thesystem" can begenerous with the eyes Mr.Right Gongzhuaichao!<3 artists help you Yuanming XingmengPopular idol artists incarnation NPC help you step by step toembarkon an acting career! Next "days / King" Bei can definitelyhappen toyou (1'ㅂ `1) because the" Star Dream "Dreameverywhere!<3 Life Achievement ChallengeUp to one hundred kinds of achievements and other challengesyoureach down to the "wild press with finger expert" on tothe"superstars" "Star Dream" to accompany you to experiencevariousvicissitudes of life (1'ㅂ `1)<3Q burst pet accompany you all the wayChuzuo with Wang meow Star Star, but it can be raised to adinosaurmonsters from small to large (1'ㅂ `1) the daily secondarycan addpets out for a walk, or you can take a walk on the wayencounteredfavorite Bei generous" Drainage " Σ (lliд ゚ Techno)Techno! ?<3 maid housekeeper goes toGame exclusive butler system, as well as personalized butler WuTonggenerous than you have to pick a tight rock taste you do notattemptto obtain samples that drainage acridine, a lot of time todo thetask when the fruit have to rely on canal to stand.<3 You are all current leaderOne thousand kind of wild, trendy clothing, to daily changeWutonggenerous shirt (* ゚ ∀ ゚ *)? In fact, good easy, Bei you cando todress up only part of your generous personality dress.Zhuangshan?"Dream Star City" into the surface of the system mayoccurNuisance<3 achievements social queen / princeCreate club, invited buried boon every evening open P, even ifyoudo noisy to Chai Bei Nuisance people to have a session youbecausesocial Is my life ( `3')<3 shop operators make money DressupShop now own their own business by the boss you earn, when theygohome when full rework your rules ( '· ω · `) playing" Stardream"pick something-rock-based life!※ This game requires an Internet connection※ This game is free to use, and the other offers to buy virtualgamecurrency, items such as paid service game※ Please note that the game time, avoid indulging-------------We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered inthegame, please do not hesitate to contact us!Taiwan Line: +886 2-77290505Hong Kong Line: +852 81925396Email: service03@inchtw.comHours: 24/7
Wild Cow Simulator 3D Game 1.10
Play as a cow in this 3Danimalsimulatorgame. Explore the vast farm. Cow game is for thosewholovesimulator games. You have the realistic animal farm torunaroundwhile other pet animals like horse, sheep, goat, bullandchickenis busy in doing different activities. Keep runningbycreatingmadness everywhere.
You love playing pet games? So come on! Be a wild Cow andhaveanultimate fun with realistic farm environment. You have freemodetoget crazy on the farm fields.Features of Wild Cow Simulator 3D Game

• 3D Animated Cow
• Free Mode Running game• Different animals roaming around like horses, sheeps,goats,bulls& chickens 
• Simulated 3D App
• explore the wide map• Roam & Run
• Amazing Farm environment 
• Appealing Sound Effects
Top opportunity to play as a crazy Cow in this Bestescapade3DSim game & time killer app among all simulation gamesyoueverplayed before. Cow Simulator 3D is theperfectworth-downloadingoption for you.
Cheetah Simulator
Gluten Free Games LLC
Enter into the wild savanna and live the life of a Cheetah!
Euro Train Prison Transport 1.0.1
3D Master
Lovers of prison escape andjailbreaks,here's a new dynamic EURO TRAIN: PRISONER TRANSPORT game. Thispublic transportation game combines the concept of traindrivngwith transporting prisoners and criminals from police stationtodifferent city jails via euro train. Russian police hasarrangedspecial security protocols to transport prisoners anddangerouscriminals to the euro train station. This simulator gamefulfillsthe Cop officer dream of transporting prisoners as well asdrivingthe latest bullet train with additional opportunity to bethe onduty driver of police car, prisoner police bus or van. AREYOUREADY TO FACE THE BIGGER CHALLENGE OF DRIVING THE HEAVYTRANSPORTEREURO TRAIN? after playing the prison transporter onpolice bus andcriminal transfer to jail on the transport planesimulators.Experience train driving in this simulator like neverbeforeamong the different crime cities like Miami, San Andreas andVicecity. It is the transport drivers duty to pick the prisonersfromcity police station tiny jails and transport them to thetrainstation with full security. If the criminals or prisoners trytoescape,encounter them and shoot them immediately. Drive thestreetCOP car with care and avoid crashing into public civiliansandtourists. Thrilling challenges await as you progress each level.Asthe cop onduty driving the special high security prison busandtransporting the jail criminals from the prison to the stationis adynamic task. Army officer have been placed onduty at thestationfor the furious and dangerous criminals. As a real policeman givethese prisoners hardtime to escape from the highsecurityarrangements.History has proven that trains are best transportationsource.Trains or rail buses are most fast, luxurious andcomfortable meansof transport. Steam, locomotive, bullet trains& railroads havealways been a backbone of any country andeconomically a hugesource of fascination for travellers. Locomotiveengines and trainsare the most important inventions. You haveplayed many 3Dsimulation games of prison bus, transport truck,police cars andconstruction transporter trains with immobile cargonow try EuroTrain: Prisoner Transport Sim 3D.FEATURES:• Dynamic and challenging levels of transportdutydriving• Realistic security Protocols for criminals and prisoners withrealpolice man• A Hill Climb mountain, jungle, forest and city environment.• A variety of Vehicles to drive Police Car, Police bus, vanandmetro train.COMING SOON : More variety of trains, cargo euro trains,bullettrains, steam locomotives.You are guaranteed to enjoy this EURO TRAIN: PRISONERTRANSPORTSIMULATOR more then the prison jailbreak and police car orNYDP busprison transport sims. So Download today and enjoy thistraintransport simulator on you android devices.
3D Horse Simulator Game Free 2.0
Lingo Games
Are you ready to take up the challenge in3DHorse Simulator? Riding on a horseback Sims, is a dream. Youcanfulfill them by downloading and playing this extremehorsesimulator game, you can feel the beauty and toughness ofthisstallion separated from its herd and lost its way out fromthedense jungle and forest and now roaming freely into thebusystreets of the beautiful city. A Horse who chooses to remainone ofthe fast running animals!3D Horse Simulator is a role-playing simulator game, makeyourhorse jump high, run fast, and trot in this horse sim app,enablingthe rider to be a master jockey and a professional horsetrainerthat will lead the player into the virtual world of horseriding.This virtual horse simulator is on a disastrous run in thecity,running, jumping and crossing hurdles, destroying and crushingwithhis powerful legs, damaging and ruining city beauty by hittinglampposts, trees, telephone booths and anything that comes intohisway, this endless running game will lead you to thesimulationaddiction and excitement.Health is the basic need and you have to maintain your healthandenergy to survive in the 3D horse simulator game, as the horseis onthe run and enjoying its escape from the jungle forest, onceitfeels tiring, its health will get down and its speed will getslowgradually, try to give the horse some rest, before it gets onthemove, while simulating and roaming wildly in the city you canseebeautiful landscape with buildings, lush green grounds withgrasswith realistic views of city landscape. You have thebestopportunity to be a perfect horse rider to play this thisescapade3D Horse simulator Sims and time killer game among allsimulationgames you ever played or downloaded before.REALISTIC SIMULATOR3D Horse simulator enables rider to feel the beauty ofrealisticsimulation.HEALTH AND SURVIVALThe city is busy and survival is only to maintain your healthandtake frequent stops to get energy.GET POINTS AND LEVELSTry to take maximum points and challenge your family and friendsinthis exciting 3D Horse Simulator game.HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS3D Horse Simulator is designed with HD graphics visualizing theuserto feel the surroundings with realistic features andnature'sbeauty!★★★★★3D HORSE SIMULATOR GAME FEATURES★★★★★● 3D Animated Horse● Free & Challenge Mode● Simulated 3D Horse Riding● Horse jumping over hurdles● Eating carrots and hitting trees● Realistic city environment● Real Horse Sound Effects★★★★★HORSE SIMULATOR CONTROLS★★★★★● Move your horse Forward, Backward, Left, Right by usingJoystickon left side of screen● Make your horse jump by using jump button on right sideofscreen★★★★★GET CONNECTED★★★★★You can join our Facebook page to get latest updates&promotions:
Farm Milk Cargo Transporter 3D 1.0
Reality Gamefied
Welcome to a new world of transport gamesinthe form of Farm Milk Cargo Transporter 3D. You must haveplayedmany a farm truck simulator , but Farm Milk Transporter 3Discompletely new and exciting with a twist on theregulartransportation games. Come and be a part of the dairyhaulingbusiness and make the farm fresh milk supply possible to thelocalcreamery shops. You are here to provide farm pickupandtransportation services. This is your chance to serve theDairyfarmers as well as the local public by ensuring the deliveryofpure and fresh milk to them.Gameplay:• You are a part of a leading bulk milk hauling company,offering pick up services . Your job is to pick up yourproductfrom producers at a dairy farm , using your dairy pickuptanker.These tankers are specially designed to keep your productsafe anduncontaminated.• You begin by parking your truck in the shed. Next, somecoolanimations will give you an insight into the milkproductionprocess. It starts with milking the cow in the milkhouse. Then itis cooled to below a certain temperature (45 degrees C) inthecooling or holding tank. On going testing is done for qualityandsafety. It is then pasteurized and homogenized to get rid ofanyharmful bacteria and increase its shelf life. Now , the productisready to be transported to the stores for sale.• Now, you will press the loading button so your milk trailer canbeloaded with it.• Get behind the wheels of your transport trolley and buckle upforan adventurous ride through the city to its destination. Youwillhandle the vehicle manually using the steering andothercontrollers. Ride safe but fast.• Dairy is a perishable item . You should make yourjourneyefficiently and swiftly so the product reaches the customersbeforeit is spoilt. That is why you have been put on the clock. Trytofinish your task within this time.If you like trucks and farming, this is an ideal game foryou.This is a test of your driving skills so hop on your trailerandshow us some swift moves and how to handle a huge vehicle likethispickup tanker . Do your job of maintaining a continuous supplytothe city. It will appeal to all of us truck game lovers. So,hurryup and download it instantly for one smooth ride.Features:• 20 exciting levels• Great vehicles with smooth controls• Rotating camera• Cool farming environment
Wild Lion Forest Hunt
Vital Games Production
Lion is better known as the wildlifejungleking. Let’s play as the real lion in this wild lionsimulator. Liveas the king of the forest, rule the jungle wildlifeand be theferocious animal to play in this safari simulator. A reallionwould always rule the animal kingdom. Continue with the prideandhunt down all animals that come across.** SAVE YOUR FAMILY PRIDE **It’s your role to survive in this wildlife hunting simulatorandprotect your family cubs. Hunt animals that attack your cubs.Itmight be a wolf, a crocodile, deer or some angry bear. Protectyourpride of lions and hunt for your prey.** HUNT or Get HUNTED **Be a wild beast and feed your hungry nature. Some wild animalsmightresist on your attack and pounce on you, so beware and go forthekill.Jungle is filled with other wild animals. Go on hunting and takeoutthe safari animals. Show how ferocious a lion can be. Lion isahungry beast animal that searches for its prey. The gameconsistsof various gameplay missions with more updates on the way.Soundeffects and graphics make it even more realistic. Enter thejungleand start your hunting in this Wild Lion Forest Hunt.FEATURES• Actual thrill of chasing down animals• Explore the Jungle environment• Attack & kill other animals• Kill your target to accomplish missions• Amazing 3D Graphics & Environment• Play as Real Wild LionYour Feedback are of high value for us
Kidney Surgery Simulator 3D 1.12
Crazy Kidney Surgery Simulator 3D is arealsurgery simulator game. Lots of patients are waiting inthehospital to get their kidney surgery simulation done. Thereissomething wrong with their kidneys; Germs and Bacteriahaveattacked the kidney due to lack of water consumption.Completetheir surgeries Simulator with the medical tools in yourlittleclinic. You are the Crazy kidney surgeon. Take urgent care ofthepatients coming to your virtual hospital with kidney problems inanambulance. Have fun with the crazy surgeries in the craziestKidneySurgery Simulator game!Here comes another patient in an ambulance. There’s anemergency.Look out what’s wrong with his kidney. Give him propertreatment inemergency room before taking him to the surgery room.The treatmentroom has all the medications and tools to perform thesurgerysimulator. Save his life, avoid shaky hands so that thereare nofailed surgeries. Open up their stomachs. There arekidneytransplant patients with other lungs, liver, hearts,stomachs, skinor plastic surgery history to keep in mind whileoperating in thevirtual operation theater and working on diagnosis.Be a crazysurgeon.Enjoy amazing new crazy surgery simulator treatments.Performrealistic surgeries. Treat injuries, wounds and kill thegerms.Kidney Doctor Game for kids! Be the super doctor on demand,treatand medicate your kidney patients in a surgery room at yourclinic.Enjoy amazing doctor games for all girls and boys!The poor patients have painful expressions and a fear intheirpretty face & eyes. Be the super star surgeon; Treat themwithall the medical tools and medicines at the doctor’s office.Yourcrazy treatments need Stethoscope, ECG machine, thermometer,bloodpressure apparatus, antiseptic creams, injection simulator,scallopand medicine for treating the swelling, wounds, cuts andinjuries.Don’t forget to clean away the blood and bacteria toavoidinfection for the little baby kids. You are going to play theroleof a kidney doctor, help your patients gain good healthandrecover.Kidney Surgery Simulator Features√ Call a patient in the surgery room√ Check heart beat with a stethoscope√ Check blood pressure with the apparatus√ Use an ECG machine to check heart function√ Check temperature of the little virtual patient withathermometer√ Cut the skin with laser and tap to open√ Clear the green infection√ Use a dropper√ Use an injection to remove the harmful pimples√ Use an air pump√ Fill in the blood√ Close the cut and staple themKidney Surgery Simulator has so much fun options to trycrazysurgery simulator at your clinic. Kill those germs causingpain anddiseases. There is a biggest rush of patients waitingoutside yourclinic to get treated. Doctor games have never beenthis awesome.Become the real doctor and crazy surgeon to performthe surgerysimulator on your patients. Test your skills, become aprofessionalsurgeon, treat patients with painful expressions andmake themhealthy and happy again.The amazing best doctor is here to make this surgery full of fun.Doyou dream to become a surgeon and help heal the sick patients?Bethe crazy doctor, start treating patients and have fun. Performrealsurgeries in Crazy Surgery Simulator 3D. Such doctor gamesarecasual games to play in your spare time while you get toexperiencethis career as well. It’s free kids games! Enjoy intensevirtualsimulation surgeries and operations, one of the best freedoctorsgames for kids and surgery games. You are the kidney doctorwho isfamous and the best surgeon in virtual surgery simulator. Togetinto a happy patient’s diary, you need to be careful and treatyourpatients well. Good luck with the treatments, healingandrecovery!