Top 3 Apps Similar to Learn PhoneGap

PhoneGap Demo App 3.0.0
iYaffle Technologies
A complete demo of all device APIs of PhoneGap. This demo iscreatedfor the "PhoneGap - Beginners Guide" book published byPacktPubPublishers, U.K. Source code is availablein
Learn PhoneGap and HTML5 1.6
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ GoLearningBus: A quality product from WAG Mobile Inc !!!★★ ★ ★ ★ More than 4 million paying customers from 175 countries.Youcan subscribe to more than 500 apps for learning and trainingviaGoLearningBus.Com. GoLearningBus brings you a simple, crispandto-the-point app for "Learn PhoneGap and HTML5 byGoLearningBus".You have limited access to the content provided. Inguest mode youcan access first chapter for free. Login further toaccess secondchapter of each app. For full access to the content,please loginand purchase this application. The app provides: 1.Snack sizedchapters for easy learning. 2. Bite sized flashcards tomemorizekey concepts. 3. Simple and easy quizzes forself-assessment. Thisapp provides a quick summary of PhoneGap andHTML5 via easy tograsp snack sized chapters: "PhoneGap" includes:Introduction toPhoneGap, Cross-Platform Vs Native App Development,PhoneGap'sStrategy for Cross-Platform Mobile Application,PhoneGapArchitecture, PhoneGap APIs, Configuring PhoneGapAndroidDevelopment Environment, Creating an Android PhoneGapProject,Configuring an iOS PhoneGap Development Environment,Creating aniOS PhoneGap Project, PhoneGap Build Service. "HTML5"includes:Introduction, HTML5 Basics, HTML Basics, HTML Quick List,XMLBasics, JavaScript Basics, CSS Basics, New Elements in HTML5,InputTypes and Form Elements, HTML5 Video and Audio, Canvas,WebStorage, HTML5 Tag List, HTML5 Attributes, HTML5 Events. Thisappwill access your personal information like first name, lastname,and Email id. For more details you may refer our privacy termsat Why GoLearningBus apps:1)Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selection of apps.2)Enjoyable, Entertaining and Exciting apps. 3) An incrediblevaluefor money. Lifetime of free updates! ★ ★ ★ GoLearningBusVision :simpleNeasy Apps for a lifetime of on-the-go learning.★ ★ ★★ ★ ★To make education enjoyable, entertaining, and excitingforeveryone. ★ ★ ★ Visit us : Please write tousat We would love to improve this App.
用 Flash 輕鬆打造 Android App 1.0.6
大家好, 我是奶綠茶。筆者上一本書「Flash 3D 特效宅急便」出版至今 已過了二年多, 在這本新書中,我想要和大家分享使用Flash 來開發 App 的技 巧與心得。 應用程式的戰場已從桌機延燒至行動裝置, 然而 Apple公司曾公開表示 iOS 不支援Flash Player, 連 Adobe 公司也宣佈放棄 Android 平台的 FlashPlayer,我們不禁要問:Flash 的時代結束了嗎? 其實不然, Flash 在桌機上還是保有優勢, 近來加入的硬體加速功能(Stage3D,StageVideo), 及多執行序工作 (Worker), 更讓 Flash 在效能上大大 的提升,讓我們更能完美發揮創意點子,不再受限於以往的效能。 而且 App 的生命週期其實很短, 使用者可能玩幾次就把 App 刪掉了, 但開發 App要花的時間卻相當長, 包括在各種裝置上測試, 軟體審核, 是否跨平 台, 決定用什麼技術…等等。你是否和筆者一樣, 只要App當機個兩、三次, 下一步就是立刻移掉它!可見上架前的測試非常重要, 對開發者的我們來說, 選擇對的工具,就能大大提升開發效率。在摸索過幾套跨平台開發的工具, 例如 PhoneGap、Titanium、Unity3D…之 後, 筆者深感Flash才是最好用的工具, 透過你我熟悉的 AS3.0 語法, 開發 App 可以變得簡單好上手, 不僅加快開發速度, 開發出來的App又可以跨平台使 用。因此筆者選擇 Flash 做為主要的 App 開發工具, 也希望大家透過本書, 能 了解使用 Flash開發App 的好處。 雖然 Flash 已經是大家所熟悉的軟體, 不過在開發行動裝置 App 方面, 還是有許多小細節要注意,筆者也將在本書中提供個人的開發心得, 帶領大家一 起了解並進入 Adobe AIR 的世界。