Top 12 Games Similar to Ayam Lepas

Ahok Manusia Super 1.0.0
Dekat Nyata
Melalui game ini, kamu berperansebagaiAhok,manusia super,yang berusaha untuk terus maju walau banyakhalberusahamenghadangnya.Sejauh manakah Ahok Manusia Super dapat terus majudigameini?tentunya itu tergantung dari ketangkasanmu memainkan gameini,intinya, jeli, dan gesit.Yuk dicoba?Tags: karya anak bangsa, karya cipta indonesia,gamebuatanindonesia, aplikasi karya indonesiaThrough this game,youactas Ahok, superhuman,which seeks to press ahead despite a lot of things tryingtoblockit.To what extent are Ahok Superman can continue to advanceinthisgame?of course it depends on the ketangkasanmu play this game,Essentially, jellies, and nimble.Let's try?Tags: work of the nation, Indonesia copyrighted works,gamesmadein Indonesia, the application works Indonesia
Kopi Sianida 1.0.0
Kinada Indonesia
Game yang satu ini seru dan asik banget.Cocok buat kamu yang lagi bosen nunggu temen, atau kamuyanglaginyari kegiatan di angkot / busway.Daripada ngegosipin orang, mending main game seru iniaja!KopiSianida.Di game ini kamu akan jadi kucing (miaw) yangselaludiberitawaran menggiurkan kopi sianida.Duh! daripada menenggak Kopi Sianida, mendingngejarburung-burunglucu aja deh!Gitu katamu.Kamu harus tangkas dalam menggeser posisi miawsupayatidakdipaksa minum kopi sianida.Semakin lama game berjalan, jumlah kopi sianidayangditawarkanakan semakin banyak, sehingga kamu, sebagai miaw(kucing)haruslebih jeli membaca peluang untuk kabur daritawaranmenggiurkankopi itu, dan mengumpulkan sebanyak-banyaknyaburunguntuk pasokanmakanan kamu.Ok, selamat mencoba. Miaww!Tags: karya anak bangsa, karya cipta indonesia,gamebuatanindonesia, aplikasi karya indonesiaThis gameexcitingandreally cool.Suitable for you who else bored waiting for friends, or youarestilllooking for activity in public transportation /busway.Instead ngegosipin people, mending aja play thisexcitinggame!Cyanide coffee.In this game you will become a cat (Miaw) are alwaysgivenatempting offer coffee cyanide.Duh! instead of downing coffee Cyanide, mending chasingbirdsfunnyaja!So you say.You must be agile in order to shift the position Miawnotforcedto drink coffee cyanide.The longer the game goes, the number of copies ofcyanidewilloffer more and more, so that you, as Miaw (cats) mustbemoreobservant read the opportunity to run away from thetemptingofferscoffee, and collect as many birds to your foodsupply.Ok, good luck. Miaww!Tags: work of the nation, Indonesia copyrighted works,gamesmadein Indonesia, the application works Indonesia
LARON : Smash and Protect 2.4
Gambreng Games
Bored with a common Bug Smasher Game ? Try our award winningBugSmasher Game the Runner Up for Best Game on IndustryCreativeFestival 2014 The game is simple: protect the light bysmashing allthe LARON or some said flying white ant and increaseyour combo forvarious (spray, gecko, firefly, and spider)power-ups. Remember !Do not smash the hornet cause will sting yourfinger. Beware theless you smash than the more LARON spawn... Ifyou let them hive inthe lamp than the light will go dark :( Let'ssmash all of them andkeep the light shine!!! Update 2.2 CelebrateChristmas with newgameplay 1. Christmas tree mode which put a newtwist in LARONgameplay. 2. Awesome new enemies such as LARON Santa,LARONGingerbread, LARON Snowflakes, LARON Fairy and Holy LARON3.Special passive power up called Angelic Help. Defend the lightinChristmas tree mode for 30 seconds and angelic light willbrightenall the screen and you can kill whichever LARON in thescreen.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update2.1 Celebrate Halloween with MAJOR UPDATE !!!! 1. Two newmodes totest your mashing skills just like in Ant Smasher and yourtimemanagement. 2. Awesome Items that help you slowdown laron orevengain more money. 3. Get ready for LARON Wizard who won't beaffectedwith your power ups. 4. Halloween themes that not onlyaffect thelook and feel but also thegameplay.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Update1.65 : Tablet Support Experience the next generation oftapping gamelike Ant Smasher: 1. Exciting Combo System. Tap moreto gain morepower !!!!! 2. Upgrade your companion with moneyyou've got from thegame. 3. Keep up with the challenge. The moreyou kill, the morethey come. 4. Pixelated LARON Families (Queen,King, Male, Femaleand Babies). 5. Bizzare companion to power upyour game (FireFly,Spider, Gecko and Spray).
Cinta Rangga 1.0.0
Dekat Nyata
“Aku lari ke hutan, kemudian menyanyikuAku lari ke pantai, kemudian teriakkuSepi-sepi dan sendiriAku benci”Namun sekarang kamu gak usah lagi takut sendiri karena:Aku ingin Binar, bisa bermain Cinta Rangga,Aku mau di pasar atau dimana aja bisa mainin Cinta Rangga,Bosan Aku dengan penat, bisa nge-game Cinta Rangga,Dan enyah saja kau pekat karena sudah adapermainanCintaRangga,Seperti berjelaga jika Ku sendiri karena asikaplikasiCintaRangga.Main yuk?Tags: karya anak bangsa, karya cipta indonesia,gamebuatanindonesia, aplikasi karya indonesia"I ran into thewoods,thenmy singingI ran to the beach, then shoutLonely-lonely and aloneI hate"But now you need not fear their own again because:I want Binar, can play Love Rangga,I'm going on the market or anywhere else canmaininLoveRangga,I'm bored with tired, can nge-game Love Rangga,And get the hell have you been concentrated because thereisalreadya game Love Rangga,As sooty if my own for cool apps Love Rangga.Let's play?Tags: work of the nation, Indonesia copyrighted works, gamesmadeinIndonesia, the application works Indonesia
Tukang Ojek TOP 1.0
Bali Berry
Tukang Ojek Top ini adalah sebuahpermainanyang sangat mengasyikkan dan sangat cocok dimainkansambilmenonton sinetron Tukang Ojek Pengkolan yang saat inisedang di putar di salah satu statiun tv terkemukadiIndonesia.Dipersembahkan khusus bagi penggemar atau fans Tukang OjekPengkolanyang kemungkinan saja juga merupakan penggemardari sinetron ganteng ganteng srigala GGS, Rajawali, Pangeran,7manusia harimau, Sopo Jarwo, Baal veer, Mahaputra, Ashoka,AnakJalanan,dll.Permainan ini tidak kalah seru dengan permainanshooter,tembak-tembakan, pertempuran, karena dalam permainan iniakanmenguji keahlianAnda dalam mengenali artis artis sinetron kesayangan Andadalamsinetron Tukang Ojek Pengkolan disamping keakuratan Andadalammenembakkandan mengarahkan moncong senapan atau peluncur.Cukup kenali dan cari gambar yang sesuai dengan gambar yangakandiluncurkan dan apabila ada tiga gambar yang sama berdekatanmakaakan meledak dengan suara yang sangat khas danheboh.Semakin Anda mampu memainkan permainan Tukang Ojek Top ini kelevelyang lebih tinggi, akan semakin menantang Anda dengankecepatan danketepatan memposisikancolekan tangan Anda di perangkat Android kesayangan Anda.Sekilas tentang Sinetron Tukang Ojek Pengkolan merupakanserialsinetron komedi yang menghibur. Sinetron ini tayang sore haridiRCTI. Para pemeran di sinetron ini lucu-lucu sehingga membuatkitatertawa. Ceritanya sederhana saja yaitu kisah tentangkehidupanpara tukang ojek di Pengkolan. Ada tiga tukang Ojek didalamsinetron TOP ini yaitu Ojak yang diperankan Eza Yayangyangmemiliki istri Tati. Ada Purnomo yang sok ganteng. Ada jugaTisnayang lugu.. Sinetron yang bersyuting di Kampung Bali - KebunSirih,Tanah Abang ini semakin disukai penonton.Pemain yang bernama Ojak ini suami dari Tati. Hidupnya pas-pasandantinggal di rumah kontrakan bersama istrinya Tati. Ojakuntukmenghidupi keluarganya menjadi tukang ojek denganmotorbututnyaTati ini istrinya Ojak yang lugu. Dia juga usaha bikin kueyangresepnya dikasih oleh emaknya.Emak selalu ngomong "Ooo seperti itu?" .. Emak ini ibu kandungTatidan mertuanya Ojak. Dia suka menyindir Ojak yang belum bisakasihuang banyak untuk istrinya.Purnomo yang tidak mau disebut Purno ini merupakan tukang Ojekyangsok keren. Tiap ada cewek cantik dia selalu berusahamendekatinya.Dia suka dengan Ani tapi ketika ada cewek baru bernamaInneke diajadi cuekin Ani.Tisna yang suka ngomong "Kata Bapak Saya" ini agak lugu. Tisnainipunya istri di kampung yang selalu minta uang dari Tisna.Tisnayang cuma tukang ojek berusaha mengirimkan uang ke istrinyayanggalak itu.Jon atau Jono tukang es dawet ini suka banget updatestatus..Kerjaannya suka ngeledek para tukang ojek yang cupu-cupuitu. wekaweka weka.. :)Babe Naim ini pemilik kontrakan. Ojak dan Tati tinggaldikontrakannya. Babe Naim suka dengan emaknya Tati.Mpok Mumun itu tukang jualan nasi uduk yang jadi langgananparatukang Ojek.Ani ini suka ngomong "Ih apaan sih..". Ani ini sukajualanonline.Pak Sofyan ini dosen yang suka menasehati berdasarkan buku-bukuyangpernah dibacanya. Dia suami dari Nurmala dan ayah dariBungaNurmala merupakan istri Sofyan yang suka dengerin kabargosipterbaru.Bunga ini anak Pak Sofyan dan Nurmala yang suka ngambek.Dedy ini merupakan anaknya Babe Naim.. Tubuhnya sangat gemukjadisuka bikin gembes motor para tukang Ojek yang ditumpanginya.Dedymencoba untuk berjualan bubur kacang Ijo untukmencarinafkah.Neng rika ini suka ngomong Iya Kakak, terimakasih Kakak karenaRikaini kerja di Conter HP.Udin ini penjaga lapak parkir yang ditakuti orang-orang tapiUdinsendiri takut sama Enyaknya dan paling enggak suka makanmakananyang pedes.Enyaknya Udin merupakan pemilik kontrakan yan ditinggali Ani.Diaingin menjodohkan Udin dengan Ani.Selamat bermain dan semoga bisa menghibur Anda di selaselakegemaran Anda menonton Tukang Ojek Pengkolan semogabisamenuntaskan sampai level yang tertinggi.Top Ojek This is averyexciting game and is perfect to play whilewatching soap operas Ojek currently Pengkolanbeing played at one of Indonesia's leading tv statiun.Dedicated specifically for fans or fans Ojek Pengkolan which maybealso a fanof soap operas handsome handsome wolf GGS, Eagles, Prince, 7humantiger, Sopo Jarwo, Baal veer, Mahaputra, Ashoka,StreetChildren,etc.This game is no less exciting with the game shooter,shooting,fighting, because in this game will test the skillsYou recognize the artist of your favorite soap opera actress inthesoap opera Ojek Pengkolan besides your accuracy in firingand directing the muzzle of the gun or launcher.Enough identify and locate the appropriate image with the imagethatwill be launched and if there are three contiguous samepicture thenit will explode with a very distinctive soundandexcited.The more you are able to play this game Top Ojek to a higherlevel,will increasingly challenge you with speed andprecisionpositioningpoke your hands on your favorite Android device.Overview of the soap opera Ojek Pengkolan an entertainingcomedyseries. This soap opera aired on RCTI afternoon. The actorsin theshow is funny to make us laugh. Simple story is the story ofthelife of the motorcycle taxi drivers in Pengkolan. There arethreecarpenters Ojeks in this TOP soap operas that played EzaOjakYayang who has a wife Tati. There Purnomo quasi handsome. Thereisalso Tisna innocent .. Soap opera bersyuting in Kampung Bali-Kebun Sirih, Tanah Abang is increasingly favored spectator.Players named Ojak is the husband of Tati. His life is mediocreandlived in a rented house with his wife Tati. Ojak to supporthisfamily motorcycle taxis with his worn motorsTati's wife Ojak innocent. He also attempt to make a cakerecipegiven by his mother.Mother always say "Ooo like that?" .. Mother is mother-in-lawTatiand Ojak. She likes to quip Ojak who can not love money tohiswife.Purnomo who do not want to be called a handyman Ojeks Purnoquasicool. Every pretty woman he has always tried to approach him.Helikes to Ani but when there is a new girl named Inneke himsoignore Ani.Tisna talkativeness "My Father Said" is a bit naive. This Tisnahada wife in the village were always asking for money fromTisna.Tisna that only a motorcycle taxi driver tried to send moneyto hiswife's stern.Jon or Jono iceman this dawet loves his work like status updates..ngeledek the motorcycle taxi drivers who cupu-cupu it. wekawekaweka .. :)Babe is the owner of the rented Naim. Ojak and Tati live inrented.Babe Tati Naim love with his mother.Mpok Mumun it huckster uduk rice that so the buildersOjekssubscription.Ani is like saying "ick hell ..". Ani is like selling online.Pak Sofyan lecturer who likes advised by the books he had read.Hewas the husband of Nurmala and father of InterestNurmala a Sofyan wife who likes to listen to the latestgossipnews.This flower child Pak Sofyan and Nurmala who like cranky.This is his Dedy Babe Naim .. She was very fat so likes to makethemotor gembes the builders Ojeks the host. Dedy trying to sellbeanporridge Ijo for a living.This rica Neng talkativeness Yes Sister, thank you brotherbecauseRika is working in Conter HP.This Udin parking stall keeper who feared people but Udinitselfscared Enyaknya and most baseball likes to eat foodsthatpedes.Enyaknya Udin is the owner of the rented yan livable Ani. Hewantsto match with Ani Udin.Congratulations to play and hopefully can keep you on thesidelinesimmersive viewing Ojek Pengkolan may be completed up tothe highestlevel.
Roll Kitty Roll 1.0.4
Niji Games
Help Kitty The Cat to keep rollin..and rollin..and rollin as faraspossible!
Farm Friends - Kids Games 1.8.87
Ploosh LLC
Cute games for kids. Exciting story. Children learn about farmlifeand animals.
KittyCatch 1.0.6
KittyCatch is a fun, addictive, casualgamewhich takes inspiration from such titles as the famed FruitNinja.KittyCatch differs from similar titles with more diversegamemechanics, fun animal based enemies, beautiful hand drawnHDgraphics and CATS!**50% - OFF Launch Price Sale, for a Limited time KittyCatchwillbe Half Price!**- Help ensure the safe journey home of the kittiescruellyabandoned by mean girl, Courtney.- You, as the player, must save as many cats as possible astheyfloat around the world visiting fourteen unique locationsandfacing ferocious enemies.- Enemies jump quickly and randomly, so think fast andreactquickly or you'll lose more cute kitties. Swiping enemies isoftenbetter than tapping as it is possible to swipe multipleenemies atone time for combos.- Be challenged by the never ending onslaught of enemiestryingto eat our cute kitties as they try to return home carried bythewind. Be sure to watch carefully for bonus gifts that givespecialpowers to cats to help them escape!-KittyCatch takes advantage of the Starling framework forfastGPU(Graphics Processing Unit) accelerated graphics. ThisallowsKittyCatch to display many Animated characters and sceneeffects,such as weather, all rendered simultaneously on REVIEW: In the view of some people KittyCatch may beconsideredviolent. KittyCatch has cartoon animated violence andsimple Bloodeffects. It is possible to turn off Blood if youwish.Visit Mosquitosoft to see high-rez artwork from KittyCatch,alsovisit the Facebook, Google+ and Twitter pages if youlikeKittyCatch or would like to post comments.PERFORMANCE: It is recommended that KittyCatch be installed onamodern smartphone. This means best performance will beachievedwith a dual core device, something in the class of aSamsung GalaxyS2 (approx 3 years old). If you are experiencingchoppy game-playor slow performance I recommend going to thesettings menu ofKittyCatch and disabling BLOOD effects and WEATHER.For me thisallows for KittyCatch to be played on single core andolderdevices.Kitty Catch is the work of a single individual, GlenGoringcreator of Mosquitosoft Studios.Visit Mosquitosoft at:http://mosquitosoft.com
Kuis Tebak Buah 1.0.1
Dekat Nyata
Tebakan gambar buah yang lucu,bermainingatan,bermain warna warni, bermain seru-seruan.Permainan ini bisa untuk siapa saja, dari anak-anaksampaiorangdewasaSelamat bermain!Tags: karya anak Indonesia, ciptaan Indonesia, karyaciptaIndonesia,buatan Indonesia,Guessesfruitfunnypictures, play memory, play colorful, exciting play-call.This game can be for anyone, from children to adultsHave a nice play!Tags: Indonesia's children, the creation ofIndonesia,Indonesiacopyrighted works, made in Indonesia,
Teka Teki Hewan 1.0.0
Dekat Nyata
Teka Teki Hewan adalah aplikasipermainanyangdapat melatih kecekatan mata, ketepatan tangan sertamelatihdayaingat dalam waktu yang bersamaan.Game yang sangat cocok untuk dimainkan olehsiapapun,mulaianak-anak, remaja, hingga orang dewasasekalipun.Ketika bermain kalian akan menebak letakgamba-gambaryangtersembunyi untuk memcocokan gambar-gambar yangsama dalamwaktuyang telah di tentukan, dan tikatkan terus levelkalian.Tags: karya anak Indonesia, ciptaan Indonesia,buatanIndonesia,produk Indonesia aplikasi karya IndonesiaAnimal Puzzle isagameapplication that can train the eye dexterity, precisionhandandtrain your memory at the same time.The gameplay is very suitable to be played byanyone,fromchildren, teenagers, and adults though.When playing you will guess the location of thegamba-hiddenimagesfor memcocokan pictures together in time that hasbeenspecified,and tikatkan keeps you level.Tags: children's work of Indonesia, Indonesia's creation,madeinIndonesia, the Indonesian product application worksIndonesia
Kiddy Bounce 1.0
Kiddy Bounce is completely free to play.Kiddy Bounce will bring joy and happiness to your life!Kiddy bounce higher and collect coins,battle friends for thehigherscore in this never-ending game.Four guys such as girl,boy,cat,monster will bounce inthegame.The first guy is free,collect more coins to unlock otherguys,andplay with more funny."Totally addictive game! Can't put it down!" -- One more weird guyFeatures:● Let kiddy bounce higher and higher● Collect more coins and use to play more funny guy● Ridiculously simple, yet totally addicting● The game's language has localization● More cute and funny guys will come soonSo what you are waiting for? Download Kiddy Bounce rightnow!
Hanyalah KepadaMU - Aliando 1.0
Kuis melengkapi lirik dari laguAliando-Hanyalah KepadaMU.Game Melengkapi Lirik Hanyalah KepadaMU - Aliando inibebasvirus,gratis dan tidak memakan banyak memori.Cara bermain:- Klik Play Now- Baca soalnya- Pilih jawaban yang menurut kamu paling benarJangan download game ini sebelum tahu lirik darilagunyasecaraFULL...[Peringatan] yg ngerate 5 bintang, kami doain entengjodohdanrezekinya! Amin...D I S C L A I M E R :- APLIKASI INI BUKAN OFFICIAL DARI ARTIS TERSEBUT- APLIKASI INI TIDAK MEMASUKKAN AUDIO DARI LAGU INIDANTIDAKMEMFASILITASI USER UNTUK MENDOWNLOAD LAGU INISECARAILEGAL.Quiz complete lyricsofthesong Aliando - Only you.Completing the game Lyrics Only you - this Aliandovirusfree,free, and it takes a lot of memory.How to play:- Click the Play Now- Read soalnya- Choose the answer that you think is most trueDo not download this game before knows the lyrics of thesongareFULL ...[Warning] who ngerate 5, we Doain lightly mateandsustenance!Amen ...D I S C L A I M E R:- THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL APPLICATION OF SUCH ARTISTS- THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT INCLUDE AUDIO OF THIS SONGANDFACILITATEUSER TO DOWNLOAD THIS SONG IS ILLEGAL.