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Monument Valley 1.26
Monument Valley travel information including; YouTube GuidedToursGoogle Map Local News and Events (GPS oriented) Facebook AppPagewith updated travel posts Photo Gallery Trivia game to enjoyonyour drive Car Locator and more... Monument Valley is abeautifuldrive from either of the nearby 4 states, just make sureyou have afull tank of gas and plenty of water just in case...HappyTrails...
Cuenca a mano Turismo móvil 10.0.0
Ibero Valley
Cuenca in your pocketEssential to enjoy your trip to Cuenca!"Cuenca in your pocket" offers you would need to make themostofyour stay in our city: the essential information forplanningyourtrip, so you can not miss, geographic information aboutpointsofinterest (museums, monuments, parks, restaurants,shopping,nightlife ...), official tours, tourist routesandcomplete. Plansto leverage your stay to the fullest.Cuenca Guide "Cuenca in your pocket"Cuenca guide allows:- Visit more than monuments, parks, churches,towers,plazas,bridges, natural areas, towns, sport, streets,museums,etc.- Know the different neighborhoods and areas of Cuenca- Organize your visit- View the location of places (geo-referenced data with maps)- Read the contents- Share your experiences via twitter or facebook- Know the culture (theaters, worldheritage,museums,restaurants)- Marvels of nature (landscapes, parks, mountains)- Around Cuenca (Beteta, Buendia, Las Majadas,LasPedroñeras,Canopies, Uña, Vega del Codorno, etc)- Enjoy all the benefits of being offline,withoutinternetaccess- Best Places to visit- Practical and essential information- Prepare your visit as you wantDownload it now!Essential information for the city of Cuenca(transport,touristoffices, hotels, museums, restaurants, monuments,theaters,naturalareas, parks, nightlife, etc) andSee the highlights of the agenda of Cuenca(exhibitions,stages,concerts and sports).No data connection required, although if you already haveit,youcan update all information available in theapplication,includingthe agenda."Cuenca in your pocket" if you live in Cuenca:Can you imagine seeing all that is around you just bypressingabutton? You would never have imagined such an easy,practicalandquick to move around your city and get the most outhow.It is free and requires no records--------------------------------------------------------------------¡Imprescindible para disfrutar de tu viaje a Cuenca!"Cuenca a mano" te ofrece lo necesario para disfrutar almáximodela estancia en nuestra ciudad: la información esencialparapreparartu viaje, lo que no te puedes perder,informacióngeolocalizada sobrelos puntos de interés (museos,monumentos,parques, restaurantes,tiendas, locales de ocionocturno…), visitasguiadas oficiales, rutasturísticas y unacompleta. Planes paraaprovechar tu estancia almáximo."Cuenca a mano" es tu guía imprescindible.Actualmenteestamostrabajando a fondo en Cuenca. Esta guía seampliará con eltiempocon información sobre toda la provincia deCuenca.La guía de Cuenca permite:- Visitar más de monumentos, parque, iglesias,torres,plazas,puentes, espacios naturales, pueblos, deporte,calles,museos,etc- Conocer los distintos barrios y zonas de Cuenca- Organizar tu visita- Ver la ubicación geográfica de los lugares(datosgeoreferenciadoscon mapas)- Leer los contenidos- Compartir tu experiencia via twitter o facebook- Conocer la cultura (teatros, patrimonio de lahumanidad,museos,gastronomía)- Maravillarse con su naturaleza (paisajes, parques, sierra)- Conocer los alrededores de Cuenca (Beteta, Buendía,LasMajadas,Las Pedroñeras, Tejadillos, Uña, Vega delCodorno,etc)- Disfrutar de todas sus ventajas de forma offline, sinnecesidaddeacceso a internet- Los mejores lugares para visitar- Información práctica e imprescindible- Prepara tu visita a medida¡Descárgala ahora!Información esencial de la ciudad de Cuenca(transporte,oficinasde turismo, hoteles, museos, restaurantes,monumentos,cines,espacios naturales, parques, ocio nocturno,etc)Consulta los eventos más destacados de la agendadeCuenca(exposiciones, escenarios, conciertos y deporte).No requiere conexión de datos, aunque si dispones deellapuedesactualizar toda la información disponible enlaaplicación.Es totalmente GRATUITA y no requiere / Cuenca A Mano / @cuencaamanoCuenca in your pocketEssential to enjoy your trip to Cuenca!"Cuenca in your pocket" offers you would need to make themostofyour stay in our city: the essential information forplanningyourtrip, so you can not miss, geographic informationacercapoints ofinterest (museums, monuments, parks,restaurants,shopping,nightlife ...), official tours, tourist routesandcomplete. Plansto leverage your stay to the fullest.Cuenca Guide "Cuenca in your pocket"Allows Cuenca guide:- Visit more than monuments, parks, churches,towers,plazas,bridges, natural areas, towns, sport, streets,museums,etc.- Know the different Neighborhoods and areas of Cuenca- Organize your visit- View the location of places (geo-referenced Data with maps)- Read the contents- Share your experiences via twitter or facebook- Know the culture (theaters, worldheritage,museums,restaurants)- Marvels of nature (landscapes, parks, mountains)- Around Cuenca (Beteta, Buendia, where stone,LasPedroñeras,Canopies, Una, Vega del Codorno, etc)- Enjoy all the benefits of Being offline,withoutinternetaccess- Best Places to visit- Practical and essential information- Prepare your visit as you wantDownload it now!Essential information for the city of Cuenca(transport,touristoffices, hotels, museums, restaurants, monuments,theaters,naturalareas, parks, nightlife, etc) andSee the highlights of the schedule of Cuenca(exhibitions,stages,concerts and sports).No data connection required,, Although if You Already haveit,youcan update all information available in theapplication,treatsincluding the agenda."Cuenca in your pocket" if you live in Cuenca:Can you Imagine seeing all that is around you just bypressingabutton? You would never imagined Have Such an easy,practicalandquick to move around your city and get the MOST outhow.It is free and requires no records--------------------------------------------------------------------Essential to enjoy your trip to Cuenca!"Hand Basin" offers you would need to make the most ofyourstayin our city: the essential information for planning yourtrip,soyou can not miss, geographic information about pointsofinterest(museums, monuments, parks, restaurants ,shopping,nightlife ...),official tours, tourist routes andcomplete. Plansto leverage yourstay to the fullest."Hand Basin" is your essential guide. We arecurrentlyworkinghard in Cuenca. This guide will expand over timewithinformationon the entire province of Cuenca.Cuenca guide allows:- Visit more than monuments, parks, churches,towers,plazas,bridges, natural areas, towns, sport, streets,museums,etc.- Know the different neighborhoods and areas of Cuenca- Organize your visit- View the location of places (geo-referenced data with maps)- Read the contents- Share your experiences via twitter or facebook- Know the culture (theaters, worldheritage,museums,restaurants)- Marvels of nature (landscapes, parks, mountains)- Around Cuenca (Beteta, Buendia, where stone,LasPedroñeras,Canopies, Una, Vega del Codorno, etc)- Enjoy all the benefits of being offline,withoutinternetaccess- Best Places to visit- Practical and essential information- Prepare your visit asDownload it now!Essential information for the city of Cuenca(transport,touristoffices, hotels, museums, restaurants, monuments,theaters,naturalareas, parks, nightlife, etc)See the highlights of the agenda of Cuenca(exhibitions,stages,concerts and sports).No data connection required, although already have ityoucanupdate all information available in the application.It is free and requires no / Hand Basin /cuencaamano