Top 11 Apps Similar to VIBRATOR SMS

Best Vibrator (Material) Pro 1.0.4
Rafał Kaczor
THE BEST VIBRATOR APPLICATION IN THEGOOGLEPLAY!This is the Pro donate version of the Best Vibrator(Material),which you can find here: buy it, if you want to support my work :) THANK YOUforany support, it will really help me create better aps foryou;)Features of the Pro version:*No advertisements*Faster load time because of lack of the adsBest Vibrator (Material) is the powerful tool forentertainment,rest and relax! It makes use of the vibrator engineinside yourAndroid device to make sure your body is relaxed like itwould beafter a session with professional massager!Application has very intuitive user interface, that will helpyouto enjoy powerful massager functions. You have a lot ofvibrationsoptions, starting from short, few seconds periods, andreaching theown-created patterns.Best Vibrator main functions:*Short vibration times*Long, user-defined vibration times*User-defined vibration patterns*Application can work in the background*Clean and intuitive user interface that makes advantage ofGoogle'sMaterial Design from Android LPlease note that first launch could be a little longer,everynext launch should be much faster ;)If you have any suggestions, feel free to contact me bye-mail;)PERMISSIONS:Application uses permissions such like a:VIBRATE - for vibrating functionsWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_INTERNAL_STORAGE - forstoringapplication framework dataINTERNET - for communicating with the background serviceHope you will enjoy my application. Feel free to contact me forabetter functions and support - I will answer in very short timeandmake fixes to my app. If you like my application - rate it with5stars, please ;)View the application code on Github: CREATED WITH PYTHON-BASED KIVY FRAMERWORKFORCREATING GREAT MULTIPLATFORM APPS IN PYTHON. MOREINFORMATIONS:
Heartbeat Vibrator PRO 1.2d
Alexander Lohr
This app simulates yourheartbeatwithvibration.You can set your heartbeat between 1 and 400.**NOTE, this app will NOT use the rights, which yougrantduringthe installation. This is just standard.**
Vibrator 1.8.0
Victoria Vade
Application for cell phone vibrate.You can vibrate forever or vibrate each period on seconds.You can activate or desactivate.Options:1) Forever vibration: Automatic vibration.2) Advanced vibration:2.1 Vibration time: Duration of vibration2.2 Delay time: Time between each vibration2.3 Number of vibrations: The max of vibrations is 1002.4 Seconds to start all: Time to start all the process.
Mobile SOS Vibrator simple 1.2
one push to vibrate sos signaleasy and quick power ononce you turn on the vibrationit keeps vibrating continuouslyjust in caseyou are in emergencyDownload it!!!!
RD Widget Vibrator 1.2
Red Duck
RD WIDGET VIBRATORUn simple widget qui fait vibrer votre portabledirectementsurvotre accueil !Pour mettre en place votre widget, allez dansvotremenud'applications puis choisissez l'onglet widget et trouvezRDWidgetVibrator dans votre liste ! Ainsi vous pourrez fairetremblervotretéléphone directement à partir de l'accueil !RD Widget Vibrator utilise un service vous permettantdedémarreret d'arrêter le vibreur en toutes circonstances.Eneffetl'utilisation du service permettra au vibreur de resterenmarchesi vous décidez d'ouvrir une autre application ou mêmesivouséteignez votre écran !Ce widget est totalement gratuit, ne contientaucunebannièrepublicitaire et est entièrement redimensionnable!Vous pourrez ainsi faire vibrer votre téléphone à l'aidedevotreportable si vous voulez simuler un appel ou un smsoutoutsimplement pour un petit massage relaxant !LES APPLICATIONS RED DUCKLes applications Red Duck ont pour objectifd'améliorervotrequotidien de manière fun et agréable. Les expertsendéveloppementmobile qui les ont créées se sont efforcés delesrendre les plussimples, ergonomiques et intuitivespossibles.Elles proposent :★ Un compte commun unique et facile d’utilisation★ Des temps de chargement écourtés★ Un démarrage rapideElles sont gratuites, ne demandent pas de permissionsabusives,neportent pas atteinte à la vie privée et sont toujours àl'écoutedevos remarques pour vous donner le meilleurd'Android.LISTE DES APPLICATIONS RED DUCKApplications utilitaires :★ Red Duck Card, distribue les cartes !★ Red Duck Compass, indique le nord !★ Red Duck Level, met à niveau vos surfaces !Widgets :★ RD Widget Light, allume la lampe torche !★ RD Widget Vibrator, allume le vibreur !★ RD Widget Coin, le célèbre son "coin" !Jeux :★ Red Duck Bubble, éclate les bulles !★ Red Duck Smash, écrase les canards !PARTAGEZ AVEC NOUSVous avez une question ?Une remarque ?Un problème lié à notre application ?N'hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous mettrons tout enœuvrepourrépondre et vous satisfaire au plus vite.Contactez-nous :★ Par email à★ Sur notre Facebook Red Duck★ Sur notre Twitter Red Duck Paris★ Sur le formulaire de notre site application Red Duck vous plait ?! N'hésitez pas àl’évalueretà la commenter !Coin Coin !Développement réalisé par Kevin BeauchampsGraphisme réalisé par Pierre LescaRD WIDGET VIBRATORA simple widget that vibrates your phone directlytoyourhome!To set up your widget, go to your Applications menu andchoosethewidget tab and find RD Widget Vibrator in your list! Soyou canshakeyour phone directly from the reception!RD Widget Vibrator uses a service allowing you to startandstopthe buzzer in all circumstances. Indeed the use of theservicewillallow the vibrator to stay on if you decide toopenanotherapplication or even if you turn off your screen!This widget is completely free, contains no banner andisfullyresizable!You will be able to vibrate your phone using your laptopifyouwant to simulate a call or a text message or just foralittlerelaxing massage!APPLICATIONS RED DUCKThe Red Duck applications are designed to improve yourdailysofun and enjoyable. Mobile development experts who createdthemhavetried to make them as simple, ergonomic andintuitivepossible.They offer:★ A unique joint account and user★ The loading time shortened★ A Quick StartThey are free, require no permissions abusive, doesnotviolatethe privacy and still bear to listen to your remarks togiveyouthe best of Android.LIST OF APPLICATIONS RED DUCKUtilities:★ Red Duck Card, the cards!★ Red Duck Compass points north!★ Duck Red Level, upgrades your surfaces!Widgets:★ RD Widget Light, lights the torch!★ RD Widget Vibrator, illuminates the buzzer!★ RD Widget Corner, the famous his "corner"!Games:★ Red Duck Bubble, burst the bubbles!★ Red Duck Smash, crush the ducks!SHARE WITH USHave a question?An observation ?A problem with our application?Do not hesitate to contact us, we will make every efforttomeetand satisfy you asap.Contact us :★ By email our Facebook ★ Red Duck★ On our Twitter Red Duck Paris★ On the form from our website Red Duck applying please! Feel free toevaluateandcomment!Quack quack !Development directed by Kevin BeauchampsGraphics by Pierre Lesca
Vibration Isolator Pro 2.2.2
This app helps you find the correct anti-vibration mount foryourapplication.
Retro Timer 1.3.2
Eric Hansander
A wonderfully simple,no-nonsensecountdowntimer. Inspired by the elegant simplicity ofanold-fashioned eggtimer, you just turn the dial and the alarmisset! To cancel thealarm, just turn it back down to zero.The minimalist feature set is intentional, to keepthefeaturesfrom getting in the way of what you are trying to getdone.You canhowever toggle the ringing and vibration.Perfect for cooking, napping, the Pomodoro Technique-anything,really.The app is completely free, ad-free, even open source, anditwillremain free forever.Please visit the website if you want to suggestenhancementsorreport problems!Why does the app need these permissions?* Read phone state and identity: Needed to find out if you areinaphone call when the alarm goes off, so it can play alessloudalarm sound* Prevent device from sleeping: Needed to keep the deviceawakeforas long as the alarm is sounding* Disable keylock: Needed to allow you to silence thealarmwithouthaving to first unlock the phone with your PIN orlockpattern (youwill of course not be able to access anythingotherthan the"Silence alarm" view)* Control vibrator: Needed for the vibrate alarm mode* Automatically start at boot: Needed to preserve alarmsifyoureboot your phone while a countdown is active
Flashlight with Tools 1.0.8
A brand new brightest flashlightappwithamazing tools is available for your device now! It isdesignedtosupport all android devices and it's FREE!Features:* With the most stunning design UI and simple controls.* The brightest flashlight using the your device LED.* True north compass using the built-in magnetic sensors.* Full Metal Detector measures the magnetic fieldvalues(EMF).* Anti-mosquito repellent -simulating the sound of adragonfly,themosquito's natural predator.* Super vibrator with 10 vibration levels.* Screen as a bright white lamp.* Get your precise longitude and latitude location simplybyoneclick.* SOS Alarm for emergency - buzzing a high pitch signalandflashingthe the international Morse code distress signal (· · ·–– – · ··).Enjoy!
Vibration Reminder
Vibrates phone at specified time intervals. CustomVibrationpattern.
Vibrometer Tester No Ads Free 1.2
Alexandru Ioan Pîntea
This is a simple app whose goal is to helpyoutesting vibrometer apps( apps that measure thevibrations).A good quality test of your Vibrometer app, or of your appthatmeasures vibrations means that you can CORRECTLY calibrateyourVibrometer app.***IMPORTANT***Steps that must be followed for testing the vibrationmeasureapp:1. Turn on the Pulsating vibration2. Exit the app's screen having Pulsating vibration TURNED ON3. Turn on your Vibrometer app4. Calibrate it!5. When you finish, go back to our app and press on KILLALLVIBRATIONS******In order to give you a better using experience, this app containsNOADS.This app is even more than just a vibrometer tester. It canbesuccessfully used as a Vibrator app, allowing you use theVibratorservice of your device. You can choose to use fixedvibration orpulsating vibration .
Freemotion light detector 2.1.18
Vision Android
Computer vision application designed toassistblind or visually impaired people. It is intended that thesepeoplecan detect changes in light or movements that occur intheenvironment around them by a beep or vibration emitted byyourmobile device. Depending on the level of detected change thebeeptone will vary and also the duration of the vibration.Description of motion detection utility:The blind shall lead the mobile camera in the directionthatinterests them control. If the motion produced is small beepandvibration will be severe cuts. As the area increases withmovementwill increase the sound pitch and duration of thevibration.The device is to be kept always pointed in the same directiontobe controlled. Small vibrations do not interfere withtheoperation.Instructions for use:The application is controlled by six buttons:- Enable vibrator activates motion detection alert via vibration.Ifthe detected change is large vibration will be long andviceversa.- Stop vibrator off notice by the vibrator.- Enable Sound: warning activated by sound. If the detectedchangeis great tone will be high and vice versa.- Stop Sound: Turns the warning by sound.- High sensitivity: small changes detected are reported.- Low sensitivity: small changes are not reported.Description light explorer utility:The user must send the device camera towards the area you wanttodetect changes in light.The application is controlled by the following switches:Vibrator: to enable or disable the vibrator.Sound: To enable or disable the beep.Voice: To enable or disable the synthesized voice ever reportsthepercentage change in value.High Sensitivity Switch: If this switch is on themarginalchanges also inform.Switch quick update: If this switch is on four measurementsshallbe made per second.Exposure lock switch: Activating this switch look exposure tothemoment you press and not return to self-adjust untilyoudeactivate.Measurement options:- Average light intensity: is the average intensityvalueconsidering the entire image captured by the camera. It is thebestoption for use the application as a light detector.- Maximum light intensity: Indicates the maximum intensitydetectedat some point in the image.- Central light intensity: indicates the intensity measured atthecenter of the image. For the measured intensity is accurateisadvisable to lock the exposure.At the bottom of the screen are three switches for selectingthevolume of beep.Permissions required:- Full access to network: used by Google Analytics to reportusagestatistics application.- Storage: stored internal algorithms settings.Important: The images captured by the camera are not storedonthe device or sent anywhere in the cloud. The images areusedsolely for internal detection algorithm and then removed.LEGAL NOTICE:The machine vision applications are not infallible becausethealgorithms used do not cover all possible situations of use.Theprogram is provided as is without warranty of any kind. Neverusethis application in situations that may endanger people orpropertydamage. The application developer is not responsible fortheaccuracy, reliability, effectiveness, or correct use oftheapplication, or any consequence of this.