Top 21 Apps Similar to Guía Claro

Claro video 578v6
Entertainment wherever you want
Gravação Remota Claro hdtv 1.0.4
Pontomobi Tecnologia
Com este aplicativo você poderá ver agradecompleta (exceto canais abertos) de programação da Claro hdtv,cominformações de cada evento (data e hora de exibição,duração,sinopse, diretor, elenco, etc).Além disto você conta com o recurso de busca, onde você podebuscarum evento pelo título, elenco, diretor, etc.Também poderá programar um lembrete quando o eventoforexibido,E se você for assinante de algum pacote HD Mais, poderátambémagendar a gravação no seu receptor HD.With this app you canseethe complete grid (except open channels) programming ofcourseHDTV, with information on each event (date and timedisplay,duration, synopsis, director, cast, etc.).In addition you can count on the search feature where you cansearchan event title, cast, director, etc.You can also set a reminder when the event appears,And if you subscribe to a HD package More, you can also scheduletherecording on your HD receiver.
Claro tv+ 11.02.00
Claro S/A
Claro tv+ is the best in TV and streaming for Claro customers.
Movies, TV Shows, Live Sports
Telcel 15.2.0
Enjoy and download the best content here!
Claro 4D 3.4.3
Social-Ice Inc.
El App Claro 4D es el punto de entradaparaelmundo de las experiencias 4D, incorporandorealidadaumentada,conocimiento, visualización e informacióncontandohistorias. Todoesto de una manera divertida, interactivayeducativa.Claro, el lider en realidad aumentada te trae estaaplicaciónparaque puedas acceder a portales virtuales,promocionesespeciales,souvenirs interactivos y mucho mas.Esta aplicación te permite:- Descubrir un increíble contenido digitaldesdetusmartphone.- Interactuar con información educacional de unamaneracompletamenteinnovadora.- Explorar revistas, muppies, mesas, puntos deventa,eventosespeciales, objetos y más para descubrir contenidoyexperienciainteractiva en 4D.- Participar de promociones especiales y contenido exclusivo- Interactuar con nuestros productos y servicios.Para usar esta aplicación, descarga y apunta al contenidoconellogo 4D y disfruta.The App Clear 4Distheentry point to the world of 4D experiences,incorporatingaugmentedreality, knowledge, information visualizationandstorytelling. Allthis in a fun, interactive andeducationalway.Sure, the leader in augmented reality app brings you this soyoucanaccess virtual portals, special promotions, souvenirs andmuchmoreinteractive.This application allows you to:- Discover an amazing digital content from yoursmartphone.- Interact with educational information in acompletelyinnovativeway.- Browse magazines, muppies, tables, outlets, specialevents,objectsand more to discover content and interactive4Dexperience.- Participate in special promotions and exclusive content- Interact with our products and services.To use this application, and points to download contentandenjoythe 4D logo.
Nickelodeon Play 1.5.6
Nickelodeon Play for Android puts the bestofNickelodeon at your fingertips… hilarious original videos,animatedshorts, games, episodes and much, much more! Have fun, playaround,and prepare to laugh until it hurts! What are you waitingfor?Let's get APPIN' - download now! Oh, and watch out for those DoNotTouch buttons!Watch your favourite shows from your Android phone or tablet:• SpongeBob SquarePants• Game Shakers• Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles• 100 Things to Do Before High School• Sanjay & Craig• Bella & the Bulldogs• Sam & Cat• Henry Danger• Every Witch Way• Breadwinners• The Thundermans• Breadwinners• Haunted Hathaways• + many, many more!APP FEATURES:• Fun Overload: Swipe to explore, zoom in and out, and letyourfingers point the way to fun.• Laugh-Out-Loud Original Videos: Hungry for funny? Get readyfortons of brand new wild and wacky videos featuring yourfavouriteNick characters and stars! Videos are updated daily.• Games: Love games? We’ve got loads of them! Prepare tobeentertained for hours. Play on!• Animated Shorts: Watch all-new animated shortsfeaturingSpongeBob, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sanjay &Craig andmany more!• Full Episodes: Catch episodes of your favourite Nick shows.Justpress play!• Surprising Surprises: Keep exploring to discover new,hilarioussurprises from Nick. Just look out for SLIME!Privacy Policy Users LicenseAgreement: trouble with Nickelodeon Play or just have a question?Checkout the Nickelodeon Play Supportpage!
Cinépolis 5.5.31
Cinépolis® now enters the best cinema experience in the palm ofyourhand!
Cinemex 6.14.3
Official Application of Cinemex Check the billboard and buyyourtickets!
TNT GO 2.4.5
Look films, series and live events best film, music and TV.
ClaroTV El Salvador 1.13
Valerio Ciriminna
Guía de Programación para Cable TVElSalvador.APP NO OFICIALProgramming GuideforCable TV El Salvador.UNOFFICIAL APP
SKY Brasil
SKY Brasil
Confira as principais funcionalidadesdoaplicativo SKY:• Agende a gravação de programas à distância;• Comente sobre as atrações no Facebook e no Twitter;• Visualize sua fatura e seu plano;• Adquira seus filmes favoritos no Cine SKY e no Cine SKY HD;• Compartilhe informações de compra;• Receba alertas antes de um programa ir ao ar.Além disso, com o Remote, você assume o controle da sua TV deumamaneira diferente, divertida e muito mais interativa! Confira:Transforme o seu dispositivo Android em um painel decontrole!
Ao tocar no botão “Remote”, será exibido na tela de seuAndroid,um controle remoto super completo , com todas as funçõesSKY HDTVPlus, além de novas funções especiais para gravações.Caso você tenha mais de um equipamento SKY HDTV Plus na suacasa,será possível escolher de qual deles você deseja assumirocontrole!Para facilitar, você poderá nomear cada um dos equipamentos.Porexemplo: “sala”, “quarto”, “escritório”.Para ver todas as gravações que estão armazenas no equipamentoSKYHDTV, utilize o botão “Playlist”. Para assistir, basta tocarnobotão ao lado do nome do programa.Para navegar entre seus canais favoritos, de uma maneira fácileinteligente, organizamos os canais em gêneros, além de você terapossibilidade de adicionar/excluir qualquer canal que desejar!Assim, você poderá visualizar, na tela do seu Android, o queestápassando em cada canal, e, ao tocar na programação, sua TVmuda decanal e vai direto para lá.E tem mais: ao tocar em “Assistindo Agora” você temváriasinformações sobre o programa a que está assistindo e aindapodecompartilhar tudo nas redes sociais.É a diversão da SKY nas suas mãos!***********Outras informações que você precisa saber sobreoRemote***********ATENÇÃO: PARA PROBLEMAS RELACIONADOS AO REMOTE, COMOCONEXÃOENTRE DECODIFICADOR E O SEU DISPOSITIVO, ENVIE UM• Remote funciona apenas com receptores SKY HDTV PLUS, quetêmdisponível a entrada Ethernet no painel traseirodoequipamento.
• Para que o Remote funcione, é necessário conectar o seureceptorSKY HDTV PLUS e o seu dispositivo Android à mesma redelocal comacesso à internet.
• É importante que a rede 3G seja desligada antes de iniciaroRemote,pois poderá interferir no rastreamento pordecodificadoresconectados.
• A função Volume não está presente no Remote devido alimitaçõesde hardware da TV.Para saber mais sobre o Remote,
• O aplicativo SKY não é compatível com tablets Android comexceçãodo Galaxy Tab 7'.
• Não é possível assistir a nenhuma programação da SKY atravésdoaplicativo. Os vídeos contidos são apenas trailers.Check out the keyfeaturesof the SKY app:• Schedule recording of distance learning programs;• Comment on the attractions on Facebook and Twitter;• View your bill and his plan;• Get your favorite movies at Cine and Cine SKY SKY HD;• Share purchase information;• Receive alerts before a program aired.Moreover, with the Remote, you take control of your TV inadifferent way, fun and more interactive! Check out:Turn your Android device into a control panel! By tappingthe"Remote" button appears on the screen of your Android, acompletesuper remote control with all the SKY HDTV Plus functions,as wellas new special functions for recordings.If you have more than one SKY Plus HDTV equipment in yourhome,you can choose which one you want to take control!For convenience, you can name each of the equipment. Forexample,"room", "room", "office".To view all recordings that are armazenas equipment SKY HDTV,usethe "Playlist" button. To watch, simply tap the button next totheprogram name.To see some of your favorite channels in an easy and smart wayweorganize the channels in genres, plus you have the ability to add/delete any channel you want!Thus, you can view, on your Android screen, what's going onineach channel, and, by touching the programming, the TVchangeschannels and goes straight there.What's more, by touching "Now Playing" you have a lotofinformation about the program you are watching and can evenshareit on social networks.It's fun SKY in your hands!*********** Other information you need to know aboutRemote***********WARNING: TO PROBLEMS TO REMOTE AS CONNECTION BETWEEN DECODERANDITS DEVICE SEND AN EMAIL TO• Remote works only with SKY PLUS HDTV receivers, whichhaveavailable Ethernet port on the rear panel of theequipment.• For the Remote function, you must connect your SKY PLUSHDTVreceiver and your Android device to the same LAN withinternetaccess.• It is important that the 3G network is turned off beforestartingthe Remote as it may interfere with tracking bydecodersconnected.• The volume function is not present in the TV Remote duetohardware limitations.To learn more about Remote,• The SKY application is not compatible with Android tabletswiththe exception of the Galaxy Tab 7 '.• You can not watch any programming SKY through the application.Thevideos contained are just trailers.
AppGratis - Cool apps for free 3.1.4
★ AppGratis - every day a FREE app!That gratis on the name is no lie, our app of the day will alwaysbeFREE!… plus get discounts of up to 90% off on unmissable apps.★ What is AppGratis?AppGratis is a discovery app for me to let you know aboutthecoolest apps I find and negotiate just for you… by turning themtofree! The deals are for 24 hours only though, so you betternotmiss my app of the day.✓ Frequent “freemium giveaways” like free in-app purchases,levelunlocks, and other cool stuff you would normally have topayfor.✓ Benefit from my huge network of app developer contacts fromallover the world to get the best apps out there for FREE.✓ Every single app is hand-picked and tested thoroughly (by arealhuman being).✓ Only one alert a day. No exceptions, just a reminder as the appofthe day will only be there for 24 hours!If you’ve got any questions, declarations, want to propose anapp,or you accidentally sat on your phone, I can be reached dayornight at - Programación de TV 1.0.372
The guide smarter and simple TV so you never miss anything
O2 TV 6.12.2 (201835)
O2 Czech Republic a.s.
Nejlepší digitální TV nyní i v mobiluatabletu- Živé vysílání více než stovky TV kanálů s funkcízpětnéhozhlédnutí pro O2 TV zákazníky- Vzdálené nahrávání a přehrávání pořadů v O2 TV- Výběr z více než 700 filmů k okamžitému přehrání v O2 Videotéce–legálně!Přístup k živému vysílání a správě nahraných pořadů O2 TV jemožnépřes přihlášení do Moje O2 (O2 ID). Ostatní funkcionalitymůžetevyužívat bez nutnosti přihlášení.Aplikace O2 TV přináší:Přehledný televizní program se 120 kanály vO2 TV od O2- Pro všechny uživatele, kteří preferují rychlý přístup kpohodlnémua přehlednému TV programu ve svém mobilním telefonu nebonatabletu- V TV programu jsou zastoupeny všechny české televizníkanály,nejsledovanější slovenské a oblíbené tematicky zaměřenéprogramy znabídky kabelových a satelitních operátorů zastoupených vČRObsah TV průvodce- Snadný a jednoduchý přehled všech televizních programů s logyTVkanálů- Okamžitý přístup k informacím k právě vysílaným pořadům navybranéstanici- Zobrazení podrobného popisu vysílaného pořadu- Možnost vlastního nastavení pořadí TV kanálů- Televizní program na následujících 7 dnů- Nastavení připomenutí vysílaného pořaduAž 120 kanálů živě s funkcí zpětného zhlédnutí pro O2TVzákazníky- Nejsledovanější kanály živě ke spuštění v tabletu nebovmobilu- Zastoupení všech českých televizních kanálů, zpravodajské kanályvoriginálním znění a oblíbené tematické kanály- Spuštění právě vysílaného pořadu nebo po odvysílání až 50hodinzpětně od jeho začátkuVzdálené nahrávání pořadů v O2 TV- Nahrávání vybraných pořadů přes mobilní telefon neboztabletu- Přehled nahraných pořadů a jejich správa- Okamžitý přístup k informaci o volné kapacitě, která zbývápronahrané pořadyPřehrávání nahraných pořadů pro O2 TV zákazníky- Nahrané pořady je možné zhlédnout přímo v mobilunebotabletuO2 Videotéka (pro všechny filmové fanoušky)- Více než 700 filmů k okamžitému zapůjčení a přehrání vmobilechnebo tabletech- U každého filmu: DVD cover, trailer k filmu, popis filmuahodnocení z největšího českého filmového portálu Č Zapůjčený film je k dispozici 48 hodin a přehrát ho můžeteiněkolikrát za sebouTip pro používání aplikace:Pokud při přehrávání dochází k trhání obrazu a video neníplynulé,změňte nastavení akcelerace videa v přehrávači O2 TV. Tutovolbunaleznete u volby kvality videa v dolní lištěpřehrávače.Best Digital TV nowinmobile and tablet- Live streaming over hundreds of TV channels with thefunctionsback to watch O2 TV customers- Remote recording and playback of programs on O2 TV- Choose from more than 700 films for immediate playback on VideoonDemand O2 - legally!Access to live broadcasts and recorded broadcasts manage O2 TVispossible via logging into My O2 (O2 ID). Other functionalitiescanbe used without having to log on.The O2 TV offers:A comprehensive TV program with 120 channels from the O2 TVO2- For all users who prefer quick access to easy and clearTVprograms on your mobile phone or tablet- The TV program representing all Czech TV channels, most viewedandpopular Slovak thematic programs from cable and satelliteoperatorsrepresented in the Czech RepublicContents TV Guide- Easy and simple overview of all the TV programs with the logosofTV channels- Instant access to information on the current broadcastprogrammingon the station selected,- See a detailed description of the broadcast program- Customization TV Channel Order- Television program for the next 7 days- Set reminders broadcast programUp to 120 channels of live-back function for viewing O2TVcustomers- Most Viewed channels live to run on a tablet or mobile- Representation of all Czech TV channels, news channels intheoriginal language and the popular thematic channels- Start the current program or after broadcasting to 50hoursretroactively from the beginningRemote recording shows in the O2 TV- The recording of selected programs via mobile phoneortablet- Overview of recorded programs and their management- Instant access to information on spare capacity remainingforrecorded programsPlaying back recorded programs for O2 TV customers- Recorded programs can be viewed directly on your mobile phoneortabletO2 Video on Demand (for all movie fans)- More than 700 films to immediately borrow and play in amobilephone or tablet- For each movie DVD cover, the trailer for the film, a filmandevaluation of the largest Czech film portal Č Loaned film is available 48 hours and can replay it severaltimesin a rowTip for using:When playing leads to tearing of image and video is notsmooth,change the video acceleration in the player O2 TV. Thisoption isavailable for video quality options at the bottom bar oftheplayer.
PlayStation®App 23.7.0
PlayStation Mobile Inc.
STAY IN THE GAMETake your PlayStation® experience with you on your mobiledevicewith the new PlayStation®App! Always be ready to game withfeaturesthat keep you connected to your gaming friends and thegames youlove to play. Push games from PlayStation®Store to yourPS4™ systemand be ready to game at home.With the PlayStation®App installed on your mobile device,youcan:- See what your friends are playing, compare trophies, and viewyourprofile or recent activity.- Chat with your friends; receive notifications, game alerts,andinvitations, and then use your mobile device as anon-screenkeyboard for your PS4™ system.- Browse PlayStation®Store, pick-up the latest hit gamesandadd-ons, and then push them to your PS4™ system so they arereadywhen you get home.- Take advantage of the in-app second-screen features,whenavailable, for greater challenges and control.- Quickly access PlayStation® system guides, manuals,andPlayStation.Blog.A Sony Entertainment Network account and PS4™ system are requiredtouse all of this application's features.Use of this app is governed by the license agreement atthefollowingURL:( an error occurs when you try to sign in, update AndroidSystemWebView from the URL below, and then try signing inagain.
Claro música 12.2.6
"Everyone hears what they want"
Claro Música 6.6.8
¡Música sin registro! Ahora en Claro músicanonecesitas registrarte para escuchar música gratis.En Claro música tenemos gratis para ti todas las estaciones deradiode México y del mundo. También podrás escuchar radios deartistas yradios de géneros musicales.Con Claro música Charts escucha lo más top de tus génerosfavoritos;pop, rock, música clásica, banda, reggaeton, salsa,norteña,cualquier género musical. Elige 10 de las 20 playlist delo mejordel momento y escúchalas incluso sin conexión aInternet.¿No sabes qué canción está sonando? Ahora podrásidentificarcualquier canción que escuches con un clic y agregarla atuplaylist para llevar tu música favorita a todos lados.¡Lleva tus playlist favoritos a todos lados! ¿Quieres creartuspropias listas? ¿Seguir perfiles de usuarios y sus playlistademásde descubrir nueva música y artistas? Con Claro músicailimitado,podrás crear tus propias listas, seguir los perfiles deusuarios yde artistas. Escucha tu música favorita en cualquierlugar y encualquier dispositivo, tablet, smartphone, computadora olaptop sinconexión a internet. Ponte los audífonos y haz quesuene.Todos los viernes tenemos nueva música, con los lanzamientos mástopde todos los géneros en el mundo.¡Música sin conexión a internet! Con Claro música puedesdescargartus canciones favoritas y llevarlas a todos lados paraescucharlassin conexión a internet en cualquier dispositivo,tablet,smartphone, computadora o laptop.Con Claro música no hay pretextos, puedes escuchar músicacomoquieras, cuando quieras y donde quieras.No esperes más, recuerda que en Claro música “cada quien escuchaloque quiere”.· Radios FM/AM de México· Radios del Mundo· Identifica canciones· La música más top· Lanzamientos de de música de los artistas cada viernes· Millones de canciones de todos los génerosMusicwithoutregistration! Of course now you need not register music tolistento music for free. In music we have free course for you all radio stations inMexicoand the world. You can also listen to radios and radioartists ofmusical genres.Claro listening music charts as top of your favorite genres;pop,rock, classical music, band, reggaeton, salsa, northern,anymusical genre. Choose 10 of the 20 playlist of the best oftimesand listen even without Internet connection. You do not know what song is playing? Now you can identify anysongyou hear with one click and add it to your playlist to takeyourfavorite music everywhere.Bring your favorite playlist everywhere! You want to create yourownlists? Remember Me user profiles and their playlist in additiontodiscover new music and artists? Claro unlimited music, youcancreate your own lists, track user profiles and artists. Listentoyour favorite music anywhere and on any device, tablet,smartphone,or laptop computer without internet connection. Put onheadphonesand make it sound.Every Friday we have new music, with releases over top of allgenresin the world. Music without internet connection! Claro music you can downloadyourfavorite songs and take them everywhere to hear themwithoutinternet connection on any device, tablet, smartphone, orlaptopcomputer.Sure music with no excuses, you can listen to music as youwant,anytime, anywhere.Do not wait, remember that music course "everyone hears whathewants."· FM Radio / AM Mexico· Radio World· Identify songs· Music more top· Releases of music artists every Friday· Millions of songs of all genres
myCANAL, TV en live et replay
The CANAL + app: view or review your programs wherever youwant,when you want!
Claro Música 10.4.10
Claro S/A
Conheça o novo Claro música! Escute seus artistasfavoritos,sucessosdo momento e os maiores lançamentos de todos osgêneros.Descubraestações de rádios de todo o mundo, com músicas,notícias,esportes emuito entretenimento. Conecte sua músicanosdispositivos bluetooth eChromecast que tenha em casa.