Top 36 Apps Similar to 华人VPN-回国影音视频游戏爱奇艺哔哩哔哩腾微信讯China

闪电回国VPN-免注册,一键翻墙回国,解锁网易云优酷爱奇艺 1066.0
Lightning home VPN, no registration, no login, one-clicknetworkproxy accelerator for returning to China
Feiyu (free VPN for returning to China forever) 83.0
Tips: 1. This software cannot be used in mainland China, andisonlyavailable to overseas compatriots who return to theircountryafterescaping the wall. You cannot use this software tosurmountthe walland go abroad! Please be aware of domestic friends,so asnot towaste your download traffic! ! ! 2. This software canbeused forfree or by subscription. In order to maintain highservercosts, thefree version needs to watch a video advertisementbeforeconnecting(the advertising time is about 15 seconds to30seconds), andsubscription to the advertising service canavoidwatching thisvideo , Subscription only charges the cost ofthemachine.Advertising and subscription are the last resort forthelong-termmaintenance of Feiyu. If you cannot accept it, itisrecommended todownload other commercial return homeacceleratorsthat are moresuitable for you. This software is a VPNacceleratorsoftware(network proxy tool) that helps overseas Chineseto accessChinesedomestic applications at high speed. All overseasChineseusers canuse this tool to circumvent the wall and return toChinawith oneclick. After opening this software, you can Enjoyvariousdomesticmusic, video and other resources. Through thisnetworkaccelerator,users can enjoy the popular TV series onvariousplatforms such asiQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, B Station,etc., andcan also breakthrough the regional restrictions on musicresourcessuch as NetEaseCloud Music, QQ Music, and Kugou Music. Averypractical networkagent gadget for returning to China tochasedramas over the wall.It's that simple to use Feiyu to go overthewall and return toChina with one click. This software hasthefollowing advantages: 1.Free forever All users can usethissoftware for free forever. 2. Noregistration, no login Allusersdo not need to register, do notneed to log in, open thesoftware,it is free high-speed VIP. 3.Easy to connect There isnocumbersome line, there is only oneconnection button, which canbeconnected with the touch of a touch.4. Security All user dataisencrypted and sent, so there is no needto worry aboutprivacybeing leaked. 5. Fast Although this softwareis free, it willnotneglect the speed that users most need justbecause it isfree.During the use process, if you encounter anyproblems, pleasesendfeedback via Note: Allfeedback emails will bereplied===========================
Malus 加速器-海外华人必备,回国加速专家 6.0.3
Malus Official
One click to unblock and accelerate China websites and media stream
Transocks Pro VPN for unblocking Chinese app&web 2.3.2
Transocks VPN can help global people to freely watchChinesemainlandvideo & music & app, suchasYouku\iQiyi\Bilibili\QQMusic\Netease CloudMusic\VolcanoVideo\Singing Bar, etc. No logs,one-tap connect, easyto use.Support most Chinese mainlandentertainment service: YoukuTudou,bilibili, iQiyi, Tencent Video,Tencent NBA, CCTV5, LeTV,SinaLive, PPTV, Daily Live, Live, QQMusic, Netease Cloud Music,ShrimpMusic, Kugou Music, Baidu Music,Daily Live, Sina Sports,liveevents, Champions League, PremierLeague, Serie A, Bundesliga,LaLiga, French, Super League, AFCChampions, Tennis Open,etc.;Transocks servers are hosted in the topIDCs around mainlandChina,with exclusive bandwidth and stable highspeed. Please complywiththe laws of China and the location of theserver, and allillegalactivities are prohibited. QQ Group:729574510Wechat: transocks_com
Kylin VPN 2.6
Kylin VPN
Kylin VPN的亮点 【免费】每月免费增送300M流量,纯公益项目,请节约使用。【稳定】我们在全球部署了上百台服务器,采用负载均衡技术,可用率达99.999%。【高速】采用企业级BPG线路,配合最优路径智能选择算法,麒麟VPN的速度和稳定性都是非常优秀的。【无广告】去除繁乱的广告,界面清新美观,强迫症者必选VPN。【保护隐私】安装后一键连接,无需填写任何注册信息,同时强大的SSL加密技术与IP隐藏,让您完全匿名,安全无忧。快来体验一下KylinVPN吧!如果你喜欢我们,不要忘记给我们5星以资鼓励!
V2VPN - A Fast, Free, Secure VPN Proxy 5.5.20
V2VPN is a lightning and fast app provide fast, freeVPNproxyservice.You don't need any configuration, just clickthe"connect"button, you can access the Internet securelyandanonymously. V2VPNis perfectly compatible with the V2rayopensource protocol,bringing you a full-platform supportedexperience.🔵 Why chooseV2VPN? ✔ Permanent and free VPN withadvanced paidfeatures ✔ Nobandwidth limitation for all users ✔ Freetierincludes 5GB of freemonthly data, plus the opportunity to getanadditional 15GB ofmonthly data by watching incentive ads ✔ UseTLSencryption totransmit data and use multiple layers of proxyserverto protectyour privacy ✔ Provide highly stable agencyservices withCDNtechnology ✔ Perfectly compatible with V2rayconfiguration,fullplatform software support ✔ Large number ofserver clusters ✔Canbe set to use proxy applications ✔ Smartselection server🔴Disclaimer This app provides a VPN service toprotect yourprivateinformation, please use this app in accordancewith locallaws.This application is not responsible for any use ofthisapplicationin violation of local laws or for violation oflocallaws.By usingthis app, you agree to all the above statements,ToSand theprivacy policy by default.
GoFly VPN,V2ray,Trojan,sock5 4.5.1
Video 1080P is our basic operation, 4K HD is our goal.
Galaxy VPN - Unlimited Proxy 2.3.8
Betternet and unlimited proxy time unlimited data transfer&boost your network
LinkCN - 海外回国加速器国服手游影视音乐直播极速穿梭 5.4.329
When and where, visit and return to China (not supported inmainlandChina), overseas return accelerator, national servermobile gamefilm and music live broadcast at high speed, Chinesestudentsstudying abroad connect to China's exclusive accelerator.
Wang VPN Lite - Fresh Simple 1.0.10
The WangVPN Lite version. Using simple style different fromtheoriginal.
FlyCN - 海外华人极速回国加速器 翻墙回国VPN 2.7.0
FlyCN helps overseas Chinese and international students returnhomequickly, easily access various domestic websites orapplications,enjoy domestic music and video resources, and solvecopyright andgeographical restrictions with one click.
Mayi VPN - Free, Fast & Secure VPN 315
Mayi VPN is a lightning-fast free VPN that requires noconfigurationand allows you to access anonymous, secure, and fastInternet withjust one button. Why choose Mayi VPN? ✓ Has a largenumber ofhigh-speed servers ✓ Freely choose apps that use VPN ✓Suitable forWi-Fi, LTE/4G, 3G and all mobile data carriers ✓ Nologging policy ✓Encrypt your data to protect your data ✓ Smartserver selection ✓Simple page without registration ✓ No otherpermissions requiredDownload Mayi VPN, the world's fastest securevirtual privatenetwork, and enjoy it all!
香蕉VPN—最快最稳的VPN 亚洲优化永远连接的加速专家 601
Asian line optimization, the best VPN in Asia to open 4K videoinseconds, support mobile phones and computers
Xiaoming VPN - Simple Free Unlimited & Safe 5.1.2
Xiaoming Addison
Xiaoming VPN helps you access the Internet by using VPN Servers.Nosigning up, no purchase. Just one button to use. PrincipleofXiaoming VPN: 1. Just one button to use 2. Feel free to use 3.Nosigning up, no purchase. 4. Keeps updating and available to use5.Contains only one set of ad
沙虫搜-BT种子磁力搜索工具[人工智能]过滤失效地址 1.7.4
Sandworm search, using artificial intelligence AI technology,BTsearch, magnetic search, seed search tools
阅读Pro 3.23.031210
This is an open source reading software developed usingKotlin.Welcome to join. Pay attention to the public account [opensourcereading software]!
A岛匿名版 - 动画,漫画,游戏,小说,二次元交流社区,A岛第三方客户端
A岛匿名版(本应用,也称蓝岛)是 A岛匿名版(的一个非官方客户端。A岛匿名版(是国内知名的匿名论坛,常被岛民昵称为A岛,Acfun匿名版等。类似于日本的2ch等匿名论坛,A岛匿名版是一个以ACGN相关及其相关衍生内容为主题的匿名讨论网站。在A岛匿名版里混迹的网民,有学者、有学生、有职员、有狂人,各色各样的人群集中在一起,每天都有不断的精彩主题出现。目前A岛匿名版共有五个大板块,分别为综合,二次元,游戏,2.5次元及三次元。
Whales Vpn (Always Free For use) Fast Secret 4.0.1
Whales VPN, free scientific Internet access forever.Currentfunction 1. Hide your real IP address and use public IPaddress toaccess the Internet anonymously 2. Use a secureencryptionalgorithm to encrypt your network data 3. Relax in theworldInternet 4. Unlock the game area restrictions and play gamesfreely5. Multiple global routes 6. The page is simple and easy tooperateDisclaimer: 1. Our software is only used for scientificresearch,learning, education, and all other legal purposes 2. Anybehaviorthat violates the laws of your country and the countrywhere theserver is located is strictly prohibited 3. Use of thissoftwarewill be regarded as an endorsement of the entire content ofthisstatement Please rate 5* to support the developer!
开眼 7.5.11
Eyepetizer Inc.
「开眼 Eyepetizer」是一款汇聚全球优质短视频APP,每日精挑细选优质高清短视频,为你奉上惊艳的视觉盛宴,让你大开眼界。应用内汇聚了旅行运动、创意广告、生活集锦、科普干货等新鲜有趣的视频,给你视觉上的惊艳和了解世界的新方式。「每日精选推荐」每日人工精选出有趣高清短视频和社区用户图片视频创作,看到这个世界此时此刻精彩的瞬间记录和奇思妙想的创意内容。「分享美好瞬间」人人都是创作者,无论是摄影创作、旅行记录、生活集锦、美食探店,向世界展示你眼中理想的生活「发现潮流文化」寻找运动、美食、游戏、旅行、创意等各个领域的新鲜达人和创作,发现志同道合的朋友与明星作者---------------------开眼社区定期还会组织各种新奇有趣的特别活动「开眼周末计划」开眼每周会提供线下精致生活指南专题,帮助对生活、审美有追求的年轻人丰富周末时光。从衣食住行到吃喝玩乐,全方位的玩法等你来探索。「开眼观影团」定期组织用户免费观看电影,目前观影团已经组织「未择之路」、「蚁人2」、「碟中谍6」、「无双」、「影」、「毒液」等线下观影活动,参与社区热门话题,更多机会免费领取「IMAX」电影票看大片。「开眼探险团」开眼会不定期组织一些高品质的户外探险活动,带领大家走出去,大开眼界,目前已经策划组织过「开眼带你去北极」、「开眼带你去南极」等高品质的活动---------------------如果你在使用「开眼 Eyepetizer」时,有任何意见或建议,欢迎通过以下方式联系我们:1. 开眼 Eyepetizer客户端:打开「我的」进入「意见反馈」,填写并提交您的意见 2.关注微信公众号并留言:开眼Eyepetizer 3.关注新浪微博并发送私信:开眼视频官微 如果其他事务的想法和需求,也欢迎联系我们:- 商务合作 -加入开眼
Film and TV series (brand new) v1.38.1108
There are all kinds of TV dramas and movies, such as TVseries,costume drama, Zhao Liying and Sun Li There are many filmssuch asSansheng and Sansheng on the pillow, celebrating more thanoneyear, happiness within reach, colored glass, in the name offamily,thirty only, maiden adult, female son of a son, leavingpeople'sheart, archaic God King, chenqingling, Jinxiu Nange and soon.
PixShaft (Pixiv第三方) 3.3.1
Pixiv third-party client, support direct connection inmainlandChina
优酷-回廊亭 全网独播
Exploring Love Together
观止 1.2.1
Vito He
GoLink - 海外华人访问中国VPN 3.2.5
GoLink Team
Overseas Chinese must listen to domestic music to watch videogameplay back to the accelerator
【免費高清下載-離線看】 支持離線觀看,流暢邊界,隨時隨地都能追劇!【海量視頻-免費看】全網聚合,電視劇,電影,動漫,綜藝,紀錄片盡在這裡,海量好劇任你看! 【更爽體驗-投屏看】支持電視投屏,大屏觀看更精彩!【精彩內容-此刻開啟】 《傳聞中的陳芊芊》趙露思丁禹兮破次元相戀《親愛的義祁君》張思帆狼系君上開啟強勢撩撥《長相守》於小彤毛小慧情陷雙生虐戀 《韞色過濃》糖分超標!北北時韞超甜同居《秋蟬》任嘉倫李曼共赴諜戰征途《安家》孫儷羅晉地產CP組團買房 《三生三世枕上書》熱巴高偉光再續前緣《幸福觸手可及》黃景瑜迪麗熱巴都市定製版愛情《陳情令》肖戰王一博忘羨cp俠義江湖 《慶餘年》張若昀陳道明,老戲骨新生代齊亮相《香蜜沉沉燼如霜》楊紫鄧倫因”隕丹”虐戀《知否知否應是綠肥紅瘦》趙麗穎協助明君鞏固政權《清平樂》王凱江疏影譜寫大宋繁華盛世《鶴唳華亭》羅晉李一桐演繹重磅IP,與君相守許一世繁華 《暖暖請多指教》古董總裁追愛暖萌少女《彼岸花》林允宋威龍開啟純美虐戀《少年的你》易烊千璽周冬雨:你保護世界 我保護你 《龍嶺迷窟》鬼吹燈系列ip張雨綺潘粵明驚險下鬥《致我們甜甜的小美滿》龔俊劉人語共譜甜蜜戀曲 《創造營2020》吳亦凡空降為女孩們撐腰《嚮往的生活》彭昱暢玩遊戲驚呆周迅更有《三生三世十里桃花》《東宮》《如懿傳》《古董局中局》《奈何boss要娶我》《小女花不棄》《老中醫》《逆流而上的你》《扶搖》《將夜》《新白娘子傳奇》《都挺好》《人民的名義》《雙世寵妃》《楚喬傳》《錦繡未央》《沙海》《延禧攻略》《 那年花開月正圓》《桃花劫》《公主駕到》《鬥破蒼穹》《斗羅大陸》《芸汐傳》《極限挑戰》系列《奔跑吧》系列《密室大逃脫》等精彩內容等你發掘,所有視頻內容一律免費觀看。
ODC影视 - Chinese TV & Movies 2.11.1
ODK Media Inc.
OnDemandChina -Watch Chinese Drama with free English Subtitles
暖暖小說 - 小說閱讀器 蝕骨蜜寵:前妻渾身是寶
Online novels are freely read online, and there are many booksinthe "Fiction Zone", "Bestsellers" and "Audiobooks".
Readings Viewer 6.2.5
Improving your reading experience
巴哈姆特 - 華人最大遊戲及動漫社群網站 10.2.4
Feel free to browse Bahamut video animation community sitethatprovides the latest and most accurate daily gaming,comicsinformation.
华语大全 - 中文影视-华人追剧首选
Dear love, Chen Qingling, Qiu Chan, Qing Pin Le, Ruyi's RoyalLovein the Palace, Anjia, Fox Hunting, The Road to Awakening, andmanyChinese movies on March 30th, ten years are all in the"ChineseEncyclopedia"
Pupa VPN - Free Hotspot VPN& Fast & Security Proxy 1.7.4
Pupa VPN
Pupa VPN is a better net Proxy. No Registration PupaVPN. 100%freeand unlimited VPN (Virtual Private Network) proxy forAndroiddevices. Pupa VPN masks your IP address, encrypt yourinternettraffic, turns public Wi-Fi into a private network andhelpsunblock sites and apps on your Android phone so that you canaccessany restricted connect safely and anonymously. Our serversuse andimprove the mix of shadowsocks, V2ray, and shadowsocksR toensurehigh availability and anonymity of VPN services. Install PupaVPNNow to: ★ Unblock Websites and Apps You can unblock any appsorwebsites using Pupa VPN free & unlimited VPN. Bypassgovernmentcensorship and geo-restrictions to access social networkssuch asFacebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Snapchat, etc. or any otherblockedwebsites from anywhere! ★ Anonymous Connection andPrivacyProtection Using a VPN, your IP and location will be maskedandyour activities can no longer be tracked on the Internet. PupaVPNservice is your privacy guard and better than web proxy servers.★Secure Your Device Pupa VPN secures your Androiddevice’sconnection while you’re connected to public WiFi hotspotsorcellular data networks. It works just like a free Tor proxy(theOnion Router) but it’s even more secured. Your password andyourpersonal data are secured and you are protected fromhackerattacks. ► Surf anonymously at Fast Speed PupaVPN is fast!Itdetects your location automatically and connects you to thenearestand fastest server. As a result, your connection will bemuchfaster than any other VPN or proxy providers. ★ Shield WiFiHotspotPublic Wi-Fi hotspots are perfect places for hackers and iftheyhappen to get a hold of your personal information, you couldverywell be the next victim of identity theft! Pupa VPN proxyusesadvanced VPN technology to encrypt your network traffic,enablingyou to connect to a website via HTTPS, providing a securedshieldto your WiFi hotspot. ★ Most Stable We will limit the numberofusers to ensure that most of them are available withinourcapabilities. ★ Fastest Connect successfully as a hare withhighVPN speed. Multi-room and Multi-line Networking ★ SecurityProtectyour network traffic under WiFi hotspot Browse anonymouslyandsecurely without being tracked. Enjoy privatebrowsing.Encryptsdata. ★ Private Your privacy is our mission.Connect to any of ourreliable VPN servers, and know that we do notkeep any logs of youractivity. ★ Easiest One tap to connect to VPNproxy server. SupportAndroid Widgets & Shortcuts & TileService Three mainfeatures of a VPN (Virtual Private Network): •Incognito Browsing:using a VPN you don’t even have to install anyincognito browser.Simply turn on your VPN and all of your Internettraffic iscompletely encrypted. Your online activities arecompletelyanonymous. • Wifi Safety: because all your online trafficisencrypted through a VPN, whatever public WiFi hotspot youaretrying to access, you will be shielded from public Wifi risksandenjoy complete Wifi security. • Location Spoofer: VPN hides yourIPaddress so that your location is masked and you are able tobypassgeo-restrictions to access any content anywhere.
豆瓣阅读 5.37.3
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