Top 8 Apps Similar to Uji Sim A

Rambu Lalu Lintas & Teori SIM 1.13
Essential Studio
Rambu Lalu Lintas & Teori SIM Panduan Rambu Lalu Lintas&Teori SIM A B C D 2016 Aplikasi akan dijelaskan tentangcontohRambu Lalu Lintas dan Soal Teori sim A, C, B I, B II, D.Disampingaplikasi juga disediakan link download kumpulan soal ujian2016 danjawabannya. Anda dapat belajar dari pertanyaan yangberkenaandengan lalu lintas. ---------- Rambu Lalu Lintas---------- RambuPeringatan Rambu Larangan Rambu Perintah RambuPetunjuk RambuTambahan Rambu No Rute ---------- Teori ----------Soal Teori &Simulasi Ujian SIM A Soal Teori & SimulasiUjian SIM B I SoalTeori & Simulasi Ujian SIM B I Umun SoalTeori & SimulasiUjian SIM B II Soal Teori & Simulasi UjianSIM B II Umun SoalTeori & Simulasi Ujian SIM C Soal Teori &Simulasi UjianSIM D
Aplikasi Simulasi Ujian TeoriSIMmerupakansarana edukasi dan latihan sebelum mengikutiprosespenerbitan SIMdi kantor pelayanan SIM (SATPAS) khususnyawilayahDKI Jakarta.Di dalamnya berisi berbagai contoh soal-soal ujianteoriSIMsecara random, dengan diberikan simulasi waktu selama30menituntuk menjawab 30 soal ujian tersebut.Theory ExamSimulationSIMapplications is a means of education andtrainingbeforeparticipating in the process of issuing SIM SIMserviceoffice(SATPAS) especially Jakarta.It contains a variety of sample exam questionsrandomlySIMtheory, the simulation time is given 30 minutes toanswer30questions that test.
Aplikasi Simulasi Ujian Teori SIMmerupakansarana edukasi dan latihan sebelum mengikuti prosespenerbitan SIMdi kantor pelayanan SIM (SATPAS) khususnya wilayahDKI Jakarta.Di dalamnya berisi berbagai contoh soal-soal ujian teoriSIMsecara random, dengan diberikan simulasi waktu selama 30menituntuk menjawab 30 soal ujian tersebut.SIM ApplicationTheoryExam Simulation is a means of education and trainingbeforeproceeding with the issuance of the SIM in the SIM serviceoffice(SATPAS) in particular areas of Jakarta.It contains a variety of sample exam questions randomlySIMtheory, the simulation time is given 30 minutes to answer30questions that test.
Uji Sim A C 1
Z Anami
Simulasi Ujian Sim A dan Cadalahaplikasisimulasi ujian teori Sim A dan C.Berisi 30 pertanyaan untuk setiap simulasi.Semoga lulus.Semoga bermanfaat.
Belajar Ujian SIM C 1.0.0
M. Taat Resdianto
Aplikasi ini adalah Aplikasi BelajarTesUjianSIM C yang dibuat untuk media pembelajaran sebelumkitamelakukanujian SIM C. Di dalam Aplikasi ini berisimateripembelajarantentang Ujian AVIS dan UjianKeterampilanPengemudi.This application isaSIMApplication Learning Test Exam C made for a mediumoflearningbefore we do a driver's test C. In thisapplicationcontainslearning materials on AVIS Exam and Skillsexamdriver.
Ujian Teori Sim 1.0.0
Probiz Tech
Aplikasi ini merupakan bentukpembelajarandalammenghadapi ujian teori SIM (surat ijinmengemudi), berisitentangkisi - kisi soal yang seringdipertanyakan dalam ujianteori, dalamaplikasi ini juga terdapatjawaban (kunci) sehinggadapatdibandingkan dengan jawaban kita, diakhir applikasi inijugaterdapat nilai total keseluruhan yangdidapatkan selamamengerjakansoal, prosentasi jawaban benar dansalah, serta adareviewpertanyaan pertanyaan dan jawaban jawabanbaik itu jawabanyangsalah maupun jawaban yang benar. semogabermanfaat.This application isaformof learning in the face of theory test SIM(drivinglicense),contains the grating - grating questions thatareoftenquestionable in theory exams, in this application thereisalso ananswer (key) so that it can be compared with the answerwe,at theend of this application also there is a total valueobtainedduringthe work on the problems, the percentage of correctandincorrectanswers, and no review of the questions and answersthatanswereither wrong answer and the correct answer. maybeuseful.
Indonesia Road Sign Test 1.2
Globe Otter
Indonesian Road Sign Test is a simplequizbasedgame to help users who are studying for theIndonesiandriving test(Surat Ijin Mengemudi - SIM). Applicable toall testtakers inIndonesia. If you are a new driver, renewingyourlicense, visitingIndonesia, or just stuck in traffic, thisroadsign game will helpyou pass with flying colors. This gameisapplicable for driverspreparing themselves for a long roadtrip,such as going to theirparents house in the holy fastingRamadhanmonth, or just visitingtheir love ones. Many categoriesareincluded and more will be addedsoon.This app is free and paid for by ads.
Patente Quiz e Manuale 2016
With this app you can prepare fortheItalianDriving License class A and B (Auto and motorbike).You can simulate the exam with or withoutchronometerwithquestions according to the Ministero.Besides, you can answer questions by subject or random.If connected to the Internet, you can answerthetoughestquestions, which are the ones users answer morefrequentlywrongly.A part from this from the menu you can choose to see:- your errors- statistics- road signsTo add you can search inside questions or errors.Added support for tablets.For problems or advice please write to me.