Top 6 Apps Similar to 前世からの約束

前世今生 4.3
"Past and Present" ~ You and his past life karma -
三世書論命 1.21
Walter Choy
The III book on the life, fortune-telling
Tarot MAX Free 1.4.5
This is the most practicalandcompleteexperience of Tarot reading. You will be able toexperiencetheessence of Tarot theory, which you will alsodiscoveryourself,exploring love, and to clarify the friendship youhavefrom yourwork, even the fate between you and your pet. TarotMAXprovidesthe most comprehensive experience of mysterious powerofTarot.Either you are staying at home, stock in trafficjam,daydreamingin class, or working over time, you can getthesuggestion fromTarot immediately.(fb page:*This is a free version with ad and daily limitationanddoesn'toffer「Celtic Cross」spread function. If you like thisapp,You couldbuy the full version with unlimited usage.The characteristics of 5 modules1. Original Type of Your Soul :This mystic method combines the theory of ArchetypalPsychologyfromCarl Gustav Jung, which is more accurate toreflectone’scharacteristic and provides the suggestions for workwhich fityouthe best.It only takes the birth year/month/day then you will knowtherealpersonality of yourself, friends of yours, your partnerandyourenemy. Furthermore, you can find the best pairaboutyourrelationship, and the deepest secrets when you getalongwithpeople.2. FAQ Speed DivineThis is a fast Tarot divine which specially focus on themostcommonquestions according to 4 main categories:Characteristic, Work, Relationship and Life. Are yoususpiciousyourpartner is cheating on you? Is your career or yourwork isable tocontinue? What should you be aware of in yourinterviewthisafternoon? What should you pay attention to duringyour tripnextweek? The answers are all in Tarot MAX!! (FAQ databaseisupdatedcontinuously)3. Pet Divine:It combines the oriental reincarnation theory and helpsyoutorealize the fate between you and your beloved pet fromyourpastand present lives, and how’s in the mind of your pet!4. Daily Key Report :Based on your daily life to remind you and help you tounderstandthespecial meaning of the day, or give you suggestionsto avoidtheunpleasant surprises and gain more luck!5. Advanced Tarot Self-Divination :It takes the completely 78 Tarot cards and 3 mostpracticalTarotSpreads (Lover’s Pyramid, Star David of Work, andCelticCrossSpread), which focus on Love/Marriage and Work/Study andthewholeprocess is just like you are experiencing it in person(youcaneven decide to the direction of every card).The result will be explained with different position inthespread,and the card is reversed or not to give youexplanation,just likea Tarot master is solving your problem inperson and givesyou themost shocking of the result!The content of those 5 modules are beyond yourimagination,youdon’t want to miss it!!
Sex Lips Theme 1.1.1
CM Themes
Sex Lips Theme is a free themespeciallydesigned for CM Launcher users, including dozens ofunified iconsand artistic wallpapers, which can personalize yourdevice easily.To use this theme, you can follow these following steps:1. Download and install the theme;2. Install CM Launcher;3. Start CM Launcher, go to ¡°Theme--Mine¡± to open the themeandapply it to your phone.CM Launcher is the safest launcher in the world!CM Launcher - Sleek, Small, and Secure.The safest launcher in the world is here! Increase yourstartupspeed by 100% and boost phone performance - from the samebrilliantminds behind the #1 app Clean Master!FEATURESSMALL - Just 2MB, CM Launcher dramatically improves yourdevicewhile being the most lightweight launcher in the world,evenbeating out APUS, GO Launcher, Nova Launcher and more.SLEEK - Accelerate your startup speed by 100%! Make yourappsload quicker, search the net with speed, and make full use ofthecapabilities of your phone with no dead weight.SECURE - Includes the world's #1 antivirus engine, whichprotectsyour personal info and app data, as well as blockingviruses andmalware.SMART - Automatically organizes your apps intointelligentfolders based on your habits, and recommends the appsthat arepopular with people in your neighborhood.STYLISH - Customize your unique wallpaper to fit yourpersonalstyle!CONTACT USYour comments help us to make our products great. If you haveanysuggestions or comments, you are more than welcome to get intouchwith us in our beta community at Google+, or
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占学情報推命学 3.1.1
GMO Digitallab,Inc.
関西一の予約が絶えないと呼ばれている占いをあなたはご存知でしょうか。東久邇宮記念賞/東久邇宮文化褒賞をダブル受賞し、文化的にも認められた運命を知る技術。多方面のご相談内容を鑑定いたします。◆◇褒章受賞の占い「占学(うらないがく)情報推命学」◇◆本鑑定「占学情報推命学」は、あなた自身が持つあらゆる情報を数字で表し深く解読する、創始者の“木村忠義”が体系づけた独自の鑑定法であり、生年月日、生まれた時間、所在地等の情報から、あなたという人間が持つ性質・運命・運気を細部に至るまで読み解くことが可能な手法です。人間の体の約70%は水分と言われています。この「水」というのは御神水(ごじんずい)や波動水などがあるように、様々な情報をコピーします。赤ちゃんが世の中に生まれ出て肺呼吸をする。その瞬間水分は周りの大気の情報をコピーしているわけです。つまり、その場の空気にとけこんだ『気(エナジー)』は、生まれた瞬間から今現在までの環境に大きく影響します。そして、コピーされた情報を数字化すれば、その人が本来どう生きるべきなのかがハッキリと分かるのです。『気(エナジー)』は数字で表すことができ、一つ一つに意味を持ちます。あなたの運命にまつわるあらゆる情報を数字化し、その数字の組み合わせで、あなたにとってのプラスマイナス、陰と陽を導き出し、潜在するエナジーとどう対話すれば、自分らしく幸福な人生を過ごせるのか……その答えをお伝えします。◆数と情報について宿命、性格、魂、潜在意識、可能性、運気……あなたにまつわるあらゆる情報を数値化し、徹底的に解読していきます。あなたがこの世に生まれてきた本当の意味とは何か。今、人生においてどんな時期を迎えているのか。望む未来へ進むためにはどうすればいいのか。数字が示すあなたの役割や使命、幸福のテーマを明らかにすれば、必ずあなたにとって生きやすい世界を自分の足で歩むことができるのです。数字は1つひとつが意味を持っています。一般的に易学では、太陰暦という暦を使っていますが、占学情報推命学でもこれをベースにアレンジし、縦3×横3の9つのマスに情報を数字化して入れます。数字の組み合わせで、その人にとってのプラスマイナス、陰と陽が分かるのです。さらに展開すれば、わたしたちが生まれてきた本当の意味、前世からのメッセージ、そして役割、使命、ミッションがわかります。これらを明らかにすれば、必ずこの世は生きやすくなるのです。さあ、我々だけしかできない、極秘の運命解読法をご体験下さい。■□鑑定方法□■・対面鑑定・電話鑑定・メール鑑定・占い手紙◇全国の占い処◇・京都市伏見区納屋町本部・京都市伏見区御香宮神社前・京都四条烏丸店・京都亀岡出雲大神宮前処・京都駅前支部・京都三条「竹取占い物語」・京都山科「竹水庵」・東京・九州・岡山倉敷『人は考えるのにそのリスクを避ける遺伝子が組み込まれているのです。苦しみをあなたが抱えてしまうのはその遺伝子が関係しています。あなたが自らの人生を最も充実した生き方をしていけるように。心を込めて鑑定させていただきます。』このアプリでは、『占学情報推命学』の色々な情報やアプリユーザー限定のお得なサービスが手に入ります!【できること】○『占学情報推命学』からの最新情報(ニュース)が届きます。○ご来店やご紹介で貯まるスタンプカード。○誕生日の月に届くお得なクーポンやアプリユーザー限定配信のクーポンをお届けします。○イベント情報を占い処毎にご覧いただけます。○ご予約(24時間対応)このアプリでは、占学情報推命学の色々な情報やアプリユーザー限定のお得なサービスが手に入ります!【できること】●占学情報推命学からの最新情報(ニュース)が届きます。●お店でもらえるスタンプを集めて、お得な特典が受取れます。●誕生日の月に届くお得なクーポンやアプリユーザー限定配信のクーポンをお届けします。●タイムラインでは、お気に入りの写真を記録することができます!●メニューから、サービス(商品)内容をチェックできます!【注意事項】●上記の誕生日クーポンは誕生日月に配信されるもので、アプリインストール時には発行されません(クーポンを受ける為には、ユーザー側で任意の誕生日入力が必須となります)。●このアプリは、インターネット通信を利用して最新情報を表示します。●一部ご利用いただけないOSや、一部の機種にて正常に動作しない場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承ください。●タブレット端末で本サービスをご利用の場合、正常に動作しない可能性がございます。●バックグラウンドで実行されているGPSの使用を続けると、劇的にバッテリ寿命を減少させることがあります。A fortune-tellingthatonereservation Kansai has been called not extinct Do youyouknow.AzumaHisa 邇宮 Memorial Award / AzumaHisa 邇宮culturerewarddouble-winning, knowing the fate that was alsoobserved inculturaltechnology. We expert to consult the contents ofthevariousfields.◆ ◇ Medal award of fortune-telling "Uranaigaku (backnotcalyx)Information 推命 Studies" ◇ ◆This appraisal "Uranaigaku information 推命 studies" isdeeplytodecipher Represents all the information with your ownnumbers, isaproprietary appraisal method "Tadayoshi Kimura"wascorrelatedsystem of the founder, date of birth, birth time ,fromtheinformation on the location, etc., is a technique thatcandecipherdown to the smallest detail the nature, fate, fortunewiththehuman beings you.About 70% of the human body is said to moisture. Justasthis"water" and the like your Jinzui (red ginseng stamens)andwavewater, and then copy a variety of information. Baby out bornintheworld to the lungs breathing. At that moment the water isnothavecopied the information of the atmosphere around. Inotherwords,"care (Energy)" that dissolved in the air of the place,itcangreatly affected from the moment you were born intheenvironmentof the current until now. Then, if the number oftheinformationthat has been copied, you know how such of to livethepersonoriginally clearly."Care (Energy)" can be expressed in numbers, will haveameaningin one by one. And the numbers of all theinformationsurroundingyour destiny, with a combination of thatnumber, plus orminus offor you, derive a yin and yang, what ifinteract with thepotentialto energy, from either ...... the answerspend theirRashiku happylife It will tell.For ◆ number and informationDestiny, personality, soul, subconscious, possibility,toquantifythe fortune ...... all information surrounding you,willcontinueto thoroughly decipher.What is the true meaning that you've been born intothisworld.Now, whether they welcomed any time in life. What to doinorder toadvance into the future you want.Your role and mission indicated by the numbers, ifrevealthewell-being of the theme is always the living easy worldfor youitis possible to walk on their feet.Number has a meaning one one. In the general artofdivination,but we use a calendar of lunar calendar, arrange tobasethis inUranaigaku information 推命 science, and put theinformationintonine squares of the vertical 3 × horizontal 3digitization.With acombination of numbers, plus or minus of forthat person, ityinand yang can be seen. If further developed, thetrue meaningthatwe were born, the message from the previous lifeand therole,mission, you can see the mission. If these obviously,it madesurethis world is easy to live. Come on, you just can notonly,topsecret of fate cryptanalysis the Experience.■ □ appraisal method □ ■- Face-to-face appraisalTelephone AppraisalMail Appraisal- Fortune-telling letter◇ nationwide divination processing ◇- Fushimi-ku, Kyoto barn-cho headquarters- Fushimi-ku, Kyoto Gokomiya shrine beforeKyoto Shijo Karasuma shopKyoto Kameoka Izumo Grand Shrine before treatmentKyoto Station Branch- Kyoto Sanjo "Taketo fortune-telling the story."· Yamashina Kyoto "Takesuian"·Tokyo·KyushuKurashiki, Okayama"People I gene to avoid the risk has been incorporatedtothink.Suffering from you would suffer has to do with its gene.Asyou liewithin easy and the most fulfilling way of life of theirownlife.Wholeheartedly we will be appraised. "In this app, deals service of a variety of information andappsuserlimited "Uranaigaku information 推命 studies" is placedinthehands![Can be]○ latest information from the "Uranaigaku information推命Studies"(news) you will receive.○ stamp card that accumulates in your visit and introduce.○ deals coupon of coupons and app users limited delivery toreachthemonth of the birthday will deliver.○ You can see the event information foreachdivinationprocessing.○ Reservation (24-hour)In this app, deals service of a variety of informationandappsuser limited Uranaigaku information 推命 science is placedinthehands![Can be]● up-to-date information (news) from Uranaigakuinformation推命science you will receive.● Collect stamps get in the shop, you able to receive thebestdealsbenefits.● We will deliver the deals coupon of coupons and appuserslimiteddelivery to reach the month of birthday.● In the time line, you can record your favorite photos!● From the menu, you can check the service (product) content!【Notes】● those above birthday coupon is to be delivered to the birthofSunMoon, will not be issued at the time ofapplicationinstallation (inorder to receive the coupon, anybirthday input onthe part of theuser will be required).● this app, you can view the latest information usingtheInternetcommunication.OS and may not be available part ●, because there are timeswhenyoudo not work properly in some models, pleaseunderstandinadvance.● If you use this service on a tablet terminal, thereisapossibility that does not work properly.● Continued use of GPS running in the background, itmaydramaticallydecrease battery life.