Top 8 Apps Similar to Yuphoria Wallpapers

Yuphoria HD Wallpapers 2.1
Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper
Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper's Backgrounds HDhashit 70,000+ Downloads worldwide!- Oh yes, it’s true that we’ve been loved by over 7,00,000peopleworldwide !- Backgrounds HD has received reviews from 1,600,000 peopleratingaverage of 4.6/5.0- Check out Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper's great selection ofover8,000 wallpapers.- Daily updates of beautiful wallpapers :DBackgrounds HD features? Google material design- We offer you Android 5.0’s simple interface andminimizeddesigns.? Simple, fast and light- Backgrounds HD more focuses on wallpaper image itself, tomakegreater performance.- You would never have to worry about your memories orbatteryrunning out.? Picking wallpapers- Brand new, beautiful wallpapers updated everyday.- Check out the hottest wallpapers selected byusersworldwide.- Easy search system with 30 categories and keyword search.- All the images include artist’s information, license detailsandURL of the artist’s webpage.? Setting wallpapers- Cropping images, filters and various set as wallpapersmodes(standard, entire, fixed, scrollable and more)available.- Keep the favorite images by easily saving them to yourowndevice.- Share images to anyone and any other applications insimpleway.? Favorites and histories- Keep your own favorites and histories.- Shades Of Wallpaper Backgrounds HD’s Facebook page- Don’t miss Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper HD’s newest updates onourFacebook page.- Shades Of Wallpaper Backgrounds HD’s Flickr group- Please join Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper HD’s flickr group!You’llhave chance to share your own works to the people all aroundtheworld.Translation contributors- Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper Backgrounds HD’s translation workintoEnglish is done by Jangwon Choi. Thank You.- If you're interested in helping us to translate our servicetoyour own language, please email us with your Name andLanguageavailable atsupport+lang@FiftyShadesOfWallpapercorp.comContactsVaviyatech@gmail.comCopyright © 2011-2015 Fifty Shades Of Wallpaper Corp., Inc.Allrights reserved.
Cool Yu 2.0.1
Overheating of android phones and tabletsmayor may not be a normal situation. On average almost everyandroiddevice has a tendency to overheat when heavy CPU and GPUusage istriggered.Android overheating can make your phone or tabletto givesluggish performance, restarts or the device may freezecompletely.Today being an Engineer I will tell you Why ithappens.Actuallywe have Heat =(V*V*t*w*C),where important for nowis w which isfrequency as nowadays we are having high frequencysmartphones. Soas used frequently they get heat up.I got the idea of making this app after using my YU Yurekafromaround 6 months and find that My Phones Heats Up abruptly so Icomeup with this Solution Dedicated to Yu Phones like YUYUREKA,YUYUPHORIA,YU YUTOPIA and more.Cooling button at right bottom kills all running apps.For No heating of phone Please set the Critical temperature.Critical temperature is the point at which this APP willstartautomatically and Your Screen will get off so that App willperformbetter.To activate the automatic process press the green button.Thank You If You like Our App Please Do Rate Us and Like UsonFacebook Note:-Firstly App will ask for Device administration thenAppwill Stop to analysis Administritive powers and then Start ApptoUse other features of App.If you want to remove the app then just remove administrativepowersby going to settings>security>device administratorsand thenuncheck cool yu app and then uninstall
Yuniverse 1.0.13
YU Televentures Pvt. Ltd.
Retail Application for YU channel.
YU Connect 1.3
Innovations Redefined
It has 1.Geo-Tagged Photo Attendance 2.StockAttendance3.Sales4.Survey 5.Visit Tracking
O2 The Fest 1.5
Crefix Technology
O2 The Fest is annual festivalofBhavan'sCollege, Andheri.Features:- Custom Schedule - Access full customize schedule ofTalaash.Nointernet connectivity required for accessingschedule.- Detailed Event Information - Get detailed eventinformationwithparticipation & round details details- Social Media Integration - Share an event with yourfriends,Inviteyour friends- Set Reminders - Never miss your favourite event. Setremindersforyour favourite ones- Google Map IntegrationO2 The Fest Theme:O2 the Fest 2014, promising to celebrate talent,creativityandopportunity, plans on going back to our roots by"IndianisingTheIndians!" With this quirky and enthralled theme, wepledgetoexplore all aspects of our culture therebyoverthrowingorthodoxparameters and divulging into aspects that makeus"Indians!" Fromthe "pairipaunas" & "dahi-shakkars" to"folkmetal" &"dhating naach", its time to start settingIndiantrends this yearwith O2 the Fest! 2014 and all you youngsterswillwitness arevolution this time at O2 the Fest when Indiantraditionswillblend into modern thought and passionate minds willweave"BeingIndian!"About O2 The Fest:O2 the Fest, the official cultural festival ofBhavansCollegecurrently in its 9th year, is known to celebratetalent,potentialand direct energy and dedication towards somethingbig!Itsphenomenal themes in the last year like village,AmitabhBachchan,Junkart, On the roads with the rules, PeaceinMaharashtra,Greenegize, Syncraze, Hue-inverse have alwaysenhancedtalent andcreated a sense of responsibility amongst theyouth.For others it may be just another college fest, for uswhoworkhere, its our pride, our home and our passion that drivesustoachieve crazy heights!About Bhavan's College:Founded by Kulapati Dr. K. M. Munshi, "BharatiyaVidyaBhavan"portraying "Amrutam tu Vidya" has been known topromoteeducation,learning and experience. The college currently inits69th year,continues to facilitate the students withanexcellentinfrastructure and a co-operative faculty. A vastcampuscoupledwith an ardent fervor for the environment and anexceptionalcrowd,Bhavans is a plethora of talent, culture andmodernismmarchingstraight ahead successfully towardsunparalleledeuphoria!Address:Bhavan's CollegeMunshi Nagar,Andheri (West),Mumbai 400058About Crefix Technology:Crefix Technology is an official mobile applicationpartnerofTalaash 2014. Crefix Technology is a Mumbai based startupbuilttoprovide mobile application solutions.Website :
Cyanogen Update Tracker 1.8.0
Adhiraj S. Chauhan
Check if your Cyanogen OS device has the latest system version,andupdate it!
Root YU Devices 1.1
Tech Waria
Want to Root YU devicelikeYureka,Yuphoria,Yunique Then Just Download the app and getthelatest and the easiest way to Root.Note:-"This is just a guide about how you can root. This app doesnotactually root"
Euforia Music 2.0
Euforia Music Surge de una idea originallacualguiaría la trayectoria de nuestra empresa: Un estudiodeGrabacióncreado por músicos y para músicos, donde poderofrecersoluciones almundo artístico sea el principal objetivo.Desde sunacimiento afinales de 2001, ha sido nuestro mayor esmeroelcuidar, quizás demodo obsesivo, la creación y elperfeccionamientomusical, partiendosiempre de las ideas originalesentregadas pornuestros clientes.NOSOTROS: Euforia Music Surge de una idea original lacualguiaríala trayectoria de nuestra empresa: Un estudio deGrabacióncreado pormúsicos y para músicos, donde poder ofrecersolucionesal mundoartístico sea el principal objetivo. Desde sunacimiento afinales de2001, ha sido nuestro mayor esmero elcuidar, quizás demodoobsesivo, la creación y el perfeccionamientomusical,partiendosiempre de las ideas originales entregadas pornuestrosclientes.EQUIPO: EUFORIA MUSIC posee un equipo técnico y humanoasudisposición, en un entorno perfecto para lo masimportante:Lacreación y producción musical , desde la inspiraciónmismadelautor de una letra, hasta el arte final; Un disco con losmasaltosestándares de calidad.Euphoria Musicarisesfroman original idea which would guide the path of ourcompany:arecording studio and created by musicians for musicians,wheretooffer solutions to the artistic world is the mainobjective.Sinceits inception in late 2001, it has been our greatestcarecaring,perhaps obsessively, creating and musicalrefinement,alwaysstarting from the original ideas delivered by ourcustomers.US: Euphoria Music arises from an original idea whichwouldguidethe path of our company: a recording studio and createdbymusiciansfor musicians, where to offer solutions to theartisticworld is themain objective. Since its inception in late2001, ithas been ourgreatest care caring, perhaps obsessively,creatingand musicalrefinement, always starting from the originalideasdelivered by ourcustomers.EQUIPMENT: EUPHORIA MUSIC has a technical and humanresourcesattheir disposal, in a perfect setting for the mostimportant:Themusic creation and production, from the sameinspiration fromtheauthor of a letter, until the final art; A discwith thehighestquality standards.