Top 50 Apps Similar to Josiah Venture Prayer Room

Evangelizo - Daily Gospel 3.3.1
The gospel, the readings, the saints, the prayers, in 13 languages
Lectio 365 1.8.6
24-7 Prayer
Pray the Bible every day - a devotional written by 24-7 Prayer
Magnificat English Edition 1.0.23
Daily Mass, Prayers, Meditations...! Your prayer life will neverbethe same.
Common Prayer 1.4.0
School for Conversion
Common Prayer is a daily guide for morning, midday &eveningprayer.
Universalis 2.166
Universalis Publishing
Liturgy of the Hours and Mass for every day of every year.NoInternet needed!
Aleteia 4.3.70
Aleteia: content designed to help you live an inspiredCatholiclifestyle
Hozana – Christian prayer 1.2.8
Hundreds of prayer opportunities, thousands of people praying!
Portals of Prayer
A daily devotional for all.
Catholic Calendar: Universalis 2.171
Universalis Publishing
The Catholic liturgical calendar. Every day of every year,withnotes on saints.
Prayerbook common +own prayers 1.16
Prayer Apps
Prayer book, over 30 basic prayers + option to add your own. Text+Audio.
St. Josemaria 7.5.2
This application will help you liveyourChristian faith in your ordinary occupations and followapersonalized spiritual program with the hand ofSt.Josemaría.Available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, FrenchandItalianIncludes the following:• Books by St. Josemaria (The Way, Furrow, The Forge, FriendsofGod, Christ is Passing By, Conversations, Way of the Cross,lovethe Church and Holy Rosary). With a Chapter list andsearchcapability.• Novenas (Novena for Work, Novena for the Family, Novena Forthesick)• Missal with Latin translation (Initial rites, Creed,EucharisticPrayer, Communion rites, Conclusion rites)• New Testament with Latin translation• Listing of Piety Practices you want to live each day(Mass,prayer, spiritual reading, gospel, Angelus ... and practicesofpiety).• You can modify our Plan of Life, erase or add.• Download the monthly letter of the Prelate of Opus Dei(6languages).• Prayers to saints, blessed and people in the processofcanonization with their biographies.• Includes many prayers in Latin.• Available a selection of videos about St. Josemaria andgatheringswith him.• Prayer of the Holy Rosary with easy controls.• Way of the Cross with 14 stations and acceptance prayer ofdeath,illustrated with images and colorful images.• Adjust font size and style throughout the applicationtoaccommodate your visual preferences.The Studium Foundation who has the copyright rights of allSt.Josemaria’s writings granted EBS permission to include hiswritingsin this application.
CAG in Images 1.5
The Picture Exhibition of the Appearance and Work of Almighty God
Learn Rosary Pro
Prayer Apps
Learn to pray the rosary anywhere - without advertisements.
Tweeting with GOD 4.1.1
Father Michel Remery
Find answers to your questions and discover the logic of faith!
Daily Readings Lite
Get readings, saints, and fasting guidelines of the GreekOrthodoxChurch!
Centering Prayer
Contemplative Outreach
The Centering Prayer application will support your prayerpracticecommitment.
Discipleship Tech
Helps you to actually pray for all the people and causes youcareabout
Pray ON 1.1.6
The Christian Prayer App: Bring your daily prayer life to thenextlevel!
Angelus 0.9.4
Pray the Angelus with Magnificat
Observation International
1. Enter your sighting 2. Upload your sighting 3.Done!
Daily Prayer Guide 7.1.2
Tap Tap Studio
Morning and Evening Prayers and Inspiring Quotes to encourageyoudaily.
Laudate 2.77
Aycka Soft
The most comprehensive Catholic App:DailyReadings,prayers,podcasts,rosaries.
Lectionary: From the CofE 1.20.6
Aimer Media
Official Common Worship Calendar from the Church of England
NapoleoN Chat 2.3.0
Napoleon Systems SAS
SECURE, PRIVATE and FAST encrypted instant messaging
Pray 1.81
May Feelings Foundation
Pray: The app that prays to change the world
IHL – International Humanitari 2.0.1
International Humanitarian law
Seven Our Father 28
R. Guyot
Seven Our Father of Saint Bridget of Sweden.
Rosary 2.9.1
Dmitry Kotov
Rosary prayer with pictures and Gospel readings for each mystery.
Magnificat (US edition) 1.0.23
Daily Mass, Prayers, Meditations...! Your prayer life will neverbethe same.
Risuscitò 5.0.3
******************************************************************************************************La raccolta dei canti del cammino Neocatecumenale inversionedigitale sul tuo smartphone/tablet Android******************************************************************************************************Feature dell'applicazione:*Cinque tipologie di indice:- Indice in ordine alfabetico- Indice in ordine di pagina- Indice per argomento (come nell'indice dellaversionecartacea)- Indice dei salmi musicati- Indice liturgicoRicerca all'interno dei titoli, con risultati in tempo realedurantela digitazione (alla digitazione di almeno 3 caratteri, perlimitarei risultati non richiesti)* Ricerca all'interno dei testi!! -- >Funzionamento:vengono inclusi nei risultati solo i canti in cuisono presentitutte le parole inserite (senza contare quelle di 2lettere)*Possibilità di cambiare e salvare le tonalitàdeicanti*Possibilità di cambiare e salvare la posizionedelbarrè*Scroll automatico dei canti*Link alle registrazioni dei canti. Leggi laNOTAsotto.Comandi:- Play- Stop- Pausa- Avanti veloce (tieni premuto). Indietro veloce (tieni premuto)*Liste predefinite per la preparazione dellacelebrazionedella parola e dell'Eucarestia, con:- Template predefinito con inserimento dei cantitramitericerca- Invio dell'elenco via Email, SMS,Whatsapp!,Hangouts, etc..* Possibilità di creare le proprie listepersonalizzate*Salvataggio dei preferiti*Funzione "No stanby", per evitare lo spegnimentodelloschermo durante la lettura*Spostabile su memoria SD esterna*Salvataggio delle registrazioni nella memoria (NOTA:Unavolta salvato in locale un canto, non è necessario andarloacercare in memoria: l'applicazione si preoccupa di controllareseesso è stato salvato e, nel caso lo si volesse riascoltare,loleggerà essa stessa dalla memoria e non sarà più necessarialaconnessione ad internet)Si prega di allegare una descrizione chiara di quanto èaccaduto,quando si comunica un arresto anomalo. Aiuta a risolverevelocementei problemi nel codice!NOTA: Le registrazioni dei canti sono prese e richiedono, ovviamente,una connessione ad internet attiva per poter essereascoltati.A tutti i fratelli, ricordo comunque che i canti registratidaKiko o altri catechisti, sono puramente indicativi.Vi invito quindi, ad attenervi principalmente allaversionetrasmessa dai vostri catechisti, qualorapossibile.Sono ben accetti suggerimenti (realizzabili) per ilmiglioramentodell'applicazione. Non è produttivo metterevalutazioni bassesenza commenti. Grazie.Questa applicazione è completamente gratuita e privadipubblicità, fatta senza scopi di lucro.E' ATTIVO UN CANALE BETA. CHI E' INTERESSATO A FARNEPARTE,RICHIEDA DI ESSERE INVITATO SCRIVENDO ALL'INDIRIZZO EMAILDELLOSVILUPPATORE E SPECIFICANDO INDIRIZZO GMAIL, O COMUNQUE UNMODO PERESSERE RICONOSCIUTO SU GOOGLE PLUS.La pace.******************************************************************************************************The collection of songs of the Neocatechumenal Way indigitalversion on your smartphone / tablet Android******************************************************************************************************Feature of the application:* Five types of index:   - Index in alphabetical order   - Index in order of page   - Index by subject (as in the index of theprintedversion)   - Index of the psalms to music   - Index liturgicalSearch within the titles, with real-time results as you type(typingat least 3 characters, to limit the results notrequired)  * Search within the lyrics !! -> Operation: areincludedin the results only the songs that are all the wordsentered (notcounting those 2 letters)  * Ability to change and save the tone of the songs  * Ability to change and save the position of barrè  * Automatic scrolling songs  * Link to the recordings of the songs. Read theNOTEbelow. Commands:  - Play  - Stop  - Time Out  - Fast Forward (hold)  . Fast backward (hold)  * Lists settings for the preparation of the celebrationofthe Word and the Eucharist, with:  - Default Template with insertion of songsbysearching  - Enter the list via Email, SMS, Whatsapp! , Hangouts,etc ..* You can create your own customized lists  * Saving favorites  * Function "No standby", to avoid turning off thescreenwhile reading  * Mobile on external SD memory  * Saving memory entries (NOTE: Once saved locally a song,youdo not need to go and look in the memory: the applicationisconcerned to check if it was saved, and if the you wanted tolistento, it will read itself from memory and will no longer needto beconnected to the internet)Please include a clear description of what happened, whenyoucommunicate a crash. It helps to quickly resolve problems inthecode!NOTE: The recordings of the songs are taken from and require, of course,an active internet connection in order to be heard.To all the brothers, however, remember that the songs recordedbyKiko or other catechists, are purely indicative.I invite you, to abide mainly to the version sent byyourcatechists, wherever possible.We welcome suggestions (achievable) for the improvement oftheapplication. It is not productive to low ratingswithoutcomment. Thanks.This application is completely free of charge and freeofadvertising, with the non-profit.E 'ACTIVE CHANNEL BETA. WHO 'INTERESTED IN BECOMINGAPARTY, ASK TO BE INVITED WRITING AT EMAIL DEVELOPER ANDSPECIFYINGGMAIL ADDRESS, OR OTHERWISE A WAY TO BE RECOGNIZED ONGOOGLEPLUS.Peace.
Divine Mercy
The Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception, whohavepromotedthe authentic message of Divine Mercy since 1941,arepleased torelease the OFFICIAL Divine Mercy App. This FREEappoffers thecomplete Divine Mercy message and devotion in an easytonavigateformat. The app has three main chapters withthesefeatures: THEMESSAGE • Introduction to the message of DivineMercy• Biographyof St. Faustina • Hundreds of quotes from theDiaryof St.Faustina organized according to themes. • DivineMercyTimeline •Collection of the top 10 quotes on Divine Mercy fromthe“MercyPopes”: John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI • ListofrecommendedDivine Mercy resources THE DEVOTION• InteractiveChaplet ofDivine Mercy with an audio option •Detailed explanationof thethree ways to observe the Hour of GreatMercy • Stations oftheCross, complete with images and the text ofSt. Faustina’s Wayofthe Cross • Images of Divine Mercy •Explanation of the FeastofDivine Mercy, also known as Divine MercySunday, completewithanswers to frequently asked questions • Novenato Divine Mercyandother popular Divine Mercy prayers MERCY PLUS •Informationaboutthe Congregation of Marian Fathers of theImmaculateConception •Introduction to the Association of MarianHelpers •Links to theaward-winning Marian Helper magazine •Informationabout DivineMercy apostolates • Information about theNationalShrine of TheDivine Mercy, including pilgrimage informationandspiritualrenewal opportunities • Frequently updated articles onthemessageof Divine Mercy • A link to the online religious catalogoftheMarian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception According toPopeJohnPaul II, "There is nothing that man needs more thanDivineMercy."Moreover, Pope Benedict XVI said, "Devotion to DivineMercyis nota secondary devotion, but an integral dimension ofaChristian’sfaith and prayer." Get this app, and discover whythemessage ofDivine Mercy is the largest grassroots movement inthehistory ofthe Catholic Church. Divine Mercy — Love it. Liveit.Tell afriend.
Daily Prayer: from the CofE 1.72
Aimer Media
Complete services for Morning, Evening and Night Prayer fromChurchof England
Reformed Theological Seminary 6.2.2
Subsplash Inc
Welcome to the official app for RTS Media Ministry.
Luther's Small Catechism 1.6.3
Reference the official 1986 version of Luther’s SmallCatechismwherever you are
Daily Readings Plus
The Daily Readings app offers an easy waytoaccess the day's Scripture readings, saints, and fastingguidelinesas prescribed by the Lectionary of the Greek OrthodoxChurch. Nowthere are even more features to enhance your experience:Content:* View the fasting guidelines, readings, and saints oftheday.* Search for your favorite saint or feast any time duringtheyear. * Quickly look up movable feasts based on the dateofPascha. * Lookup definitions of Orthodox words* Read a selection of Orthodox Prayers (more to come soon!)Usability:* Settings to allow viewing both the content and the interfaceinmultiple languages. Currently, it is available in English,Greek,and Arabic, but we hope to add more soon.* Font size and face options for readings.* Menu to navigate between pages.* Typeface sizing options.This app follows the typikon and lectionary of theEcumenicalPatriarchate.
HiiKER: The Hiking Maps App 3.41-396
Waymarked Trails LTD
Plan hikes and walks with Topographic maps and store hikingtrailsoffline
ArtScroll Digital Library 7.2.8
The ArtScroll Scottenstein Talmud, Smart Siddur, Kitzur ,Seforimand eBooks
Praise • Worship • Liturgy 0.4.52
Ateliers du Chemin Neuf
Christian songs for praise and liturgical use | Chemin Neuf Music
DezPray: Catholic Prayer/Bible 18.9
Prayers, Songs, Bible, Rosary, Gospel. Liturgy, Novenas,Breviary& Lectionary.
Breviary – Liturgia Horarum 5.7
Richard Královič
Breviary = Liturgy of hours, catholic prayer book (SK, CZ, HU,IS,and LATIN).
Endtime+ 8.202.1
Endtime, Inc.
Exclusive content from Endtime
Courrier international - Mag 2.8.8
Courrier international
Suivez l’actualité française etinternationaleà travers le regard des médias internationaux.Pour découvrir l'application et le mode lecture, le numéro"Vivresous Poutine" (n°1316 du 21 janvier 2016) esttéléchargeablegratuitement. Pour activer le mode liseuse, faites unclic prolongésur le texte de l'article.Courrier international, hebdomadaire créé en novembre 1990,proposeà ses lecteurs une sélection du meilleur de la presseétrangère,traduit en français.Journaux, sites, blogs, les contenus du magazine proviennent deplusde 1 500 sources du monde entier.En sélectionnant des sujets politiques, économiques, sociétauxetculturels, en restant à l’affût des nouvelles tendances,Courrierinternational cherche à anticiper l'actualité et offre àseslecteurs une ouverture pertinente sur la complexité et ladiversitédu monde.Cette application vous permet d'accéder à l'intégralitédel'hebdomadaire en version numérique, ainsi qu'aux hors-sériesetsuppléments.• Lisez votre magazine même sans connexion internet.• Téléchargez votre magazine dès le mercredi, veille de sa sortieenkiosque.• Recevez l'hebdomadaire dans votre application chaque semaineentéléchargement automatique.• Naviguez facilement dans les pages et rubriques grâce au chemindefer miniature.• Profitez du confort de lecture du mode Liseuse, en faisantunappui prolongé sur l'article choisi.• Retrouvez les anciens numéros, hors-séries etsupplémentsrégionaux et spéciaux.• Sans abonnement, il est possible d'acheter à l'unité desnumérosde l'hebdomadaire, des hors-séries ou des suppléments.• Contenu de l'abonnement in-app : l'hebdo chaque mercredidansl'appli, le mode liseuse, les suppléments régionauxetspéciaux.• Contenu de l'abonnement pour les abonnés web : l'hebdochaquemercredi dans l'appli, le mode liseuse, les supplémentsrégionauxet spéciaux, 1 an d'anciens numéros (52 n°), desupplémentsrégionaux et spéciaux.Pour toute assistance, pour un problème technique ou pour nousfairepart de vos remarques et suggestions contactez-nousà dans l'application et lisez Courrierinternationalchaque semaine :1 mois - 6.99€3 mois - 19.99€1 an - 79.99€Spécificités des abonnements Google Play (in-app) :Les abonnements in-app donnent accès à l'hebdo et auxsupplémentsparus à partir de la date de souscription. Ils nedonnent pas accèsà l'espace abonné de notre site web ni auxhors-séries et auxanciens numéros.Le montant de votre abonnement est débité sur votre compteGooglePlay automatiquement, une fois votre achat confirmé.L’abonnement est reconduit automatiquement sauf si vousdésactivezcette option au moins 24h avant la fin de la périodeencours.Votre abonnement et son renouvellement peuvent être gérésdepuisvotre compte Google Play.Aucune résiliation n’est possible pendant la période activeencours.L'abonnement complet (site web + applis + anciens numéros)estdisponible sur notre site web, nous vous invitons à allerconsulternotre formule 100% numérique avant de vous abonnerdansl'application.Pour accéder à notre page Données personnelles et notre politiquedeconfidentialité : vers nos Conditions Générales d'Utilisation :
Vatican News 7.0.4
Vatican News - Follow latest news on Pope Francis and the Vatican.
Paolo Padrini
iBreviary TS Pro Terra Sancta istheapplication that brings the traditional Catholic prayer oftheBreviary and all the texts of the Liturgy on your Androidphonesand tablet.iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta wants to contribute, throughapartnership with Custody of the Holy Land, friendship andprayerfor all Christians living Holy Places. iBreviarycontains:- Breviary, Missal and Lectionary complete in 7 languagesandcontinuously updated (Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian,Englishand Latin)- The text of the Breviary and the Missal in the VetusOrdoAmbrosian Rite and Latin- All the main prayers of the Christian- Rituals for the sacraments and celebrations- The liturgical texts used in the Holy Land Also iBreviary"ProTerra Sancta" offers, than the first version ofiBreviary:- The new section, "Rites", with all the rituals and texts forthevarious celebrations Catholic (Adoration of the Eucharist,theSacraments, Blessings, etc.).- The brand new "Terra Sancta" the liturgical texts used in theHolyLand- Keep in touch through the blog and the pages of theFranciscansHoly Places. - A rich section dedicated to Saints- Store a day on any device- Full management of saved days (selection and cancellation)- Unlimited storage days (something very much in demand by thosewhowant to download a bit of days for travel or long periodwithoutinternet access from your Android- Instantly download the entire week (continuing to quietly usetheapplication without having to wait for the download).- Enlarge and diminish the character of the text, with the flickofthe fingers on the screen- The ability to adjust the color of the background for abetterreading of texts- Application Languages: Italian, Inglese, Spanish,Deutsch,Française, Romanian - Content Languages: Italian, Inglese,Spanish,Français, Romanian, Latinum- Languages constantly updated content.- A new graphical interface
World Religion & Mysticism 3.0
World religion & mysticism through thousand of quotes and poems
Tribu - Monthly photo album 2.3.8
Create a photo album with your family, month after month.
Creeds and Confessions 2.3.54
Reformed and Protestant Christian Creeds and Confessions
Ancient Faith Radio
Subsplash Inc
The streaming stations and podcasts of Ancient Faith Ministries.
Orthodox Prayers (free) 1.24
Simple Software Studio
English Orthodox Prayer Book - text is the same as in"Jordanville"Prayer Book.