Top 24 Apps Similar to Meinwomo Wohnmobil Stellplätze

Camping App Eu Pro 4.9.2
Womo Stellplatz
Yet another camping app? Yes, why not? We hope to have improvedonsearch functionality and design, and to offer a supplement tootherwell-known search campervan or camping apps. - Over 20.000sites -Fully offline-capable: search without internet connection-On-Route search (online, routes can be saved for offline use)-Search by vicinity or city / postcode or map - Search byprice,distance, location, facilities - Create favourites - Comment/review function - Upload your photos - New sites and countriesarebeing added continually - The directory is searchable usingmanyfilters, including negative criteria. You can find campingsites,touring sites and basic car parks which allow overnight staysforcampers.
promobil pitch radar 4.11
Motor Presse Stuttgart
Over 12,000 pitches all over europe for your motorhome
Camping App Van & Camping
Camping App
The nicest campervan stopovers, wild camping spots &campsitesin one app.
Stellplatz-Radar PLUS 2.3
Finden Sie Ihren perfektenWohnmobil-Stellplatzmit dem promobil Stellplatz-Radar!Stellplatz-Radar PLUS ist die Premium-Version vonDeutschlandserster Stellplatz-App - ein Service von promobil,Europas größteReisemobilzeitschrift. Mit der Plus-Version erhaltenSie vielezusätzliche Funktionen für noch mehr Komfort beiderStellplatzsuche, der Reiseplanung und derNavigationunterwegs.Sie suchen Stellplätze in einer bestimmten PreiskategorieoderServiceleistungen wie Strom, Wasser und Entsorgung? Mitderdetaillierten Filterfunktion erhalten Sie alle Stellplätze, diezuIhren individuellen Anforderungen passen. So finden Sienochschneller den richtigen Stellplatz.Planen Sie Ihre Reise schon im Voraus! Mit derFavoriten-Funktionvon Stellplatz-Radar PLUS lassen sich nunbeliebige Stellplätz ineiner übersichtlichen Liste speichern.Während der Reise finden Siediese bequem und schnell wieder undsehen, welcher IhrerLieblingsplätze am nächsten liegt.Sparen Sie teure Roaming-Gebühren im Ausland mit derintegriertenOffline-Karte. Ihre Stellplätze werden auch ohneInternetverbindungangezeigt. Damit nicht genug: Mit derSchnittstelle zurNavigations-App von Google können Sie Stellplätzedirekt alsZielpunkt übertragen - ein Klick und die Reise kannbeginnen.Bitte beachten Sie, dass die App nicht mit allenAndroid-Tabletskompatibel ist und in diesen Fällen nichtinstalliert werdenkann!Wenn Sie auf einem neuen Wohnmobil-Stellplatz stehen, unddiesernoch nicht in der App vorhanden sein sollte, so könnenSiekomfortabel diesen Stellplatz neu melden.Gerne entwickeln wir Stellplatz-Radar PLUS für Sie weiter -sendenSie uns Ihre Ideen, Tipps und Vorschläge. Wir sind gespanntundfreuen uns auf Ihr Feedback.Ihre Stellplatz-Experten von promobilFind yourperfectcamperplace the promobil Pitch radar!Pitch radar PLUS is the premium version of Germany's firstpitch-app- a service of promobil, Europe's largest motorhomemagazine. Withthe Plus version you will receive many additionalfunctions for evenmore convenience when parking space search,travel planning andnavigation on the go.Looking places over a certain price level or services suchaselectricity, water and waste disposal? With the detailedfilterfeature you get all the pitches that suit yourindividualrequirements. To find more quickly the correctpitch.Plan your trip in advance! With the favorites function ofparkingradar PLUS can now be any Sanistation save in oneconvenientlisting. During the trip, you find these again easily andquicklyand see which of your favorite places is closest.Save on expensive roaming charges abroad with the integratedofflinemap. Your plots are displayed without an internetconnection. Butnot enough with the interface for navigation appfrom Google, youcan transfer plots directly as target point - oneclick and thejourney can begin.Please note that the app is not compatible with all Androidtabletsand in these cases can not be installed!If you are on a new camperplace, and this should not be presentinthe app, so you can easily re-report this pitch.We are happy to develop parking radar PLUS for you further - sendusyour ideas, tips and suggestions. We are excited and lookingforwardto your feedback.Your Pitch experts from promobil
RV Parking Finder 1.0.4
Ralf Busch
A small tool to find a parking space or RV camping,
Campercontact motorhome camper 7.1.18
With Campercontact, you will always find a motorhome site thatsuitsyou.
Stellplatz Europe 2.13.0
Acamp Tech
Number one RV campsite app for Scandinavia!
ADAC Maps für Mitglieder
ADAC Maps ist eine kostenlose App desADAC.Dank vielfältiger Informationen zu den Themen Verkehr,Baustellen,Kraftstoffpreise und Wetter ist ADAC Maps einhilfreicher Begleiterbei der Mobilität im Alltag. Der integrierteADAC Routenplaner mitMautberechnung und Länderinformationen sowieInfos zu weiterennützlichen Themen (z.B. Restaurants und Hotels,Sehenswürdigkeiten)ermöglichen zusätzlich eine individuelle Planungvon Reiseroutenbis hin zum Aufenthalt am Reiseziel.Staus vermeidenDurch die präzisen Verkehrsinformationen und InformationenzuBaustellen lassen sich zeitraubende Staus vermeiden. Nur inADACMaps können außerdem die Bilder von Verkehrskameras unddieDarstellung des Verkehrsflusses in Echtzeit genutzt werden,umimmer auf dem aktuellsten Stand zu sein.Individuell planenKein anderer kostenloser Routenplaner bietet mehr! ObRoutenplanungzu Fuß, für PKW, Motorrad, Gespann oder Wohnmobil. ObMaut,Vignette, Tunnel oder Fähre vermeiden oder ganzeLänderausschließen, individueller kann eine Reise nicht geplantwerden.Auch Rundreisen mit bis zu 20 Zwischenstationen sindkeinProblem.Entspannt losfahrenMit ADAC Maps wissen Sie genau, was Sie auf Ihrer Fahrterwartet.Der integrierte ADAC Routenplaner hält Ihnen u.a. einedetaillierteWegbeschreibung, die Fahrzeit inklusive derVerzögerungen durch denaktuellen oder prognostizierten Verkehrsowie alle Preisangaben zuMaut und Vignette bereit. Und mit derAusgabe aller Infos passendzur Route wissen Sie auch, wo Sie billigtanken oder eine Rasteinlegen können.Spritkosten senkenTeuer tanken war gestern. ADAC Maps hilft Ihnen, immerdiegünstigste Tankstellen in Ihrem Umkreis zu finden.Dankübersichtlicher Auflistungen können Sie die Preisemühelosvergleichen und sparen so Zeit und Geld.Mehr entdeckenMit vielen ausgewählten Sehenswürdigkeiten, Restaurantsundnützlichen Adressen ist ADAC Maps ein verlässlicher Reiseführerfürden Urlaub oder die Städtereise übers Wochenende. So hilftIhnendie kostenlose App nicht nur bei der Planung sondern auchbeimEntdecken neuer interessanter Orte.Geld sparenDank des ADAC Vorteilsprogramms profitieren Sie vonVergünstigungenz.B. beim Tanken, für Hotelübernachtungen, Musicals,Konzerte,Freizeitaktivitäten, Artikeln rund ums Auto oder beimShopping. MitADAC Maps wissen Sie jederzeit über Mitglieder-Rabattein IhrerUmgebung Bescheid. Das zahlt sich aus!PlattformübergreifendSie wollen Routen lieber komfortabel am PC planen? KeinProblem.Nutzen Sie die Webanwendung von ADAC Maps Nachdem Speichern der Route sind Web und Appsynchron. So können Siejederzeit auch unterwegs auf Ihregespeicherten Routenzugreifen.Alle Informationen können wahlweise auf einer detailliertenKarteoder als Liste der nächstgelegenen Points of Interests(POI)dargestellt werden.Hinweis:• Zur Nutzung aller Funktionen von ADAC Maps müssen Sie sich inderApp einloggen. Nutzen Sie dazu Ihr ADAC-Login (entspricht demLoginunter Nicht-Mitgliedern steht einbegrenzterFunktionsumfang zur Verfügung.• Für die Nutzung von ADAC Maps ist eineInternetverbindungerforderlich. Offline-Karten werden nichtunterstützt, wodurch nurgeringer Speicherplatz anfällt.• Zur komfortablen Nutzung von ADAC Maps sindBerechtigungenerforderlich (z.B. Zugriff auf Kontakte). DieseBerechtigungenwerden nur bei Ausführung der entsprechendenFunktiongenutzt.• ADAC Maps bietet keinesprachgestützteTurn-by-Turn-Navigation.ADAC Maps is a free appofthe ADAC. With a variety of information on the topicstraffic,construction sites, fuel prices and weather ADAC Maps is ahelpfulcompanion in everyday mobility. The integrated ADAC routeplannerwith toll calculation and country information andinformation aboutother useful topics (for example, restaurants andhotels,attractions) also allow an individual planning of routes upto stayat the destination.Avoid jamWith more accurate traffic information and informationonconstruction sites is time consuming traffic jams can beavoided.As ADAC Maps also can be used in real time the images fromtrafficcameras and the presentation of the traffic flow in order tobealways up to date.Individual planNo other free directions offers more! Whether routing on foot,forcar, motorcycle, trailer or camper. Whether tolls, vignette,tunnelor ferry avoid or exclude entire countries, individual, atrip notbe scheduled. Also tours with up to 20 waypoints are notaproblem.Relaxed set offWith ADAC Maps you know exactly what to expect on your ride.Theintegrated ADAC directions keeps you i.a. detailed directions,thetravel time including delays caused by the current orpredictedtraffic and all prices to toll and vignette ready. Andwith theissuance of all information to match the route you knowwell, whereyou can stock up cheaply or can rest.lower fuel costsExpensive fuel was yesterday. ADAC Maps helps you to always findthecheapest gas stations in your area. Thanks to the clearListings Youcan easily compare prices, saving time andmoney.More DiscoverWith many selected attractions, restaurants and usefuladdressesADAC Maps is a reliable guide for the holiday or weekendcitybreak. Thus helps the free app not only in planning but alsoindiscovering new interesting MoneyThanks to the ADAC advantage program also discounted aswhenrefueling on hotel stays, musicals, concerts, activities,articlesabout cars, or shopping. With ADAC Maps you always knowaboutmembers discounts in your area communication. And thatpaysoff!Cross-platformYou want routes rather plan comfortable on your computer?Noproblem. Take advantage of the Web application by ADAC After saving the Route Web and app in sync. Soyoucan anytime, anywhere access to your stored routes.All information can optionally be displayed on a detailed map orasa list of the nearest points of interest (POI).Note:& Bull; To use all functions of ADAC Maps You need to log intothe app. Take to your ADAC Login (corresponds to the Non-members is a limited range offunctions.& Bull; For the use of ADAC Maps an Internet connectionisrequired. Offline maps are not supported, leaving only lessspaceis obtained.& Bull; For convenient use of ADAC maps are requiredpermissions(for example, access to contacts). These permissionsare used onlywhen the corresponding function.& Bull; ADAC Maps does not offer voice-guidedturn-by-turnnavigation.
ADAC Camping / Stellplatz 2016 1.0.3
+++ Version 2016 im neuen Design jetztmitzusätzlich rund 3.000 neu erfassten Plätzen in ganz Europa.+++Einführungspreis von 4,99 EUR (statt regulär 8,99 EUR,zeitlichbegrenzt bis 10. April 2016) +++ Inkl. digitalerRabattkarte ADACCampCard 2016 +++Auf die Qualität des ADAC Standardwerkes können Siejederzeitvertrauen. Mehr als 8.500 Campingplätze und über 5.000Stellplätzein ganz Europa finden Sie im ADAC CampingführerundStellplatzführer ausführlich mit allenAusstattungsmerkmalenbeschrieben. Zusätzlich zur bewährtenADAC-Klassifikation kommenauch die User-Platzbewertungen durchADAC-Mitglieder hinzu:Bewerten Sie den Platz direkt in der App undteilen Sie so Ihrepersönlichen Erfahrungen mit anderen Nutzern.Das ist die perfekte Reiseplanung: Mit der neuenUniversalsuchefinden Sie blitzschnell Ihr Reiseziel und diedortigen Plätze. OderSie lassen sich einfach bequem auf der Kartein jeder gewünschtenRegion Europas sofort die passenden Plätzeanzeigen – natürlichimmer entsprechend Ihrer individuellenSuchvorgabe.Besonders kinderfreundliche Plätze? Sind Hunde erlaubt oderggf.auch verboten? Ist WLAN vorhanden? Wie viele Mietunterkünftegibtes am Platz? Sie legen Wert auf eine sehr guteSanitärausstattungoder suchen einfach die Top-Plätze einer Region?Alles kein Problemmit den komfortablen Suchfunktionen des ADACCamping- undStellplatzführer Europa.Ebenfalls dabei: Die digitale ADAC CampCard 2016. Einfach aufdemPlatz vorzeigen und Sie sparen mit dieser Rabattkarte beiderBuchung bares Geld auf mehr als 2.400 Plätzen in ganzEuropa.Sämtliche Ausstattungsmerkmale eines Platzes sind inallenEinzelheiten detailliert dargestellt und zu allen Camping-undStellplätzen können Sie zusätzlich auch Ihre eigenenpersönlichenNotizen abspeichern. Dazu kommen Anbindungen anNavigations-Appsund Favoritenfunktionen inkl. Google DriveSynchronisation.Alle Platzinformationen und Bewertungsfunktionen sindkomplettoffline nutzbar, d.h. Sie können die App (bis aufdieKartenfunktionen) unterwegs vollständig ohneInternetverbindungnutzen.+++ Version 2016newdesign now with additional 3,000 newly detected spotsthroughoutEurope. +++ Introductory price of 4.99 EUR (instead ofthe normal8.99 EUR, limited to 10 April 2016) +++ Incl. digitaldiscount cardADAC Camp Card 2016 +++ On the quality of the ADAC standard work, you can rely on atanytime. More than 8,500 campsites and more than 5,000 parkingspacesin the whole of Europe can be found described in detail withallfacilities in the ADAC Camping Guide and parking guides.Inaddition to proven ADAC classification, the user-space reviewsareadded by ADAC members: Evaluate the square directly in the appandshare them as your personal experiences with other users.This is the perfect travel planning: With the newUniversalSearch can be found quickly your destination and the localcourts.Or you can just comfortably Map in any desired region ofEuropeonce the matching spaces - of course always in accordancewith yourindividual search specification.Particularly child-friendly places? Are dogs allowed orpossiblyeven banned? Is WLAN available? How many rentals there areinplace? Do you value a very good sanitary facilities or aresimplylooking for the top places of a region? No problem withtheconvenient search functions of the ADAC camping and parkingguidesEurope.Also present: The digital ADAC Camp Card show in 2016. Justinthe square and you will save with this discount card whenbookingmoney on more than 2,400 locations throughout Europe. Allfeaturesof a place are detailed in every detail and all camping andparkingspaces, you can also save your own personal notes.Theseconnections come in navigation apps and favorites featuresincl.Google Drive sync.All course information and evaluation functions are usedoffline,that is, You can use the app (up to the card functions)gocompletely without an internet connection.
CamperMate: Au & NZ Road Trip 4.21.09
Find and book campsites, caravan parks, activities & trailswithour map
Archiescampings 2.15.1
It's hard to find a campsite this App doesn't know
Wohnmobilstellplätze 1.2
Diese APP nutzt diebeliebteWohnmobilstellplatz-Datenbank von GPS wird Ihre aktuelle Position ermittelt. Dann wird Ihnenineinem Browserfenster eine Liste aller Wohnmobilstellplätze inIhrerNähe (30km Umkreis) angezeigt.Nicht mehr und nicht weniger - einfach und nützlich.Info:Die APP benötigt zur Anzeige der PlätzeeineInternetverbindung.Es können dadurch zusätzliche Kosten für dieDatenübertragungentstehen.Für den Aufbau und Inhalt der angezeigten Stellplatz-Webseiteistder Betreiber der Site verantwortlich.This app uses thepopularRV park database of current position is determined by GPS. Then a list of alltheRV parks in your area (30km radius) will be displayed in abrowserwindow.No more and no less - simple and useful.Info:The app needs to display the spaces an Internet connection.There may be additional costs for data transfer thereby.For the structure and content of the displayed pitch-website oftheoperator of the Site is responsible.
Your Travel Diary 1.7.3
Tim Westermann
Your travel diary is intendedforeasydocumentation of your daily experiences. The diaryisalsoespecially suitable for travel in a motorhome or tent.* Plan a camping vacation and organize your scheduleusingthenavigation bar. ** You can create new entries for each trip. You canaddpictures,locations, an expenses log, and more. ** On the overview map you can plot the complete routeforyourtrip. ** Share your trip with friends or other campers. Youcanalsoexport your trips in HTML format or send them by email.** Make backups and save them in the cloud to keep yourdatasafeat all times. *
Camperlife, camperstops, 4.25
Life Edizioni
Camperlife ( presents the new anduniqueCamperlifeApp
Camperstop-App Motorhome stops 2.7.4
Camperstop-app - with over 13,000 motorhome stopovers acrossallover Europe!
CampingCard ACSI 2023.06.15
ACSI Publishing BV
Discounts in low season
Sygic Truck & RV GPS Navigation 21.3.0
High-quality GPS navigation designed for professional drivers&their large vehicles. Trusted by 3 million drivers ofTrucks,Camions, HGVs, RVs, Caravans, Campers, Vans, Buses, Cars& manyof the world’s leading delivery fleets. Lots of smartfeatures,beautiful 3D offline maps, and easy to use interfaceprovide aproductive and enjoyable navigation experience. SygicTruck GPSNavigation is the best copilot on your routes! TRUCKSPECIFIC MAPS& ROUTING • Special routing for Truck / Camion /LGV / HGV/Delivery Van calculated for the vehicle & load. •High quality3D offline maps. Free map updates several times peryear. Maps arestored offline on your device so internet connectionis notrequired, works with GPS signal. • 3 route alternativesaredisplaying total time, distance, and elevation of the route.•Profiles for 3 different trucks. Set the parameters suchasdimensions, weight, transported material (HAZMAT), numberoftrailers, and the app will select the best route for the vehicle.•Last-mile functionality displaying restricted part of the routeina different color POIs • Millions of Truck specific PointsofInterests • Include gas stations, weigh stations, and restareas.PROFESSIONAL PLANNING & OPTIMALISATION • Advancedrouteplanning to avoid toll roads, U-turns, hazards such as lowbridges,narrow roads, or restricted areas (emission zones, schoolzones).Set preferences such as right turns or arrival with thedestinationon the right side. • Plan & optimize your Multi-Stoproute. Addup to 150 waypoints, and they will be re-arranged toachieve thebest efficiency. • Plan your route with Google Maps& easilydispatch to the app with Sygic Truck Route Sender -free extensionin Chrome and Firefox browser. DESIGNED FOR RV /CARAVAN / CAMPER /BUS • Profile configuration for RV / Caravan /Camper / Motorhome /Bus • Special routing for RV / Caravan / Camper/ Motorhome / Buscalculated for the vehicle & load. • Routesand directionsdesigned for RVs based on your vehicle size • RVspecific POIs:Campgrounds, parking stations, rest areas and moreSAFETY FEATURES• Spoken voice instructions with road indication •Dynamic LaneAssistant & Junction View • Speed Limits &Speed CamerasWarnings ADD-ONS • Live Services include Real-timeTrafficinformation + Mobile Speed Cameras Database + Fuel Prices +ParkingPlaces • Head-Up Display (HUD): Projects navigationinstructionsonto your windshield AVAILABLE MAP REGIONS • NorthAmerica • Europe(with Russia) • Australia & New Zealand •Brazil • Middle East• Africa You can test-drive Premium feature forthe first 14 daysafter installation. After 14 days, you cancontinue using the basicfeatures or upgrade to the Premium license.Also available fromSygic: Should you have any questions, We are here for you 7 days a week. If youlikeour app, please leave a review. Thank you for your support.PrivacyPolicy: Terms By installing, copying orusingall or any portion of this software you accept all the termsandconditions of this agreement:
womoclick 2.3
Einzigartiger Reisemobilstellplatzführer.AlleStellplätze werden mit einem Film vorgestellt.Diese APP ermöglicht Ihnen, Wohnmobilstellplätze undCampingplätzein Deutschland und BENELUX zu finden.Unique RV parkingguides.All pitches are presented with a film.This app allows you to find RV parks and campsites in GermanyandBenelux.
Maps & GPS Navigation OsmAnd+
OsmAnd+ (OSM Automated NavigationDirections)is a map and navigation application with access to thefree,worldwide, and high-quality OpenStreetMap (OSM) data.Enjoy voice and optical navigation, viewing POIs (pointsofinterest), creating and managing GPX tracks, using contourlinesvisualization and altitude info, a choice between driving,cycling,pedestrian modes, OSM editing and much more.OsmAnd+ is the paid application version. By buying it, yousupportthe project, fund the development of new features, andreceive thelatest updates.Some of the main features:Navigation• Works online (fast) or offline (no roaming charges when youareabroad)• Turn-by-turn voice guidance (recorded andsynthesizedvoices)• Optional lane guidance, street name display, and estimated timeofarrival• Supports intermediate points on your itinerary• Automatic re-routing whenever you deviate from the route• Search for places by address, by type (e.g.: restaurant,hotel,gas station, museum), or by geographical coordinatesMap Viewing• Display your position and orientation• Optionally align the picture according to compass oryourdirection of motion• Save your most important places as Favorites• Display POIs (point of interests) around you• Display specialized online tiles, satellite view (fromBing),different overlays like touring/navigation GPX tracksandadditional layers with customizable transparency• Optionally display place names in English, local, orphoneticspellingOnly this week 50% OFFUse OSM and Wikipedia Data• High-quality information from the best collaborative projectsofthe world• OSM data available per country or region• Wikipedia POIs, great for sightseeing• Unlimited free downloads, directly from the app• Compact offline vector maps updated at least once a month• Selection between complete region data and just roadnetwork(Example: All of Japan is 700 MB or 200 MB for the roadnetworkonly)Safety Features• Optional automated day/night view switching• Optional speed limit display, with reminder if you exceedit• Optional speed-dependent zooming• Share your location so that your friends can find youBicycle and Pedestrian Features• Viewing foot, hiking, and bike paths, great foroutdooractivities• Special routing and display modes for bike and pedestrian• Optional public transport stops (bus, tram, train) includinglinenames• Optional trip recording to local GPX file or online service• Optional speed and altitude display• Display of contour lines and hill-shading (viaadditionalplugin)Directly Contribute to OSM• Report data bugs• Upload GPX tracks to OSM directly from the app• Add POIs and directly upload them to OSM (or laterifoffline)• Optional trip recording also in background mode (while deviceisin sleep mode)OsmAnd is open-source and actively being developed. Everyonecancontribute to the application by reporting bugs,improvingtranslations or coding new features. The project is in alivelystate of continuous improvement by all these forms ofdeveloper anduser interaction. The project progress also relies onfinancialcontributions to fund coding and testing ofnewfunctionalities.Approximate map coverage and quality:• Western Europe: ****• Eastern Europe: ***• Russia: ***• North America: ***• South America: **• Asia: **• Japan & Korea: ***• Middle East: **• Africa: **• Antarctica: *Most countries around the globe available as downloads!From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, from Australia to the USA.Argentina,Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Mexico, UK, Spain,...
Truck GPS Navigation by Aponia
Aponia Software, s.r.o.
The world's most versatile anduser-friendlyGPS navigation for truck drivers.Truck GPS Navigation is a truck-specific navigation systemdesignedto provide safe and reliable routing on truck-legalroads.Truck drivers know that choosing the wrong route leads towastedfuel, out-of-route kilometers, lost time and money and insomecases also safety issues.Unlike standard car navigation systems, Truck GPSNavigationcalculates efficient routes based on the vehicleprofileinformation, routing parameters and load type, includinghazardousmaterials.The driver can choose a profile configuration based onlength,height, width, weight, max. axle load, and whether he iscarryinghazardous goods.The maps are on-board, which means they are stored directly onthedevice for offline use. At the same time both the maps andtheapplication can be easily updated free of charge.TRY OUT THE APP FOR FREE WITH OUR FREE TRIAL!
Camper Leveler
eland apps
Put your motorhome or any other 4-wheel vehicle in ahorizontalposition!
TomTom GO Navigation 3.2.12
TomTom International BV
Get Offline Navigation, Online Experience with TomTomGONavigation:Downloadable GPS Sat Nav offline maps, preciselivetraffic, andspeed camera alerts*, both updated inreal-time.Download now usingthe 30-DAY FREE TRIAL offer to get thebestdriving experience. 😎KEEP YOUR MAPS UPDATED WHILE SAVINGYOURMOBILE DATA • Maps À LaCarte: Save your mobile data withofflinemaps available in 150countries, always ad-free. You decidewhichmap to download, basedon what you need. • Weekly Map Updates:Helpyou steer clear ofblocked roads and drive within speedlimits,even when you areoffline. • Moving Lane Guidance: Endtheguesswork - know what laneis yours and what exit totake.Proprietary maps coming from 20+years of experience, provideyouhigh-quality turn-by-turn guidanceon your ways. STAYCONNECTEDWITH REAL-TIME UPDATES: • TomTomTraffic: Avoid traffic anddangerzones in real-time withintelligent route • Speed CameraWarnings*:Helping you drive saferand hassle-free with speed alertsandwarnings for fixed and mobilespeed cameras. • Online Search:Yourgo-to destinations, as well aspopular attractions andessentialPOIs, are stored on the app. Onceconnected, you cansearchdestinations from the catalogue of TomTom.• Share ETA: Shareyourestimated time of arrival with coworkers,friends, and familyviathe messaging platform of your choice. DRIVESAFELY AND BE AWAREOFSPEED CAMERAS: • Points of Interest: Searchand finddestinations,scenic areas, and attractions on the way andwhen youarrive atyour destination. • Alternative Routes: See waysaroundtrafficcongestion backed by precise distance and timecalculations •Driveto Photo: Remember the name of that place?! Ifyou geotaggedthephotos you took there, the app will take youthere! • DrivetoContacts: Get easier route planning to the peopleyou know,withthe contacts stored on your phone. • Ad-Free: Avoidannoyingadsfor the most efficient journey without interruption. •NEW! :Nowworks with Android Auto After the free trial, you canselect oneofthe following auto-renewing subscription plans: $1.99- 1month$8.99 - 6 months $12.99 - 12 months Cancel or changeyourplananytime. Drive with TomTom Go Navigation, thestate-of-the-artGPSSat Nav around! 💯 If you have questions,feedback, or inputonsomething we may have missed, please follow us& share on:+Facebook @ TomTom + Twitter @ TomTom + Instagram@TomTomDriversDisclaimers: · The use of this app is governed bytheTerms andConditions at ·Additionallaws,regulations, and local restrictions may apply. Youuse thisapp atyour own risk. * The Speed Camera Services must onlybe usedinaccordance with laws and regulations of the country whereyouaredriving. This functionality is specifically prohibitedinsomejurisdictions. It is your responsibility to comply withsuchlawsbefore activating the services. You can enable anddisableSpeedCamera warnings on TomTom GO Navigation.**Offerlimited to one free trial period per user. At the end ofthetrial,your subscription will be charged unless you cancel itatleast 24hours in advance.
ASFINAG 2023.6.0
The ASFINAG app provides you with up-to-date info on thetrafficsituation