Top 21 Apps Similar to Notfallsanitäter

DocCheck Flexikon 1.6.4
The encyclopedia to consult and shape - for physicians &medicalstudents.
NotSan Hessen 3.0.0
Lernhilfe für die Prüfung zum Notfallsanitäter in Hessen. DieseAppbeinhaltet in der aktuellen Version folgende Inhalte: -Algorithmen(ohne MANV) - Krampfanfall - Diabetes - 5 AxiomederKommunikationstheorie - Transaktionsanalyse-Kommunikationstheorien nach Rogers - StGB - Patientenrechtegesetz-Schock - Medikamente Weitere Inhalte werden werdenregelmäßighinzugefügt und über Updates verteilt. Daher bitte daraufachtenimmer die auf der aktuellsten Version zu behalten.
mSTaRT 2.0.15
Marco Hemmeter
Unofficial MSTART screener APP for optimal viewing of MCI inserts
Medikamente-per-klick 3.0.918
Appsolut practical - your pharmacy on the go!
Lexikon des Rettungsdienstes 2.5.3
The lexicon for the emergency services
PASS Consulting Group
Pass "Notfall-Hilfe" - an app for all emergency purposes! -Youneedto do an emergency call and want to submit your position?Youhavethe possibility to do an emergency call directly fromtheapp’s homescreen. The current location (street/city) isdisplayedthere aswell. The location can be examined further on amap viewand be sentvia Email/SMS. - You would like to carry majorstepsfor first-aidall time with you? As a first-aid provider youwillget awell-structured and pictured workflow forimmediate-aid,accidents,fire and poisoning. The breakdown servicepage providesadditionallyan option to directly call the police andthebreakdown service. Itis also possible to take pictures oftheaccident and store them inyour picture gallery. - You wouldliketo store your ”in case ofemergency” records to be wellprepared?For cases of emergency youcan store your personal I.C.E.records.The following personal datacan be stored: name, address,birthday,gender, health insurance,height, weight, pregnancy,organdonation, blood group and anarbitrary number ofpharmaceuticals,injuries, allergies, attendingdoctors and emergencycontacts (incase of emergency contacts). Yourdata is directlystored on thesmartphone - you do not need anInternet connection. Inthat waythe stored data is accessiblewithout any time delay. Duringtheprocess of pharmaceuticalsacquisition it is possible todefinedaily or day-specificapplication rates (morning/noon/evening,1/4up to 50 pills assingle dose). This way you can createyourpersonal application rateplan. - You would storesecurecredit/debit cards data to be able tocancel if the cards arelost?It is possible to enrich your personaldata by your identitycardid, drivers license ID and an arbitrarynumber ofcredit/rail/bonuscard ids to have easy access to all ofyour data incase ofrobbery/losing. This data is protected by apassword and isstoredencrypted on your Phone. With thisfunctionality you candirectlydial the number of the cardcancellation service whilegetting asummary of all entered cardids. - You would like to find adoctoror hospital or pharmacy nearyour location? The searchformedical-aid uses your current locationand displays all hits intheselected category of doctors aroundyou. Your viewingdirectionwill be visualized to ease uporientation. The search issplit upinto categories such as clinics,pharmacies, pediatrists andfieldsof medical expertise. Searchresults are shown in asurrounding mapas well as in a list. Thedetail view shows theaddress, offers tostart a navigation to thedoctor’s location and tocall the doctordirectly (if the relatedinformation is available).The freeversion of the app is currentlydesigned to be used inGermanyonly, thus German emergency callnumbers are configured. Toobtainnumbers for other (supported)countries the travel extensionhas tobe installed. Noresponsibility is taken for the correctnessofthis information andthe content of the app. Thisdescriptionincludes some non-freefeatures from the in-app store.Map-dataprovided by Google.
Alle krankheiten (Free) 3.6.11
Medical Group Soft
Wie kommt es zu einem Asthma? WelcheUrsachenhat Schlaganfall? Hier finden Sie zuverlässige undleichtverständliche Informationen zu vielen Hundert KrankheitenundSymptomen: Erfahren Sie mehr über Auslöser und RisikofaktorensowieDiagnose- und Therapiemöglichkeiten. Dazu erhalten Sie TippszurVorbeugung.In unserem Krankheitslexikon finden Sie detaillierteBeschreibungenzu den wichtigsten Krankheiten – leicht verständlich,von Expertenerklärt. Denn oft fallen Ihnen die wichtigen Fragen zueinerErkrankung erst ein, nachdem Sie die Arztpraxis miteinerKrankheitsdiagnose verlassen haben. Vielleicht hat der ArztauchFachausdrücke benutzt, die Sie nachlesen möchten. Oder Siemöchtensich als Angehöriger über eine Krankheit informieren. AllesguteGründe, warum wir Ihnen laienverständliche Informationen zudenwichtigsten Krankheiten anbieten. Erfahren Sie alles Wichtigeüberdas Krankheitsbild und zugehörige Symptome. Verstehen SiedieUrsachen und Risikofaktoren der Erkrankung. Lesen Sie, mitwelchenUntersuchungen die Krankheit diagnostiziert wird. UndinformierenSie sich über Behandlungsmöglichkeiten derErkrankung.Das Handbuch enthält eine Beschreibung von Krankheitenwie:blutdruck, diabetes, durchfall, fieber, pickel,kopfschmerzen,ebola.What causes anasthma?What causes a stroke? Here you will find reliable andeasilyunderstandable information to many hundreds of diseasesandsymptoms: Learn more about triggers and risk factors,anddiagnostic and treatment options. You will also receive tipsforprevention.In our lexicon disease you will find detailed descriptions ofthemajor diseases - easy to understand, explained by experts.Oftenyou noticed the important regarding a medical condition ononlyafter you have left the doctor's office with a diseasediagnosis.Maybe the doctor also uses technical terms that you wantto read.Or you want to learn as a member of a disease. All goodreasons whywe offer you lay understand information on majordiseases. Learneverything about the disease and associatedsymptoms. Understandthe causes and risk factors of the disease.Read with which studiesthe disease is diagnosed. And informyourself about treatmentoptions of the disease.The manual contains a description of diseases such as:bloodpressure, diabetes, diarrhea, fever, pimple, headache,ebola.
I am Death 1.4.5
Lady Wizard
It was warm and soft. Since then, she has become my mom.
Mobile emergency call 3.4.0
Kurt Huwig
Application to quickly place an emergency call in case ofaccidents.
Anatomy Quiz 4.10
Dr. Alexander Streuer
Anatomy Quiz provides you an easy way to learnanatomicalstructures!
Blutspende - Spenderservice 1.5.6
Appointment reservation & digital donation service
Einsatzrechner 0.2
Alexander Schumacher
Beinhaltet verschiedene Berechnungshilfen,diefür Sanitäts- und Rettungseinsätzen benötigt werden.Verfügbare Rechner:- Gefahrenpotenzial (Maurer-Algorithmus)- SauerstoffreserveVorschläge über neue Berechnungen bitte an die untengenannteEmail-Adresse.Alle Angaben und Berechnungsergebnisse ohne Gewähr.Includesvariouscalculation tools needed for first aid and emergencyoperations.Available computer:- Potential hazards (Maurer algorithm)- Oxygen reserveProposals on new calculations, please contact the belowmentionedemail address.All data and calculation results are subject.
MedRett-compact-light 2.3
Default values ​​in the rescue service - fast & clear
Diseases Dictionary Offline 4.8
wiki of medical diseases treatment dictionary, offline and lite
PROMETHEUS LernKarten 7.1.2
Georg Thieme Verlag KG
Exam-relevant anatomical structures on 483 flashcardsincludingU-A-F-I!
Kinder Notfall Tabelle Lite 2.1
Apps for Notärztinnen and paramedics
Fortbildung Rettungsdienst 2.0 (d255b13)
E-learning magazine RESCUE from publishing Stumpf & Kossendey
Fast Responders 3.1.13
medgineering GmbH
Help to save lifes!
Teach Me Anatomy 5.35
TeachMeSeries Ltd
Enhance your learning with the award-winning 3D anatomy platformandquiz bank.
Internal Organs in 3D Anatomy 3.1
Virtual 3D model of human internal organs with descriptions.
Anatomy Learning - 3D Anatomy 2.1.386
3D Medical OU - 3D Anatomy Atlas