Top 25 Apps Similar to Tournament Manager

At that point? Petanque tool 3.6
Web Dream
Vive la petanque!
Soccer Tournament Manager 1.1
Hann Kempcke
You can develop your own football tournament plans andliveleaguetables during a tournament with this “SoccerTournamentManager”.Plans can be saved and can be exported viae-mail. Somedata basesare organized in the form of federations,clubs andteams. The databases for all national teams (worldwide)and thefirst/ second andthird German League are included. It’s aMUST forall the peoplewho are coaches, trainers, spectators orguests, whospend theirweekend with young sportsmen (children) attournaments.Tournamentdates can be sent as e-mail reports. -wideown databasesmanagement (federations, clubs, teams) -initial databases (FIFA,1st/2nd/3rd German League ) -simple tournamentdevelopment(groupstage (against each) + 8 further tournamentrounds) -Sortingofmatches and teams -Live league tables -definitionof favouriteteam-bilingual (German, English, Spanish) -and others
Petanque: Score Marker 7.4
Never forget the score of your Petanque games, and saveyourresults!
Petanque meter 1.0.10 15.01.2018
Sébastien FURIO
Measurement tool for ball games.
Mètre Petanque | L'original 4.6
1st official precision measuring meter for pétanque orProvençalgame
Marco Foyot 2.0
MARCO FOYOT, légende vivante du sport pétanque…mais passeulement,c’est aussi un animateur hors pair et un homme au grandcœur !Acceptez ses notifications et ne ratez plus aucuneinformation dela part de Marco et de ses partenaires. Sonapplication est :Essentielle pour recevoir toutes ses actualités,résultats,évènements à venir, ses informations sur sa vie publiquemais aussiprivée (albums photos, vidéos,…) et la vie de son club.Simple pouraccéder rapidement aux bons plans, offres spéciales,cartes defidélités et autres coupons de promotion réservés parlespartenaires de Marco à ses fans ayant téléchargé l’Appli et crééuncompte. Une boutique en ligne vous permettra d’accéderauxdernières nouveautés des équipementiers de Marco et de plusunoutil de publication de matériel d’occasion à vendre ou àtroquerest aussi proposé dans cette application. Découvrez aussiles lieuxpréférés de Marco (Cafés, Hôtels et Restaurants) tout aulong deses déplacements préférés, ainsi que tous les meilleursendroitspour jouer à la pétanque. Et bien plus encore…
Petanque 1.0
Pétanque (Frenchpronunciation:;Occitan:petanca [peˈtaŋkɔ]) is a form of bouleswhere the goal isto tossor roll hollow steel balls as close aspossible to a smallwoodenball called a cochonnet (literally"piglet") or jack,whilestanding inside a circle with both feet onthe ground.The game is normally played on hard dirt or gravel. It canbeplayedin public areas in parks, or in dedicatedfacilitiescalledboulodromes. Similar games are bocce, bowls and(adapted toice)curling.The current form of the game originated in 1907 or 1910 inLaCiotat,in Provence, France. The French name pétanque(borrowedinto English,with or without the acute accent) comes frompetancain the Provençaldialect of the Occitan language, derivingfrom theexpression pèstancats, meaning 'feet fixed' or 'feetplanted' (ontheground).As early as the 6th century BC the ancient Greeks arerecordedtohave played a game of tossing coins, then flat stones,andlaterstone balls, called spheristics, trying to have them go asfaraspossible. The ancient Romans modified the game by addingatargetthat had to be approached as closely as possible.ThisRomanvariation was brought to Provence by Roman soldiersandsailors. ARoman sepulchre in Florence shows people playingthisgame,stooping down to measure the points.Pétanque is played by two teams, where each team consistsofone,two, or three players.In the singles and doubles games each player plays withthreemetalboules. In triples each player uses only two.The area where a pétanque game is played is called a terrain.Agamecan be played in an open area like a public park,wheretheboundaries of the terrain are not marked, or on a"markedterrain"where the terrain boundaries are marked(traditionally, bystringstightly strung between nails driven intothe ground).Pétanque player throwing from a prefabricated circleIn pétanque, players throw while standing in acircle.Traditionally,the circle was simply scratched in thedirt.Starting around 2005,red plastic "prefabricated" circleswereintroduced and are nowwidely used. A circle drawn on thegroundmust be 35–50 cm indiameter, while a plastic circle musthave aninside diameter of 50cm.A game begins with a coin toss to determine whichteamplaysfirst.The team that wins the toss begins the game by placing thecircleandthrowing the jack. The jack must be thrown to a distanceof6-10mfrom the circle — a jack that is thrown too short or toolongmust bere-thrown.A player from the team that threw the jack, throws thefirstboule.Then a player from the opposing team throws aboule.From that point on, the team with the boule that is closesttothejack is said to "have the point". The team that does nothavethepoint, throws the next boule. That team continues tothrowboulesuntil it either gains the point, or runs out ofboules.If at any point the closest boules from each teamareequidistantfrom the jack, then the team that threw the lastboulethrowsagain. If the boules are still equidistant then theteamsplayalternately until the tie is broken. If the boulesarestillequidistant at the end of the mène then neither teamscoresanypoints.The team that won the end, starts the next end. A playerfromthewinning team places (or draws) a circle around thejack.He/shethen picks up the jack, stands in the circle, and throwsthejackto start the next end.Download Petanque app now for FREE!!
Tournament Manager 1.3.16
Create and manage your own tournaments.
William Fasula
Keep score as you play Bocce, Petanque, Ping Pong, Kan Jam,orHorseshoes.
The Tournaments Manager v1.9 Android
Manage any kind of tournament. Save your stats and shareonfacebook!
Bocce Ball 1.0
Bocce, sometimes anglicized as bocci, isaballsport belonging to the family balls, closely relatedtoBritishbowls and French pétanque, with a common ancestryfromancient gamesplayed in the Roman Empire.The Italian word "boccia", which means "bowl" in the sportsense,isalso used in Italian. , In North America, and SouthAmerica(inVenezuela, bocha in Brazil), where it is known as bochas,orbolascriollas ('Criollo balls'). Bocce was initially playedamongtheItalian migrants but has slowly become more popularwiththeirdescendants and the wider community.The sport is also known in Serbo-Croatian as boćanje('playingboće')or balote (colloquially also bućanje). In Sloveniathe sportis knownas balinanje or colloquially 'playing boče', orbale (fromItalianbocce and Venetian bałe, meaning'balls',respectively).Bocce is 27.5 meters (90 ft) in length and 2.5 to 4 meters(8.2to13.1 ft) wide. Bocce balls can be made of metal or variouskindsofplastic. Unlike lawn bowls, bocce balls are spherical andhavenoinbuilt bias.A game can be conducted between two players, or two teamsoftwo,three, or four. A match is a small ball, the jack(called'abocce') or pallino ('bullet') in Italian, dependingonlocalcustom), from one end Of the court into a zone 5 meters(16ft) inlength, ending 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) from the far endofthecourt.If the first team misses twice, the other team isawardedtheopportunity to place the jack anywhere withintheprescribedarea.File: Bocce sport 2.ogvPlay mediaVideo of the sport of bocceThe side that first attempted to give the opportunity tobowlfirst.Once the first bowl has taken place, the other sidehastheopportunity to bowl. From then on, the side which does nothavetheball closest to the jack has a chance to bowl, up until onesideorthe other has used their four balls. At that point, theothersidebowls its remaining balls.The team with the closest ball to the jack is the only teamthatcanscore points in any frame. The scoring team receives onepointforeach of their balls. The length of a game varies byregionistypically from 7 to 13 points.A variation called bocce volo uses a metal ball, whichisthrownoverhand (palm down), after a run-up to the throwing line.Inthatrespect respect, it is similar to the balls gamegameprovençalalso known as boule lyonnaise. A French variant ofthegame iscalled petanque, and (lacking the run-up) is more similarinsomerespects to traditional bocce.Download Bocce Ball app now for FREE !!
mMesure 1.1
Obut's mMesure app indicates which balls are closest to thejackbymeasuring the distances quickly, simply, accurately andwithoutanyrisk of contact with the balls and jack. Our appincludesefficientand reliable features, such as: - Auto capturewith spiritlevelfor optimum measuring conditions. - Imagesegmentationforautomatic detection of the balls and jack. - Theuser canmakemanual adjustments. - Dynamic display of results.-Ergonomicvisual interface. Endless debate and troublewithmalcontentplayers is now officially over! Using mMesureguaranteesthatmeasurements are transparent and unbiased.
MDS Tournament Manager 1.1.5
MDS Game Zone
MDS Tournament Manager can manage any kind of tournament withanycombination!
Soccer Tournament Manager 1.3
(The very first start of the applicationwilltake up to 5 seconds.)You like to play well known soccer simulations on your consoleorpc against your friends?You like to conquer each other in tournaments, but would prefertoswitch teams meanwhile while still keeping track of thetournamentprogress?*** Soccer Tournament Manger has been developed to offer youthatpossibility. ***With this applikation you can save and manage the resulstofgames played on your console or pc without the need to stick tooneset team throughout your tournament.*** This application allows you to create profiles with anameand a profile picture, so you can always track who is upnext.***The Soccer Tournament Mangager allows you to create atournamentbased on your imagination (set the amount of players,amount ofrounds, points for a win, points for a draw) in which youand yourfriends can enter the results of the played games.*** You decide which game is being played next and when itisbeing played! ***The tournament can be saved and continued at any time.As a bonus feature, you are also able to play an unlimited amountoffast games against one specific friend of yours and keep trackofthe results.*** All results and scored points will be displayed to youindetailed statistics. ***Have fun with this application!Questions, suggestions and errors will be recieved and dealt withbyemail with pleasure.Features:- Manage fast games against a friends- Create and manage tournaments against multiple friends- Enter results manually or by number recognition on an imageManual for the app: application is not a game by itself. It is meant tokeeptrack of the results of tournaments that are being played inothergames.
Champion – Tournament-Manager 5.2.0
Zelfi AG
Set up a tournament for almost any competition in less than30seconds.
Group Tournament Manager 1.1
Create teams and pairings foragrouptournament, where players switch teams each round andplayagainstdifferent opponents. Group Tournament Managerensuresplayers playan equal amount with a variety of teammates andevenlymixedteams.
Swiss System Tournament 0.3.1
Daniel Hintze
Swiss-system tournament is a common typeoftournament in which players or teams are paired to face eachotherfor several rounds of competition. Applications are Chess,Bridge,Badminton, Warmachine, Magic: The Gathering, Scrabble andothertournaments with too many players to play inround-robinstyle.This App allows a handy management of swiss-system tournaments.Itsfeatures are:- unlimited number of tournaments- unlimited number of players- automatically pairings in swiss-style, according totheircumulative scores- automatically add byes- adding players from contacts- player register to select players from- different tie-breakers (e.g. control points)- share tournament results (e.g. per e-mail)This App is currently work in progress. If you found a bug oryouhave suggestions on how to make this app more useful to you,pleaseopen an issue at
Badminton Score Statistics 1.15
Divakar Kumar
Badminton Score Statistics helps you track scores in badmintonmatchvery easily and accurately. You don't need to remember thescores ofthe match. App will synchronize the scores after eachmatch and itcan be viewed by any user who joined yourtournament.App also allowsyou to capture moments during live matchand share it among usersworldwide. * User friendly interface *Easily setup a match. * Viewscore sheet. * History of results ofbadminton matches * Maintain alist of players so you can easilyselect them when starting a newmatch * Share scores on varioussocial media, google drive, etc. *Capture live moments * Futurereference for score sheet * Able toadd admins for a singletournament * Able to join any tournaments(no restrictions) * chatwith other users in any tournament Workflow1. In the initialscreen, click button "Host" to host a tournament.2. Click on"Join" to join any hosted tournaments worldwide. 3.Click on"Enter" to enter into hosted or joined tournaments 4.HostTournament -> "Add Players" to add players for theselectedtournament -> "Add Images" to capture live moments->"Singles" to enter Singles Tournament -> "Doubles" toenterDoubles Tournament -> "Winners" to view list of matchesplayedby each player in a tournament -> "Gallery" to show allimagescaptured -> Long press on each image to save into local SDcard-> "Delete" to delete a Tournament 5. Join Tournament->"Gallery" to view images -> "Winners" to view list ofmatchesplayed 6. Badminton News -> Get updates on badminton newsdaily7.Updates From Badminton World federation (Rankings,Schedule,events ,news)
Tournament Organizer 1.0
Sbrulli Stefano
T.O. allows easy management of Knockout tournaments and RoundRobinleagues.
Tournament Manager Soccer 1.5
Berkay Ak
The tournament manager will makeyourtournaments direct and edit your friends easy andenjoyable.Tournament Manager is also free of interfacecomplexity.If you are going to do a league tournament, you will be abletoreach the score sheet easily. It's time you want the weeklymatchon weekly fixtures.The Tournament Manager also offers the possibility to resumewhereyou left off. It does not need an extra save button forthis.Matches you scored will be saved.It creates a weekly fixture by randomly matching thepeopleregistered on the tour.
versus tournament (free)
Tournament app for elimination, round-robin, king of the hill&team tournaments
Tournament Manager 1.30.1
Cygnus Software
The application manages perfectly sporting results
Tournament Manager 1.1
Alexander A. Rogachev
Simple offline-only app for managing tournaments and competitions
Turnier Verwaltung 2.1.13
Turnier App - BeschreibungMit dieser Turnier App können Sie IhrkomplettesTurnierdarstellen. Es können beliebig viele Mannschafteninbeliebigvielen Gruppen angelegt werden.Die Turnierleitung stellt die Daten zur Verfügung unddieZuschauerkönnen über dieselbe App das Turnier verfolgen.Esgibtverschiedene Spielvarianten: Gruppenspiele, K.O. undPlatzgegenPlatz.So starten Sie als Turnierleiter:1. Legen Sie ein neues Turnier an und geben Sie ihmeinbeliebigenkurzen Namen (Bsp:TUR01).2. Legen Sie mindestens eine Gruppe an.3. Erfassen Sie die Mannschaften und ordnen Sie siedenGruppenzu.4. Generieren Sie die Begegnungen.5. Geben Sie den Zuschauern den Turniernamen (Punkt1)bekannt.6. Erfassen Sie die Ergebnisse.So starten Sie als Zuschauer:1. Fragen Sie die Turnierleitung nach dem Turniernamen.2. Wählen Sie das Turnier und melden Sie sich an.3. Verfolgen Sie die Ergebnisse und Tabellen.Beschreibung der einzelnen Menüpunkte:Turnier wählenZuschauer: Für Zuschauer reicht es aus, das Turnieranzugebenundsich anzumelden.Turnierleitung: Die Turnierleitung muss zum TurnierzusätzlicheinKennwort hinterlegen.GruppenHier können Gruppen verwaltet werden.MannschaftenEs können Mannschaften mit zusätzlichenInformationenverwaltetwerden (Trainer, Verein etc.). Die Zuordnungzu denGruppen erfolgtin diesem Dialog.Begegnungen erstellenHier werden Gruppen und Mannschaften dargestellt.Die Turnierleitung wählt die Spielvarianten aus undgeneriertdieBegegnungen für die Spielrunden. Nach dem GenerierenwirddieAnzahl der Begegnungen angezeigt.Begegnungen/ErgebnisseDie generierten Begegnungen werden hier angezeigt.Manuellwerdenjeweils die Ergebnisse eingegeben. Mit dem ErfassenderErgebnissewerden die Namen der folgenden Paarungenautomatischermittelt.TournamentApp-DescriptionWith this app, you can represent yourtournamentcompletetournament. You can create as many teams in asmanygroups.The tournament provides the data available and theaudiencecanfollow the tournament on the same app. There aredifferentgametypes: group matches, KO and place to place.To start as tournament director:1 Create a new tournament and give it an arbitrary shortname(eg:TUR01).2 Create at least one group.3 Capture the teams and assign them to groups.4 Generate the encounters.5 Enter the name of the tournament spectators known (point1).6 Record the results.To start as a spectator:1 Ask the tournament after the tournament name.2 Select the tournament and register itself.3 Track the results and tables.Description of the individual menu items:Select TournamentAttendance: For viewers, it is sufficient tospecifythetournament and to register.Tournament Director: The Tournament Committee must inadditiontothe tournament password deposit.GroupsHere groups can be managed.TeamsTeams can be managed with additional information(coach,club,etc.). The assignment to the groups in this dialog.Create matchesHere, groups and teams are represented.The Tournament Committee will select the game modes andgeneratestheencounters for the rounds. After generation, thenumber ofmatches isdisplayed.Fixtures / resultsThe generated matches are displayed here. The resultsaremanuallyinputted. By capturing the results, the names ofthefollowingpairings are determined automatically.
Bocce Score Keeper 4.0
App4That, LLC
This app will help the user keep score at Bocce Clicking on ateamname will highlight that team and any point values assignedforthat team will be added to the team score. Hold down on a teamnameto edit the name. Hold down on a team score to edit the score.