Top 13 Games Similar to Volkswagen Service Emirates

Volkswagen RaceApp 1.2.1
Volkswagen AG
Volkswagen RaceAppImportant information!Please keep in mind that you need the LogBox fromVolkswagenAccessories to use the Volkswagen RaceApp.By integratingthe LogBoxinto your vehicle you will be able to record an extensivearray ofvehicle data, which can then be sent via Bluetooth tothesmartphone app and analysed: From acceleration measurement torouterecording and even more comprehensive driving statistics. Formoreinformations regarding prices and installation please askyourVolkswagen dealer.Be ready to race in no time at all:- Have a Volkswagen dealer install the LogBox in the vehicle- Download the RaceApp free of charge from the Google Playstoreandlaunch the app- Connect the smartphone with the LogBox via Bluetooth- Secure the smartphone in a suitable holder in the vehicle- Find a designated racing track – and you are ready to go!START SCREENThe nerve centre: This is where you can access all of theappfunctions.DRIVER SCREENHere you can view the current driving data. Whether chargeairpressure, speed, G forces or a map of the surroundings: Youcanalways keep track of your current performance.RECORDThis function allows you to record any desired route along withyourdriving data. Tracks are automaticallyidentified and the lap times recorded. The routes driven canbesaved, driven again at any time and evaluated with acomprehensiverange of statistics. And the best part: The routesdriven can berecorded as a live video using the smartphone’s camerain thebackground, so that you can enjoy them again and again,wheneveryou want!ACCELERATION MEASUREMENTAcceleration from 0 to 100 km/h or the required time perpre-definedroute length: This function lets you chase yourpersonal best times.Complete with an authentic “Go” light!EVALUATIONThe system’s “memory”: You can access your saved routes,currentbest times, extensive statistics and recorded videos atanytime.Technical requirements for installing the RaceApp:- A smartphone with adequate performance (at least quad core1.4GHz, video resolution 720 x 1280)- Operating system (Android V4.4)You can generally find the information about theinstalledversion on your telephone under “Settings”. Deviatingversions havenot been tested by Volkswagen. Correct functionalityis notguaranteed in this case.TERMS OF USEUse at your own risk. The RaceApp may only be used on identifiedandsafe race tracks. The app may not be used on the openroad!Volkswagen Zubehör GmbH does not assume any liability foranydamage caused by incorrect and/or improper use of the LogBoxandRaceApp. Depending on your mobile telephone contract,downloadingthe app and using the app may incur additional costs fordatatransfer.Due to the requirements the app utilizes many resources ofthemobile device therefore it may cause increased powerconsumptionand heat development.
DTC Fault Memory erase for VAG 4.4.2
Erase/Read fault memory for Volkswagen, Audi, Seat, Skoda usingOBDELM327.
Volkswagen Service Germany 4.2.2(1)
Volkswagen AG
Die ganze Welt von Volkswagen Service -ineiner AppDie Volkswagen Service App unterstützt Sie unterwegs zuverlässiginden verschiedensten Situationen. Schnell und unkompliziertwerdenSie mit nützlichen Informationen rund um Ihren Volkswagenversorgt,erfahren mehr über die Volkswagen Service Leistungen underhaltenhilfreiche Tipps sowie aktuelle Angebote.Im Pannenfall wird Ihnen umgehend geholfen, da beieinerautomatischen Übermittlung Ihrer Fahrzeug- und StandortdatendasVolkswagen Service Mobil noch schneller bei Ihnen vor Ortseinkann! Darüber hinaus stehen Ihnen weitere nützliche FunktionenzurVerfügung, z. B. welche Bedeutung die Warnleuchten inIhremFahrzeug haben und Sie können Ihren Parkplatz speichern sowiedieParkzeit einstellen.Mit Hilfe der Diesel-Info können Sie anhandIhrerFahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer (FIN) überprüfen, ob IhrFahrzeugvon der Rückrufaktion zwecks Software-Update betroffen istundggfs. eine Terminanfrage stellen.Darüber hinaus finden Sie an dieser StelleweitereKontaktmöglichkeiten zu Volkswagen sowie hilfreiche undaktuelleInformationen zum Sachverhalt.Nach Eingabe bzw. Überprüfung der FIN können dieangezeigtenFahrzeugdaten außerdem direkt unter „Meine Garage“gespeichertwerden.Die kontinuierliche Nutzung von GPS kann denBatterieverbrauchdramatisch erhöhen.The whole worldofVolkswagen Service - in an appThe Volkswagen Service App supports the move reliably in avarietyof situations. Quick and easy you are provided withusefulinformation about your Volkswagen, learn more about theVolkswagenservice performance and receive helpful tips andcurrentoffers.In case of a breakdown will help you immediately, as in anautomatictransmission of your vehicle and location data, theVolkswagenService Mobile can be at your place even faster! You canalsobenefit other useful functions, such. As the significance ofthewarning lights in your vehicle and you can save your car parkandset the parking time.With the diesel-Info you can make an appointment request tocheckwhether your vehicle is affected by the recall ordersoftwareupdate and possibly based on your vehicle identificationnumber(VIN)..Furthermore you can find at this point more contact optionsforVolkswagen and useful and current information about the stateofaffairs.After entering or checking the VIN displayed vehicle data canalsobe stored directly in "My Garage".The continuous use of GPS can increase batteryconsumptiondramatically.
Volkswagen Service Italy 3.2.1
L'app Volkswagen Service ti assiste nelmodopiù affidabile nelle diverse situazioni che possonoverificarsisulla strada.Ti verranno fornite utili informazioni circa la tuaVolkswagen,in modo facile e rapido.Non solo troverai la rete di assistenza Volkswagen, conirelativi indirizzi e mappe, ma conoscerai anche i servizioffertidal Service Volkswagen, utili consigli e le offerteaggiornate.In caso di panne o di incidente riceverai soccorsoimmediatograzie alla trasmissione automatica dei dati della tuavettura edella posizione geografica in cui si trova: il ServizioMobilitàVolkswagen ti reggiungerà rapidamente nel luogo in cui titroverai.In caso di incidente potrai realizzare in modoestremamente facileun report ed individuare le misure piùimportanti da adottarenell’immediato.L'app offre, infine, ulteriori vantaggiose funzioni, qualiadesempio i significati delle spie di avvertimento del cruscotto,ilgeoposizionamento del veicolo parcheggiato e la scadenzadelparchimetro, un traduttore automatico basato su unriccovocabolario con i termini più utili relativi alla vettura edomandestandard in molte lingue diverse.L'uso continuato del GPS in background può ridurredrasticamentela durata della batteria.The app VolkswagenServicewill assist you in the most reliable in differentsituations thatmay occur on the road.You will be provided with helpful information aboutyourVolkswagen, easily and quickly.Not only will you find the Volkswagen service network, withtheiraddresses and maps, but also get to know the services offeredbyVolkswagen Service, tips and latest offers.In the event of a breakdown or accident will receiveimmediaterelief thanks to the automatic data transmission of yourcar andthe geographic location in which it is located: MobilityServiceVolkswagen reggiungerà you quickly to the place where youfind it.In the event of an accident you can make in an extremelyeasy wayto report and identify the most important measures to betakenimmediately.The app provides, finally, further useful features, such asthemeanings of the warning lights on the dashboard,thegeo-positioning of the vehicle parked and the parkingmeterexpires, an automatic translator based on a rich vocabularywiththe most useful terms related to car and standard questions inmanydifferent languages.Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.
Volkswagen Service India 3.2.2
The Volkswagen Service Mobile Application is your reliable andsmartassistant on the go. You can get information on StandardServiceLabour Charges, Volkswagen dealer network and explanationof variousindicators on the car's dashboard. It enables you to getconnectedwith Volkswagen Customer Care and Roadside Assistance ata click ofa button. It also facilitates prospective customers tobook a testdrive and get information on Volkswagen's India line-upof cars andthe latest tips and offers. Furthermore, you can createstories ofyour journey with maps and pictures, so stay connected.
Volkswagen 5.5.1
Volkswagen Group Rus
Mobile app from Volkswagen and Volkswagen CommercialVehiclesRussia.
Volkswagen Service Spain 3.2.2
La aplicación Volkswagen Service está diseñada para ayudarte entodolo que puedas necesitar cuando viajas con tu Volkswagen. Encaso deavería, podrás solicitar ayuda al servicio VolkswagenAsistencia24h, transmitiendo automáticamente la posición exacta enla que teencuentras.Además de contactar con Volkswagen Asistencia 24h,podráslocalizar fácilmente dónde se encuentra el ServicioOficialVolkswagen más cercano, consultar el significado de lospilotos deadvertencia del salpicadero, grabar el lugar dondeaparcaste suVolkswagen, realizar partes en caso de accidente, ymuchas otrasinteresantes utilidades.TheVolkswagen Service application is designed to help youwitheverything you might need when traveling with your Volkswagen.Incase of failure, you'll be requesting service 24hVolkswagenAssistance, automatically transmitting the exact positionwhere youare.Besides contact Volkswagen Assistance 24h, you'll easilylocatewhere is the Volkswagen nearest official service, check themeaningof warning lights on the dashboard, record where you parkedyourVolkswagen, making parts in case of accident, and manyotherinteresting utilities.
Volkswagen Servis Uygulaması 3.2.2
Volkswagen Servis Uygulaması,yolculuksırasındakarşınıza çıkabilecek sorunlarda size destek olmakiçintasarlanmıştır.Volkswageniniz için gerekli bilgilere hızlıcaulaşmanızısağlar.Volkswagen Yetkili Servis Ağı bilgileri, adreslerivegüzergâhlarının yanı sıra servis ile ilgili bilgiler,yararlıipuçları ve güncel fırsatlar hakkında da bilgialacaksınız.Arıza durumunda araç verileriniz ve coğrafi konumunuzunotomatikiletimi ile acil yardım alacaksınız; Volkswagen Çağrı24bulunduğunuz yere çok daha hızlı gelebilecek.Ayrıca gösterge tablolarındaki uyarı ışıklarınınanlamlarınaburada bulabileceksiniz. Park yerinizi kaydedebilecek veayrıcapark sürenizi kontrol edebileceksiniz. Bunun yanında"Çevirmen"sayesinde, yurt dışındayken en önemli soruların farklıdillerdekikarşılığını öğrenebileceksiniz.
Volkswagen Service Romania 3.2.2
Întreaga lume Volkswagen Service într-osingurăaplicaţie.Volkswagen Service App este asistentul dumneavoastră deîncrederela drum.Veţi primi acces la reţeaua Volkswagen (distribuitorişiservice-uri), informaţii importante de contact şi trasee. Înplus,puteţi programa un test drive şi verifica ultimele servicii,oferteşi sfaturi.În caz de defecţiune sau accident aplicaţia vă oferă un AsistentdeDrum pentru a primi ajutor imediat, vă veţi putea creapropriulraport al incidentului cu schiţe, poze şi rapoarte alemartorilor.Funcţiile suplimentare includ: dicţionar al luminilor deavertizarede pe bord, cronometru şi memo parcare, translator şi unjurnal decălătorie.Ne vom asigura că puteţi face în continuare ceea ce iubiţi:săconduceţi automobilul dumneavoastră Volkswagen.Utilizarea continuă a GPS-ului poate reduce dramatic duratadeviaţă a bateriei.WorldwideVolkswagenService in one application.Volkswagen Service App is your reliable assistant road.You'll get access to Volkswagen network (dealers andservicestations), important contact information and routes. Inaddition,you can schedule a test drive and check out the latestservices,offers and tips.In case of breakdown or accident Assistant application providesaroad for help right away, you can create your own incidentreportwith sketches, photos and reports of witnesses. Additionalfeaturesinclude: Dictionary of warning lights on the dashboardclock andmemo parking, translator and travel diary.We will ensure that you can still do what you love: Volkswagentodrive your car.Continued use of GPS can dramatically decrease battery life.
Volkswagen Service Czech Rep 3.2.2
Volkswagen Service App Vám spolehlivě pomůže v různých situacíchnasilnici.Snadno a rychle máte k dispozici užitečné informace týkajícíseVašeho vozu Volkswagen.Nejen, že zde naleznete síť autorizovaných servisníchpartnerůVolkswagen, včetně adres, kontaktů a navigace dojednotlivýchprovozoven, ale také získáte informace o vybranýchservisníchúkonech, užitečné tipy a aktuální nabídky Volkswagen.V případě poruchy, nebo nehody Vašeho vozidla, lzejednodušekontaktovat Volkswagen asistenční linku, na kterou sepřenesouinformace o Vašem voze, společně s aktuální geografickoupolohou.Můžete také vytvořit protokol o nehodě, který Vám pomůžezaznamenatvšechny důležité informace, týkající se nehody.K dispozici máte i další užitečné funkce, jako je:vysvětlenívýznamu vybraných palubních kontrolek, funkce záznamupolohyzaparkovaného automobilu s upozorněním na dobu parkování,překladačse slovní zásobou týkající se Vašeho vozu a nejběžnějšíchfrázívybraných jazyků, funkci palubního deníku, nebokapesnísvítilny.VolkswagenService App you trust to help in various situations onthe road.Easily and quickly available to you useful information aboutyourVolkswagen car.Not only that, you will find a network of authorizedservicepartners Volkswagen including address, contacts andnavigation ofindividual sites but also get information about theselectedservice operations, helpful tips and Volkswagen actualoffer.In the event of a breakdown or accident, your vehicle, youcansimply contact Volkswagen helpline, which aretransmittedinformation about your car, along with the currentgeographiclocation. You can also create a report on the accident,which willhelp you record all the important information regardingtheaccident.There have also other useful features such as: explanationofselected cabin lights, the recording feature positions parkedcarwith warning for parking, compiler with vocabulary related toyourcar and the most common phrases selected languages, thelogbook, orflashlights.
VIN-Info 1.5
VIN-Info helps to check the chassisnumber.Enter your VIN to get a vehicle history report andinformation fromthe VIN decoder. Check the database of stolenvehicles, vehiclephotos, odometer readings, CARFAX, NMVTIS etc.VIN Decoder: VOLKSWAGEN, AUDI, OPEL, RENAULT, FORD, BMW,TOYOTA,PEUGEOT, SEAT, MAZDA, MERCEDES, SKODA, FIAT, CITROEN,NISSAN, GMC,DODGE, HONDA, CHEVROLET, JEEP, HYUNDAI, KIA
Car Key Lock Remote Simulator 1.25.17
Polysoft Studios
Amazing wireless car key simulator!
Volkswagen Service Argentina 3.2.2
Volkswagen AG
La aplicación Volkswagen Serviceestádiseñadapara ayudarte en todo lo que puedas necesitar cuandoviajascon tuVolkswagen. En caso de avería, podrás solicitar ayudaalservicioVolkswagen Asistencia 24h, transmitiendoautomáticamentelaposición exacta en la que te encuentras.Además de contactar con Volkswagen Asistencia24h,podráslocalizar fácilmente dónde se encuentra elServicioOficialVolkswagen más cercano, consultar el significado delospilotos deadvertencia del salpicadero, grabar el lugardondeaparcaste suVolkswagen, realizar partes en caso de accidente,ymuchas otrasinteresantes utilidades.TheVolkswagenServiceapplication is designed to help you witheverything youmight needwhen traveling with your Volkswagen. Incase of failure,you'll berequesting service 24h VolkswagenAssistance,automaticallytransmitting the exact position in whichyou findyourself.Besides contact Volkswagen Assistance 24h, you caneasilylocatewhere is the Volkswagen nearest official service, checkthemeaningof warning lights on the dashboard, record where youparkedyourVolkswagen, make parts for accidents, and manyotherinterestingutilities.