Top 21 Apps Similar to علوم القرآن

مباحث في علوم القرآن 3.1.0
Detectives Science in the Quran - Manna Qattan
علوم القرآن 2 1.0
عزيزي الدارسيتوقع منك -عزيزي الدارس- بعد دراسة هذا المقرر أن تكونقادراًعلىأن:1. تتزود بالمعارف العلمية المهمة التي تتعلق بالقواعد التييحتاجإليهادارس القرآن الكريم.2. تميز بين المحكم والمتشابه والعموم والخصوصوالإطلاقوالتقييدوالمنطوق والمفهوم3. تدرك طرق استنباط أحكام القرآن الكريم التشريعية منالقرآنالكريموفهمه.4. تتعامل مع النصوص القرآنية وتفهم مدلولاتها.5. توضح منهج القرآن الكريم في الجدل.6. تتعرف على الجانب اللغوي في القرآن الكريم الذي يقوم عليهجانبمنالإعجاز القرآني و تتعرف على أمثال القرآنالكريموأقسامهوقصصه.7. تفهم مدلول الترجمة و أن تميز بين أنواعها وحكم كل نوع.يمد هذا المقرر الدارس بكثير من المعلومات والمعارف المتعلقةبعددمنعلوم القرآن، وعلى رأسها المحكم والمتشابه والعاموالخاصوالمطلقوالمقيد والمنطوق والمفهوم والأمثال والقصص القرآني....وغيرهاومن خلال دراسة هذا المقرر يستطيع الدارس امتلاك جملة منالمفاتيحالتيتساعده على فهم القرآن وتدبره كما أمر الله تعالىكما يمكن هذا المقرر الدارس من توظيف ما تعلمه من مفردات فيهذاالمقررفي مجال التربية والدعوة.Dear studentYou are expected to -zizi Aldarc- After studying thisdecisiontobe able to:1. supplied important scientific knowledge concerning therulesthatrequire schools to the Koran.2. distinguish between the arbitrator and of Like andgeneralandparticular, and all the restriction and theoperativeconcept3. devise legislative provisions of the Koran from theKoranandunderstand ways to realize.4. deal with Quranic texts and understand their meanings.5. The method describes the Koran in controversy.6. recognize the linguistic aspect of the Koran upon whichsideofthe miracle of the Qur'an and recognize the likes of theKoranandits divisions and stories.7. understand the meaning of the translation andtodistinguishbetween the types and the rule of every kind.This course provides the student with muchinformationandknowledge on a number of Quranic sciences, and on topofthearbitrator and of Like, public and private, and theabsoluteandunfettered and operative concept, proverbs, storiesandotherQuranic ....Through the study of this course the student can possess asetofkeys that help him understand the Koran and manageableasthecommand of Allah AlmightyThis can also be due to the employment of the student whathelearnedfrom the vocabulary in this decision in the fieldofeducation andadvocacy.
اسباب النزول
One is the Islamic sciences interested in knowing the reasonsforthe descent of verses of the Koran and issues .........
تفسير القرآن لابن كثير
Many interpret the son of Imam Al-Hafiz bin many
المكتبة القرأنية الشاملة 2.0
Koranic library contains many of audiovisual, articles and books
اسباب النزول في القرآن الكريم 25.0
The Holy Qur’an is complete Reasons for descent in the HolyQuranfrom the book of Imam al-Suyuti
علم النفس في القرآن الكريم 1.0
rad bou
العلاج النفسي بالقرآن والتنمية البشرية والتطوير الذاتي وعلاجالأمراضالنفسية
Great Tafsirs 3.0.0
The largest collection of Qur’anic Commentary
تفسير القرآن للسعدي
This book provides a complete explanation of the HolyQurancontemporary style, plain, and clear at the same time
الباحث القرآني 3
Alhoda IT Team
يقدّم مجموعةً من الخدمات للباحثين بشكلٍ خاصّ وإلى عموم الناس.
الإعجاز في القرآن الكريم 1.0
يتوقع منك عزيزي الدارس بعد دراسة هذاالمقررانتكون قادرا على ان:1-تعرف مفهوم المعجزة وشروطهاDear studentyouareexpected after this course to be able to:1 - You know the concept of miracle and conditions
الإتقان في علوم القرآن 3.1.0
Book by Al-Suyuti months of the thousand in Quranic sciences,pastand present
Learn Arabic Education 1.5
Takbir Publishers
Ninety percent of the world's Muslims donotspeak Arabic as their native language. Yet in daily prayers,whenreading the Qur'an, or even in simple conversations witheachother, Arabic rolls off any Muslim's tongue readily. It maybebroken or heavily accented, but most Muslims make the attempttospeak and understand at least some Arabic.Why is Arabic so important to understanding the faithofIslam?Regardless of their linguistic, cultural, and racialdifferences,Muslims form one community of believers. This communityis based ontheir shared faith in One Almighty God, and the guidanceHe hassent down to mankind. His final revelation to mankind, theQur'an,was sent over 1400 years ago in the Arabic language. Arabicthusserves as a common language among this diverse communityofbelievers.Since understanding Arabic is so important, most Muslims trytolearn at least the basics, this is where Learn Arabic App comestothe forefront. This is more than just an App, this is anandroidtextbook. Learn Arabic App provides a user friendly,interactiveand engaging way of learning Arabic on the go. This appdelivers aninterface designed by experts and scholars in teachingArabic as asecond language. With many features such as personalvocabulary,grammar exercises, and more. This app is an idealresource forthose who are looking to gain fluency in the languagein a gradualway through dynamic scenarios that allow for practicallanguageattainment. The app teaches the basics of Modern StandardArabic byproviding beginner’s level- vocabulary, grammar, culture,andpractice. There are also short lessons on basic grammar thatwillget one started in their journey to learn Arabic. This app ismorethan good enough for your Arabic learning needs. So, what areyouwaiting for?Start your journey now on how to learn Arabic with this greatnewapp!Features!• Learn Arabic Pro teaches you the basics of the Arabic languageatyour own pace using easy-to-navigate lessons.• Covers greetings, culture, basic grammar and conversation• Lessons start from the names of all the alphabets to constructthewords.• Easy way to navigate between lessons.• The content of this application suits the usage for bothadultsand children respectively• Lesson Description detailing the background of the lesson andthegrammatical focus• No internet connection required once downloadedandinstalled.• The Learn Arabic App is a one-stop collection ofdetailedwrite-ups covering over one hundred Arabicgrammarconstructions.• Learn the basic formation, read sample sentences, and studynotesthat cover the small details that really help you mastertheconstruction of the language.
ملخص قواعد اللغة العربية
A summary of the Arabic grammar for the intermediate andsecondarylevels
Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan Urdu 8.5.0
The Tafseer Ahsan-ul-Bayan by a renowned scholar “HafizSalahudinYosuf”
مهارات تلاوة القرآن وتجويده 1.0
يتوقع منك - عزيزي الدارس - بعد دراستكهذاالمقرر أن تكون قادراً على أن:1. تدرك فضل تلاوة القرآن الكريم وتعهده وتعلمه .0. تينبق أحكام التجويد عند تلاوة القرآن الكريم .3. تتمكن من علم التجويد نارياً وتينبيقاً.4. تكتسب مهارة تعليم أحكام التجويد للغير.5. تلتزم بآدا تلاوة القرآن، والدعوة إلى العمل به د واقعالحياة.1You are expected -Dearstudent - after studying this decision to be able to:1. Aware preferred Quran recitation, maintenance and learned.0. Tinbak provisions intonation when reciting the Koran.3. You can flag intonation firearm and Tinbaiqa.4. Gaining skill education provisions for non-intonation.5. Bada is committed to recite the Koran, and the call to actionbythe d reality of life 0.1
كتاب العميد في علم التجويد 3.1.0
Brigadier book in the science of intonation
Tafseer e Usmani 1.2
A short but comprehensive and renowned Tafseer of the Holy Quran.
Tafsir Ibnu Katsir 30 Juz 3.0
Al - Quran Tafsir Ibnu Katsir Lengkap 30Juzdengan Terjemahan Bahasa Indonesia-Tulisan sangat jelas- Data App OFFLINE , Aplikasi ini dapat berjalan tanpaadanyakoneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- teks dapat di zoom---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ayo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu,maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya,tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yg mengamalkannyaAl - Quran TafsirIbnKathir Juz 30 Complete with Indonesian translation-Tulisan Very clear- Data App OFFLINE, these applications can run without aninternetconnection- Application of light- Text can be in the zoom---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let's spread this appAnyone who teaches a science,then he will get reward those who practice it,without prejudice to reward those who practice it
مكتبة تعليم العربية 2.0
Abdulaziz A S Almahyoubi
هي أكبر مكتبة إلكترونية على الإنترنت لكتبتعليماللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها.تضم المكتبة مئات الكتب التي تهتم بتعليم اللغة العربيةللمسلمينوغيرهم من غير الناطقين باللغة العربية.It is the largest electronic library on the Internet for BooksinArabic language instruction for non-native speakers.It is thelargestelectronic library on the Internet for Books in Arabiclanguageinstruction for non-native speakers.Library includes hundreds of books concerned with teachingArabicfor Muslims and other non-Arabic speakers.It is the largest electronic library on the Internet for BooksinArabic language instruction for non-native speakers.
قصص القران الكريم بدون انترنت 5.1
Full application Koran stories contain stories of humans andanimalsin the Qur'an