Top 19 Apps Similar to Rustica Almanach (jardin)

My Potager Garden 1.16
Nicolas Berthel
The app that ease the planification of your garden and thegrowingof vegetable
Moon & Garden 5.1.4
With Moon & Garden, perfect your garden!
Women's shoes fashion 7.8.1
Minaw Power
A huge range of Women's shoes fashion fashion to keep your feetontrend
Calendrier du Jardin 1.1
Timetable monthly garden
Garden organizer - Planner 6.7.93
Empower your gardening journey with our app, dedicated to gardenandvegetables.
Easy Jardin 4.0
Peyrau Christophe
Cette application offre auxjardiniersconnectés la possibilité de gérer leurs plantations àpartir ducalendrier lunaire. Concernant l'activité quotidienne,vous saurezquels légumes semer, planter travailler ourécolter.Pour un légume choisi, vous trouverez les moments opportunsbaséssur l'activité lunaire. Enfin la météo locale est accessiblepar unmenu dédié.This applicationprovidesconnected gardeners the opportunity to manage theirplantationsfrom the lunar calendar. On daily activity, you willknow whatvegetables sowing, planting or harvesting work.For a selected vegetable, you will find the appropriate timesbasedon lunar activity. Finally the local weather is accessible viaadedicated menu.
Encyclopédie Jardin 1.1
Encyclopedia of plants ornamental garden
DIY Garden Ideas 16.0
DIY Garden Ideas is a gallery app with lots of original diygardenprojects...
Flower Garden Planter Ideas 1.0
A flower garden is a form of gardenusuallygrown for decorative purposes, centering primarily on thekinds offlowers produced by the plants involved. It is beautiful inand ofitself, for each individual blossom, for the ecologicalbalance itbrings. A flower garden is the best way to be incontinuouscommunion with nature.Its also is a work in progress, collaboration between you,theplants, and nature. A flower garden is an enjoyable waytodecorate. The object to have a flower garden is to haveblossoms,so keep fertilizer on hand, dispel bugs as soon as you seethem,and water frequently during dry spells.Flower gardens combine plants of different heights,colors,textures, and fragrances to create interest and delight thesenses.These gardens can enhance almost any home or business.Flowers aregreat landscaping elements that can quickly make yourlandscapinggarden rich with colors and excitement.To have a beautiful garden doesn't only depend onhavingbeautiful plants and blooming flowers. These plants andflowersmust be placed in proper order to have a view that ispleasing tothe eyes. To have this you must use good flower gardenlayouts thatenhance the beauty of the plants and of the entiregarden. Theselayouts take into consideration the texture, color,and the moodsthat your garden can give especially during theseasons that allthe flowers bloom together. If you want to havethese elements onyour flower garden maybe you can ask some of theexperiencedgardeners or designers for an advice of what layout isbest foryour garden.When designing a flower garden for your garden or backyard,youhave to consider the size of your garden or the flowerbed thatyouwant. It is advised for beginners to start with a wider bedwhereyou can plant different types of flowering plants. If you wantamore elegant or artistic design you can have it without evenhiringa professional designer.No matter what, flower gardens are still a lovely sight tosee.In addition, planting flowers may serve as a therapy forpeoplesuffering from depress and stress. When a person isdepressed,performing a wonderful craft and working with beautifulnaturecreations like flowers can greatly help in easing thelonelinessand bad emotions.With different types and kinds of flowers, you can evenchoosethose that can easily be grown, or one that has you favoritecoloror even one type of flower whose meaning and definition suitsyourpersonality. Flowers are like gems and birthstone too whichareassociated with separate definitions.Choosing a flower that can easily be grown is advantageousanduseful for the part of the gardener or hobbyist. When you plantaflower seed and in time the plant has bloomed and produced evenasingle flower, the person who planted that flower will surelyfeelproud and great that his or her effort did not go to waste asthereis the proof of a wonderful output.Common Sunflower is one easy to grow flower. It is anattractivespot of bloom to butterflies and birds which also add tothesceneries in a garden. The plant grows from 8-15 feet inheight,the flower is from 8-12 inches in width. The seeds of thisfloweris even edible and is ideally grown in alkaline soil that iswelldrained and under the heat of the sun. However, it is anannualflower meaning it dies after blooming and producing seeds inoneseason.
Vegetable Gardern Ideas 1.0
You may have been pondering how toplanavegetable garden, if you want fresh vegetables this year.Youdonot have to restrict yourself to the customarystraightorderlyrows. There are other options available. You canunleashyourcreativity and construct a container or raised bedgarden.Youcould even make a more formal flower type bed and fillitwithplant life which produces vegetables as an alternativetoflowers.Sublime SimplicityTidy rows are the first step in thelong-establishedconventionalvegetable garden. A specific vegetableis dedicated toeach row. Anorth to south orientation, whenpossible, is usuallyrecommended.To easily reach the rows you shouldtill the soil andmake it level.This makes it easier to reach theweeds in the rowsand tend to theplants other needs. For largervegetable gardensyou may wish to addwalkways so that you do notstep on plantstending to the garden.Remember to plant your rowsacross a slopeto keep the seeds frombeing washed away. It also aidsthe rootgrowth.Spice it upWhen you begin planning the layout of your garden, youmayperhapsthink about making use of a raised bed as a substitutetothe tidyrows of conventional gardens. The raised bed systemusesblocks forplanting. In addition to the unique look thissystemtakes up lessspace. Another benefit this type of garden isthat itis off of thelocal dirt. Tending to the needs of yourgarden ismuch easier. Yourknees and back will thank you also. Allyou needare some old bricks,a few cinder blocks, or maybe leftovertimbers to build up yourraised bed vegetable garden.Flair is GoodKitchen gardens have a bit more eye appeal. If you areagardenerthat likes a bit of flair you might consider this typeofgarden.Kitchen gardens usually mix vegetables and herbs intoasmallerspace as close as practical to the kitchen. Mostkitchengardens setthe plants into geometric patterns between thestonesor bricks thatform the paths. This makes the kitchengardensprettier than moretraditional gardens. Some kitchen gardensevenhave well trimmedsurrounding them. Picture some bright redhuedlettuce mixed withcurly parsley set against a backdrop oflatticecovered with peasand beans. Add a few marigolds, which keepbugsat bay, and you havea wonderfully whimsical garden thatretainsits true function.Still More OptionsBe a little flexible and you will find an assortmentofoptionsavailable to layout your garden. The beauty is intheflexibility.Consider your lifestyle, the space you have, andtheamount of timeyou will invest in your garden. A four squaregarden(one that isrectangular with a central focal point, like astatue)or anasymmetrical garden (one that has no defined rules) maybeotheroptions for you to consider.
Garden Manager : Plant Alarm 1.8.3
'Garden Manager' app is an essential gardening tool to save time.
Small Garden Layout Ideas 2.0
Small garden design ideas are not easy to find. A smallgardendesign is different from other garden designs. Space playsanimportant role in small garden design ideas. Landscape DesignAlarge yard is not only difficult to build, but also hardtomaintain. So, if your garden is a bit on the small side, itcanturn out to be a blessing, since small yards are not only easytodecorate but easy to maintain as well. Backyard Ideas Millionsofpeople around the globe who own a house intend to make itaspersonalized and stylish because they can, so it wouldlikelyreflect all of them in some condition or kind. Garden DesignIdeasYour garden might be an appearance of your own imagination. Itisno more a spot where you plant foods grown from theground.Provided that you might want to include a little more lifeandimprove the look of your garden, pick intriguing garden designs.
Info Garden Guide 1.182
Description of some of the most popular garden plants (275 Plants).
Potager et Jardin 2.1.4
Potager et Jardin est le compagnon idéal pour le jardinier!!Potageret Jardin vous permet de gérer et planifier les culturesdevotrepotager en respectant les règles d'associations etlesfamilles delégumes et de fruits. Vous avez la possibilitédeconsulter, de créeret de partager avec les autres utilisateursdesfiches légumesregroupant toutes les informations nécessaireàleurs cultures ausein de votre jardin. Vous disposez d'unoutilpuissant permettant deplanifier vos cultures en définissantvotrepotager en planche deculture et emplacements. Cet outilutiliserales informations desfiches légumes (comme le type, lafamille, lepositionnement, lecompagnonnage...) pour vous indiquerle meilleurchoix depositionnement de votre culture par rapport auxautres.L'ensemble del'application, excepté l'espace partagé, nenécessitepas deconnexion internet et peut fonctionner hors réseaudansvotre potager!
DIY Garden Ideas 5.0
Gardens and well-groomed landscapedareasarebelieved to have the ability to increase the value of thehomeorany property, especially in urban locations wheresizablespacesare rarely available. This spurred the growth ofthegardeningsupplies market and even made gardening as one of thetophobbiesin countries such as the United States.While there is a predominance of landscapeartists,manyhomeowners opt to choose do-it-yourselflandscapingprojectsbecause of the prohibitive costs associatedwithhiringprofessional design companies. Given the freehand todesignandconceptualize their own garden, homeowners should havetherightinformation on the most common garden themes and theDIYlandscapesupply companies to help them with their project.Project DIY: A List of the Basic DIY Landscape SuppliesThe most common garden themes include Englishgardens,Chinesegardens, water gardens, vegetable and flower gardensandcontainergardens, among others. Contemporary themes such asroofgardens androck gardens are likewise rising in popularity.For DIY projects involving these garden styles,enthusiastsandeven beginners should take note of this checklistdetailingthebasic garden supplies that homeowners should investin:1. Re-washable gloves - can be used for theprotectionagainstscratches and cuts and a hand covering for soilandlandscapecleanup.2. Trowel - a small hand tool which is most useful fordiggingandscooping small amounts of soil or othergardeningmaterials.3. Shovel - a bigger version of the trowel which isusedfordigging and transferring heavy and large amounts of soil,gravelorcompost.4. Hand pruning instrument - is a scissor-like hand toolusedtocut and trim plant branches.5. Fertilizers and/or composting material - areorganicmaterialsadded to the plants to induce and enhance plantgrowth.It isimportant to note the increasing trend of DIY compostsohomeownersmay likewise opt to create their owncompostingmaterial.6. Watering can or water hose - medium which can be usedtostoreand transfer water for the plants.Over time, the property market saw the shift inthepreferencesand tastes for outdoor gardens compared toearlierpractices ofleaving idle land as is. Garden lovers andlandscapingbeginners aswell, are recommended to invest in these DIYlandscapesupplies forspur-of-the-moment decisions to improve orrenovate thegarden -even with a short notice, garden enthusiastsare ready tomakeadditions and improvements in the garden.
Garden Design Ideas 4
Garden Design Ideas for you. You can save and share allGardenDesign photos. This application shows you the galleriesofbeautiful Garden Decorating Ideas, designs, themes, paintingforyour garden. You can get a hundred ideas of Garden DesignIdeasfrom this application. This app. contains the various typesofGarden Design Ideas & garden decorating such as : large,small,for apartments, luxury, elegant, country and more. If youhave oneidea about your Garden Design, this application can guideyou todiscuss it easily with your seller, decorator, family orfriends.Disclaimer: All the images are not under our Copyrights andbelongto their respective owners. If any Graphic/Image/Photo isoffensiveor under your Copyrights PLEASE send us an E-mail to giveit acredit or get it removed, as you wish. bhn6n kkk5gb
Au Potager 3.1
In the garden, tips of the month and encyclopedia aromatic&garden vegetables
Habitat jardin 6.0.1
Inédit Publications SA
Habitat-Jardin se veut chaque année lesalonprécurseur en matière de tendances dans les domaines del’habitat,des aménagements extérieurs, des jardins et plusgénéralement de laconstruction.Grâce à l'application Habitat-Jardin vous pouvez° Lister puis localiser tous les exposants sur la cartedusalon° Accéder aux différentes actualités et temps fortsdel'évènement.° Enregistrer facilement les références de vos exposantspréférésdans vos favoris et contacts.Habitat-Jardin wantseveryyear the precursor fair for trends in the areas of housing,outdoorfacilities, gardens and more generally of theconstruction.Through the application you can Habitat-Jardin° Lister then locate all exhibitors on the Exhibition map° Access to various forts news and time of the event.° Easily Save the references of your favorite exhibitors inyourfavorites and contact.
Garden Design Ideas 16.0
Great garden design ideas gallery - find the perfect garden foryou...