Top 19 Apps Similar to Chemistry Nomenclature Quiz

Organic Chemistry Nomenclature 1.05
Next-gen EduChem
Organic Chemistry Nomenclature is theultimateway for Chemistry students to study and memorize the namesandstructures of all the important chemical functional groups.Quizyourself, and do it in a way that's fun andlogicallyorganized.Don't waste time with other apps that provide a clutterofunnecessary information you don't need to know. OrganicChemistryNomenclature let's you choose the quizzes important toyour classand focus your efforts to quickly and efficiently study.Quizzes are divided into the following categories- Hydrocarbon- Halogen- Oxygen- Nitrogen- Sulfur- Phosphorus / Boron- HeterocyclesYou can choose to be quizzed on any combination ofthesecategories at once.*** Smart Quiz System ensures you will never be asked thesamequestion twice in a row and questions you answer correctly willbeasked less often. Truly the best way to learn importantchemicalnomenclature.***Created By:Alex Martinko (Design)Sean Luther (Programming)
Nomenclatura Química Orgánica 2.0
Germán Fernández
Interactive nomenclature of organic compounds according to theIUPACrules
NaCl - Nomenclature en chimie 0.1
Samuel Ernst
Il s'agit d'une application destinée auxjeunesétudiants en chimie débutant afin de les aider à cerner etintégrerles différentes règles de nomenclature de la chimieinorganique.Cette application contient des informations sur le sujet souslaforme d'un aide-mémoire, d'une petite encyclopédie et d'unlexiquedéfinissant les termes les plus couramment utilisés.Vous y trouverez aussi des exercices pour s’entraînerenpratiquant.This is an applicationforyoung students beginning chemistry to help them identifyandintegrate the various rules of nomenclature of inorganicchemistry.This application contains information on the subject in theformof a checklist, a small encyclopedia and a glossary definingthemost commonly used terms.You will also find exercises to train practicing.
Organic Chemistry Basics 1.4.2
Zanoj Mobi Apps
Gives you a basic knowledge about Organic Chemistry
Chemical Formulation 3.1.0
It is a unique application for the formulation study, foundthatuseful.
Complete Chemistry App 1.0.1
Complete Chemistry App is an useful Resource in single package.
Denis Chaschin
The app allows to discover chemicalreactionsand to solve the chemical equations with one and severalunknownvariables. You'll always have Mendeleev's periodic table andthesolubility table handy. And even the calculator ofmolarmasses!The app discovers the equations of chemical reactions even iftheright or left part is unknown, helps you with organic andinorganicchemistry. The discovered reactions in an usual and ionicaspectwill be mapped and formulas of organic chemistry are drawnforyou.Mendeleev's periodic convenient interactive table. Press achemicalelement in the table to look the information.The table of solubility of substances is added in the app. Nowyourtextbooks become waste!The best solver of chemical equations for Android.
Chemické názvosloví 1.5.2
Pavel Kříž
Základní chemické názvoslovíAplikace obsahuje několik kapitol pro seznámení se apochopenítvorby českého chemického názvosloví.Kapitoly:1. Stavba hmoty - vysvětlení pojmů atom, atomové jádro, obal,iont,kationt, aniont, prvek, molekula2. Chemická vazba - vysvětlení pojmů elektronegativita,chemickávazba, řád vazby, typy vazeb3. Oxidační číslo - vysvětlení pojmu oxidační číslo,nejčastějšípravidla4. Tabulka přípon - tabulka s oxidačním číslem a příponou(-ný,-natý, -itý, ...)5. Názvosloví obecně - obecný princip tvorby českéhochemickéhonázvosloví6. Názvosloví: oxidy - vysvětlení tvorby názvosloví oxidů7. Názvosloví: halogenidy - vysvětlení tvorbynázvoslovíhalogenidů8. Názvosloví: nitridy - vysvětlení tvorby názvosloví nitridů9. Názvosloví: hydroxidy - vysvětlení tvorbynázvoslovíhydroxidů10. Názvosloví: bezkyslíkaté kyseliny - vysvětlení tvorbynázvoslovíbezkyslíkatých kyselin11. Názvosloví: kyslíkaté kyseliny - vysvětlení tvorbynázvoslovíkyslíkatých kyselinKaždá kapitola obsahuje záložky (taby): učebnice, sešit,cvičení.Do sešitu je možné zapsat ke každému tématu vlastnípoznámku, kteráse uloží do telefonu/tabletu.BasicchemicalnomenclatureThe application includes several chapters to familiarizeyourselfwith and understanding of the formation of the Czechchemicalnomenclature.Chapters:First construction materials - explanations of concepts atom,atomicnucleus, packaging, ion, cation, anion, element,molecule2nd Chemical bond - explanations of conceptselectronegativity,chemical bonds, bond order, bond types3rd Oxidation number - explanation of the concept ofoxidationnumber, the most common rules4. Table extension - table with oxidation number andextension(strength by, -natý, -itý ...)5th Terminology in general - a general principle of creatingtheCzech chemical nomenclature6th Terminology: oxides - the nomenclature of the formationofoxides7th Terminology: halides - Nomenclature of the formationofhalides8th Terminology: nitrides - nomenclature of the formationofnitrides9th Terminology hydroxide - nomenclature of the formationofhydroxides10th Terminology: binary acids - the nomenclature of theformationof the anaerobic acid11th Terminology: Oxygen Acids - nomenclature of the formationofoxyacidsEach chapter contains tabs (tabs): textbook, workbookexercises.Do workbook can be written for each topic a note, whichis storedin the phone / tablet.
PCM Formulas 5.6.3
MS Development
PCM Formulas serves as a quick reference for all yourformulaneeds,helps you learn and revise formulas quickly, it'sintuitiveuserinterface is easy to read and understand. • Get accesstoallPhysics, Chemistry and Mathematics formulas at one place.•Useanywhere anytime you need. • No more spending hoursonwritingimportant formulas on a paper. • Helpful forStudentspreparing forClass 11,12 Boards, PU, JEE, NEET andEngineeringStudents.Discussion Forum : An active base of thousandsof studentsjustlike yourself on one open platform to discuss allthe mattersofPCM and whatever you like. Using this you canpostquestionsrelated to the subjects or in general, getresponsesandunderstanding of others view points. 1. PostText/ImagesofQuestions/Doubts 2. Comment on Posts 3. Like/Share anyquestionifyou think it might be useful to someone 4. GetResponsesinreal-time! 5. Socialise among your PCM studentcommunity. MyNotesSection : Add your own notes subject-wise andaccess themanywhere,anytime. Add Images from your Gallery of yourBooks,Solution, etcTopics Covered: MATHEMATICS 1. Logarithm2.Trigonometry 3.Determinants & Matrices 4. Integration 5.Limits6. Sequenceand Series 7. Quadratic Equation 8. ComplexNumbers 9.Permutation& Combinations 10. Probability 11.Straight Line 12.Circle 13.Parabola 14. Hyperbola 15. Derivatives16. BinomialTheorem 17.Statistics PHYSICS 1. Circular Motion 2.Gravitation 3.Work,Energy & Power 4. Rotational Motion 5.Oscillation6.Elasticity 7. Waves & Sound 8. Kinematics 9.Kinetic TheoryofGases 10. Thermodynamics 11. Ray Optics 12. WaveOptics13.Electrostatics 14. Current Electricity 15. Capacitors16.MagneticEffect of Electric Current 17. Magnetism 18.AlternatingCurrent19. Electro Magnetic Induction 20. Atoms,Molecules &Nuclei21. Dual Nature of Radiation & MatterCHEMISTRY 1.PeriodicTable & Detailed Elements 2. AtomicStructure 3.Gaseous State4. Hydrogen 5. The s-block Elements 6.Hydrocarbon 7.EnvironmentalChemistry 8. Solid State 9. Solutions10.Electrochemistry 11.Chemical Kinetics 12. Metallurgy 13.Thep-block Elements 14.d-block & f-block Elements 15.CoordinationCompounds 16.Haloalkanes & Haloarenes 17. Alcohols,Phenols& Ethers 18.Amines Proudly Made In India By - AnilMakhijaTusshar
Arloon Chemistry 1.4
Chemistry transforms your classroom into a laboratory!
Organic Reactions 2.5
Over 200 reactions and their detailed mechanism in organicchemistry
Full Chemistry Questions 1.0
Learn Chemistry fast through chemistry questions and solutions
Inorganic Chemistry(d block) 1.2
Zanoj Mobi Apps
Gives you a basic knowledge about D block Inorganic Chemistry
Chemistry Calculator 2.0.0
LR Host
Chemistry Calculator is designed to help chemistry students.
Complete Chemistry - Periodic Table 2020
Learn chemistry on the go, anywhere and anytime
Chemistry Lab 6.6
Electrolytic Earth
Learn to SOLVE Organic Reactions + Over 1100 GeneralChemistryFlashcards!
Total Chemistry 1.5
A complete and total chemistry app made for students and teachers
Chem Pro: Chemistry Tutor 1.1.5
The best way to learn chemistry on yourAndroiddevice.Introducing Chem Pro, the chemistry tutor in your pocket, andtheonly resource you will need to excel in AP Chemistry orGeneralChemistry this year. Chem Pro features an exclusive lessonlibrarycontaining a total of 80 videos that cover the entire courseof APand General Chemistry. See what thousands of high schoolandcollege students across the world have been raving about. Thislifesaving app is now available on Android!Lessons: Struggling in your current chemistry course? Perhapsyouneed to review some material for an upcoming exam? Chem Procontainsover 31 hours of lesson videos, which makes it the perfectcompanionto have after you step out of the classroom. Theselessons arededicated to teaching students how to solve problems,the mostimportant skill to master in order to excel in chemistry.In thevideos, students are shown problems that are solved stepwiseat aslow and easy to follow pace. The lessons don't just coveroneexample problem per topic, they cover all the possibleproblemscenarios that you would encounter in your homework or in anexam.Every topic is covered, from calculating molar masses todrawingLewis structures to equilibrium. The first 10 lessons arebundledwith the app for free and if you wish to continue learning,you canpurchase and download the next pack of topics. Lesson videosaredownloaded and saved to your device so you don't have tostreamanything on the go. You can truly learn whenever and whereveryougo.Flash Cards: Chem Pro contains nine sets of flashcardsspecifically designed for what any student needs to memorizefor astandard chemistry course. With these flash cards, you caneasilymemorize the 40 basic elements, the 21 common polyatomicions, thecommon acid names, chemical colors (specifically for theAP Exam),and the 13 VSEPR molecular geometries. Simply select whatyou wouldlike to memorize from the list of flash cards to beginmemorizing.Just tap on each flash card and it flips around to showyou theanswer. Swipe back and forth to go to the previous or nextcard.It's that simple! What's even better is that every time you goto aflash card set, it automatically shuffles the order of thecards sothat you can quiz yourself to make sure you know thematerial. Thisgreat feature can save you hours of time making indexcards tomemorize tedious chemistry concepts.Chem Pro will not only teach you chemistry in a way youwon'tfind in the classroom, but also provide you with severaltimesaving tools you will love to use. Download and find outforyourself today!If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, orconcernsplease feel free to email us at
iChemistry™ 1.0
Antonio Giarrusso
iChemistry is your personal chemistry tutor. It is usedbymillionsof students every day, and it’s the only appaboutchemistry thatincludes everything you need to successfullypassyour exams. WHATYOU CAN DO WITH ICHEMISTRY: • Learn quicklyfromover 70 topics,thanks to the clear and simple explanation. •Easilyrepeatformulas, laws, definitions and properties, thanks totheeffectivesynthesis. • Quickly find the topics that matters toyouthanks tothe advanced search algorithm. • Save yourFavoritesarguments tohave them always at your fingertips. • Addyourpersonal notes totopics, to remind you something. WHAT YOU WILLGETWITH THE PROVERSION: • Get more topics, more than 120,includingthe mostadvanced topics and all those that we will add inthefuture. • GetInteractive multiple choice Quizzes, with whichyoucan practiceand get a rating of your level of preparation.•Discover the stepby step Solved Examples, to help youunderstandthe methods tocorrectly solve problems. Have questions,problems,or feedback?Reach out to us at