Top 22 Games Similar to ゴルフ上達!

ゴルフスイング・動画診断~KiZuKi(きづき)〜 1.5.4
GOLFnahi Inc
Self-check golf swing with frame advance & rewind,slowplayback.
If you wear a beautiful swing, your score will improve!Detailedexplanation of 12 checkpoints in high speed video Let'swearbeautiful swing with GT Birdies!
GOLF Partner 6.0.1
Golf Partner Official Portal App with lots of great deals Youcanalso get great deals coupons! !!
Golf Swing Viewer 2.08
"Golf Swing Viewer" is a simple applicationtocheck and improve your golf swing.Features:Draw lines/circles on a playing movieSlow playbackRepeat playbackSetting the start/end of playback timeGrouping movies by setting original labelsSelect playing movies from gallery and original label list
筑波大学博士のゴルフ講座 〜コンバインドプレーン理論〜
"Combined plane theory" developed by Dr. Tsukuba Universitytomaster advanced evolved club Master the ideal swing with thevideobook app and score up!
ゴルフニュース速報-GDO(ゴルフダイジェスト・オンライン) 2.27.5
Golf Digest Online Inc.
ゴルフのニュースが気になる人のためのニュースアプリです。◆ ゴルフニュース速報の特徴 ◆1)ツアーニュース 世界中のツアーの情報をいち早くキャッチ!  ・国内男子(JGTO、JPGA、JGA)  ・国内女子(JLPGA、JGA)  ・国内シニア(JPGA,JGA)  ・米国男子(PGA Tour、USGA)  ・米国女子(LPGA Tour、USGA)  ・米国シニア(PGA Champions Tour、USGA)  ・欧州男子(European PGA Tour)  ・アジアンツアー(Asian Tour)2)GDOの人気コラム ・ツアーギアトレンド   続々と登場する新製品の情報をお届け! ・プロのこだわり5箇条   毎週注目のプロをフィーチャー! ・GDOEYE   編集部独自の目線でツアーを切る! ・佐渡充高のPGA入門   PGAツアー初心者もこれで大丈夫!3)ツアーランキングと詳細にわたるデータ ・ツアーランキング   主要各ツアーの最新ランキングを反映! ・選手情報   プロフィール、セッティング、スイング動画を網羅!4)その他の魅力的な機能 ・フォトギャラリー   最新ニュースから気になる選手の画像を検索! ・スケジュール   今週開催の試合が一目でわかる!Golf news is the newsappfor people to be worried about.◆ Golf Breaking News features ◆1) Tour NewsBe the first to find out about the information of the touraroundthe world!And domestic male (JGTO, JPGA, JGA)And domestic women (JLPGA, JGA)And domestic senior (JPGA, JGA)And the United States men's (PGA Tour, USGA)And the United States women's (LPGA Tour, USGA)And the US Senior (PGA Champions Tour, USGA)And European men (European PGA Tour)Asian Tour (Asian Tour)2) GDO popular columnTour gear trendDelivering information of new products one afteranotherappearance!Pro commitment 5 thingsFeaturing weekly attention of professional!· GDOEYEI turn off the tour in the editorial department own eyes!Sad PGA Introduction Takashi-dakaPGA Tour beginners this okay!3) Tour ranking and detail-term dataTour rankingsAnd reflect the latest rankings of the major individualtours!-Player informationProfile, Settings, and cover the swing videos!4) Other attractive featuresPhoto GallerySearch image of players anxious from the latest news!ScheduleHeld game this week at a glance!
Waggleできるゴルフ 1.1
Net Dreamers Co.,LTD.
Golf Scorecard Photo
Green Fusion
Keep recording your golf scorecard very easily.
ツアープロコーチ阿河徹の「ロングゲームがゴルフを作る!!」 1.1.20160830_01
ドライバーが曲がらずに飛べば、あなたのスコアは格段にアップします。ただ、曲がらなくても230ヤード以上飛ばなければ意味がありません。谷原秀人、藤本佳則といったトップツアープロのコーチを務める阿河徹によるスイング構築法で「飛んで曲がらないドライバーショット」を手に入れましょう![[ ロングゲームの上達が、スコアアップの鍵 ]]ゴルフゲームの中でパッティングが最も大切なゲームだと長年言われてきましたが、USPGAツアーでショットリンクデータをもとにデータ解析を行った結果、パッティングよりもロングゲーム、つまりティーショットと150ヤード以上のショットがゲームを作る上で最も大切な部分だということが分かってきました。実際、全米オープンチャンピオンのジャスティン・ローズは「4番アイアンの練習に多くの時間を割いている。」とコメントしています。ローリー・マキロイは記者会見で「アプローチなどのショートゲームが最も大切だと言われているが、それは違う。ドライバーを含めたロングゲームのほうがもっと大切だ…」と発言しています。帝王ジャック・ニクラスでさえも「もしロングゲームの精度が極めて高ければアプローチの練習など必要ない...」と言うほどです。[[ ドライバーによるスイング作りが効果的な理由 ]]このアプリでは、ロングゲームの中でも、特にアマチュアゴルファーのスコアに直結する「ドライバーショット」の上達をテーマにしています。ドライバーショットが上達することで2打目以降が易しくなり、結果としてスコアが大きく改善します。そのため「ドライバーを使ってスイングを作る」ことは、スイングを作りながら、「早く」スコアアップできる一石二鳥の効果が期待できる練習法と言えるのです。□■□ドライバー上達のポイント□■□1.2打目が打ちやすいところに打っていくコントロール2.男性ならば230ヤード以上の飛距離(飛距離が200ヤードでは大幅なスコア改善は期待できないと思ってください。)[[ 収録コンテンツ ]]「飛んで曲がらない」を実現するスイングの構築法をスロー映像とテキストで詳しく解説。1章 世界基準のスイングとは?2章 飛んで曲がらないドライバーショットの実現3章 スイングづくり練習ドリル4章 スイングセルフチェック法[[ 阿河 徹プロのご紹介 ]]・21歳で渡米し、サンディエゴゴルフアカデミーやデーブ・ペルツショートゲームスクールで最新の理論を学ぶ。・東京都世田谷区の井山ゴルフ練習場で多くのアマチュアを指導する一方で、ツアープロゴルファー谷原秀人、藤本佳則のコーチを務める。[[ アプリの特長 ]]①通信不要コンテンツをいったんダウンロードしておけば、アプリ内に保存されていますので、通信環境を気にすることなく、安心して視聴が可能です。②必要な章だけ購入可能ご自身のレベルやご興味によって、必要な章だけ購入いただけます。一度購入いただいたコンテンツは、アプリを削除しても再インストールして復元することが可能です。③細かな動きが分かるコマ送り再生・逆再生スイングの再生には、スワイプ操作でスムーズにコマ送り再生・逆再生ができるビデオビューワを使用していますので、スイング中の細かい動きをじっくりと確認いただけます。また、1/2、1/4、1/8のスロー再生機能も搭載されています。④タブレットでも利用可能大画面で見たい方は、タブレットでもご利用いただけます。If fly withoutbenddriver, your score will be up dramatically.However, it does not make sense unless also fly more than 230yardswithout bending.Hideto Tanihara, let's put the "flying driver shot that doesnotbend" to hand in the swing construction method by Omonekawa Torutoserve the coach of top tour pros such as Yoshinori Fujimoto![[Long Game of progress is the key to score up]]While putting in golf game has been said for many yearsthat'sthe most important game, a result of the original dataanalysis theshot link data in the USPGA tour, long game thanputting, that teeshot and 150 yards more shots and has been foundthat the mostimportant part in terms of making a game.In fact, Justin Rose of US Open champion has commented that".That spend a lot of time to practice 4-iron." Rory McIlroyis"Although short game of such approaches have been said to bethemost important, it is not. Towards the long game, includingthedriver is more it is important ..." at a press conference hasbeenspeaking with. Even Emperor Jack Nicklaus and is about say "Iftheaccuracy of the long game does not need such practice ofextremelyhigh if approach ...".[[Effective reason swing making by the driver is]]In this app, even in the long game, I have to especially themeofprogress of the "driver shot" directly related to the scoreofamateur golfers.that second shot later in the driver shot to progressbecomeseasier, and as a result score is greatly improved. Thereforethat"by using a screwdriver to make the swing", while making aswing,it is say a "fast" and score up can practice methods whicheffectcan be expected in both worlds.□ ■ □ driver improvement point of □ ■ □Control to go hit in the place where it is easy hit 1.2shoteyes2. If men 230 yards more distance (Please think a significantscoreimprovement can not be expected in the distance is 200yards.)[[Recording content]]For more information and explains the construction method oftheswing in slow video and text to achieve "not bend fly".Chapter 1 is a swing of world standard?Chapter 2 flying realization of driver shots that do not bendChapter 3 swing manufacturing practice drillChapter 4 swing self-check method[[Omonekawa Toru professional introduction]]- Is he moved at the age of 21, to learn the latest theory intheSan Diego Golf Academy and Dave Pelz Short Game School.· While the guidance a lot of amateur in Iyama golf practice areaof​​Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, tour professional golfer Hideto Tanihara,toserve as the coach of Yoshinori Fujimoto.[[Features of the app]]① communication unnecessaryAnd if you once download the content, so we stored in theapp,without having to worry about the communication environment,youcan watch it in peace.② chapter required only available for purchaseBy level and your interest of your own, you can buy onlychapternecessary. Once content you purchase, it is possible torestore itand re-install it to delete the app.③ frame-by-frame playback, reverse playback revealsfinemovementTo swing playing, so we use the video viewer that can smooththeframe-by-frame playback, reverse playback at swipe operation,youcan carefully check the fine movement during the swing.In addition, slow playback function of 1 / 2,1 / 4,1 / 8 havealsobeen installed.Also available in ④ tabletIf you want to see on the big screen, also available in tablet.
ゴルフ反省会 2.1.5
GPSを利用した、ゴルフ用のアプリです。コースは基本的には自分で登録することを前提にしており、完全に無料のアプリです。プレー中は、登録してあるコースであれば、Greenまでに距離、Tee Groundからの距離、また、任意の2点間の距離などを知ることができますが、あとは使用したクラブを入力していきます。プレー中には基本的にはGPS以外のものは使用しませんので機内モードで動作します。(電池の消耗を考えると機内モードがお勧めで、自動的に機内モードになるのがデフォールト設定ですプレー中に使用したクラブ、パット数などを入れておくので、スコアはもちろん自動的に計算、記録されます。プレーした日付とコースで、スコアは管理されます。スコア以外に、当日のあなたの位置座標を、逐次記録していますので、プレー後それらをスコアとともに見ることで、その日のプレーを反省することができます。実際にはグーグルマップの上に、各クラブの座標を表示しその間の距離の表示を行います。(スクリーンショット参照)データはすべて、SDカード上に置かれ、記録されます。どこかのサイトにアクセスしたりすることはありません。使用方法は「簡単な説明」メニューで説明してあり、その中にコースの登録の方法も書かれています。コースは一つだけサンプルでつけています。Using GPS, it is anappforgolf.Courses are based on the assumption that thebasicself-registered,it is a completely free app.If the course you have to register, but you can alsodistancethedistance from the Tee Ground up Green, known andthedistancebetween any two points, during play, to enter the clubthenwasused I will go with. We operate in airplane mode doesnotuseanything other than the GPS is basically in play. Airplanemodeisnot recommended considering the battery life (tobecomeairplanemode setting is automatically DeforutoClub that you used during play, so you put a number, suchasPat,automatically calculated, of course, the score isrecorded.And ofcourse the date that you play, the score ismanaged.In addition to the score, because it is recordedsequentially,theposition coordinates of your day, by looking atthem with thescoreafter the play, you will be able to reflect onthe day's play.Ontop of the Google map, in fact, the display of thedistancebetweenthem to display the coordinates of each club.(Seescreenshot)All are located on the SD card, the data is recorded. Itdoesnotaccess the site or somewhere.Usage is described in the menu "brief description" andisalsowritten on how to register for courses in it. The courseisonlyput in one sample.
90を切る戦略 ゴルフ上達のため考え方 クイズ 1.0.0
スコア90切りのコツというか、一般的に言われるアドバイスを上げておきます。飲みこみの早い方なら、アドバイスだけでスコア90切りを達成できるかもしれません。スコア90切りがどういうことか、もう少し定量的に考えてみましょう。18ホール全部をボギーで回れば90ですから、ダブルボギーよりパーを多くすることを目指せばスコア90切りを達成できるということです。では、そのために必要なこととは、なんでしょう。これらのことを簡単にクイズにしてみました。※ 当アプリはゴルフ協会等非公認、非公式アプリであり一切関係はございません。I mean score 90 cutofthetips, it raises the advice that is commonly referred toto come.If whichever swallow, or just be able to achieve a score90cuttingadviceYou may also.Or score 90 cut is what kind of thing, let's think alittlemorequantitative.18 90. If the shaft in a bogey all Hall So, that to increasetheparthan double bogeyIt is that the score 90-cutting can be achieved if aim.So, the thing necessary for the, would be what.I tried to easily quiz these things.※ This app Golf Association such as a non-certified, itisanunofficial app there is no relationship at all.
Golf Swing Booster
Golf Swing Booster allows you to record,storeand upload golf swing movies.Use this app to connect to "Another Shot Golf" where you canuploadyour golf swing movies on your personalized page. You can useit toorganize and store your movies or you can upload them toreceivegolf tips from golf lesson professionals. (This serviceiscurrently in Japanese only.)Please use this Golf Swing Booster to brush up yourgolfskills!-----------Main Functions-----------①:Record and store golf swing movies②:Import movies already saved in your device※Some movies may not be imported correctly.③:Edit movie length④:Add drawings (line, circle, mosaic mask)⑤:Upload movies with drawings you added⑥:Upload movies along with memo and questions or problems youwouldlike to have answers to on your personalized page in 'AnotherShotGolf'.⑦:Receive notification when you receive commentsfromprofessionals.※You will have to access the website to read comments⑧:Memo for each golf club selection⑨:Memo to store all comments⑩:Sort and organize your movies----------- Compatible with -----------All versions after Android4.0----------- Other  -----------Please check our corresponding websitehttps://anothershotgolf.jpfor more details.
ゴルフクイズ-ゴルフのプレイやゴルフの観戦の基礎知識がわかる 1.0.1
Happy friend
このアプリは、ゴルフの初心者のためにゴルフ用語、ルール、雑学を覚えるためのクイズアプリです。このアプリのクイズを理解すると、ゴルフの基本が理解でき、知識の上では、プレイや観戦ができるようになります。ゴルフは、コースにおいてクラブといわれる道具で静止したボールを打ち、カップと呼ばれる穴にいかに少ない打数で入れられるかを競う球技です。スポーツとして広く親しまれていますが、一般人によるプレイはレジャーとして位置付けられる場合が多く、人気も最近バブル期以降で再び高まっています。一般に精神力が重要とされ、精神力7割技術力3割とも言われていまして、プロゴルファーでさえ、プレッシャーのためわずか30cmのパットを外すこともあります。個人戦の場合においても、競技者(ゴルファー)とコースを同伴するキャディがいます。キャディはクラブを持ち運びするだけではなく、競技者にアドバイスできる唯一の存在となります。このため名選手の陰に名キャディありとも言われます。アマチュアにおいてもプロゴルファーを目指すのでもない限り、中高年から始めることも可能で、比較的高齢となってもプレーを楽しむことができるスポーツです。ホールインワン(1打でカップに入れること)の達成者はゴルファーの羨望の的となります。日本においてアマチュアゴルファーがホールインワンを達成した場合には、記念としてゴルフ場に記念植樹をしたり祝宴を開いたりする事が慣習になっているために、その出費に備えて、ホールインワン保険に加入する人も増えています。一方で、日本のみ、プロの試合でホールインワンを達成すると、達成した選手に特別賞のホールインワン賞(賞金・賞品)が贈呈さます。普通にプレイしようとすると、用具代やプレイ代などの費用がかかりがちなスポーツであり、経済的余裕がある者が主に楽しむ競技ですが、最近は、特に平日など、格安でプレイが出来るようになってきています。This app is a quiz apptolearn golf term for golf beginners, rules, and trivia.When you understand the quiz of this app, not understand thebasicsof golf, on the knowledge, you will be able to play andwatch.Golf is to hit the ball that was still a tool that is saidtoclub in the course and compete whether placed at how few batsinthe hole called cup ball game.It is widely popular as a sport, but often play by thegeneralpublic, which is positioned as a leisure, are growing againin thepopular recent bubble years later.In general, mental strength is important, as this isalsoreferred to as mental strength 70% technical capabilities 30%,evenin the professional golfer, you might want to remove the only30cmputt for pressure.Even in the case of individual competition, there are caddytofellow-competitor and (golfer) course. Caddy is not only tocarrythe club, it will be the only presence that can advice toathletes.For this reason there is name caddy into the shadow of thenameplayers and I also said.Unless you're aiming for a professional golfer also in amateur,itis also possible to start from the middle-aged, it is a sportwhereyou can enjoy the play even a relatively advanced age.Achiever of hole-in-one (putting the cup in one stroke) istheenvy of the golfer. The people in the case of an amateur golferhasachieved a hole-in-one in Japan, in order that it or open afeastor a commemorative tree planting on the golf course as amemorialis in the convention, that in preparation for its expense,to jointhe hole-in-one insurance also it is growing. On the otherhand,Japan only, and to achieve a hole-in-one in a professionalgame,hole-in-one prize (prize-prize) of the Special Award totheachievement player wake up presentation.If normally you try to play, it is a sport costly tend suchasequipment cost and play fee, as it is the person that thereiseconomic margin is mainly enjoy the competition, recently,that,especially on weekdays, and can play in the cheap tobecoming.
Golf Videos 0.1.6
Golf Videos is an application that collects the videos need togolflesson.
ゴルフ練習場エポック 3.1.10
ゴルフ練習場エポックの公式アプリですスケジュール・お得な情報・臨時休業・ニュース等を配信致します。ポートゴルフエポックは、あおなみ線「稲永」駅から徒歩約5分と、車以外のアクセスも良い立地にあるゴルフ練習場です。高速道路は、伊勢湾岸自動車道「名港中央インター」が近く、ゴルフ場へ向かわれる前や後にも、ご利用いただくことができます。敷地内には、当練習場のほか、カインズホーム・ベイシア・ゴルフ5・スポーツデポ・くら寿司・ガスト・マクドナルド等の商業施設が入っているため、ご家族で一緒にお出かけになっても、皆さまに満足していただけると思います。クラブハウス内には、喫茶「夢気球」やプロショップ「山本ゴルフ」があり、休憩や食事からゴルフ用品の相談・修理・販売まで幅広く対応しています。当練習場の特徴は、(1)打席数132打席・・・お待ちいただくことなく練習していただけます。(2)打席から防球ネットまで200ヤード・・・ロングヒッターにも満足いただける広さです。(3)整備された天然芝・・・フィールド手前70ヤードまで天然芝となっており、本番さながらのアプローチをお試しいただけます。(4)パター・バンカー・アプローチ練習場・・・使用料無料(5)セガ製スイングチェック機導入・・・スイングやヘッドスピード・飛距離をチェックできます。(6)打ち放題メニュー・・・9時~16時(1700円) 20時~22時(1400円)(7)早朝練習・・・5時30分~8時30分 セルフで打席料無料 貸ボール8円(8)充実した会員特典・・・打席料無料 各種サービス球 貸ボール(通常12円→10円)フロントでは、明るくて元気な女性陣が、お客様の来場をお待ちしておりますので、是非、当ゴルフ練習場にお越しくださいますようお待ちしております。This is the officialappof the golf practice range epochWe will deliver the schedule deals, temporary closureNews,etc..Port Golf epoch, about 5 minutes walk from Aonami line"Inaei"station, is a golf driving range is also good locationaccess fornon-car. Highway, Isewangan Expressway "Meiko centerInter" isnear, even after and before it is directed to the golfcourse, youcan take advantage.The site, in addition to our practice field, for Cain's homeBeisiaGolf 5 Sports depot and dark commercial facilities suchassushi-gust McDonald is on, even when the outing together withyourfamily, everyone I think that you can be satisfied with.In the clubhouse, there is a cafe "dream balloon" and proshop"Yamamoto golf", and supports a wide range from break andmealsuntil the consultation, repair and sales of golfequipment.Feature of our practice field,(1) you will be able to practice without you wait bat number132at-bats ....(2) is the size that will satisfy even 200 yards ... Long hitterstoBo-dama net from at-bat.(3) to natural grass ... field in front 70 yards that hasbeendeveloped has become a natural grass, you can try theproductionjust like the approach.(4) putter bunker approach practice field ... use freeofcharge(5) you can check the Sega made swing check machine introduction...swing and head speed flying distance.(6) pm strike unlimited menu ... 9 o'clock to 16 (1700 yen) 20:00to22:00 (1400 yen)(7) In the early morning practice ... 5:30 to 8:30self-batroyalty-free allowance ball eight yen(8) extensive membership benefits ... at-bat free of chargeservicessphere lend ball (usually 12 yen → 10 yen)In the front, cheerful ladies have is, so we look forward toyourvisitors, by all means, we are waiting for that you please cometoour golf practice area.
Golf Jorte 1.0.9
Jorte Inc.
Jorte, the calendar application with morethan28 million downloads worldwide, and Golf Network Plus, themostdownloaded golf application for tracking, management, andanalysisof golf scores have jointly developed a new application tohelpgolfers manage more efficiently their golf and personal eventsinone place. This app was made for both veterans and beginnersalikewith an aim to enrich their lives.“Golf Network Plus Jorte” allows golf players to easily entertheirscore and it also has schedule management features. (Usersmusthave an ID linked with [Golf Network Plus] in order to enterthescore.)National and international tour schedule, programs scheduleandlatest golf news are updated and displayed on thecalendarautomatically. An added feature to play videos that weretaken byplayers will be available by the end of July, so it willbepossible to watch and save videos such as awards ceremoniesorcheck their own swing.The weather forecast nearby the golf course that usershavereserved, will be synced automatically (Weekly weather forecastby“Weather news” )It will be possible to analyze and manage the score in thesameapplication by linking ID with the most downloaded golf scoreappin Japan, ”Golf Network Plus”.And also it is easy to check the latest golf news, nationalandinternational tour schedule, programs schedule, and so on.Users can manage their own plans on weekdays, and manage theirowngolf score on weekends. This is the PERFECT applicationforgolfers.Syncing calendar feature is available, so current Jorte userscantransfer their data from Jorte to Golf Network Plus Jorte anduseit with Jorte.(Just backup the data on Jorte Cloud by using your JorteID.Registration and Using Jorte is free.) It is also possible tosyncyour calendar with other users who are using Jorte.Moreover, Google calendar users can sync their Google calendarwiththis application as well.This application is also available for new users who don’t haveGolfNetwork ID.Features’ overview:Convenience of the calendar is of the same level as Jorte, orevenbetter!This is a vertical scrolling type application based on“JorteAgenda”. There are many basic calendar features in thisapplicationavailable.Free features:Event entry featureSync with external services (Google Calendar, JorteCalendar,etc.)Display related newsDisplay Lunar calendar, National holidays, and Moon phaseBackup feature (Jorte Cloud)TasksSwitch the display settingsChange the color settingsDownload and change fontsDisplay the weather forecastGolf newsSync with programs of Golf NetworkAdding picture to the eventsJorte Inc. keeps working on adding new features. (forexample:adding videos to the calendar)“Golf Network Plus Jorte” keeps working to be even better with“GolfNetwork Plus” and “Jorte”. Please give it try andenjoy!
Epson M-Tracer For Golf 1.3.7
Seiko Epson Corporation
This app has ended support. It may not work on a new smartphoneornew OS.
Golf Lessons 1.10
Free Sport Apps
Golf Lessons is the app with lots of golf tips with acompletetraining program that contains all the basic and advancedexercisesto practice golf. Today the professional and amateur golfplayerrequires a very high level of training to improve their golfswingsand to control your game. With this application you willlearn howto improve your golf skills and how to execute the mostcomplexgames in the swing, the short game, advanced shots andgameanalysis. This application includes: - Lessons with exercisesofall kinds: technical, tactical, physical and specific. - Themostimportant golf basics through interactive lessons. - Aselection ofthe best moments in US Open tournament to learn all youneed fromthe professional golf players. - Golf rules with a wholenew way toenjoy and engage with the rules. This app is part of aset ofsports apps, which include videos, photos and lessons ofdifferentsports, including team sports and winter games. Starttrainingtoday with our Golf Lessons app.
Seaview Golf Resort 1.4
AGN Sports, LLC
Do you enjoy playing golf at SeaviewGolfResortin New Jersey? The OFFICIAL Seaview Golf Resort appgivesgolfers afree, easy to use, interactive combinationofcomprehensive courseinformation, GPS positioning,digitalscorecard, and various otheruseful club-specific features.GPS CADDIE- View distances to the tee, front, back, and middle of thegreen,aswell as par for each hole- Interactive shot positioning: simply touch the shot targettomoveit and get instantly updated distances from the tee toyourshottarget- Full aerial zoom capability- Pro Tips: take a tip from the pros on how to play the holewithourbuilt-in Pro Tip featureSCORECARD- Easy to use scorecard for up to four players- Add players manually or from your device's address book- Auto-populates par for each hole and allows you to simplyaddorsubtract from par- Track player side-bets using the Player Bets feature- Email your full scorecard at the end of a round to yourself ortoafriend to show off your skillsOTHER CLUB-SPECIFIC APP FEATURES INCLUDE- Book tee times- Access the club's Facebook page to check-in or dropacomment- Access to the club's dining facilities and menus- Real-time weather forecast- Special offers- Club contact information- In-app access to the club's golf shop- Car Finder: save the location of your vehicle in the appwhenyoupark, so you can easily navigate back to your vehicle- In-app camera: capture those great moments on thecoursewithouthaving to switch appsDownload today and put the entire Seaview Golf Resortinyourpocket!Experience Troon Golf!
Mini Golf Scorecard 3.0
HQT Apps
Simple Mini Golf Scorecard App
Arteworks Ltd.
Introduction Bring you the app Golf Marker, for a fun and easygolfexperience. 1.Variety of Game Formats! The app supports 5 typesofgame formats, 'Stroke Play', 'Match Play', 'Stableford','DoublePeoria' and Las Vegas'. Change your game format with justonetouch! Troublesome score calculation is also done automaticallyforyou. 2.Simple Navigation! Simple measurements in yards ispossiblefrom your current location to the target point whilelooking at themap. 3.Data Analysis! The number of holes, averagenumber ofstrokes and putts are all automatically calculated. YourGIR andPar-saving percentage is also calculated. Furthermore, youmay setspecific score periods for analysis of your games. 4.HassleFreeGames with Las Vegas and Double Peoria! With game playsthatrequire complex calculation, by simply entering the numberofstrokes, the app will calculate everything automatically.5.Coversover 2000 courses in Japan. Look for the nearest golfcourse fromyour current location by using GPS. This app covers allthe golfcourses in Japan. (Overseas golf course support comingsoon.) Amore interesting Competition! 1.Real-time chat with Friendsandother Players! Curious about the other team's score? "…gotanEagle!" "Bunker over here..." Sent messages and pictures andsharethe fun with friends and family, all in real-time.2.Real-timeRanking Board! Live ranking board that can been seen ata glance.Watching the board change through the play and sharetheexcitement. The same experience of a tour tournament can befeltlike you are at the game yourself. *Plans to allow scoremanagementon the server in the near future. The following logininformationwill be required. Name, Gender, Email address, BirthdayandAddress. *Let's observe etiquette and manners. Golf isaGentleman's sport. *Protect paper resources by using thisapp.※Registration of user information is not required.
Guide for Golf Beginners 1.4
Target Advert
Golf game is noble sport, easyfunnyandchallenging. Everyone need to know how to play golf,butsometimesyou need a guide for that. We came to help you withthisfree guidefor beginners in golf.This a fantastic App for Beginners in the Mastering theBasicsofGolf !This Fantastic App is FREE!Included in this App is the eBook in PDF format! 98 Pages.Hundreds of Videos on golf lessons! From the expertsaroundtheWorld!Goal Tracker to set Goals for your Golf GameModule to Take Notes about your Golf progress and SendtoanyEmail!Extras Include:100 Golf Tips eBook in PDF format 17 pages.Exclusive Article on All about Golf.Exclusive Article on Golf Holidays.Exclusive Article on Secrets if Golf.Exclusive Article on Learn to Turn.Get Social and Connect to others on Facebook and TwitterThis eBook app is complete guide on playing golf which givesfullandrelevant information combined with all useful tips, whichcouldbefor beneficial to you at every end. So why to wait grabitDownloadNow.About this app** Mini E-book App for you** Beginners Golf Guide** Tons of useful information** With Best tips on Golf Playing** Perfect for beginners and intermediate alike** Full and up-to date information** Best for Newbies** With list of useful ResourcesWith this app you will have all resources to start playinggolf.Justtry it!