Top 9 Apps Similar to Sundial

Sundial Correction Calculator 1.0.4
You may have been frustrated that whenreadinga sundial, it doesn't give the same time as your watch.This is because sundials show the local solar time,whereasclocks show local mean time, aka 'clock time'. A correctionisnecessary to convert from one to the other and this depends onyourlocation and the time of year.Knowing this correction will let you show that a sundialdoesreally work. Alternatively, you can use it to check if asundial isset up correctly.When sundials were in more common use, the necessarycorrectionwas originally applied to clock time to get the 'real'solar time,but nowadays the clock time is considered the 'realtime', so theadjustment must be applied to the sundial's timeinstead. This appwill show you the correction to apply to thesundial's time.
Qibla Compass Sundial Lite 3.2
Mehmet Mahmudoglu
Qibla Direction Finder both using Sundial,Moon dial and compass device inside the phone. Detectsqibladirection using both compass device and positions of the sunandmoon at the sky if available.Features-If the shadow of sun or moon overlaps the lines of the sun ormoondrawn on the screen, perfectly defines the qibladirection.-Application Gathers Location data from GPS-Can be used as Sundial or Moon dial by touching the screenbyrotating the dial-True North Data can be calculated both from Orientation Sensororcombination of magnetic field and Accelerometer sensor data- Latitude and Longitude values, magnetic declination,SunElevation, Qibla Angle, Qibla distance (Distance to theMakkah),Sun and Moon azimuths are shown on the compass screen.Finding the Qibla direction from anywhere in the world wasnevereasier before! With Qibla compass not only do you getQibladirection from True North but with an even more accuratemethod ofdetermining the Qibla direction from the current positionof thesun you always know what direction to face. Qibla Compass isyourbest companion whether you're a casual traveler, at yourworkplace, or simply at home.
MC-Cadrans Solaires 5.5
ATTENTION : Le catalogue complet des cadransdeFrance est réservé aux membres de la Société Astronomique deFranceen possession de la "Base de Données" (version octobre 2015)de laCommission des Cadrans Solaires.● Pour adhérer à la SAF, 3 rue Beethoven 75016PARIS, , Tél. +33 (0) : 50€/anÎle de France, 30 € autres départements et étranger, 15 €mineurset étudiants de –25 ans.● Pour acquérir la "Base de Données" : S'adresser à la SAF.La "Base" est mise à jour en octobre. Elle est vendue 13 € (+fraisd'envoi).Elle comprend sur 2 DVD : les inventaires des cadranssolairesFrance (33 977 Cadrans Solaires, 34445 fiches, 24341photos) descadrans étrangers (13270 pour 77 pays), des astrolabes(524) et desnocturlabes (375) de France et de l'étranger. La revueCadran Infodu 2ème semestre.● Pour découvrir la CCS:● Les offres de la CCS (Réunions, informations, inventaires,revue,informations par mails) : fonctionnalités de l'application :● Téléchargement et consultation des catalogues de cadranssolairesdes 100 départements français. Près de 34 000 cadranssolaires sontdisponibles.● Création de vos catalogues de cadrans solaires.● Gestion de vos cadrans solaires favoris.● Création de notes personnelles.● Partage d'un cadran solaire avec vos amis via E-Mail,Facebook,Dropbox, Evernote, ...● Recherche par mot-clé.WARNING: Thecompletecatalog of dials France is reserved for members of theAstronomicalSociety of France in possession of the "Database"(Version October2015) of the Commission of Sundials.● To join the SAF, 3 rue Beethoven 75016PARIS,, Tel. +33 (0) 50 €/year Île de France, € 30 other departments and abroad, minersandstudents € 15 -25 years.● To acquire the "Database": Please contact the FAS.The "Base" is updated in October. It is sold € 13 (+postage).It consists of 2 DVD: inventories sundials France (33,977Sundials,34445 data sheets, 24341 photos) foreign dials (13 270 to77countries), astrolabes (524) and nocturlabes (375) of Franceandthe 'foreign. The review Info Dial the 2nd half.● To discover theCCS● The offers of CCS (Meetings, information, inventory,review,information by mail): application features:● Download and consulting catalogs sundials 100 Frenchdepartments.Nearly 34,000 sundials are available.● Making your sundials catalogs.● Manage your favorite sundials.● Create personal notes.● Sharing a sundial with your friends via Email, Facebook,Dropbox,Evernote, ...● Search by keyword.
Qibla Sun & Moon Dial Compass 3.2
Mehmet Mahmudoglu
Qibla Direction Finder both using Sundial,Moon dial and compass device inside the phone. Detectsqibladirection using both compass device and positions of the sunandmoon at the sky if available.****To run application, user connected to one of locationservicesalready****Features-If the shadow of sun or moon overlaps the lines of the sun ormoondrawn on the screen, perfectly defines the qibladirection.-Application Gathers Location data from GPS-Can be used as Sundial or Moon dial by touching the screenbyrotating the dial-True North Data can be calculated both from Orientation Sensororcombination of magnetic field and Accelerometer sensor data- Latitude and Longitude values, magnetic declination,SunElevation, Qibla Angle, Qibla distance (Distance to theMakkah),Sun and Moon azimuths are shown on the compass screen.Finding the Qibla direction from anywhere in the world wasnevereasier before! With Qibla compass not only do you getQibladirection from True North but with an even more accuratemethod ofdetermining the Qibla direction from the current positionof thesun you always know what direction to face. Qibla Compass isyourbest companion whether you're a casual traveler, at yourworkplace, or simply at home.
Sunrise Sunset 5.4.1
Alok Mandavgane
Sunrise and Sunset timings for any place intheworld and for any date.• Location Selection is automatic. Manual option to choose fromoverthousands of cities over the world.• 3D Visualization showing and explaining the path of the sunandthe duration of the day.• Two widgets to keep track of daily timings.• Keep track of the planets rise and set times.• Civil, Astronomical and Nautical Sunrise Sunset times.• Shows Transit time, Length of day,Julian Day, Right Ascension(RA)and Declination of Sun.• Useful for Photographers. It will be helpful in keeping trackofthe golden hours and plan photo shoots.• Useful in Astronomy for planning out Solar Observations.[Tip] : Keep pressing on the [<] or [>] Button to seetheduration of day and night changing as the season changes!
Sun Position, Sunrise & Sunset 3.14.0
See today's sunrise, sunset, moonrise & golden hour times.Trackthe sun & moon.
Fish Planet Calendar
MP Fish
Fishing forecast will help in the planning of fishing
Fisherman Watch 7.0.9
MP Fish
Fisherman Watch presents by "Fish Planet"givean accurate prediction of success on fishing and addressed toallfishermen and amateurs, and anglers sportsmen.The program displays the influence of weather and movements ofthesun and moon on the result of fishing on selected species offishand allows you to choose the best hours for fishing.Based on the collection of mathematical models of the behavioroffish MathFish5.1(TM). The forecast is based on more than300species. Built forecast catch smallmouth bass, pike, perch,bream,carp, crucian carp and other fish species.Application via the Internet receives weather at the pointoflocation of the mobile phone. It records the values ofatmosphericpressure, temperature, humidity, wind, clouds and thedynamics ofall these parameters. After that, to this pointinformation iscalculated sunrise, sunset and the culminations ofthe sun andmoon, high tide and low tide - if the point is locatedin thecoastal zone.Then, in accordance with these seasonal-diurnal model ofthebehavior of fish MathFish5.1(TM) - is detecting the influenceofall these parameters for each of fish.It is important that for the different species of fish theseeffectsare also accounted differently. For each fish You want tocatch,have the best time, this time is determined by themathematicalmodel accurately defined biologists parameters.Similarly, theinfluence of the tide on coastal fishing fishspecies, which is notaffected, in contrast to the height of themoon above the horizon,on catching fish in inland waters.The user can choose what factors he considered whenforecasting.Withthe help of the switches that are on the screen,you can disable theinfluence of the Sun, moon, tides, weather andeven the dailybehaviors of the selected fish species. In thiscase, will stay onlythe data of seasonal behavior of fish forthose coordinates where isthe phone.Itself the seasonal model, depends on the coordinates of thefisher.To better reflect the influence of climate on the World mapis builtthe model of climatic zones taking into account details oftherelief and global currents.For for more convenient display you can select the desiredfishspecies. In the application settings the fishs aredistributedacross the families.In the basic free version of the app included 3 fish.Regional packages are separately available for download:North America - 76 species;Europe and Asia - 151 species;Marine fish - 322 species.In addition to the Fisherman Watch we recommend you to installthefollowing applications:"Fish Planet" - the most comprehensive mobile reference-encyclopedia of fish for anglers. This fishing referencecontainsdetailed biometric data and descriptions of the habits andways offishing for 360 species of fish and has both free andpaidversions."Fish Planet Calendar" - is the best calendar of biting, basedonscientific models MathFish5.0(TM) for planning fishing."Fishing Log" - is the most convenient photo gallery to storeandorganize data about your fishings, cloud-based, you cansafelystore your photos and share with friends on socialnetworks."Fishing Knots" - the encyclopedia of knots for all kinds offishingline, fishing cords and lures.
Византийские часы 1.1.1
Alexander Semeniuk
Программа позволяет определятьтекущеевизантийское время в выбранной точке земного шара.Византийскоевремя, использовавшееся в древней Византийской империи,являетсясолнечным временем. Сутки начинаются с ночной частисутокодновременно с заходом солнца. После восхода солнцаначинаетсядневная часть суток. Таким образом, продолжительность дняи ночиразная (кроме двух дней в году). Также вполне естественно,чтосолнечное время в разных точках земного шара будет различаться.По византийскому времени все еще живет большинствомонастырейгоры Афон. Соответствующие часы позволяют определятьначало службсуточного богослужебного круга.Разработанное приложение позволяет всегда иметьпереносные"византийские часы" везде, куда бы вы ни пошли.Замечания, пожелания и предложения, а также всеинтересующиевопросы можно обсудить на форму поадресуhttp://forum.alexsem.orgВ приложении предусмотрена возможность хранитьнесколькоразличных местоположений и быстро переключаться междуними.Также в программе присутствуют два виджета разногоразмера,которые можно разместить на главном экране устройства.The program allows youtodetermine the current Byzantine times in the selected part oftheworld. Byzantine times, were used in the ancient ByzantineEmpire,is the solar time. Day starts with a night at the same timeof daywhen the sun sets. After sunrise begins day of the day. Thus,theduration of day and night is different (except for the two daysofthe year). It is also quite natural that the solar timeindifferent parts of the world will be different.On Byzantine time still lives most monasteries of MountAthos.Appropriate times can determine the beginning of theliturgicalservices of the daily round.Designed application allows you to always have aportable"Byzantine clock" wherever you go.Opinions, comments and suggestions, as well as all questionscanbe discussed on the form at http://forum.alexsem.orgThe application provides the ability to store severaldifferentlocations, and quickly switch between them.Also in the program there are two widgets of various sizesthatcan be placed on the main screen of the device.