Top 1 Apps Similar to 人生が好転する7つの習慣~今すぐできる10分間メソッド~

20代で人生の年収は9割決まる 1.0.0
本書は「23歳まで」「入社~25歳」「26~28歳」「29~30歳」「31~35歳」と区切り、その年齢で何を考え、どうすべきかを具体的に書いています-。■アプリ版のオリジナル特典■◎著者からのメッセージ動画◎著者が選んだ名言100個付き!・人生を豊かにする名言・指導者のための名言・プロフェッショナリズムを刺激する名言・儲かる名言できるだけ早く花を咲かせ、できるだけ多くを刈り取る。このように、数年前までもてはやされてきた効率を優先した働き方は、今後、通用しなくなります。これからは、しっかりと耕して強い土壌をつくり、そこに種をまくような、本質を追究する働き方が残っていきます。二〇代で汗をかいて「仕込み」をした人が、しっかりと自分なりの成功に向かって歩いていく時代です。絶対の正解がなく、ルールもどんどん変わるビジネスの世界。そのなかで「ほしい結果」を手に入れ続けるための方法を、オブラートに包まず語り尽くします!【項目から一部抜粋】・自己PRは「4つのP」を考える・上司に賭けてもらえる新人になる・大企業で活躍する人の「5つの資質」・才能がある女性なら、中小企業で上を目指せ!・「得意分野」はプライベートからしか生まれない・仕事は「やりたいこと」より「ほしい結果」で選ぶ・「年収を上げる転職」には3パターンある・31歳の必須科目は「マネジメント力、表現力、人脈力」・「40歳で課長」はその後が不安著者が各年代に向けてセレクトしたブックガイド付き。This documentisseparatedfrom the "up to 23 years of age", "joinedto25-year-old", "26-28years old" "29 to 30 years" "31 to 35years",what you think at thatage, I am writing specifically whatshouldbe masu -.■ app version of the original benefits ■◎ message videos from author◎ Quotations with 100 authors chose!· Quotations to enrich the life- Quotations for leaders· Professional Quotations to stimulate the rhythm· Lucrative QuotationsBloom as soon as possible flowers, reap as much aspossible.Inthis way, the way of working, which gave prioritytoefficiencythat has been touted up until a few years ago, thefuturewill nolonger Spoken.From now on, to create a strong soil plowing firmly, there,suchassow, we will way of working remains to pursue theessence.People who sweat a "charged" in twenty generations is theerawalkfirmly toward the success of my own.There is no absolute correct answer, the rule isalsorapidlychanging business world.A method for continuing to get the "I want results," amongthem,youexhausted speak not wrapped in oblate![Excerpt from the item]Self-PR think the "four P"· Become rookie to get to bet on the boss- "Five qualities" of people working in large companies· If there is a talented woman, Aim on the smallandmedium-sizedcompanies!- "Specialty" is not born only from the private• The work selected in the "I want results" than "what youwanttodo."- In "career change to increase the annual income" isa3pattern· 31-year-old is mandatory subjects"managementcapabilities,expressive power, networkingcapabilities"· "Section chief in the 40-year-old" is then anxietyBook guided the author was select toward each age.