Top 7 Apps Similar to RGIS CSE

Sage - Accounting
Sage Global Services Ltd
A fast & simple way to record and understand yourbusinesstransactions.
Assistant commercial pro 1.1.00
Karim Ferhani
Un outil commercial puissant et complet, facile etintuitifàutiliser, qui ne nécessite pas internet, offrantdenombreusesfonctionnalités utiles et performantes, allant delacréation etgestion du catalogue, jusqu'à la prise de commandeetl'impressiondes documents commerciaux (reçus , factures, bonsdecommande et delivraison, ...), en passant par l'élaborationdeportefeuilleclient, la gestion des abonnements souscrit etlaplanificationd'action en fonction d'événementsspécifiques.L'applicationconvient à de nombreux usages tels qu' unpoint devente fixe etambulant (pos), caisse enregistreuse complète,unsystème degestion de souscription d'abonnement (assurance, salledesport) etplein d'autres usages. Présentation desfonctionnalités:-Catalogue d'articles: Éditez et maintenez à jourvotre catalogueenincluant l'ensemble de vos produits, services etabonnements,enbénéficiant des outils fort utiles met à votredispositiontelqu'un lecteur de code-barres qui peut récupérer desinformationsàpropos de l'article scanner (photo, nom, ...) à partirdenotreimportante base de données produits internationales, unsuividesstocks et des réductions, le partage et publicationassistéssurles différents réseaux sociaux, pour chacun desarticles, ...-Portefeuille clients: Développez un portefeuilleclientsdequalité, segmenté en groupes pour améliorer le suiviclient,avecdes fiches clients complètes, contenant les commandesduclients,ainsi que toutes les informations que vous voulezrécoltermeme desphotos et des enregistrements vidéo et audio, aveclapossibilitéde récupérer dynamiquement certaines informations,soitenutilisant le lecteur de code QR, ou bien avec le GPS.-Impressionde documents commerciaux: Imprimer desdocumentsconformes auxréglementations de votre pays incluant touteslesinformationsrequises, générées et personnaliséesautomatiquementpour chaqueclient et commande et à tout moment;prends en chargeles documentssuivants: Tickets de caisse ( reçus),devis(pro-forma), bons decommande, bons de livraison, factures.-Gestionnaire descommandes: Suivez et gérez les commandes (venteetdevis)effectuées en détail, et procèder à de nouvellesventes,imprimezles documents dont vous avez besoin -Planificationd'action:Planifié des actions en fonction dedifférents événementstel quel'expiration d'un abonnement souscritou bien l'ajout d'unnouveauclient; utile pour rester en contactavec les clients etaméliorerl'expérience client - Gestionnaired'abonnement: Suivezl'état desabonnements souscrits et gérer les,restez en contactavec lesclients en utilisant les outils del'application pouraugmenter leschances de renouvellement. - systèmede sauvegardeExporter etimporter l'ensemble du contenu del'application de façonàrécupérer et préserver le fruit de vosefforts detouteséventualités de perte ou de problème matériel
Accountable: invoices, receipts, tax & VAT 0.28.5
Invoice clients in one tap. Receive a tax recommendationforeachreceipt you scan. Optimize your taxes and loweryouraccountingcosts with Accountable. ✓ You will never lose areceiptagain, weprovide you with a tailored tax tip and match thereceiptwith therelevant bank transaction. ✓ Create, personalize andsendinvoicesyour clients will definitely pay. We notify you as soonasyou arepaid. ✓ By connecting your bank account, you knowinreal-time whatyour cash available is. You also know what youshouldexactly setaside for VAT and social contributions. ✓ SubmityourVAT returnbefore you even need to think about it. ✓ Atquarterlyclosings,share your data with your accountant and receivetheadvice youdeserve. ✓ We make sure you spend time on what matterstoyou, noton accounting. We make sure you optimize the cash youearnas aself-employed. ✓ We answer your questions in ahumanlanguage.Behind this email, there is a team that wants
ErpPro - Invoice & Estimate 2.27
Key Features * Android Phone, Galaxy Tab, Tabletcompatible:4inch~10.1inch * Simply create invoices, estimatesandpurchaseorders. * You can print a receipt for the customer(mobilereceiptprinter) * You can print out the invoice asaPDF.(preview/share/send email) * You can changetheformeasily.(invoices, estimates and purchase orders)*Accurateinventory management. * Accounts receivable,accountspayablemanagement. * Options for setting the sales price.(LastSalesPrice(By Customer),Retail,A,B,C,Discount) * Banking,income/expense management. (My Credit cards, cash,bankaccountmanagement) * Supported bluetooth barcode scanner.(barcodescannerdevices and camera scanners support) * Product imageandcustomerimage support. * Various reports (excelfile/share/sendemail) *Import data from Excel. / Export data toExcel. * You canenterdata in Excel on your computer. (Data importfrom Dropbox) *ErpProapp is easy and fast.
Invoice Maker | Bill clients | Estimate & Receipt 3.1.32
Invoice Bee
Invoice Bee: Simple Estimate & Billing to Go - BestInvoicing& Billing Generator! Get started for Free! Looking foraninvoicing app with incredible features to help you organizeyourbusiness billings? Invoice Bee will help you to keep track ofallthe expenses in a very easy and simple way. Bill your clientswithInvoice Bee's invoice maker, receipt maker and estimatemaker!1.Receiving Client’s signature: Clients can sign eitherdirectly onthe device screen or via email. The signed documents aresaved incloud system for retrieval. 2.Advanced and organizedsummary page:View invoice / estimate / payment summary by month, bycustomer orby item. 3.Sending receipt of payment to clients: It isvery easyto send receipts to clients after recording payment.4.ImposingCredit Card surcharge to clients: You can choose toimpose creditcard surcharge to your clients. 5.Active app support:We promptlyreply within 12 hours of any inquiry. 7. Overduereminder: Sendoverdue reminders by a simple tap Other OutstandingFeatures •Desktop stand-alone version • Excellent customizingoptions •Notification when clients open the invoice • Credit cardpayment •Automatic synchronization across devices • Importingcustomerdetails from the contact list • Making a call or emaildirectlyfrom the customer list • Directly converting from estimateintoinvoices Download Invoice Bee to start organizing yourinvoicesNOW!
Debitoor - Invoicing & accounting app for SMEs 8.0.4
SumUp MG ApS
Simple, fast, and intuitive invoice app and easy accountingforsmallbusinesses, sole traders, and freelancers. Debitoorinvoicingandeasy accounting software give​ you the tools you needto createandsend professional-looking invoices from anywhere,anytime.Getstarted now to create and send your first invoice inless thanaminute. Invoice anytime, anywhere: not matter on whatdeviceINVOICEFROM ANYWHERE • Customised invoices that help youstand outfrom thecompetition. • Share invoices via email,Messenger,WhatsApp, PDF,and more. • Get notified as soon as aninvoice isviewed by acustomer. • Draft invoices even when offline- they’llbe ready whenyou reconnect. GET PAID FASTER • Connectonlinepayment to get paidup to 14 days faster. • SumUp, PayPal andmore.• Accept cardpayments of invoices in person by pairing yourphonewith a SumUpcard reader. • See which invoices are overdue ataglance andfollow-up from the app. EXPENSES IN A SNAP •Captureexpenses on thego and in the moment you spend. • Attach areceiptto your expense bytaking a picture with your smartphone.•Automatically readsimportant details from your receiptandsuggests the best categoryfor your expense. QUOTES ANYTIME•Create a quote fast to send anestimate to a customer. •Getnotified as soon as a quote is viewedby a customer. •Convertaccepted quotes to invoices with a tap.ACCOUNTING ANACCOUNTANTCAN LOVE • Export all invoices and expensesto your ownaccountantin a clean data format. • Invite youraccountant to youraccountfor easy collaboration. • Manage andreport your VATdirectly toHMRC with Making Tax Digital software •Generate P&L(Profitand Loss) reports from the web app. • Stayon top of yourbusinessaccounting with balance sheet MANAGE YOURCUSTOMERS •Instantlyimport customer details from your mobilecontacts. • Addcustomerinformation to a new invoice with a tap. •Access customerdetailseven when offline. YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICE •Save and editproductor service details in your account. • Addproducts/serviceto newinvoices with a tap. INTERNATIONAL • Easilychange thelanguage ofyour invoices to cater to your customer. •Change theinvoicecurrency with the latest conversion rates. PLUS… •Creditnotes,proforma invoices, delivery notes, reminders,paymentreceipts& more from our full browser version. •Free,world-classcustomer support. • 100% cloud-based: accessyouraccount from anydevice. Created to help small businessesthrive.