Top 42 Apps Similar to GeoGebra Exam CAS

GeoGebra 3D Calculator 5.2.807.0
Graph 3D functions, plot surfaces and do 3D geometry with ourfree3D Grapher
FreeGeo Mathematics 2.1
Dynamic geometry system for Geometry, Algebra, StatisticsandAnalysis
Grapher - Equation Plotter
Basile Van Hoorick
An extensive yet lightweight math graphing calculator andequationsolver.
FX Calculus Problem Solver 2.0
Euclidus Inc
Will guide you how to solve your homework math problems,anytime,anywhere!
Geometry Pad
Bytes Arithmetic LLC
Geometry Pad is a dynamic geometryapplicationfor Android tablets with universal appeal. Teachers canuse it in ageometry class for better students engagement anddeeperunderstanding of geometric concepts. Students would benefitfromusing Geometry Pad while working on geometry assignments athome aswell. Easily create complex geometric sketches, measureeverythingyou have in your document, experiment with shapesandtransformations.Use following tools to sketch your geometry constructions(*):- Move and scale. Scroll the workbook by your finger. Pinch andzoomthe content of your workbook. Move and modifygeometricshapes.- Compass to create arcs.- Point. Plot a point on the workbook. Customize point nameandcolor.- Line. Create a line. Customize line style, color andstart/endpoints. Calculate line length (distance betweenpoints).- Midpoint for lines. Show/hide midpoint for lines andpolygonsides. Snap to midpoints.- Parallel, perpendicular and tangent lines. The lines canbecreated as easily as regular lines. Just create and move thelineuntil it automatically snaps to parallel, perpendicularortangent.- Angle. Create an angle with up to 1 degree precision.Customizeangle line style and color.- Triangle. Create a triangle of one of the predefinedtypes:regular, right triangle, isosceles, equilateral. Customizesidesstyle and color. Calculate triangle perimeter and area.Calculateinner angles of the triangle and length of itssides.- Triangle lines. Create altitude, bisector and median lines inatriangle. Calculate length of triangle lines. Customize linesstyleand color.- Quadrilateral. Create a quadrilateral of one of thepredefinedtypes: regular, square, rectangle, parallelogram,rhombus.Customize sides style and color. Calculate quadrilateralperimeterand area. Calculate inner angles of the quadrilateral andlength ofits sides.- Circle. Create a circle. Calculate circle perimeter andarea.Easily create circles inscribed into a triangle by placingcircle'scenter close enough to the incenter of a triangle.- Circle radius and chord. Create radius and chord lines foracircle. Customize lines style and color. Calculate the lengthofthe lines.- Polygons and regular polygons.- Arcs and circular sectors.- Ellipses.- Text annotations. Create floating and pinned single andmultiplelines text annotations. Customize text/background colorandtransparency.- Measurements tool. Measure shape properties in singletouch.Measure intersection points (line & line, line &circle).Use multitouch to measure distance between points and anglebetweenlines.- Transformation tools: rotation, reflection, enlargementandtranslation.- Manual input of coordinates, lengths and angles. Use manualinputto precisely locate points, setup custom length for a line orapolygon side, and change angle value.- Built-in calculator: basic arithmetic functions, square root,sin,cos, tan.Manage multiple documents with your geometric sketches at thesametime using Save and Load features. In addition, you cansharedocuments through e-mail or Dropbox.Some of the tasks you can solve with Geometry Pad:- Create geometric shapes and measure all its possible metricslikelength, angle, area, perimeter, intersections, distancebetweenpoints, angles between lines.- Move/resize geometric shapes and watch how its metricsarechanging in real time.- Demonstrate circle theorems by creating and changing inscribedandcenter angles.- Demonstrate theorems about incircles andexcircleslocations.- Create and annotate complex geometric figures. Share themthroughexport to image and e-mail features.* Geometry Pad is a commercial product and some of its featuresareunavailable in the free version. A paid in-app unlock isrequiredto get access to the premium features (PremiumFeaturesPack).
sketchometry 1.2.7
Dieter Kroemer
sketchometry ist dynamischeGeometrie-Software,die die ebene Geometrie im wahrsten Sinne desWortes "begreifbar"macht. Durch einfaches Skizzieren (sketch) dergewünschten Objektemit den Fingern oder einem Stift entstehen insketchometrygeometrische Konstruktionen. Die Software erkennt dasgezeichneteObjekt und erstellt ein exaktes Bild. Um mathematischeZusammenhängezu erforschen, können die geometrische Objekte "indie Hand"genommen werden und beliebig gedreht und verändertwerden. Dieerstellten Konstruktionen werden lokal oder in derCloudgespeichert. Export in HTML-Seiten oder interaktive E-Booksistmöglich.Das Programm sketchometry wird am Lehrstuhl für Mathematikundihre Didaktik an der Universität Bayreuth entwickelt undistkostenlos nutzbar.sketchometry isdynamicgeometry software, the "grasp" makes the planar geometry inthetruest sense of the word. By simply sketch (sketch) of thedesiredobjects with their fingers or a pen arise in sketchometrygeometricconstructions. The software recognizes the drawn objectand createsan exact image. In order to explore mathematicalrelationships, thegeometric objects can be taken "in hand" and arerotated andchanged at will. The designs created are stored locallyor in thecloud. Export to HTML pages or interactive e-books ispossible.The sketchometry program is being developed at the DepartmentofMathematics and Didactics at the University of Bayreuth and isfreeof charge.
GeoGebra Exam Scientific Calc
The GeoGebra Exam Scientific Calculatorallowsyou and your students to use the power of GeoGebra duringexams onpaper while restricting the access to the Internet andothersoftware that should not be used during the exam.• Exam Scientific Calculator is customized to allow students touseGeoGebra instead of a scientific calculator. The CAS, 3D and2DGraphics Views are deactivated.• Exam Scientific Calculator runs in full-screen mode allowingnospace for other information to be displayed on screen.• Exam Scientific Calculator doesn't allow access to theInternet,the GeoGebra Materials platform or files saved onthecomputer.• Leaving the GeoGebra window in any way triggers an alert,whichcan easily be spotted by the teacher and is documented in theExamLog.Additional information about GeoGebra Exam is availableat
GeoGebra Exam Calculator
The GeoGebra Exam Graphing Calculatorallowsyou and your students to use the power of GeoGebra duringexams onpaper while restricting the access to the Internet andothersoftware that should not be used during the exam.• Exam Graphing Calculator is customized to allow students touseGeoGebra without access to the CAS and 3D Views.• Exam Graphing Calculator runs in full-screen mode allowingnospace for other information to be displayed on screen.• Exam Graphing Calculator doesn't allow access to the Internet,theGeoGebra Materials platform or files saved on thecomputer.• Leaving the GeoGebra window in any way triggers an alert,whichcan easily be spotted by the teacher and is documented in theExamLog.Additional information about GeoGebra Exam is availableat
Periodic Table 2022: Chemistry
Valence, covalent radius, ion charge, electronegativity, colorandmore
Matemática Base 47.0
Izaias Cordeiro Neri
Este aplicativo é referente ao canaldoYoutube,Matemática Base. Por meio dele você poderá acessarasvídeo aulas dosmais diversos conteúdos de Matemática. Comesseaplicativo vocêpoderá assistir aos vídeos de formamaisorganizada. Os conteúdossão:Álgebra;Álgebra Linear;Cálculo Diferencial;Cálculo Integral;Métodos Numéricos;Provas de Concursos;Tutoriais de programas para o ensino de Matemática;GeoGebra;LaTex;e a parceria com o canal Engenheiro de Plantão.Baixe o aplicativo agora mesmo e não se esqueça de seinscrevernocanal.This applicationrelatestothe Youtube channel, Mathematics Base. Through it you canaccessthevideo lessons from various mathematics content. With thisappyou canwatch the videos in a more organized way. Thecontentsare:Algebra;Linear algebra;Differential calculation;Integral Calculus;Numerical methods;Contests of evidence;Tutorial programs for the teaching of mathematics;GeoGebra;Latex;and partnership with the Duty Engineer channel.Download the app now and do not forget to subscribetothechannel.
Geometria 3.0.2
Geometry quick reference
Geomatics 1.0
« Geomatics » est une applicationinteractivesponsorisée parle collège national orthodoxe-El Mina (CNO), elle comporte72 animations suivies de QCM résumant toutes les propriétéset les définitions de la géométrie plane pour lesclassescomplémentaireset la classe terminale SG (conformément aux programmes :libanais,françaiset Bac international). Elle aide en même temps l’élèveàdessinercorrectement les figures géométriques et constitue ainsiunrépertoirede géométrie téléchargeable gratuitement pour être mis àladispositionde l’apprenant dans tout le monde.Auteur et programmeur : Ghassan Antoun, programmeur Android:Nassrallah Akdi,traduction : Georges Abdo, commentaires vocaux : Loana KhlatetMervat Abiad.Version:1.1
Sumaze! 1.1
Sumaze! is an MEI and Sigma Network problem-solving app.Moveyourtile through a numeric maze and find your way to thegoal.Beware -there are gates that won't let you through unless yourtilehas aspecific value on its back. Good luck! *************Sumaze!is aplace where 1. mathematics is learnt 2. problem-solvingskillsaredeveloped 3. fun is had! Sumaze! puzzlesinvolvearithmetic,inequalities, the modulus function, logarithms,powersand primes!Have you got what it takes? MEI is a charity inthe UKcommitted toimproving mathematics education and promotesteachingand learningthrough different strands of activity. MEIsupportsteachersthrough a range of professionaldevelopmentopportunities,including our annual conference.Innovative resourcesarecontinually being developed to extend andenrich your knowledgeofmathematics, whether teacher, student,undergraduate or memberofthe workforce. Visit MEIprovides onlineresourcesto support the teaching and learning ofmathematics. Theseincluderesources for A level Mathematics andFurther Mathematicswhichinclude versions of the maze puzzles fromSumaze! Integral includes extensivemathematicsresourcesfor teachers and students. These includenotes,activities, onlinetests and exercises. Integral is beingenhancedfor the newMathematics and Further Mathematics A levels inthe UK.Thisincludes new 'learning walkthroughs' which are basedonGeogebra.See here formoredetails
MATH 42 3.3.24
Chegg, Inc.
MATH 42 helps students to understand math and solve their homework
Circle Geometry 1.1.2
Gerrit Stols
This app will help you to visualize,understandand enjoy Circle Geometry. The imbedded GeoGebra appletswillprovide the opportunity to explore and discover interestingcircleand angle relationships. Drag and discover!
FlipClass-Matematikk og fysikk 1.4.1705081027
FlipClass - Matematikk og fysikk 24/7Med FlipClass har du tilgang til over 2300 undervisningsvideoermedmatematikk og fysikk 24 timer i døgnet!FlipClass inneholder alle matematikkk- og fysikkursenepåvideregående skole: 1P, 2P, S1, S2, 1T, R1, R2, fysikk 1 ogfysikk2.For deg som skal studere økonomi eller realfag vedenhøyskole/universitet anbefaler vifagene forkurs Økonomi eller forkurs RealfagIngeniør, somsamleralle emner fra kursene ovenfor som errelavante for slike studier.Alle kurs inneholder: TEORI – OPPGAVER – EKSAMENSOPPGAVERGeogebra brukes som digitalt verktøy, og kurset Geogebraergratis.FlipClass er tilgjengelig både online og offline.Enkeladministrering av nedlastninger.FlipClass tilbyr abonnementer som gir tilgang til kursene.Dettilbys månedsabonnement (én ukes testperiode) somautomatiskfornyes ved månedsslutt. Priser finner du i app'en underhvertkurs.Betaling blir trukket fra din Google Play-konto ved kjøp. Dukanadministrere egne abonnementer i Google Play underdinbrukerkonto.FlipClass // Matematikk og fysikk 24/7Flip Class -Mathematicsand Physics 24/7With Flip Class have access to over 2,300 teaching videoswithmathematics and physics 24 hours a day!Flip Class contains all matematikkk- and fysikkursene highschool:1P, 2P, S1, S2, 1T, R1, R2, Physics 1 and Physics 2.For those who study economics or science at a college /university,we recommendsubjects forkurs Economy or preparatory courses ScienceEngineering,which collects all the topics of the courses abovethat arerelavant for such studies.All courses contain: THEORY - TASKS - EXAMINATION TASKSGeogebra used as digital tools and course Geogebra is free.Flip Class is available both online and offline. Easyadministrationof downloads.Flip Class offers subscriptions that provide access to courses.Itoffers monthly subscription (one-week test period)automaticallyrenewed at month-end. Prices refer to the app duringeachcourse.Payment will be deducted from your Google Play accountuponpurchase. You can manage your own subscriptions in GooglePlayunder your account.Flip Class // Mathematics and Physics 24/7
Trigonometry. Unit circle.
Amra Studio
Education for all. Geometry. Trigonometry.Unitcircle.Recommended for pupils and students.Visual understanding and calculating sine, cosine,tangent,cotangent, secant and cosecant function, degrees andradians.Description of functions.Table of values.Trigonometric formulas and identities:symmetry, shifts, periodicity,basic identities,sum and difference of the angles,double angle,triple anglehalf-angle,sum and difference functionsmultiplication of functions,lowering the degree formula,derivatives and integrals.Move point to define angle and functions.Tap circle center to determine the exact angle you want.Use options to show what you want.Find mistake or did not find what you were looking. - please senduse-mail.
All Math formula 1.6.1
Easy maths formula platform for Engineering and others.
CalcMonitor 2.1
The CalcMonitor Team
Are you a student taking a science, math, or engineering class?Youmay be asked to buy a graphing calculator made with oldtechnologyand a poor resolution screen which costs upwards of $100.You wishyour teacher would allow you to use a smartphone app thatdoes thesame thing. But your teacher is concerned that a smartphoneis toopowerful, with Internet access and other apps. EnterCalcMonitor!CalcMonitor is a smartphone graphing calculator(powered byGeoGebra) that is classroom or exam compliant. You canuse thecalculator in default mode which allows you to computederivatives,integrals, matrix algebra, determinants, probabilitydistributionsand much more! You also have the option of using ExamMode whereyou designate a proctor, and you must turn off networkingand notleave the CalcMonitor app. When you exit Exam Mode, the appsendsus a brief report including your start and end time. If yourschoolhas signed on with us, then we will deliver your report toyourproctor. Otherwise you still have a copy of the report onyourphone to show your proctor (and you can ask your school to signonto enable delivery of reports). CalcMonitor was designed withgreatcare by mathematicians and teachers with decades of experienceinthe classroom. We hope you like it! Now available in:Chinese,French, Russian, Danish, Japanese, Portuguese.
Graphing Calculator + Math PRO 2023.07.165
Mathlab Apps, LLC
Graphing calculator with algebra. Essential tool for schoolandcollege.
Function Plot
This application plots andanalyzesmathematical function entered by the user.It accepts input as a mathematical expression with a varietyofoperators, functions and constants.The X and Y scales of the plot can be adjusted.It resolves special intrests, such as:- Extreme points (estimated)- Roots (some exact, some estimated)- Y axis intersection point (exact)- Horizontal asymptotes- Vertical asymptotesThese will be marked on the graph and shown as text below it.And, should you allow it and ask it for the derivative, it cangoonline and download the derivative from the internet.The full available operators, functions and constants list canbefound in the application itself.Supports: English, Hebrew. Note that Android devices withversion2.1 and lower can't install the current version, only an oldone(which has no Hebrew)Keywords: mathematica, maths, function, plot, plotter,draw,drawer.
Funciones 1.0
Esta aplicación de EditorialEditexS.A.representa cualquier función introducida por teclado,dándonosunavisión sobre su continuidad, extremos e intervalosdecrecimiento,entre otras cosas. Comprende lossiguientesapartados:- Teoría: contiene un documento en formato PDF con unresumendecontenidos.- Práctica: permite la representación gráfica decualquierfunciónintroducida, así como comunicarnos si es continuaen unpunto, sies creciente/decreciente o cóncava/convexa en él, osiéste esobjeto de un máximo/mínimo/punto de inflexión.- Test: permite realizar una autoevaluación con 10ejerciciostipotest recogidos de forma aleatoria.- Problemas: este apartado está destinado a laresolucióndeproblemas, uno resuelto a modo de ejemplo y otros 5propuestosalusuario.ThisapplicationEditexEditorial S.A. It represents any function enteredbykeyboard,giving us a vision of continuity, extreme and intervalsofgrowth,among other things. It includes thefollowingsections: - Theory: contains a PDF document with asummaryofcontents. - Practice: allows graphical representation ofanyinputfunction and communicate if it is continuous at a point ifup/down or concave / convex in it, or if it is subject to amaximum/minimum / turning point. - Test: make a self-assessment exercises with10multiplechoice randomly collected. - Problems: This section is aimed at solvingproblems,onesettled by way of example and another 5 proposed totheuser.
MathEnv Mobile 1.0.9
O MathEnv mobile faz parte de umprojetoepesquisa relacionados a tecnologia aplicada àeducação,visandofacilitar o processo de aprendizagem através deumacalculadora degeometria e da integração com o software GeoGebra.******************************FUNCIONALIDADES********************************• Realize cálculos de operações geométricas• Veja o passo-a-passo dos procedimentos para cada cálculo• Visualize os resultados algébricos nos gráficos do GeoGebra• Interaja com os objetos• Aprenda com a experimentação e a resolução dos cálculos******************************EMCONSTRUÇÃO*********************************• Áreas virtuais: Se inscreva em cursosdisponibilizadosporinstituições conveniadas, acesse materiais econteúdosmultimídia,fóruns e listas de exercícios.• Implementação de novos cálculos para planos, matrizes eretas.***************************************************************************************Para reclamações, sugestões, reportar bugsoudemaisinformaçõ******************************************************************************************Projeto e pesquisa desenvolvidos no centrouniversitáriodaFEI.Equipe de pesquisa e desenvolvimento: Tiago Estrela,RicardoPimenta,Rodrigo Filev, Victor da HoraThe MathEnv Mobileispartof a project and related research technology appliedtoeducation,to facilitate the learning process through acalculatorgeometry andintegration with GeoGebra software.******************************FEATURES********************************• Perform calculations of geometric operations• See step-by-step procedures for each calculation• View the algebraic results in graphics GeoGebra• Interact with the objects• Learn through trial and resolution of calculations******************************UNDERCONSTRUCTION****************** ***************• Virtual Areas: Enroll in courses offeredbyaccreditedinstitutions, access materials and multimediacontent,forums andlists of exercises.• Implementation of new calculations for plans,matricesandstraight.***************************************************************************************For complaints, suggestions, bug******************************************************************************************Design and research developed at the university FEIcenter.research and development team: Tiago Star, RicardoPimenta,RodrigoFilev, Victor Time
雲端數學部落教室 0.1
KAlgebra 1.3.0
KDE Community
Awesome and free calculator for your device.
Sumaze! 2 1.0
Solve puzzles involving decimals, fractions, percentages and more!
Mathematics 5.9
Aurelien Texier
Display graphically any mathematical function and its derivative!
Periodic Table 1.5
Digital Vulture
The best periodic table of elements. Simple and effective.Perfectfor students to prepare for exams or quick reference. Withsearchmenu to make easier to look up elements by name. TranslatedintoEnglish and Spanish, more languages ​​soon. See the compositionofeach element: - Atomic number - Valencie - Oxidation state-Electronegativity - Covalent radius - Ionic radius - Atomicradius- Electronic shell - Energy of first ionisation - Atomic mass-Density - Boiling Point - Melting point - Link to Wikipediaforeach item for more information - List of elements for afastersearch Get a periodic table of elements in the palm of yourhandall the information you need in your mobile.
Math Formulas - Offline 3.0.6
All math formulas , calculator and tools
Graphing Calculator + Symbolic 5.4.1
Graphing calculator for math class. 2D & 3D graph,algebra,calculus and more.
Math Equation Solver 4.5
Solve equations and plot graphs in a few clicks with this free app!
Electron beam, crossed field T 3.0.0
The app is in 10 languages now! Theusercanselect between english, русский, deutsch, español, 中国的,français,ελληνικά, 日本人, italiano and nederlands:el - Δέσμη ηλεκτρονίων σε διασταυρωμένο ηλεκτρικόκαιμαγνητικόπεδίο; it - Raggio di elettroni in campo elettricoemagneticoincrociato; ru - Электронный луч вскрещенныхэлектрических имагнитных полях, es - Haz de electrones encampomagnético yeléctrico cruzados; zh - 交叉电场和磁场中的电子束; nl-Elektronenstraal ingekruist E- en magneetveld; fr -Faisceauélectronique dans leschamps électrique et magnétiquecroisés; jp -交差する電磁界の電子ビーム.Using the BIGS simulation experiment in app form, youcansimulatethe behaviour of an electron beam in crossed fields. Itispossibleto simulate:o the behaviour of an electron beam in an electric field;o the behaviour of an electron beam in a magnetic field.o the behaviour of an electron beam in crossed fields,o the creation of cycloid paths by the electron beam,o and to determine the specific charge (q/m) of an electron(i.e.themeasured values shown in the app correspond to those oftherealexperiment).This app is a learning aid for the examination topics"electronbeamin crossed fields", "moving charges", "function of acathoderaytube" and "Wien filter".It can be used both in lessons and in revision for exams.The simulation has been designed by BIGS asaself-explanatoryprogram. However, user guidance is alsoavailable.Within the app,users can switch between the simulationand aworksheet intended toprovide an even better understanding ofthephysics underlying thesimulation. Users can alsodownloadadditional work materials fromthe BIGS server using the"More"button. The materials developed byBIGS include work sheetsandassignments.Together with the worksheets, the simulation guides usersthroughtodetermining the specific charge (q/m) of anelectron,includingwriting a report on the experiment. Theassignments areintended toallow users to test the knowledge theyhaveacquired.The learning aid has been successfully tested inadvancedphysicscourses at German high schools such asGiebichensteinGymnasium inHalle.The "Electron beam in crossed fields" app is intendedtoprovidesupport for students who wish to developtheirknowledgeindependently.With a click at the button “More” you can get moreworksheetsandexercises, but you will not get here solutionsandeducationalnotes. If you need a simple version withoutsolutionsandeducational notes. then use it with version (P).This app is usable in combination of interactivewhiteboardandtablets.
Math Graph 1.3.5
Century Apps
Learn about simple linear equation, y=mx+c. Draw, add 2dvectorsautomatically.
Function Graph Plotter 3.76
GK Apps
Draw function plots and calculate value tables!
Free Graphing Calculator 2 10.4
William Jockusch
A powerful, flexible graphing calculator . . . and it's free!
My Book Machine Player 1.8.2
Multisoft d.o.o.
Read interactive digital/work/course-books(producedwithMyBookMachine Editor for Windows) on your AndroidPhone orTablet.Using MyBookMachine Player you oryourpupils/readers/learners caneasily read and work through thelivingmultimedia interactivebooks, workbooks, coursebooks etc.producedby MyBookMachineEditor. To remind you: MyBookMachine Editorallowsyou to integratetext, pictures, photos, videos, audios,graphicsetc into singlemultimedia file. Also, each object can haveanadditional function- e.g link which opens a YouTube video or aWorddocument relatedto a certain question. Or starts anadditionalinteractive exercise(like MasterTool, GeoGebra,HotPotatoes etc.)which has to besolved using this Player. Whileusing theMyBookMachine Player youwill find all these integratedmedia orlinked objects – andunderstand why we say that with ourprogrambooks really come tolife. With MyBookMachine Player on yourAndroidPhone or Tablet youcan either open those books for which youhavedirect links(sometimes and permissions from book authors)stored inthe tableof this program (in tablet/phone local storage)OR you canhaveaccess to several different libraries (if your arelogged in):-MyBookMachine-online national library(suchasmybookmachine-online.DE) with many uploaded "free-to-use"booksorjust your books that you have uploaded on this server -foryourpersonal use, only. - our MyBookMachine.NETinternationallibrarywhere you can keep and share LINKS to yourbooks or freebooks byother authors - wherever they are located(uploaded). -yourpersonal book cloud(onwww.yoursite.domain/subdomain/yourname/etc)as a part ofyourcompany site where you keep your books, tooBooksUploadingUploading book file into your personal cloud/libraryandshare itvia direct link with your readers/learners/pupils istheeasiest wayto allow somebody to use your digital book. YouCanStore Your BooksOn - your personal cloud as a part ofyournational cloud ( site) forwhichyou must have allpermissions - your personal bookcloud(onwww.yoursite.domain/subdomain/yourname/etc) which is partofyourcompany/school/organisation site - or on your onlinevirtualdrives(see program tutorials) Online Player Version Incontrast tothefact that all operating systems have theirownseparateMyBookMachine Player version, online version is thesamefor alloperating systems and all browsers!
My bSmart 2.0.2
My bSmart è la nuova piattaforma di serviziecontenuti digitali per la scuola creata da Applix Educationperstudenti e insegnanti. E’ il luogo virtuale dove èpossibileraccogliere, creare e condividere testi interattivi,materialididattici e risorse multimediali. Un’esperienza nuovaecoinvolgente, che unisce apprendimento e insegnamento earricchisceil lavoro e il proprio personale percorso di studio. Unmodo piùsmart di affrontare la scuola e un metodo tutto nuovodiinsegnare!Requisiti Androidversione 4.1 Jelly Bean o superioreNovità nella versioneLa nuova app My bSmart è stata progettata e perfezionatapergarantire la massima resa delle performance su Android.Questanuova versione comprende:- Grafica rinnovata ed esperienza utente migliorata- Ottimizzazione per l’utilizzo su Android- Prestazioni più elevate in termini di rapidità di reazione editempi di scaricamento del libro- Notevole qualità di riproduzione di immagini e testo al pinchtozoom- Tempi di caricamento delle pagine estremamente rapidialloswipe- Nuove features, tra le quali:. Download manager. Nuovi pannelli per le risorse di libri e utenti. Un indice dei libri riprogettato e ancora più immediatoMy Bsmart is thenewplatform of services and digital content for the school createdbyApplix Education for students and teachers. And 'the virtualplacewhere you can collect, create and share interactive texts,teachingmaterials and multimedia resources. New immersiveexperience,combining learning and teaching and enriches the workand its ownpath of study. A smart way to deal with the school and awhole newmethod of teaching!Requirements AndroidJelly Bean version 4.1 or higherNew in Version The new app My Bsmart has been designed and refined toensuremaximum yield performance of Android. This newversionincludes:- New graphics and improved user experience- Optimized for use on Android- Higher performance in terms of speed of response anddownloadtimes of the book- Remarkable quality reproduction of images and text to pinchtozoom- Fast loading pages extremely fast to swipe- New features, among which:. Download manager. New panels for the resources of books and users. An index of books redesigned and even more immediate
King of Math
Oddrobo Software AB
Level up your mathematics skills and become King of Math!
CAS Calc 1.2.5
Hybrid Studios
A simple, ad-free calculator which performs many functions oftheTI-Nspire
Cymath - Math Problem Solver 2.44
Cymath LLC
With millions of users worldwide, the Cymathmathproblemsolver app uses the same math engine while lettingyousolveproblems on the go! Just enter a problem from yourmathhomework,and let Cymath solve it for you step-by-step! Weprovidealgebra aswell as calculus help. Our math problem solverisdesigned to helpyou with your math homework. In additiontohomework answers, wealso show you how to get therestep-by-step.Let Cymath help youwith your math homework today!Topics inalgebra include: equationsolving, factoring,logarithms,exponents, complex numbers,quadratic equations,trigonometry,partial fraction, polynomialdivision, etc. Topics incalculusinclude: product rule, quotientrule, chain rule,u-substitution,integration by parts, integrationby partialfraction,trigonometric substitution, rationalizingsubstitution, andmuchmore. We provide math answers and steps forall of the above.Inshort, whether you are simply stuck on yourmath homework, wanttocheck your homework answers, or need specificcalculus help,letour math problem solver help now!
Math theory 5.0.1
Theory of mathematics from secondary to first courses of university
Math Master Educational Game a 1.0.25
Learn, Practice, Revise, and Test your Math Skills in a FUNandInteractive Way!