Top 18 Apps Similar to 佛教如來宗

Relaxing Music Collection 1.10.3
Fifteen types and hundreds of music help you to relax.
拜佛-佛教音樂佛經心經大悲咒 1.1.4
虔誠拜佛,誦讀佛經,聆聽佛音,淨化心靈。拜佛是表達對諸佛菩薩的禮敬、感恩,而從柔軟、徐緩而安詳的彎腰禮佛動作裏,感受到禮佛者的安定與謙卑。佛教音樂又稱“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是輕柔舒緩的音樂,經常聽佛音能驅除心中不必要的煩惱,淨化人的心靈,陶冶人的情操,使人心靈得到安甯,找到歸屬感。禮佛功能模塊:分爲佛堂和許願兩大塊。【佛堂】:可以聽佛音,誦佛經,請佛到家,在線供佛,供奉方式分別是燃香、鮮花、水果。通過供奉方式積累功德值,從而達到修行的效果。【許願】:可以祈福許願,保佑父母健康長壽,保佑兒女一帆風順,保佑親朋好友平安喜樂。【圈子】:可以通過相互交流佛法心得,學習佛教修行方式,解決生活中 的煩惱,使人心靈得到升華。【聊天】:可能通過搜索或者關注,和自己喜歡的佛學修養好的大師,進行一對一的心靈溝通。Devoutworship,recitingBuddhist scriptures, listen to The Buddha,purification ofthemind.Buddha is the expression of the Buddhas andBodhisattvasofveneration, gratitude, from the soft, bradycardia andsereneBuddhabending action, the feel Buddha's stability andhumility.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essenceofBuddhism,Buddha tone is mostly gentle soothing music, oftenlistento TheBuddha mind to ward off unnecessary trouble, purify thehumanmind,cultivate people's sentiments, people mind givin ' findasense ofbelonging.Buddha functional modules: the temple is divided intotwoblocksand make a wish.[Temple]: You can listen to The Buddha, Buddhistchanting,pleaseBuddha home, online Buddha, dedicated manner areburningincense,flowers, fruit. Accumulate merit value by way ofworship,so as toachieve the effect of practice.[Wishing]: Wishing can pray, bless the parentshealthandlongevity, smooth bless the children, bless friendsandfamilypeace and happiness.[Circle]: You can communicate with each otherthroughDharmaexperience, learning Buddhist practice way to solvethetroubles oflife, people heart and soul.[Chat]: possible by searching or concern, and theylikegoodaccomplishment Buddhist masters, one on onesoulcommunication.
每日一禪 1.5
每日一禪小工具,每天更新一句禪語,或許能對你有一點助益呢! 小工具是1x4大小,按下可以開啟APP來看!還可以把禪語分享給朋友呢!v1.5 - Facebook 分享 v1.3 - 按下文字會自動複製,方便分享 禪語轉載自互聯網,如有問題,請電郵告知。Keywords: Zen, Positive, Thinking, 禪修, 佛學
真佛書庫 4.0
True Buddha Foundation
This app allows the public to readallTrueBuddha School books. It helps people to gain abetterunderstandingof True Buddha philosophy and Tantrayana andSutrayanaBuddhismtaught by its founder Grand Master LuSheng-yen.
Bhaisajyaguru Medicine Buddha 1.14
Digital Buddha Apps
Bhaisajyaguru Medicine Buddha is the Buddha of Healing
iWorship-worship divination 5.3.3
Techone Game Studios
worship,divination,fortune telling,incensespectrum,auspicioustext,ten support
Om mani padme hum (HD Audio) 1.2
This application is best used in meditation, better use ofheadphone/ Ear Phones (Includes HD Audio). Om mani padme hummantra ofsixsyllables in Sanskrit particularly associated withthefour-armedform Shadakshari Avalokiteshvara (ChenrezigTibetan,ChineseGuanyin), the bodhisattva of compassion. HistoryThemantraoriginated in India, brought from India to Tibet,thepronunciationchanged because some of the sounds ofSanskritlanguage wasdifficult for Tibetans to pronounce.
南無阿彌陀佛 1.2
Namo Amitabha Meditation Buddha (music playback length of 1hour)Quadword tetrameter Amitabha St. No. (male) Buddha's wordsofwisdom Daily random phrases.
菩提禪修 1.0.1
菩提禪修於一九九一年由金菩提禪師創立。機構的宗旨為從禪修入手,啟發靈性,帶來身心靈的健康快樂。本應用程式為菩提禪修專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。【功能】● 最新消息● 專屬頻道● Facebook● 官方網站● 介紹菩提● 禪修方法● 禪修百獲● 禪品● 我的最愛● 禪意生活● 全球禪堂● 網頁搜尋● 分享下載【備註】● 本應用程式支援 Android 2.3.3 以上版本,7吋以下手持式智慧裝置。【版權】● 本應用程式經由財團法人菩提法門佛教基金會(菩提禪修)授權開發製作。
佛教念诵合集 - 观世音菩萨「心灵法门」 1.12
改变您的命运通过心灵法门三大法宝:念经、许愿、放生。“心灵法门”是:净化心灵,离苦得乐,超脱烦恼,消除孽障,超度有缘,还清冤债,广度众生,同登极乐,共攀四圣。“心灵法门”是末法时期观世音菩萨为救众生之苦,应世而生消业最快见效最明显的最方便法门。适宜每一位在家居士自修、全家共修。以念经、许愿、放生三大法宝帮助众生提早清还业债,超度灵性,增加功德,成就圆满。此法门中的小房子更是举世无双的灵丹妙药,一试便知道!备注:小房子是由四种经文组成,用於超度身上的要经者,治疗灵性病,消除身上的业障,化解人际恶缘,改善家里的气场等等神奇功效,这些都是非卖品,需要靠着自己诚心念诵,才能得到最好的效果。一切关於小房子的详情,请与邻近的“心灵法门”共修会联系。“卢军宏台长”所弘扬的观世音菩萨“心灵法门”,让信众树立正信正念,通过学习读诵正统佛教经文来解决生活中的困难。到目前为止,心灵法门全球已有超过1000万信众。***Live佛法开示***- 七年轮椅,一朝站起! -【2014年香港】卢军宏台长看图腾【推荐】386个卢军宏台长现场看图腾精彩集锦视频播放列表(普通话)佛教经文:-净口业真言 -千手千眼无碍大悲心陀罗尼 -般若波罗蜜多心经 -准提神咒 -消灾吉祥神咒 -礼佛大忏悔文 -往生咒-解结咒-七佛灭罪真言 -补阙真言 为什么要念经?-要改善生活,改善目前的生活状况/情况的质量。诵经并不需要一个人花一分一毫。你只需要坚持花一些时间每天的基础上,以实现家庭和睦,良好的关系,明亮,健康的孩子,事业有成,生意兴隆,健康和长寿老人和分散灾害和疾病(例如癌症)。-佛教咒语是菩萨的所有对白。咒语是由我们真诚的忏悔。它还包含菩萨及各种神灵'的祝福和保护。这就是为什么呗能够消除过去的业障,并提高我们的祝福。-增进智慧,让我们看起来更加愉快和平静。我们的心脏会更有同情心,包容性强。观世音菩萨,又称观世音菩萨在梵文,是大悲观世音菩萨。她在世界各地广泛崇敬。她成了无数佛亿万年前,但她的慈悲大愿,她回到了世界解救众生于苦难。世界各国包括新加坡,马来西亚,中国和澳大利亚各地的超过1000万的人已经从这个奇迹而有效的练习中受益没法比。***什么是小房子***(1)小房子是一套经文的组合(包括27遍大悲咒,49遍心经,84遍往生咒,87遍七佛灭罪真言)。整个外形看起来像房子的有斜屋顶的侧面。所以叫「小房子」形象好记。(2)小房子是专门用来超度灵性的,也可以用来超度过世的人。人有两种病,一种是肉体病,另一种是灵性病,灵性病是医生看不好的。灵性就是俗称的“鬼”,在阳人身上通常是过世的亲人,打胎流产的孩子,关系好的朋友,或曾有过节的,或者房子里的鬼。灵性在人身上时间长了,人会生肉体病,发脾气,背运,生意,学习不好。(3)小房子在灵界相当于金钱和能量,(往生咒在下面是非常值钱的,心经要比往生咒功效大得多)小房子是用这套组合经文来求观世音菩萨超度灵性,所以灵验.小房子超度法真的是大慈大悲救苦救难观世音菩萨给我们的很灵验的法宝。灵性(我们的冤亲债主)拿到小房子,可以得到超拔,我们还了债,冤亲债主就不会再纠缠我们,让我们生病、痛苦、不顺利。小房子和其他材料可以免费在您附近获得任意观音堂。***其它电子书(普通话及英语)*** -***有用的网站链接(有梦的解释)*** - ***其他渠道***- 注:一切书籍与资料皆是免费结缘-心灵法门共修会地址:
Cantonese Buddhist Songs 粵語佛曲 1.15
Digital Buddha Apps
Let's chant together buddhist prayers in Cantonese !!!
Heart Sutra (心经 / 心經) 1.1.4
One of the most powerful mantra ofBodhisattva/ Avalokitesvara / Avalokiteswara (观音菩萨 / 观世音菩萨) inBuddhism orBuddhaHeart Sutra (心经 / 心經) are famous and used in• Journey to the west - Tripitaka (唐三藏)• buo ye buo lo mi - in movies• Ward off bad luck• Calms the soul• Namo Amithabha Buddha• Buddha Mantra• Ward off ghost (鬼)• Ghost Emergency• Ghost Protection (鬼怕的东西)• Stay safe during Hungry Ghost Festival (盂蘭/七月/鬼月/饿鬼节)• Learn the way of life behind the true meaning of HeartSutra• Listen to soothing mantra to keep calm• For Tranquility• Buddhism Prayer Chanting• Buddhist favorite chanting• Buddha song• As a relax song• To release stress song• Popular song among buddhist• Prayer song for Buddhism• Kuan Yin song• Jolstick prayer• and many moreX Heart Sutra is not the same as Kama sutra/kamasutraThis Application are used for:✔ Understanding Heart Sutra (心经)✔ Translation of Heart sutra in English (Heart Sutra English)✔ The Holy Bible Verse of BuddhismFeatures of Application:✔ Background Heart Sutra Chanting (Able to play even after theapphas exit)✔ Looping of Heart Sutra✔ Superb User Experience
助念機 1.5.0
「一念蓮華生命關懷」是「財團法人圓覺宗智敏·慧華金剛上師教育基金會」創始人 智敏金剛上師與 慧華金剛上師,延續諸佛與歷代祖師的度生悲願所發起。
真佛視頻 3.4
True Buddha Foundation
真佛宗官網True Buddha School Net (TBSN)在真佛宗接班人釋蓮寧上師的帶領下,秉承真佛宗創辦人聖尊蓮生活佛盧勝彥“不捨一個衆生,廣度一切有情”的宏大慈悲誓願,為方便真佛宗同門而研製開發了一系列真佛宗官方APP。【真佛視頻APP】内容豐富,分類齊全,畫面清晰,為廣大用戶提供真佛宗根本上師蓮生活佛盧勝彥幾十年弘法生涯中的全部弘法記錄,包括寶貴的開示、真佛密法的傳授、講經論道,佛法教育,慈善、寫作繪畫、旅游、生活點滴,網絡直播,以及真佛宗分堂的各類新聞、活動等等。【真佛視頻APP】以最先進、快捷、方便的形式,為全球各種語言的用戶提供即時視頻影像,打破了時間、空間和語言的限制,受到廣大用戶的高度評價!TBSN特此感謝所有用戶對TBSN服務的支持、應用和推廣!True BuddhaSchoolofficial website of the True Buddha School Net (TBSN) TrueBuddhaSchool under the successor release Lin Ning teacher, led byHisHoliness uphold the True Buddha School founder Lu Sheng LinlivingBuddha "a sad beings, all sentient breadth" grand mercy vows,forthe convenience of the door with the True Buddha Schoolanddeveloped a series of True Buddha School official APP. [APP]TrueBuddha video content rich, classification is complete,clearpicture quality, provide customers with True Buddha Schoollotusroot guru living Buddha Lu Sheng decades preaching careerpreachingall records, including valuable discovery, the True BuddhaTantrateaching, preaching on the road, Buddhist education,charity,writing, painting, travel, life bit by bit, webcast, aswell asTrue Buddha School Branch Church of all kinds of news,events andso on. [APP] True Buddha video with the most advanced,efficientand convenient form, provide users with a variety oflanguages​​worldwide live video image, breaking the limitations oftime,space and language, by the majority of users spoke highly of!TBSNhereby thanks for the support, application and promotion ofallusers TBSN service!
功德人生-佛經佛音佛教佛學 1.0.6
誦讀佛經,聆聽佛音,功德無量,感恩人生。佛經爲佛陀所說,由佛陀的親隨大弟子錄成文字,並由極具文學修養的大德高僧們經反複推敲,逐字逐句翻譯而成。佛教音樂又稱“梵呗”,是佛教精髓所在,佛音大多是輕柔舒緩的音樂,經常聽佛音能驅除心中不必要的煩惱,淨化人的心靈,陶冶人的情操,使人心靈得到安甯,找到歸屬感。佛音包括:大悲咒、般若波羅蜜多心經,往生咒、觀音大士贊、佛說阿彌陀經等等禮佛功能模塊:分爲佛堂和許願兩大塊。【佛堂】:可以聽佛音,誦佛經,請佛到家,在線供佛,供奉方式分別是燃香、鮮花、水果。通過供奉方式積累功德值,從而達到修行的效果。【許願】:可以祈福許願,保佑父母健康長壽,保佑兒女一帆風順保佑親朋好友平安喜樂。【圈子】:可以通過圈子發表自己的佛學上的心得,可以相互交流佛法心得,學習佛教修行方式,解決生活中的煩惱,使人心靈得到升華。【坐禅】:每天在線坐禅,參悟佛智慧,通過修行,增加功德,從而淨化心靈,回歸初心,尋找心中的安甯和喜樂。【聊天】:可能通過搜索或者關注,和自己喜歡的佛學修養好的大師,進行一對一的心靈溝通。RecitingBuddhistscriptures, listen to The Buddha, boundless, Thanksgivinglife.Sutra says the Buddha, the Buddha's personal attendantsdisciplerecorded into text by the great literary accomplishmentmonks monkswho after repeated scrutiny, word for word translationis made.Buddhist music called "chanting", is the essence ofBuddhism,Buddha tone is mostly gentle soothing music, often listento TheBuddha mind to ward off unnecessary trouble, purify the humanmind,cultivate people's sentiments, people mind givin ' find asense ofbelonging.The Buddha includes: Compassion, Heart Sutra, reborncurse,Guanyin praise, Buddha Amitabha Sutra etc.Buddha functional modules: the temple is divided into twoblocksand make a wish.[Temple]: You can listen to The Buddha, Buddhist chanting,pleaseBuddha home, online Buddha, dedicated manner are burningincense,flowers, fruit. Accumulate merit value by way of worship,so as toachieve the effect of practice.[Wishing]: Wishing can pray, bless the parents healthandlongevity, smooth bless bless the children of friends andfamilypeace and joy.[Circle]: You can leave your own review on Buddhism bycircles,can communicate with each other Dharma experiences,learningBuddhist practice way to solve the troubles of life, peopleheartand soul.[Meditation]: Every day online meditation, studyandunderstanding of Buddhist wisdom, through practice,meritincreases, thereby purifying the mind, the early return oftheheart to find the peace and joy of heart.[Chat]: possible by searching or concern, and they likegoodaccomplishment Buddhist masters, one on one soulcommunication.
Christian Music, Worship songs 4.0.1
Best Christian Music and Worship songs. Also check the bibleandlatest news.
Singing Bowls : Meditative Music 13.0
Selfhealing MediApps
Tibetan singing bowls chakra meditation music with relaxationcandlefor chakras stimulation and balancing. this applicationstimulateyour chakras aura by special music and color therapyeffects foreach chakra . you can meditate with closed eye orwatching themeditation candle. This application uses not justsound therapyeffects for each chakra but also visual effects ofcolor therapy ,for more powerful and effective meditation process.The Applicationincludes 7 high quality melodies and beautifulanimations formeditation. color healing therapy and mantras forbody and mindhealing and relaxation. The melodies and colorhealing animationsare for the following Chakras: Muladhara - Theroot chakrameditation melody + Seed mantra + Singing Bowl.Swadhisthana -sacral chakra meditation tune + Seed mantra +Singing Bowl. Manipura- solar plexus chakra meditation music +Seed mantra + Singing Bowl.Anahata - heart chakra meditationmelody + Seed mantra + SingingBowl. Vishuddha - throat chakramusic + Seed mantra + Singing Bowl.Anja - third eye chakra music +Seed mantra + Singing Bowl.Sahasrara - the crown chakra meditation+ Seed mantra + SingingBowl. THIS VERSION INCLUDES THREEMEDITATION MODES : 1) SINGINGBOWLS CLEAN SOUNS. 2) TIBETAN MONKSCHANTING 3) SEED MANTRAS , BIJAMANTRAS
Buddhism Avalokitesvara Free 1.0
Buddhism Avalokitesvara song player.The new graphics engine provides smooth and incredibleanimationeffects.Support background play (menu control "stop / play").