Top 21 Games Similar to Taxi Monterrico Clientes

Taxi Monterrico Asociado
-Taxi Monterrico-
Taxi Monterrico le brinda esta aplicaciónparasmartphone de fácil uso que te ayudará a conseguir pasajerosmásseguros ya que los contactamos principalmente conclientescorporativos, donde por lo general en el sistematenemosalmacenados la dirección de domicilio de los Usuarios, ladirecciónde su trabajo, ademas de su correo electrónico y teléfonosdelusuario y familiares. Realmente Taxi Monterrico es seguridadparati y tu Vehículo.Los servicios les llegará en su aplicación de Taxi Monterrico quehadescargado, con un sonido particular donde basta con hacer unclicpara visualizar los datos del Usuario con todos los detallesdelservicio.Taxi Monterrico es un sistema que conecta al Usuario demaneradirecta con el asociado quien es dueño absoluto delservicio.Taxi Monterrico le brinda el uso del aplicativo muy seguro, pueslosUsuarios se registran necesariamente antes de hacer el primerpedidode servicio.Taxi Monterrico solamente cobra un pequeño porcentaje para elpagode la administración de los especialistas en la operación quehacenque la operación sea mas funcional. Toda responsabilidad correporcuenta del asociado y no tiene ningún vinculo laboral conTaxiMonterrico.Para formar parte del staff de Asociados de Taxi Monterrico,ustedsólo necesita:- Tener un smartphone con sistema operativo Android ,- GPS integrado y un plan de internet de más de 800 MB.- DNI- Licencia de conducir- Tarjeta de propiedad del auto- SOAT- Seguro Vehicular contra todo riesgo.Taxi Monterricothisapplication provides user friendly smartphone that will helpyouget safer passengers since we contacted primarily withcorporateclients, which usually stored in the system have the homeaddressof the users, the direction of their work in addition to itse-mailand phone user and family. Taxi Monterrico is really safe foryouand your vehicle.The services they arrive in your application that youdownloadedTaxi Monterrico, with a particular sound where just aclick todisplay the data of the user with all the details ofservice.Taxi Monterrico is a system that connects the user directly withthepartner who is sole owner of the service.Taxi Monterrico provides the use of very safe application, asusersnecessarily recorded before making the first requestforservice.Taxi Monterrico only charges a small percentage for paymentofmanagement specialists in the operation to make the operationmorefunctional. All responsibility rests with the partner and hasnoemployment relationship with Taxi Monterrico.To join the staff of Monterrico Taxi Partners, you only need:- Having a smartphone with Android operating system,- GPS and Internet plan more than 800 MB.- DNI- Driver's license- Card-owned auto- SOAT- Vehicle Insurance against all risks.
GoCab Conductor 4.0.39
Aplicativo conductorapplicative driver
Go Cab LLC. 2.10.2
Dashride, Inc.
Going your way! Use Go Cab to get anaffordabletaxi in minutes. Instead of calling a cab, just requesta taxi withthe tap of a button, and get picked up by the nearestprofessionaldriver who will take you to where ever you want orneed to be. Enjoya memorable ride and easy to use app today.
GoCatch: Taxi & Rideshare
EXPERIENCE THE AUSTRALIAN DIFFERENCEHassle-free. Hail-free. Get the nearest taxi or rideshare intwotaps. Order a car, track your driver in real-time and pay,allin-app! Taxis available in all major Australian cities:Sydney,Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Adelaide, and more.Ridesharewith clear pricing and NO SURGE surprises now available inSydney,Brisbane and Melbourne!GOCATCH TAXI FEATURES:• Pay in-app: no need for cash or coins, pay in-app & receiveaninstant email invoice• Live trip: track your driver & see your taxi approach onthemap• Real-time tracking: our GPS technology lets you see nearbytaxis& rideshare vehicles in real-time• Great support: call your driver directly for updates• Instant feedback: rate your driverRIDESHARE FEATURES:• No surge pricing. Ever.• Fare estimates to prevent fare shocks• Simple to use• Safe & secure• Includes all the features of GoCatch TaxiFollow us on Twitter - @GoCatchAppLike us on Facebook - DRIVERS:To make the GoCatch experience even better for you, we’veseparatedthe driver & passenger functions. Download the NEWGoCatchDriver app to get faster app launch times & convenientturn byturn navigation. Simply search for “GoCatch Driver” app intheGoogle Play Store.Reviews & Feedback: Unfortunately, we’re not able toanswerreviews here in the Google Play Store, if you need help or ifyouhave suggestions, email us at We would lovetohear from you.Continued use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life.
TaxiCamel Pasajero 1.3
Taxi Camel
Olvida las tarifas dinámicas y pagatarifasplanas y fijas.Tu comodidad no tiene precio. Si estas esperando taxiscontarifas bajas y nunca llegan, o llegan con mal humor ...Pagalojusto y disfruta de un buen servicio con todo lo que tenemosparati, pide tu taxi confiable sin esperar y obtendrás descuentosporser pasajero frecuente.Mas informaciónSi estás cansado de tarifas dinámicas, un mal servicio,osimplemente no quieren ir a tu destino, llegó TaxiCamel,laaplicación más renovada y completa para pedir un servicio enformafácil y rápida, con nosotros cambiarás la forma de pedir taxi,contarifas fijas y justas.No importa la hora, escoge tu conductor, el tipo deservicio,puedes seleccionarlo como favoritos y no deseados, guardartusrutas favoritas, compartir tu viaje, usar botón de pánico yobtenerdescuentos y promociones por ser pasajeros fieles. Usando elbotónde desvió puedes compartir tu viaje con tus conocidos, y asíteneruna mejor tarifa para todos.Esperamos que disfrutes tu viaje con nosotros y bienvenido alafamilia de TaxiCamel.Forget dynamic andpaysflat rates and fixed rates.Your comfort is priceless. If you are waiting taxis withlowfares and never arrive, or arrive with a bad mood ... Pay rightandgood service enjoy everything we have for you, ask yourreliabletaxi without waiting and get discounts for beingfrequentflyer.More informationIf you are tired of dynamic tariffs, poor service, or simplydonot want to go to your destination, came TaxiCamel, themorerefreshed and full to order a service quickly andeasilyapplication us will change the way of asking taxi, with ratesfixedand fair.No matter the time, pick your driver, type of service, youcanselect as favorites and unwanted, save your favorite routes,shareyour trip, use panic button and get discounts and promotionsto befaithful passengers. Using deflected button you can share yourtripwith your acquaintances, and get a better rate foreveryone.We hope you enjoy your trip with us and welcome to the familyofTaxiCamel.
Clever Taxi
Best taxi app for calling a cab tomultiplecompanies available in 20 major cities from Romania. Nomoresearching for taxi numbers! With Clever Taxi you have all thetaxidrivers available from cities like Bucharest, Cluj,Timisoara,Constanta, Brasov, Sibiu, Oradea, Targu Mures, Iasi,Galati,Ploiesti, Craiova.Clever Taxi is the first free taxi app launched in Romania withmorethan 300,000 active users and it has the largest number oftaxidrivers available.Awards:1st prize Mobifest 2015, BucharestMost innovating app - Bronze Prize, Mobilio 2013,Bucharest,RomaniaBest taxi application - Second Prize, Mobile AwardsRomania,Bucharest, RomaniaFeatures:-> Order simultaneously from more taxi companies-> Pay the trip by card or SMS-> Chat with your taxi driver-> Track the location of your driver on the map-> See the ratings of your driverAdvantages:Safety - We carefully check each of our partners and work onlywithreliable drivers. We use an in app rating system in ordertoimprove your experience.Free- CleverTaxi is a free app. You will just need to pay thetaxitrip with no additional costsAvailability. CleverTaxi`s non stop support line which isdedicatedto our users: 0758.555.500 or
Táxi 10 7.2
Taxi Machine
Este aplicativo foi desenhado para quembuscaum serviço de táxi presente no próprio bairro e que garantaquevocê e sua família serão atendidos por um taxista conhecidocomsegurança.Aqui você tem linha direta para solucionar seus problemas, bastanosligar!Nosso aplicativo permite que você chame um de nossos táxiseacompanhe o deslocamento do carro no mapa, sendo avisado quandoeleestiver na sua porta.Você ainda consegue ver todos os táxis perto da sua localizaçãocoma informação de ocupado ou livre, dando ao nosso cliente umavisãocompleta da nossa rede de serviço.A cobrança funciona como a chamada de um taxi normal, ou seja,sóinicia a contagem quando você entra no carro.Aqui você não é mais um cliente em muitos, aqui você é o clientedonosso bairro.Palavras-chave: Táxi 10, taxi10, Curitiba, taxi,app,aplicativoThis applicationisdesigned for those seeking a Gift taxi service in theirownneighborhood and to ensure that you and your family will be metbya taxi driver known with certainty.Here you have a direct line to solve your problems, justcallus!Our app allows you to call one of our taxis and track thecar'sdisplacement map, to be notified when it is on yourdoorstep. You can also see all taxis near your location with busyinformationor free, giving our customers a complete view of ourservicenetwork.The collection serves as the call of a normal taxi, or onlystartscounting when you enter the car.Here you are not a customer in many, here you are the customerofour neighborhood.Keywords: Taxi 10, taxi10, Curitiba, taxi, app, application
Taxis Libres App - Viajeros 5.32.3
Cotech S.A.
Application for taxi trips, fast, efficient and safe service
Taxis Costa Rica 1.2
User One Studio
Phone Directory Taxi companies in CostaRica,this application has the number of companies acrossthecountry.
Meridian Taxi 7.9
Meridian Taxi
The most popular TAXI APP in Bucharest
Voy en Taxi – App Taxi Uruguay 2.1
Voy en Taxi
Taxi is going in the Uruguayan app to request free, quick andverysafe taxi.
iTaxi - the taxi app 5.18.1
iTaxi is the easy way to order taxis in Poland. Download anapp& travel safely!
Vá de Táxi - Passenger 11.4.4
Vá de Táxi Tecnologia
The best taxi app in Brazil that offers you more comfortandsecurity
TaxiCaller 21.4.0
Book your local taxi companies in two taps with theTaxiCallerPassenger app!
Fly Taxi 的士 - HK book Taxi App 138
SS Ventures
Best Booking App in Hong Kong 香港最受歡迎Call的士taxi app手機call的士!
iTaxi Center 3.80.01
Taxi in Chisinau (Moldova),Odessa(Ucraine).Recent modifications:- Notifications about your order status are added into theautosearch form.- The searching panel was redisigned - now regardless ofthelanguage the text was introduced, the result is displayedaccordingto the current language ot the application.- New registration method, no emails. Just enter yourtelephonenumber and press "Enter". The system will register andsend you thepassword via SMS.- New and lite design.- Auto search mode. Now your order will be received immediatelybydefault to all the taxi stations and all taxi drivers.- Contractor and tickets support was added. Attention - autosearchdoesn't work in case the contractor or ticket is indicated,becauseeach taxi service has different tickets andcontractors.- Selected addresses.- Order history.- Favorite taxi service option. If you want to search for ataxionly for a particular taxi service - now you canindicatethis.
ComfortDelGro Taxi Booking App
The ComfortDelGro Taxi Booking Applicationisthe ideal taxi booking application for individuals on the go.Thisuser-friendly application offers convenience by allowing userstopre-set their favourite locations and journeys for theirtaxibookings. It even allows users to book a taxi at theircurrentlocation, determined by their phones’ GPS.What’s more? The users can also access and book from a list of10completed trips for ease of convenience. eReceipt can alsobeeasily viewed and emailed for each of the completed trips.Why wait? Download the application now!Functionalities AvailableNew Booking- Booking of current and advance jobs are available.- Automatically detect current location using GPS aspick-upaddress.- Add notes to driver.Favourites- Location: Preset and retrieve favourite locationsforbooking.- Journey: Preset and retrieve your favourite journeys withtripdetails (pick-up and destination addresses) for booking.Booking Status- In-app push notification for all taxi bookings.- Location tracking for confirmed taxi booking (immediatetrackingavailable for current bookings and tracking available 10minsbefore pickup time for advance bookings).- Check taxi status or cancel taxi bookings regardless ofthechannels.For example, user may book a taxi using SMS channel andsubsequentlycheck the status of the booking using thisbookingapplication.- Suggested journey route.- Estimated taxi fare.- Share trip details.History & eReceipt- A list of 10 completed bookings for the past 30 days isavailablefor reference.- Rebook from your previous trips.- eReceipt available for each completed trip.Rate Driver- In-app push notification to rate our driver after eachcompletedtrip.Survey & Feedback- Share your taxi experience with us via the survey andfeedbackfeature.News & Announcements- Be updated with the latest News & AnnouncementsfromComfortDelGro Taxis.System RequirementsComfortDelGro Taxi Booking application runs on Android 4.0andabove.Features of this application may vary according todifferentversions of operating system and the phone models.About ComfortDelGroComfortDelGro is one of largest land transport companies intheworld with a global workforce, a global shareholder base andaglobal outlook. ComfortDelGro’s businesses include bus, taxi,rail,car rental & leasing, automotiveengineeringservices, inspection and testing services, drivingcentres,insurance broking services, outdoor advertising and cardealership.Headquartered in Singapore, the Group also hasoperations in China,the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Vietnamand Malaysia. InSingapore, it operates a fleet size of close to17,000 taxis.
Táxi Pontual Passageiro 2.2.60
Táxi Pontual
Ask up to 40% off. Pay by debit, credit or cash.
Taxi Berlin (030) 202020 12.5.5845
Taxi Berlin TZB GmbH
Book your taxi by app. Our 6.500 taxis are available 24/7 for you.
Liftago 3.36.0
Liftago, a.s.
Top rated ride-hailing app in the world.
it Taxi
APP “it Taxi”IL MODO PIU’ RAPIDO PER CHIAMARE IL TUO TAXI NELLEPRINCIPALICITTÀ ITALIANE!Hai bisogno di richiedere un taxi e non conosci ilnumerotelefonico per farlo?Con “it Taxi”, la App di URI (Unione Radiotaxi Italiani)puoirichiedere, o prenotare, un taxi in modo veloce e ovunquetusia.In pochi e semplici passaggi “it Taxi” individua la tua posizioneeinvia la richiesta direttamente alla centrale.Con una notifica ti verranno inviati la sigla della vettura eiltempo di arrivo!Come si fa?Dopo aver effettuato la registrazione puoi richiedere un taxiintotale comodità, senza preoccuparti di sapere l'indirizzo esattoacui ti trovi.Grazie alla Geolocalizzazione il sistema rileva la tuaposizioneautomaticamente: se confermi l'indirizzo ed il civicoindicati nelriepilogo, la tua richiesta verrà immediatamenteinviata allaCentrale Radiotaxi competenete territorialmente.Hai bisongo di un taxi presso uno specifico puntodiinteresse?Utilizza Google Places e indica l'indirizzo a cui desideriessereprelevato da uno dei nostri taxi!Ti invieremo immediatamente una notifica con la sigla del taxi ediltempo di arrivo!“it Taxi” ti offre, inoltre, una serie di servizi avanzatiperrendere sempre più semplici i tuoi spostamenti.- puoi annullare la richiesta o la prenotazione se i tuoiprogrammicambiano;- puoi memorizzare gli indirizzi nella sezione “preferiti”pertrovarli più facilmente nel caso debba utilizzarli dinuovo;- puoi consultare in tempo reale lo stato della richiesta;- puoi visualizzare la posizione del taxi in arrivodirettamentesulla mappa;- puoi comodamente pagare la corsa con il tuo Account PayPalericeverai in automatico la ricevuta al tuo indirizzodiposta.- puoi cancellare lo storico dei tuoi viaggiSei un cliente Business convenzionato con uno deiRadiotaxiURI?Cosa aspetti, it Taxi è la App che fa per te e che ti consentedipagare la corsa addebitando il costo della corsa sull'Accountdellatua azienda.Con it Taxi hai sempre sotto controllo il tuo profilo Businessepotrai verificare in tempo reale plafond residuo ecorserimanenti.Alla fine della corsa esprimi un giudizio sulla qualità delservizioofferto, ci aiuterai a migliorarlo ulteriormente!Sei rimasto deluso da uno dei nostri taxi o tassisti? Indicaloafine corsa e provvederemo a non inviarti più quel veicolo.Quali sono i vantaggi di “it Taxi”?La prima e unica App in Italia per una mobilità veloce e sempreaportata di mano sia per i clienti Privati che per i clientiBusinessche godono di una convenzione sottoscritta con uno deiRadiotaxi URIconsorziati.“it Taxi” rappresenta un unico punto di riferimento perlarichiesta taxi in ogni parte di Italia.Le principali città servite da “it Taxi”sono:Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Catania,Cervia,Ferrara, Firenze, Fiumicino, Forlì, L’Aquila, Merano,Milano,Modena e Capri, Monza, Napoli, Palermo, Parma, Perugia,Pescara,Ravenna, Riccione, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Roma, RonchideiLegionari, Taranto, Torino, Trento, Trieste, Udine,ValVibrata.“it Taxi” è disponibile anche in moltissime altrelocalitàminori!Quanto costa utilizzare "it Taxi"?Il download e l’utilizzo sono totalmente gratuiti, e letariffedelle corse non subiscono alcuna variazione.APP "en Taxi"THE MOST 'QUICK TO CALL YOUR TAXI IN MAJOR CITIES ITALIAN!You need to take a taxi and you do not know the phone numberforit?By "it Taxi", the app URI (Unione Italian radio taxi) youcanrequest, or to book a taxi quickly and wherever you are.In a few simple steps "it Taxi" identifies your position andsendthe request directly to the panel.With a notification will be sent to the initials of the car andthetime of arrival!How you doing?After you have registered you can request a taxi in totalcomfortwithout worrying to know the exact address to where youare.Thanks to the geolocation system detects yourlocationautomatically: If you confirm the address and streetnumberindicated in the summary, your request will be sent to theCentralRadiotaxi competenete territorially.You bisongo a taxi at a specific point of interest?Use Google Places and indicates the address to which you wish tobepicked up by one of our taxi!We will immediately send a notification with the initials ofthetaxi and the time of arrival!"It Taxi" offers also a number of advanced services to makeyourtravel more and more simple.- You can cancel the request or reservation if yourplanschange;- You can store the addresses in the "favorites" to find themmoreeasily in case you need to use them again;- You can see in real time the status of the request;- You can see the location of the taxi arriving directly onthemap;- You can comfortably pay the fare with your PayPal Account andwillautomatically receive a receipt to your email address.- You can delete the history of your travelAre you a customer business agreement with one ofRadiotaxiURI?What are you waiting Taxi it is the App for you and allowing youtopay the fare and charge the cost of running the Account ofyourcompany.By Taxi it've always control your business profile and you cancheckin real time the ceiling and ran the remaining residue.At the end of the race you make a judgment on the quality oftheservice offered, and help us to improve it further!Are you disappointed by one of our taxi or taxi drivers?Pleaseindicate at the end of the race and we will not send you morethatvehicle.What are the advantages of "en Taxi"?The first and only App in Italy for a mobility fast and alwaysonhand for both private customers and for business customers thathavesigned an agreement with a consortium of radio taxi URI."Taxi it" represents a single point of reference for thetaxirequest in every part of Italy.The main cities served by "it Taxi" are:Bari, Bergamo, Bologna, Bolzano, Brescia, Catania,Cervia,Ferrara, Florence, Fiumicino, Forlì, L'Aquila, Merano,Milan,Modena and Capri, Monza, Naples, Palermo, Parma, Perugia,Pescara,Ravenna, Riccione, Reggio Emilia, Rimini, Rome, Ronchi oftheLegionaries, Taranto, Turin, Trento, Trieste, Udine,ValVibrata."It Taxi" is also available in many other smaller towns!How much to use "en Taxi"?The download and use are totally free, and the rates of theracesdo not undergo any change.