Top 15 Apps Similar to Tes Dan Usia Kehamilanmu

Free Pregnancy Test - Guide 1.0
Candy Smile Studio
Free Pregnancy Test App - Step by step howtoPregnancy Test FREE at home it easy & fast. There aremanydifferent places a woman can turn to, in order to receive afreepregnancy test. Some of these locations spend lots ofmoneyannually by paying for advertisements that state they offer“free”pregnancy tests, while others quietly wait for a referralfromsomeone or somewhere that knows of their service.There are two ways to take a pregnancy test. At home via akitpurchased in a store or through a clinic or hospital. Theinternetprovides “free” pregnancy tests, however they areactually“probability” tests and hold no true accuracy percentage.We’lltalk more about the internet tests later.Our online "free pregnancy test" uses its "computer brain" tothrowall the parts of the equation which you provide it (such asthedate of your last period, the length of each period, when youthinkyou may have conceived, what kind of pregnancy symptoms youmightbe experiencing, and what kind of contraception you wereusing) toguessimate the likelihood of whether you really arepregnant ornot.### Feature - Free Pregnancy Test App ###- Easy use- Free Pregnancy Test Online at home- Pregnancy Test Infographics- Support Mobile and Tablet
Senam Ibu Hamil 1.0
Free Gymnastics for Pregnant Women
Pregnancy Guide 1.27
Arvira Dev
Tips & Complete Guide Pregnancy & Breastfeeding, BabyName,Yoga, Weight Calc
Music for Pregnancy Relaxation 1.4
Ultimate Mobile
Music for Pregnancy is a hand-picked collection of tracksforpregnant women.
Masa Subur & Kehamilan Sehat 2.00
dr. Adi Sp.OG
Ovulation Calculator, Calendar pregnancy, ultrasound 3D development
Gerakan Senam Ibu Hamil 2.0
Kegiatan ringan namun tidak terlalu berat memang sangat diperlukanbagi ibu yang sedang hamil apalagi saat menjelangpersalinan, halini di percaya akan bisa memperlancar prosepersalinan. Namun tidaksemua gerakan-gerakan bisa dilakukan olehibu hamil, maka dari itudiaplikasi ini ada beberapa macam gerakanyang ssanga cocokdilakukan oleh ibu hamil.
Pregnancy Ultra Sound Prank 1.1
Smart New Free Apps
Are you looking for Pregnancy UltraSoundPrank? Trick your friends by this ultrasound scanner app byshowingthem that your phone has ultrasound scanning capability.This is acomplete fun gag free ultrasound app which will shock yourfriendsfor sure, the main thing is that you can trick yourgirlfriend thatshe is pregnant by showing her that your phone cando pregnancytest and you have ultrasound scanner installed in yourphone , doultrasound scanning in quick steps and show her that shegot apregnant ultrasound report!!Don’t show these ultrasound pranks in public you friends mightgetembarrassed. Let the fun begin with this ultrasound pregnancytest.count one more in your ultrasound app list with awesomepregnantscanner. Make an ultrasound with your mobile phone andwatch thebaby of your pregnant girlfriend! There is this app isjust a funapp, because it is technically not possible to ultrasoundwith aSmartphone.To use this just hold it to above their abdomen and movethisultrasound app over it and show them their kidneyultrasound,abdomen ultrasound etc , the main thing is that you cantrick yourgirlfriend that she is pregnant by showing her that yourphone cando pregnancy test and you have ultrasound scannerinstalled in yourphone , do ultrasound scanning in quick steps andshow her that shegot a pregnant ultrasound report !! Make anultrasound with yourmobile phone and watch the baby of yourpregnant girlfriend! Thereis this app is just a fun app, because itis technically notpossible to ultrasound with a Smartphone. Butthis didn’t know yourfriends, so you can trick them with this freeapp.How to use- Start the ultrasound app.- Select image for ultrasound result test or forultrasoundpranks.- Here comes the desired ultrasound scan test result.Disclaimer: This app is for fun and pranks only no Smartphonecando real ultrasound so please use this ultrasound app for funandprank only , no ultrasound scan image is real in this app!!
Tanda Tanda Kehamilan 1.0
Dibawah ini beberapa tanda -tandakehamilan:Payudara bengkak dan lembutPerubahan bentuk tubuhSuka buang air kecilMudah lelahMual (morning sickness)Terlambat haidPerubahan moodMunculnya bercak darah atau flekKram perutPusing dan sakit kepalaSembelitSering meludahNaiknya temperatur basal tubuhSakit punggungNgidam atau menolak makananSensitif pada bauGejala PMSPositif test kehamilanAda janin yang berkembang dalam rahim andaBelow are a fewsigns-signs of pregnancy:Breasts swollen and tenderChanges in body shapeLike urinationtirednessNausea (morning sickness)missed periodmood changesThe emergence of blood spots or spotsabdominal crampsDizziness and headachesConstipationFrequent spittingThe rise in basal body temperatureBack painOr refusing food cravingsSensitive to the smellsymptoms of PMSPositive pregnancy testThere is a growing fetus in your womb
Bahaya Merokok Saat Hamil 1.0
ridwan media
Smoking during pregnancy is very harmful to the fetus andthemother's health
Pregnancy Test Checker Prank 1.02
Pregnancy Test Checker pranksurprisingapplication that tells you the sum you are pregnant,using yourfinger on your smartphone.You have the unique opportunityto trapyour allies for them to show the rate of pregnancy.scan yourfingerand get pregnancy results . a fun way to deal with givechuckles tofriends and family. Put a finger on the screen andappreciate!Magnificent to play around with your sidekicks! Thisexceptionalimprint Pregnancy test will simply figure your fakepregnancyresults. This pregnancy test scanner application is madein such aroute, to the point that people would be unverifiablewhether it'sa trap application or certified. This application willgive you thegoing with information:• whether you are pregnant or not,• in case you are pregnant then to what extent pregnant,• whether you will be having a child or a young woman, twinchild,twin young women or both.Value this fun application, spread happiness and havefascinatingminutes with your friends and family. Keep everyonebright.How to USE:- Place your finger gently in the novel finger impressionsiftingpad and sit tight for examination.- Your Fake pregnancy results would be showed up after tally.Note: This application is prank, expected for delight purposesjust,and is not got ready for restorativ
Musik klasik ibu hamil 1.0
Iraj project
Itulah beberapa pengertian ibuhamildariberbagai ahli dan sumber yang dapat anda ketahui.Semoga pengertian tersebut memberikan pengetahuan baru bagiandayangbelum mengetahui.Terimakasih selamat mencobaThat is somesenseofpregnant women from a variety of experts and sources thatyoucanknow.Hopefully these terms provide new knowledge for those of youwhodonot know.Thank you good luck
Menjaga Janin Saat Hamil Muda 1.0
ridwan media
Memiliki buah hati yang sehat dan aktif adalah impian semuamama.Saat hamil, Anda perlu melakukan upaya ekstra untukmenjagakesehatan. Sebab pada banyak kasus, penyakit yang dideritacalonmama mempengaruhi kondisi janin yang dikandungnya. Sediniapakomplikasi kehamilan dapat dideteksi? “Tergantungjeniskomplikasinya. Untuk blighted ovum misalnya, sudah dapatdideteksipada usiakehamilan 8 minggu. Jaga kebersihan diri,terutama didaerah vagina agar tidak terjadi keputihan. Selama inikeputihansering kali diabaikan. Padahal, keputihan dapat berlanjutpadainfeksi yang nantinya dapat menular kepada janin yangdikandung.“Maka kalau ada keputihan, sebaiknya cepat diobati. Cekprahamil.Sebelum hamil, usahakan untuk melakukan cek kesehatansepertiTORCH, gula darah, dan sebagainya. Hal ini untukmendeteksipenyakit atau kelainan yang mungkin diderita calon mamayangberisiko ditularkan kepada janinnya. Terapkan pola hidupsehat.Usahakan untuk mengatur pola makan dengan baik. Cukupinutrisi yangdibutuhkan oleh tubuh dan rutinlah berolahraga. Cekrutin saathamil. Jika sudah diketahui hamil, sedari awalperiksakankehamilanke dokter secara rutin sesuai jadwal. “ jangan‘belanja’ dokter”.Sering terjadi calon mama berpindah-pindah darisatu dokter kedokter yang lain. “Gunakan satu dokter saja. Jika‘belanja’ dokter,medical record tersebar. Dokter akhirnya tidakbisa tahu riwayatkehamilan pasien. Kesehatan ibu hamil MenjagaJanin Sehat SaatHamil Muda Menjaga Kehamilan
Asisten Kehamilan 4.0
Produk Indonesia
mengontrol dan membantu anda yangmenjalanipromil (program hamil) yang dikemas praktis menjadisatudengan berbagai macam metode untuk membuktikan keakuratanya danyangcocok anda gunakan.cek masa subur berguna untuk memantau masa subur ataumasapembuahan anda dengan tepat dan terkontrol sehingga andasemakinbesar berpotensi untuk cepat memiliki anakkalender ovulasi berguna untuk memantau masa ovulasi darisiklusmenstruasi anda. sehingga anda dapat dengan mudah melakukankontrolatau program obat untuk membantu promil andamasa subur wanita meberikan hasil yang sangat baikdalammenentukan masa subur anda. baik untuk promil inseminasidansebaginyadikala anda sudah berhasil dalam promil anda kami meberikanpulauntuk memprediksikan jenis kelamin andaanda dapat memprediksikan jenis kelamin anak anda denganmengisidata yang diperlukan. maka anda akan dibantu oleh ketigametodeperhitungan yang baiktanggal kelahiran bayi berguna untuk mengetahuiperkiraankelahiran anda saat hamil. sehingga anda dapat menerapkanwacanadan bersiap siaga demi keselamatan anda ataupun buah hatiandates kehamilan ini berguna untuk memantau kejadian atauperubahanhormon dalam tubuh anda. anda akan disuguhkan beberapapertanyaan.dan akan dianalisa untuk memperkirakan faktor persentasekehamilanandajika anda mempunyai cita cita akan prestasi anak.kamipunmembantuanda memprediksikan tinggi anak. sehingga anda dapatmemantau secaraberkala dan terarah untuk anak anda❖ tips cepat hamil❖ mainan ibu hamil❖ kalender hamil❖ panduan ibu hamil lengkap❖ mainan ibu hamil melahirkan❖ orang nikah hamil❖ tes hamil❖ wanita hamil❖ permainan wanita hamil❖ masa subur wanita❖ masa subur calculator❖ kalender masa subur❖ kalender masa subur wanita❖ cek tanggal masa subur❖ kalender haid dan masa subur❖ siklus mens dan masa subur❖ hitung masa subur❖ kalkulator masa subur❖ kalender menghitung masa subur❖ kalender perhitungan masa subur❖ kelahiran anakcontrol and helpyouundergoing PROMIL (pregnant program) which practicallypackagedinto onewith a variety of methods to prove keakuratanya and from whichyouuse.check fertile period is useful for monitoring the fertileperiodor ovulation is you with your precise and controlled so thatthegreater the potential to quickly have a childovulation calendar is useful for monitoring the ovulation ofyourmenstrual cycle. so you can easily control or drug programs tohelpyou PROMILwoman's fertile period gave the excellent results indeterminingyour fertile period. good for PROMIL insemination andsebaginyadikala you are successful in your PROMIL we gave the welltopredict the sex of youryou can predict the sex of your child by filling out thenecessarydata. then you will be assisted by a good thirdcalculationmethoddate of birth is useful to know the approximate time ofyourbirth pregnant. so you can apply the discourse and to be readyforthe safety of you or your babypregnancy tests are useful for monitoring events or changesinhormones in your body. you will be presented withseveralquestions. and will be analyzed to estimate the percentageof yourpregnancy factorIf you have any future goals for achievement anak.kamipunhelpyou predict the child's height. so that you can monitor onaregular basis and targeted to your child❖ quick tips pregnant❖ toys pregnant women❖ pregnant calendar❖ complete guide pregnant women❖ toys pregnant women giving birth❖ the marriage pregnant❖ test pregnant❖ pregnant woman❖ game pregnant woman❖ woman's fertile period❖ fertile time calculator❖ calendar fertile period❖ calendar woman's fertile period❖ check the date of the fertile period❖ menstrual and fertility calendar❖ menstrual cycles and fertility❖ calculate the fertile period❖ calculator fertile period❖ calendar calculates fertile period❖ calendar calculations fertile period❖ birth
Pregnancy Test 1.1
You are pregnant , or youthinkyoumay be pregnant ? This app is here to help youout.Byanswering some simple and shortquiz-questionsthisapplication can give you a primary ideaabout yourcondition. All you need to do is give answers aboutyourcurrent situation.Leave the rest to the smart-app.
Tips Sehat Ibu Hamil 1.0
Kumpulan tips kesehatan untuk Ibu hamil:# Aneka makanan sehat untuk ibu hamil# Jenis-jenis makanan yang harus dihindari oleh ibu hamil# Tips perawatan gigi untuk ibu hamil# Cara mengatasi kaki bengkak pada ibu hamil# Gerakan senam ibu hamil# Bahaya rokok untuk ibu hamil# Mencegah bayi prematur# Tip memelihara hewan ketika hamilSet of healthtipsforpregnant women:# Assorted healthy foods for pregnant women# The types of foods that should be avoided by pregnant women# Tips dental care for pregnant women# How to cope with leg swelling in pregnant women# Gymnastic movements of pregnant women# Danger smoking for pregnant women# Preventing preterm infants# Tip raising animals when pregnant