Top 8 Apps Similar to Story Book : Meet Uwa!

Cerita Anak: Kancil dan Buaya
Educa Studio
RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif &GameEdukasi) hadir dengan kisah baru : RIRI - KANCIL DAN BUAYA.Dongengini sangat populer di masyarakat Indonesia. Dalam dongengkali ini,menceritakan tentang kecerdikan si Kancil yang berhasilmenipu parabuaya. Suatu hari, Kancil bermahsud untuk menyebrangisebuah sungaiyang begitu besar. Karena ia tak bisa berenang, iapunmencarisebuah ide. Saat ia melihat ada seekor buaya sedang tidur,ia punmenjalankan rencananya. Hmm.. apa ya rencana si Kancil?? Danapakahia berhasil menyebrangi sungai itu? Ikuti kisah selengkapnyayaa..Dongeng tentang Kancil dan Buaya ini sangat menarik lho.Sayangkalau dilewatkan!RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif) berusaha menghadirkan sebuahaplikasibuku cerita anak dan dongeng yang menarik dan interaktif.Dikemasmenggunakan bahasa yang ringan, sehingga mudah dimengertiolehanak-anak. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan animasi, suarasertamusik pendukung yang menjadikan lebih menarik.POINT KHUSUS-----------------------------------------1. Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis2. Buku Cerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri3. Animasi yang menarik4. Permainan edukasi yang mendidik (belajar warna,berhitung,puzzle, labirint, ketangkasan,)5. Musik dan Audio yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup6. Cocok untuk anak-anakAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi DongengAnak,Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, Asal Usul Daerah,CeritaDaerah. Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak :)Mengenai RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI merupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yangmengusungtema cerita-cerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia sertadongeng dariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng inidikemas secarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia.Buku ceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap seri disediakan permainanedukatifuntuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka, Berhitungdan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi yang suka berburu buku cerita anak ataupun buku dongeng,RIRImenjadi pilihan yang tepat. Downlaod sekarang juga, dantemukankeasyikan didalamnya.RIRI(Children'sInteractive Stories & Games Education) comes with anew story:RIRI - the hare AND VERA. This fairy tale is very popularinIndonesia society. In this fairy tale, tells the story ofthecunning hare who managed to deceive the crocodile. One day,thehare bermahsud to cross a river that is so great. Because hecouldnot swim, she began to look for an idea. When he saw there wasacrocodile was sleeping, he was running his plan. Hmm .. whatyaplan Kancil ?? And if he managed to cross the river? Followthefull story yaa .. Tales of the hare and the crocodile isveryinteresting you know. Unfortunately that is passed!RIRI (Interactive Children's Story) trying to present anapplicationand a children's story book tale interesting andinteractive.Packaged using mild language, so it is easilyunderstood bychildren. The application comes with animation, soundand musicsupporters who made more attractive.SPECIAL POINT-----------------------------------------1. Narrative Story Book with Automatic2. Story Books to Read Alone mode3. Animation interesting4. The game educates education (learning colors, counting,puzzle,labyrinth, agility)5. Music and Audio which makes the story come alive6. Suitable for childrenThese applications can be classified into the applicationTaleChildren, Children's Interactive Stories, Folklore, OriginsofRegional, Local Stories. It is suitable for children :)regarding RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI a series of interactive children's book on the themeoffolklore native of Indonesia and fables from around the world.Allthis folklore and fairy tales packaged in an interactive,servedwith the feel of a typical Indonesia. This children's bookcan beused by children who can not read through narration andanimationautomatically. For children who can read can use the ReadAlonemode. In addition to the Interactive Children's story books,eachseries provided educational games for children that educatelikeColors, Numbers, Numeracy and much more.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:support@educastudio.comFurther information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioFor those who like to hunt a children's book or a book offairytales, RIRI be the right choice. Downlaod now, and find thefun init.
Cerita Anak: Roro Jonggrang 5.1.0
Educa Studio
RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif &GameEdukasi) hadir dengan kisah baru : RIRI - RORO JONGGRANG.Ceritarakyat ini sangat populer dan disukai oleh anak-anak. Dalamceritakali ini, dikisahkan ada dua kerajaan yang saling berseteru.Suatuketika, Bandung Bondowoso dari kerajaan Pengging jatuh hatipadaRoro Jongrrang dari kerajaan Baka. Bandung Bondowosoberniatpenjadikan Roro Jonggrang sebagai istrinya. Karena taksanggupmenolak, Roro Jonggrang memberikan syarat yang sangat beratkepadaBandung Bondowoso dengan harapan Bandung Bondowoso tidaksanggupmemenuhinya. Namun, gara-gara syaratnya itulah, RoroJonggrangdikutuk menjadi patung oleh bandung Bondowoso. Apakahsyarat yangdiajukan oleh Roro Jonggrang? Dan apa penyebab RoroJonggrangdikutuk? Ikuti kisah lengkapnya dalam aplikasi ini yaaa..Ceritarakyat ini sangat menarik. Silakan download untuk buahhati,ajarkan nilai dan pesan moral yang terkandung didalamnya.RIRI (Cerita Anak Interaktif) berusaha menghadirkan sebuahaplikasibuku cerita anak dan dongeng yang menarik dan interaktif.Dikemasmenggunakan bahasa yang ringan, sehingga mudah dimengertiolehanak-anak. Aplikasi ini dilengkapi dengan animasi, suarasertamusik pendukung yang menjadikan lebih menarik.POINT KHUSUS-----------------------------------------1. Buku Cerita dengan Narasi Otomatis2. Buku Cerita dengan mode Baca Sendiri3. Animasi yang menarik4. Permainan edukasi yang mendidik (belajar warna,berhitung,puzzle, labirint, ketangkasan,)5. Musik dan Audio yang membuat cerita menjadi lebih hidup6. Cocok untuk anak-anakAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi DongengAnak,Cerita Anak Interaktif, Cerita Rakyat, Asal Usul Daerah,CeritaDaerah. Sangat cocok untuk anak-anak :)Mengenai RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI merupakan serial buku cerita anak interaktif yangmengusungtema cerita-cerita rakyat asli dari Indonesia sertadongeng dariseluruh dunia. Semua cerita rakyat dan dongeng inidikemas secarainteraktif, disuguhkan dengan nuansa khas Indonesia.Buku ceritaanak ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-anak yang belum bisamembacamelalui narasi dan animasi otomatis. Untuk anak-anak yangsudahbisa membaca dapat menggunakan mode Baca Sendiri. SelainBukuCerita Anak Interaktif, setiap seri disediakan permainanedukatifuntuk anak yang mendidik seperti Warna, Angka, Berhitungdan masihbanyak lagi yang lainnya.Kami mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari anda, jangan raguuntukmengirimkannya ke :support@educastudio.comInformasi lebih lanjut mengenai Buku Cerita AnakInteraktif(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: @educastudioBagi yang suka berburu buku cerita anak ataupun buku dongeng,RIRImenjadi pilihan yang tepat. Downlaod sekarang juga, dantemukankeasyikan didalamnya.RIRI(InteractiveChildren's Story & Game Education) comes with a newstory: RIRI- Jonggrang. Folklore is very popular and liked bychildren. In thestory this time, is told there are two mutuallyhostile kingdoms.Once, Bondowoso of royal Pengging fall in lovewith Roro Jongrrangof royal Baka. Bondowoso intend penjadikanJonggrang as his wife.Unable to resist, Jonggrang give a verysevere condition toBondowoso in the hope Bondowoso could notfulfill. However, becauseof the conditions that, Jonggrang cursedinto sculpture by BandungBondowoso. If requested by Jonggrang? Andwhat causes Jonggrangcondemned? Follow the full story in thisapplication yaaa .. Thefolklore is very interesting. Pleasedownload for baby, teach moralvalues ​​and the message containedtherein.RIRI (Interactive Children's Story) trying to present anapplicationand a children's fairy tale story book interesting andinteractive.Packaged using mild language, so easily understood bychildren. Theapplication comes with animation, sound and musicsupport that makesit more interesting.SPECIAL POINT-----------------------------------------1. Story Book with Automatic Narration2. Story Books to Read mode Alone3. Animation of interest4. The game educates education (learning colors, counting,puzzle,labyrinth, dexterity,)5. Music and Audio that makes the story come alive6. Suitable for childrenThese applications can be classified into application TaleChildren,Interactive Children's Story, Folklore, Origins ofRegional, LocalStories. It is suitable for children :)Regarding RIRI------------------------------------------RIRI an interactive children's book series on the theme offolklorenative of Indonesia and fairy tales from around the world.All thefolklore and fairy tales interactively packaged, presentedwithnuance Indonesia. A children's book can be used by children whocannot read through the narration and animation automatically.Forchildren who can read can use the SCENE mode Read Alone.BesidesInteractive Books Children's stories, each seriesprovidededucational games for children to educate such as Colors,Numbers,Counting and much more.We expect criticism and suggestions from you, please do nothesitateto send it to:support@educastudio.comFurther information about the Interactive Children's StoryBook(RIRI):Website: www.educastudio.comFacebook: those who like to hunt a children's book or a story book,RIRIbe the right choice. Downlaod now, and find the fun init.
Riri Cerita Anak Interaktif 6.6.4
Educa Studio
Children's story books, interactive fairy tales, complete withmoraland sound messages
Princess and Her Little Pony 1.0
Mario Lee
Every girl deserves a fairy tale ending.Are you a big fan of Princess cartoon movies,films or tvshows?If you are, you will love this brand new cartoon princess andherlittle pony Tetris like jigsaw puzzle game.They are best education games for kids,girls,preschoolers,kindergarten,toddlers,children.These cartoon puzzles contain castle,prince,hero rainbow,PrincessAriel, Princess Cinderella, Princess Snow White, PrincessJasmine,Princess Rapunzel, Princess Mermaid, Princess Pocahontas,PrincessBelle, Princess Sleeping beauty. ice frozen Elsa Anna,fairiesdash, magic, and so on.Applicable for 3 years to 103 years^^. Make it super easy,orsuper hard.Enjoy these cartoon colorful princess pictures.★ Three modes:1: Tetris Mode: Form the pictures with Tetris like shapes.2: Classic Mode: Drag and drop the square pieces to fitthemtogether.3: Sliding mode: Only can move the block that has blank next toit.The most professional mode.★ Finish levels to set these princesses pictures aswallpapersand save them to your SD Card.★ 6 Difficulties each mode:3x3[very easy], 4x4[easy], 5x5[normal], 6x6[hard], 7x7[veryhard],8x8[crazy]This is ONLINE version. You need networks connections todownloadthe images.==This is a Free tangram based puzzle game for girls,childrenandpreschooler.Of course the parents will enjoy with thisfrozeninteresting game and will be busy for a long time.They are best education games for kindergarten.These brand new puzzles improve cognitive skills,stimulatememory, logical thinking, develop social skills,friendship magic,and so on. In other words, they make yousmarter!For young children and all ages learning to recognize andsortshapes is an important part of their development.Educationalpuzzles can help kids and children with this, since thepieces needto be recognized and sorted before they can beassembled.My Littlepony Puzzle, Princess, kids entertainment,15puzzle,shufflepuzzle.Note:All images in this app are artworks created bytheprincess fans. We use these images under the fairuse/educationalpurpose doctrine. Learn how the fans drawing thecharacters fromthe movie.These images are NOT the original pictures from DisneyThelittle mermaid cartoon movie. If you don't like these fanartdrawing, please don't download this app. If you love thesefantasyartworks,please rate us 5 stars.Thank you.We purchased all these images from stock site.
Kisah Anak Muslim 1.4.0
iQro Studio
Kisah 8 cerita anak muslim adalahsebuahaplikasi yang merangkum kisah-kisah 8 kisah muslim dalamIslam.Aplikasi ini dirangkum dari berbagai sumber terpercaya.Sangatcocok bagi umat muslim untuk belajar mengenal kisahnyadalammenyebarkan agama Allah. Dengan aplikasi ini, anda dapatmembacadimanapun dan kapanpun anda mau.Manfaat Kisah Anak Muslim :1. Bisa dipergunakan secara offline.2. Tempat penyimpanan instalasi game dapat dipindahkan ke SDCard(memory card).3. Menggunakan gambar yang meyenangkan anak-anak dalambelajarmengenal kisah-kisah muslim.4. Suara yang dapat bisa menarik anak, dalammendegar/mengetahuikisah anak muslim.Dapatkan kisah lengkap para nabi/sahabat nabisekarang...!!1. Kapal Nabi Nuh2. Burung Hudhud3. Ular dan Tongkat Nabi Musa4. Ashabul Jannah, Kisah Pemilik Kebun5. Kisah Sapi Betina di Zaman Nabi Musa6. Ashabul Kahfi7. Ikan Nabi Yunus8. Mahmud Penghancur BerhalaAplikasi ini dapat digolongkan ke dalam aplikasi belajaranak,aplikasi pendidikan, permainan edukasi, buku belajar,belajarinteraktif, Permainan Puzzle, Permainan anak, Buku gambar,bukumewarnai, belajar mewarnai.Bagi bunda yang suka menemani anak-anak bermain, tak adasalahnyamencoba aplikasi Marbel. Anak-anak tak hanya mendapatkankesenangandalam bermain, namun juga ilmu yang bermanfaat. Belajarsambilbermain..?? Kenapa tidak..?? Ayoo kita temani anak-anakbelajar,bersama Marbel tentunya.. :)Semoga bermanfaat,Salam iQro Studio.Acts 8 story Muslimchildis an application that summarizes the stories of eightstoriesMuslims in Islam. This application is compiled fromvariousreliable sources. It is suitable for Muslims to learn aboutthestory in spreading the religion of Allah. With thisapplication,you can read wherever and whenever you want.Benefits Acts Muslim Children:1. Can be used offline.2. The installation of storage game can be moved to SD Card(memorycard).3. Using images meyenangkan children in learning to know thestoriesof Muslims.4. A sound that can be attractive child, in mendegar /Muslimchildren know the story.Get the full story of the prophet / companions of the Prophetnow... !!1. Noah's Ark2. Birds Hudhud3. Snakes and Moses' cane4. Ashabul Jannah, Story Own Garden5. Cow Females Age Story of Moses6. Companions of the Cave7. Fish Jonah8. Mahmud Crushers IdolsThese applications can be classified into children'slearningapps, educational apps, educational games, booklearning,interactive learning, Puzzle Games, Games for girls,picture books,coloring books, learn coloring.For mothers who like to accompany the children to play,there'sno harm in trying the application Marbel. Children not onlygetpleasure in playing, but also useful knowledge. Learningwhileplaying .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children tolearn,along Marbel course .. :)May be useful,Salam Iqro Studio.
Learning Salat Belajar
Kastari Sentra Media. PT
This Learning Salat App is about aFilmAnimation to learn the obligatory Salat. It is easy tounderstand,appropriate for your children and it makes your childrenbe easierto memorize what they have to say during theirworship.It is hope that this learning salat app will be usefulforyou.* This free application contains ads
Kids Song Interactive 01 Lite 1.11
Hicca Studios
Kids Song InteractiveContains children rhyme and beautifulanimation.Combininginteractive media and audio visual animationhelp todlerto sing.Kids Song 01Contains Muffin Man, Little Teapot, and Row Row YourBoat.ChildernPopular Rhyme.Through an animated character Uwa and Friends, weinvitechildrenlearn singing simultaneously interact with Uwa, Mica,Pito.So theyare not easy bored and can played anywhereandanytime.★★★ MORE FEATURES ★★★✔ Enjoy 3 kids popular song for children 0-5 years✔ The lyrics are easy to read✔ More than 30 animations and items to interact✔ Cute illustrations with beautiful colors✔ Funny sound effects from Uwa, Mica, Pito✔ You can play music without any network connections✔ There is a sing along in unlock version★★★ PLAYLIST★★★✔ The Muffin Man✔ I’m a Little Teapot✔ Row Row Your Boat
Animal Sounds Uwa and Friends 1.1
Hicca Studios
Introduce your child to animal sounds .Trainwit memory , auditory , visual once golden child in the future.Through a funny picture , we want to introduce domestic animals,farm animals to the jungle animals. Let's get acquainted withUwaand friends !features :★ 27 variations of sound with 3 categories★ Picture cute and original visuals★ Original sound animals★ Domestic animals : dogs , cats , rats , mosquitoes , flies ,frogs, crickets and geckos★ Farm animals : chickens , roosters, ducks , pigs , goats ,cattle, horses , owls , donkeys★ Jungle animals Category : orangutans , tigers , rhinos , bears,lions , deer , gorillas , birds , elephants★ With the press resistant , can be set as a ringtone , oralarmDo not forget to subscribe to our youtube channel to watch afewepisodes of UWA and Friends in the form of animated films. download our other app : there are technical problems you may contact us at hiccastudios@gmail.comRegards from Indonesian Children