1.0 / August 30, 2012
(3.8/5) (24)


Would you like to find some treasures hiddenby pirates? Treasure Hunting will help you with that! You will getas much wealth here as you will be able to keep. Guess the squareswith your treasures, and open them as fast as you can. Don’t forgetabout time and hint squares - they’ll help you get your treasureeven faster! Do you want some more? It’s possible: keep playing,find new treasures and increase your riches! Hurry up - If you’restaunch and tireless, you’ll get into record table! Look for yourtreasure with Treasure Hunting!

- You’ll never get tired of this game
- You’ll be able to feel like real treasure hunter
- Develop your logical thinking
- Train your intuitive abilities

App Information Treasure Hunting

  • App Name
    Treasure Hunting
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    August 30, 2012
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 2.3.3 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Quantron Systems
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • الفئة
  • المطور
  • Google Play Link

Quantron Systems عرض المزيد...

Запись на прием к врачу. 1.1.4 APK
Quantron Systems
Медикус - это приложение для поискаврачей.Мы помогаем быстро и удобно найти хорошего врача и осуществитьзапись на прием к врачу через интернет прямо с мобильногоустройства.Отзывы о врачах помогут вам выбрать нужного специалиста, выборврача можно сделать так же на основе рейтинга врача, стажа,стоимости приема.Опыт, квалификация, специализация врача – все учитывается вформируемом рейтинге, в приложении доступна подробная информация окаждом специалисте.Запись к врачу можно произвести на экране информации о враче.Приложение позволяет осуществить поиск по обширной базе врачейразличных специальностей: врач акушер, аллерголог, андролог,анестезиолог, венеролог, гастроэнтеролог, гематолог, генетик,гепатолог, гинеколог, гомеопат, дерматолог, диетолог, иммунолог,инфекционист, кардиолог, косметолог, логопед, лор(отоларинголог),маммолог, мануальный терапевт, массажист, миколог, нарколог,невролог, нейрохирург, неонатолог, нефролог, окулист(офтальмолог),онколог, ортопед, остеопат, педиатр, пластический хирург,проктолог, психиатр, психолог, психотерапевт, пульмонолог,ревматолог, репродуктолог(ЭКО), рефлексотерапевт, сексолог,спортивный врач, стоматолог, терапевт, трихолог, УЗИ-специалист,уролог, физиотерапевт, флеболог, хирург, эндокринолог.На экране выбора врача доступен фильтр, позволяющий выбирать врачейпо специальности, а также фильтр по районам города или станциямметро.При помощи карты вы можете выбрать ближайших к вам врачей нужнойспециальности или ближайшие к вам клиники.В приложении представлены клиники Москвы и Московской области,Санкт-Петербурга, Екатеринбурга, Новосибирска, Перми, НижнегоНовгорода, Казани, Самары, "Уфа", Краснодара, Ростова-на-Дону,Челябинска, Воронежа, Ижевска.Основная цель приложения – помочь записаться к врачу без очередей,нервов и потери времени, в любом месте в любой момент, главное,чтобы был под рукой смартфон и доступ в интернет.Medicus - is anapplication to search for doctors.We help to quickly and easily find a good doctor and to record tothe doctor via the Internet directly from your mobile device.Reviews of doctors to help you choose the right specialist,choosing a doctor can do the same on the basis of the physicianrating, length, cost of admission.The experience, qualification, specialization of the doctor - alltaken into account in the generated rating, the application isavailable in the details of each specialist.Appointment to the doctor can be performed on-screen informationabout the doctor.The application lets you search the extensive database of doctorsof various specialties: obstetrician, an allergist, andrology, theanesthesiologist, venereal diseases, gastroenterology, hematology,genetics, hepatology, gynecologist, homeopath, a dermatologist,dietitian, immunology, infectious disease, a cardiologist, abeautician, a speech therapist, ENT ( otolaryngologist) mammolog,chiropractor, massage therapist, mycologist, psychiatrist,neurologist, neurosurgeon, neonatologist, nephrologist,ophthalmologist (eye specialist), oncology, orthopedics, osteopath,pediatrician, plastic surgeon, proctologist, psychiatrist,psychologist, therapist, pulmonologist, rheumatologist,reproductologist (IVF), a reflexologist, a sexologist, a sportsdoctor, dentist, therapist, triholog, ultrasound specialist,urologist, physical therapist, phlebologist, a surgeon, anendocrinologist.On the choice of doctor available filter allows you to choose adoctor by profession, as well as filter areas of the city or metrostations.With the card you can choose the closest to your desired medicalspecialty or clinic nearest to you.The annex presents the clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region, St.Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod,Kazan, Samara, "Ufa", Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Chelyabinsk,Voronezh, Izhevsk.The main purpose of the application - to help enroll a doctorwithout queuing, nerve and loss of time, at any place at any time,the main thing that was on hand Smartphone and internetaccess.
iNoid 1.1 APK
iNoid is the new product for connoisseurs ofblock breaking games (aka arkanoid). There are more than hundredunique levels with incredible physics, 4 different episodes, 3levels of difficulty, and amazing bonus collection. All levels arehand designed, that's why the game process is so various andinteresting. You should destroy all bricks as quick as you can.Also there is a special system of prizes for most deft andattentive gamers. There are more surprises and suddenness eachlevel- the bricks move unexpectedly, the balls multiply, the caughtbonuses help by shooting and blowing bricks up. But be careful,some of them can bother your successful game.Features:- Very special collection of 27 bonuses- 108 unique hand made levels- Four different episodes (space, water, acid, cavern)- Three levels of difficulty
iNoid Free 1.1 APK
Quantron Systems
iNoid is the new product for connoisseurs ofblock breaking games (aka arkanoid). Try out 15 levels in 3episodes of this addictive game. All levels are hand designed,that's why the game process is so various and interesting. Thereare more surprises and suddenness each level - the bricks moveunexpectedly, the balls multiply, the caught bonuses help byshooting and blowing bricks up.If you like iNoid Free, you will be impressed by a full versionthat features:- Very special collection of 27 bonuses- 108 unique hand made levels- Four different episodes
MegaBrain 1.1 APK
The human brain has an unlimitedcapacity:capacity for memorizing and storing information and data,capacityfor calculating, capacity for body muscles controlling withgreataccuracy. But very often we cannot properly use thesecapacities.Instead of simply memorizing a telephone number or anevent, we usea pen and a notepad or an electronic device. Manybooks are devotedto various methods of memory training. One canstudy those methodswith a teacher or independently. There is a lotof suchlikeprograms for different platforms. The most importantobstacle fordeveloping and training our brain is our laziness. Onehas to makeoneself sit down and make boring exercises.The MegaBrain game can help you train certain brain areasinvolvedin attention, concentration and memory. MegaBrain falls inthecategory of educational programs with game elements and isdesignedfor general audience. It consists of a set of differentindependentgames. Each mini-game has several sub-levels, theirdifficultyincreases throughout the game. In the beginning of a gameplayerscan select one of three difficulty levels, which makes iteasy toplay for users with different degrees of competence andexperience.Features:- Three levels of difficulty- 15 unique game types- 15 levels of each game
MegaBrain Free 1.1 APK
Quantron Systems
The human brain has an unlimited capacity:capacity for memorizing and storing information and data, capacityfor calculating, capacity for body muscles controlling with greataccuracy. But very often we cannot properly use these capacities.Instead of simply memorizing a telephone number or an event, we usea pen and a notepad or an electronic device. Many books are devotedto various methods of memory training. One can study those methodswith a teacher or independently. There is a lot of suchlikeprograms for different platforms. The most important obstacle fordeveloping and training our brain is our laziness. One has to makeoneself sit down and make boring exercises.The MegaBrain game can help you train certain brain areas involvedin attention, concentration and memory. MegaBrain falls in thecategory of educational programs with game elements and is designedfor general audience. It consists of a set of different independentgames. Each mini-game has several sub-levels, their difficultyincreases throughout the game. In the beginning of a game playerscan select one of three difficulty levels, which makes it easy toplay for users with different degrees of competence and experience.Features:- Three levels of difficulty- 3 unique game types- 6 levels of each gameIf you like Mega Brain Free, you will be impressed by a fullversion that features:- 15 unique game types- 15 levels of each game
Treasure Hunting 1.0 APK
Quantron Systems
Would you like to find some treasures hiddenby pirates? Treasure Hunting will help you with that! You will getas much wealth here as you will be able to keep. Guess the squareswith your treasures, and open them as fast as you can. Don’t forgetabout time and hint squares - they’ll help you get your treasureeven faster! Do you want some more? It’s possible: keep playing,find new treasures and increase your riches! Hurry up - If you’restaunch and tireless, you’ll get into record table! Look for yourtreasure with Treasure Hunting!Features:- You’ll never get tired of this game- You’ll be able to feel like real treasure hunter- Develop your logical thinking- Train your intuitive abilities
12 Класс APK
Quantron Systems
Приложение «12-й класс» позволит вашимдетямвыполнять упражнения по различным школьным предметам насвоемлюбимом смартфоне или планшете. А родителю, где бы он нинаходился,даст возможность видеть всю активность и успехи своегоребенка спомощью статистики на сайте.Понятный, удобный и приятный дизайн приложения,специальноразработанный для Android, позволяет использоватьпрограмму сразупосле установки, не тратя время на обучениеуправлению приложением.Приложение включает в себя:• предметы и темы школьной программы;• более пяти тысяч заданий;• наглядный результат выполнения упражнений.Мы усердно работаем над нашим проектом и делаем всевозможное,чтобы выяснить, как еще мы можем улучшить нашеприложение.Участвуйте в развитии проекта! Сообщайте нам об ошибкахипредлагайте свои идеи на сайте.Appendix "12th grade"willallow your children to do the exercises on different subjectsonyour favorite smartphone or tablet. A parent, wherever he maybe,will provide an opportunity to see all of the activity andprogressof their child with the help of statistics on thesite.Friendly, comfortable and nice design applicationsspecificallydesigned for Android, the program allows you to useimmediatelyafter installation, without wasting time on learningmanagementapplication.The application includes:• objects and subjects of the school curriculum;• More than five thousand jobs;• a clear result of the exercise.We work hard on our project and are doing everything possibletofind out how else we can improve our app. Participate inthedevelopment of the project! Tell us about errors and offertheirideas on the site.
Dragon Valley 1.2 APK
Quantron Systems
Лети драконом по имени Фендер мимо скал, заросших лианами. Чембольше препятствий ты пройдешь - тем больше очков получишь.