1.0.0 / October 21, 2015
(3.6/5) (30)


Aplikasi ini merupakan bentukpembelajarandalam menghadapi ujian teori SIM (surat ijinmengemudi), berisitentang kisi - kisi soal yang seringdipertanyakan dalam ujianteori, dalam aplikasi ini juga terdapatjawaban (kunci) sehinggadapat dibandingkan dengan jawaban kita, diakhir applikasi ini jugaterdapat nilai total keseluruhan yangdidapatkan selama mengerjakansoal, prosentasi jawaban benar dansalah, serta ada reviewpertanyaan pertanyaan dan jawaban jawabanbaik itu jawaban yangsalah maupun jawaban yang benar. semogabermanfaat.
This application is aformof learning in the face of theory test SIM (drivinglicense),contains the grating - grating questions that areoftenquestionable in theory exams, in this application there isalso ananswer (key) so that it can be compared with the answer we,at theend of this application also there is a total value obtainedduringthe work on the problems, the percentage of correct andincorrectanswers, and no review of the questions and answers thatanswereither wrong answer and the correct answer. may beuseful.

App Information Ujian Teori Sim

  • App Name
    Ujian Teori Sim
  • اسم الحزمة
  • Updated
    October 21, 2015
  • الحجم
  • إصدار الأندرويد المطلوب
    Android 4.0 and up
  • الإصدار
  • المطور
    Probiz Tech
  • عدد مرات التثبيت
    1,000 - 5,000
  • Price
  • الفئة
  • المطور
  • Google Play Link

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Resep Makanan Bayi Harian 1.0 APK
Probiz Tech
resep makanan bayi merupakan aplikasi yangberisi cara memasak / resep untuk membuat makanan bayi harian mulaihari minggu senin selasa rabu kamis jumat dan sabtu. berisi jugapetunjuk penggunaan makanan padat yang diberikan kepada bayi tiapharinyababy food recipes is anapplication that shows you how to cook / recipe for making babyfood daily start Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fridayand Saturday. also contains instructions for using solid foodsgiven to babies every day
Tips Diet Harian 1.0 APK
Probiz Tech
Tips diet harian ini di desain selama 7haridan dapat menurunkan berat badan sebanyak 4-7 kg perminggu.Program kesehatan dan diet ini awalnya dibuat untukkaryawanGeneral Motors Corporation selama lebih dari 29 tahun.Penelitian tentang program diet ini ditemukan bahwa dietdapatdigunakan sesering seseorang ingin menurunkan berat badan,tidakpeduli berapa kali mereka melakukannya. Diet juga dianggapawalnyasebagai pembersih tubuh, pertama untuk membersihkan tubuhdarikotoran sebanyak mungkin, dan juga memperbaiki mental.Penemuanjuga menyatakan bahwa karyawan yang diuji bekerja lebihefisien,karena mereka merasa lebih baik tentang diri merekasendiri, merekalebih ringan, lebih cepat dan memiliki lebih banyakenergi daripadasebelumnya.Daily diet tipsisdesigned for 7 days and can lose weight as much as 4-7 poundsperweek. Health and diet program was originally created fortheemployees of General Motors Corporation for over 29 years.Research on this diet program found that the diet can be usedasoften as one would like to lose weight, no matter how manytimesthey do it. Diet is also regarded initially as a bodycleanser,first to cleanse the body of impurities as possible, andalsoimprove mental. The findings also stated that employees aretestedto work more efficiently, because they feel betteraboutthemselves, they are lighter, faster and have more energy thaneverbefore.
Ujian Teori Sim 1.0.0 APK
Probiz Tech
Aplikasi ini merupakan bentukpembelajarandalam menghadapi ujian teori SIM (surat ijinmengemudi), berisitentang kisi - kisi soal yang seringdipertanyakan dalam ujianteori, dalam aplikasi ini juga terdapatjawaban (kunci) sehinggadapat dibandingkan dengan jawaban kita, diakhir applikasi ini jugaterdapat nilai total keseluruhan yangdidapatkan selama mengerjakansoal, prosentasi jawaban benar dansalah, serta ada reviewpertanyaan pertanyaan dan jawaban jawabanbaik itu jawaban yangsalah maupun jawaban yang benar. semogabermanfaat.This application is aformof learning in the face of theory test SIM (drivinglicense),contains the grating - grating questions that areoftenquestionable in theory exams, in this application there isalso ananswer (key) so that it can be compared with the answer we,at theend of this application also there is a total value obtainedduringthe work on the problems, the percentage of correct andincorrectanswers, and no review of the questions and answers thatanswereither wrong answer and the correct answer. may beuseful.
Daily Diet Recipes 1.0 APK
Probiz Tech
The original design of the 7 day at a timedietplan was to hit with a 10 – 17 pound weight loss foreachparticipant per week. Certainly such high numbers caughttheattention of anyone wanting a good diet.The health program and diet was founded for employees oftheGeneral Motors Corporation and of course was only intendedfortheir use. It has been found for over 29 years.The original study also basically said that the diet couldbeused as often as one wanted to lose weight, no matter howmanytimes they have done it. The diet was also consideredoriginally asa flush really, first to rid the body of as manyimpurities aspossible, then mentally. They found that the employeestestedworked more efficiently. This was because they felt betteraboutthemselves, they were lighter, faster and had a great dealmoreenergy than before.
Resep Harian Vegetarian 1.0 APK
Probiz Tech
Resep Harian Vegetarian adalah aplikasiyangberisi resep resep masakan olahan vegetarian mulai dari sate,satejamur, soto, dan lain lain. ini merupakan aplikasi tutorialmemasakresep vegetarian selama 7 hari, mulai minggu senin selasarabukamis jumat dan sabtu,disamping itu terdapat pula manfaat dan kegunaan darivegetarianini, Vegetarian adalah gaya hidup masa kini yangsehatdan bebas kolesterol. Anda telah meminimalkan resikoAndauntukterserang penyakit-penyakit berbahaya seperti jantung,kanker,stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, dan masih banyaklagipenyakit-penyakitberbahaya lainnya yang disebabkan oleh konsumsi daging.Dan yang jelas, dengan bervegetarian, Anda berjasa sebagaiorang yang turut serta dalam meminimalkan dampak pemanasanglobal bagi planet bumi. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauhmengenaigayahidup vegetarian , serta hubungannya dengan global warmingDaily RecipesVegetarianis an application that contains refined recipesvegetarian recipesranging from satay, satay mushrooms, soup, andothers. This is atutorial application vegetarian cooking recipesfor 7 days,starting the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday andSaturday,besides that there are also the benefits and usefulness ofthisvegetarian, Vegetarian is today's lifestyle healthyand cholesterol-free. You have to minimize your riskof developing dangerous diseases such as heartdisease,cancer,stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, and many more diseasesother hazardous caused by meat consumption.And clear, with a vegetarian diet, you are credited aspeople who take part in minimizing the impact of warmingglobally for planet earth. To learn more about the stylevegetarianism, as well as its relationship with globalwarming