ABAKAL.Cálculo.Estructura.Hidráulica.Luis.Nieto. ئاپەکان

Beam calculator XXIX
Beam calculator calculates bending moments, shear forces, anddeflections.
Hydraulic. Flow. Channel. Pipe XXII
Hydraulic of pipes and channels. Flow calculation, section, slope,Manning
Ángulos y taludes Geo.I
Protractor for quick checks of slopes.
Walls... and Frames XXI
Calculation of reinforced concrete walls and frames. WHITHOUT ADS.
Estabilidad de taludes Geo-L
App for slope stability calculation. NO ADVERTISING.
Cálculo hormigón. Secciones. Civil.G
Designs or check a section of rectangular reinforced concrete.
Equations (2..40 degree) ... XVIII
... eigenvalues / diagonalization, determinants and inverses,simple and handly.
BIM 3. Construction inspections GIS.18
BIM module 3 allows us to situate ourselves in the work, take aphotograph, attach an inspection, locate it, edit it, make reportsin PDF and geolocated in Google Earth format (KML). Make editablework summaries by day or unit. It also makes space / time diagramsin CAD compatible format and simplified to add to a report. Whenmaking the KML files, a directory called "photos" is created withthe photos with the name "order" + "element" + "pk" so that thePhotoReport program can perform the layout. All this thought fromthe point of view of the inspector and / or watchman of works.Search for concepts and reports related to those. All the data isvisible in the file system itself. If you want to know more you canread the instructions in:http://carreteras-laser-escaner.blogspot.com/2016/12/abk-bim-modulo-3.htmlPhotoReport Program:https://carreteras-laser-escaner.blogspot.com/2017/08/photo-report-reportaje-fotografico.htmlOf all the modules that make up the BIM system of Abakal, only thisone has been released. The rest, having to particularize to theidiosyncrasy of each company and its quality system, can not beliberalized.
Ground-penetrating radar. GPR. XVI
Radargram display and analyzer. Contain various filters andexamples.
Photo Report.(Photo Designer) 7
Make the layout of a report distributing the photographs and theirdescriptions
Scientific calculator, Taylor, 2.9
Scientific calculator. derivatives, drawing Taylor series &polynomials
Anclajes.Solapes.Recubrimiento 2021.02
Calculate the minimum anchor length and overlap of thereinforcement and coatings
Base Datos Construcción 21.1
Reader. BC3. FIEBDC. Reader Database Construction. bc3ToExcel