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كاشف الملابس الداخلية -PRANK 1.3
برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابسهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراق الملابسعبر تقنية الاشعة الفوق صوتيةـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانت غليضةكالمعاطف.يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةهل كنت أتساءل كيف يمكنك الحصول على الوقت الحقيقي، والأشعةالسينية المسح الضوئي مع الهاتف المحمول الخاص بك ثم نحن، يكون لهاحل. هذا هو التطبيق مزحة للحصول على المتعة وخداع أصدقائك. الأشعةالسينية مسح التطبيق هو وهمية مزحة الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئيلخداع أصدقائكطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أن ترى الملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانت غليضةكالمعاطف.! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيك تبدو كبيرة ...مخيفة!التعليمات:نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عورات النساء والمحرمات.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابس* سهولة في العمل* كاميرا كشف تحت الملابس** التطبيق عبارة ن مزحةReveal what underclothing programHave you ever imagined that the Android camera phone can penetrateclothing via infrared technology ultrasoundApplication camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and if GladhKalmatef.You can see the underwear to any person without hisknowledge.The application is very easy and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiation detectorAre you wondering how you can get a real-time, and X-rayscanning with your cellphone then we, have a solution. This is aprank application to have fun and fool your friends. X-ray scanningapplication is a joke and a fake X-ray scanner to fool yourfriendsThanks to the application of course "detector underwear" You cansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and if GladhKalmatef.! Try baring your teeth, make your eyes look great ... scary!FAQ:We are not responsible in front of God, if the application used inthe detection of women's sins and taboos.Prank application is for having fun with his friends andfamily.* Reveal what under clothing program* Easy to work* Camera revealed under clothing** Application Gateway n joke
كشف الملابس الداخلية2016-Prank 1.7
كشف ما تحت الملابسXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف الملابس الداخلية . سهولة في العمل مع تطبيقكاشف الملابس الداخلية .* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابس* سهولة في العمل* كاميرا كشف تحت الملابسهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراقالملابس عبر تقنية الـ X rayطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أن ترى الملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه باستعمال الأشعة السينية .ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانت غليضةكالمعاطف.ـ التطبيق سهل الاستعمال يكفيك أن تختار جنس الشخص الذي تريد رؤية ماتحت ملابسه، هل ذكر أم أنثى.ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عورات النساء والمحرمات.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.Reveal what underclothingXray wonderful application for detection of underwear. Easy to workwith the application of the detector underwear.* Reveal what under clothing program* Easy to work* Camera revealed under clothingHave you ever imagined that the Android camera phone canpenetrate clothing through the X ray techniqueThanks to the application of course "detector underwear" You cansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge by usingX-rays.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and if GladhKalmatef.Application is user-friendly enough for you to choose the sex ofthe person that you want to see what's under his clothes, is maleor female.Free application, as well as remain along.We are not responsible in front of God, if the application used inthe detection of women's sins and taboos.Prank application is for having fun with his friends andfamily.
كشف الجسم بدون ملابس-simulated 1.8
التطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الى غيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاء الداخليةمن جسمكيمكنك أيضا تغيير لون وحجم وسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعة السينيةسكانر مضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكات العملية! هذهالاشعات السينيه ليست حقيقية، لذلك فهي غير ضارة ومتعة للعب مع!محاولة الخروج من ميزة كاميرا الأشعة السينية ماسحة مضحك للنقر الصورعصبي متعة! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيك تبدو كبيرة... مخيفة! كاشف الملابس الداخليةالتعليمات:ضع هاتفك على يدك اليسرى والقدم والرأس والصدر والمعدةفتح تطبيق الماسح الضوئي الأشعة السينية.إمالة الهاتف تصل إلى التمرير لأعلى صورة الأشعة السينية.إمالة أسفل الهاتف إلى التمرير لأسفل.تحذير: الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئي هو التطبيق (مزحة prank )من أجلالمتعة أنه لا يحتوي على أي الأشعة السينية الحقيقي.The application is veryeasy and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fund is toDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it medically Show Aledam across theinternal parts of your bodyYou can also color, size and speed of change in the setupscreen. X-ray Scanner funny application is fun for those who likepractical jokes! Xrays this is not real, so they are harmless andfun to play with! Try out the X-ray scanner camera feature funny toclick spooky images fun! Try baring your teeth, make your eyes lookgreat ... scary! Detector underwearFAQ:Put your phone on your left hand, foot and head, chest andstomachOpen an application of X-ray scanner.Tilt the phone up to scroll up X-ray image.Tilt the bottom of the phone to scroll down.WARNING: X-ray scanner is the application (joke prank) for fun itdoes not contain any real X-ray.
كشف تحت الملابس-prank 1.6
كشف تحت الملابس صمم للمرح و الخدع.برنامج كشف تحت الملابس يمكنك من التظاهر بفحص الملابس الداخليةللبنات.تظاهر بأن البرنامج يقوم بإختراق جميع الملابس السميكة و تصويرالملابس الداخلية لأي بنت دون عناء.برنامج خصص لللخدع و لا يقوم بكشف الملابس الداخلية الحقيقيةلتطبيق وضيفته سهلة جدابحيث يحول كامرة هاتفك الة جهاز كشف الأشعةبدالك يمكنك ان ترى ما تحت اللباس او مت بداخل صندوق الى غيردالككدالك يمكنك الاستفادة منه طبيا عبر مشاهدة العضام والاجزاء الداخليةمن جسمكXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف تحت الملابس . سهولة في العمل مع تطبيق كاشفالملابس الداخلية .هل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراق الملابسعبر تقنية الـ Xray* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابسطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كشف تحت الملابس " يمكنك أن ترى الملابس الداخليةلأي شخص دون علمه.التطبيق عبارة عن Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانت غليضةكالمعاطفDetect under clothingdesigned for fun and tricks.Detect under clothing program you can pretend to examine theunderwear Bnat.tazahr The software does all hacked thick clothing& Imaging underwear girl without any trouble.Program devoted to Lkhadda and does not reveal the realunderwearVery easy to apply and his guestSuch as his command to prevent your machine radiationdetectorBdalk you can see what was under the dress or inside the fund is toDalkKdalk you can take advantage of it medically Show Aledam across theinternal parts of your bodyXray wonderful application for detection under clothing. Easy towork with the application of the detector underwear.Have you ever imagined that the Android camera phone can penetrateclothing technology across the Xray* Reveal what under clothing programThanks to the application of course, "revealed under clothes" youcan see the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Prank application is for having fun with his friends andfamily.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and if GladhKalmatef
Wifi password hacker Simulated 1.3
Wifi mot de passe hacker Simulated is a funnyprank app that simulates breaking into secured wireless networksprotected with passwords AES, WPA2 or WPA encryption. This WifiPassword Breaker will display a professional hacking and analysisanimation. After the hack program has completed, it will generate afake password. All you friends will be impressed that you can breaktheir WiFi hotspot and believe you are a real hacker and technicalgenius. This is a very delightful prank to play on your friends.How to Use:★Go to the place where wireless network is provided. The privatenetwork, wireless hotspot and Wifi tethering is all ok.★Launch our Wifi Hack and press the start button. The Wifi toolwill detect all the wireless networks nearby of which the Wifisignal can be detected.★Select the wifi id you want to crack.★The Wi-Fi hacker 2015 will show the fake animations which analyzesthe wifi info and breaking process.★In the end the password of the network will be displayed.Features1. Professional hacker icon and user interface design, whichmakes it look real.2. Simulates wifi hacking, Professional animations displayingprofessional calculating and analyzer data.3. It is safe to the wireless network, this network tool will notharm anything.Also note that this app supports Arabic, English, French, German,Chinese and Spanish languages.Disclaimer:There is no real wifi hacker in the market. They are allsimulator for fun including ours. Thank you!
X-Ray Cloth Girl's -prank 1.4
Have you ever imagine to scan a body of girlor boy or lingerie from mobile camera? if no try out an xray clothvision. easiest way for you to simulate it with thisapplication- see under the coats or any cloth!- Camera xray to scan cloth- scan lingerie- easy to use- It is free joke scanner application.The idea of application X-Ray cloth girl's is very simple, youtake your mobile screen in the direction of your friends or familyor on kids and select the type of scanner that can be clothes XRAYX-Ray, feet X-Ray, or hands x ray and Dental and then start thescan on the XRAY SCAN button.Then X-Ray Scanner Camera Prank lets you automatically generate aresult either clothes or xray free and available on play store and for all androidversions.Thank you to 5 stars has this experience X-Ray Scanner Camera PrankSimulator.there is the possibility of scary friends and kids.The application allows you to make new friends photo easily andvery fast.make a great time.Looking for an application that you can use to scan the body andscare your baby and your family and friends or yourgirlfriend?Download this fantastic X-Ray cloth girl Prank normally using x rayscanner and an 2X radiography.Features• Multiple, hand radiograph, Clothing xray scanner, x ray skeletonthe body, and Mood Xray and various body parts xray.• Scans for your foot, cloth, and hands or your teeth• Scans teeth and Mood Xray• Xray lingerie and bra and underwear.Disclaimer:Only an X-ray cloth girl's will not harm your health!This application is not real xray scanner, it is just right forjokes, that does not hold any medecal relevance• Possibility to share your result on Google Plus and Facebook,WhatsApp and Twitter etc ...• The HD graphics and pictures• Spy Camera and spy cams• A realistic experience• scare your friends, and famile and kids or your girlfreindnow!
كشف الملابس الداخلية -prank 1.5
هل كنت أتساءل كيف يمكنك الحصول على الوقتالحقيقي، والأشعة السينية المسح الضوئي مع الهاتف المحمول الخاص بك ثمنحن، يكون لها حل. هذا هو التطبيق مزحة للحصول على المتعة وخداعأصدقائك. الأشعة السينية مسح التطبيق هو وهمية مزحة الأشعة السينيةالماسح الضوئي لخداع أصدقائك أنك يكون بين رهيبة التطبيق الهاتف يمكنللأشعة السينية أن تلك اليد اليسرى. هذا التطبيق الأشعة السينية ماسحةعرض التطبيق صورة وهمية XRAY اليد اليسرى والهيكل العظمي. تحميلالأشعة السينية ماسحة لمسح يدك أو الساق أو حتى صدرك! نقطة الكاميرافقط بضع بوصات مختارة من جزء من الجسم الخاص بك، والانتظار لعمليةالمسح إلى أن تكتمل، وخلال ثوان سوف تكون موثوقة لرؤية الأشعة السينيةمن يدك أو الساق الخ! إمالة الهاتف الخاص بك على يدك وتمرير صورةالأشعة السينية. قد تحتاج إلى ممارسة عدة مرات.يمكنك تغيير لون AUSSI والحجم والسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعةالسينية سكانر مضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكاتالعملية! هذه الأشعة السينية ليست حقيقية، لذلك فهي غير ضارة ومتعةللعب مع! محاولة الخروج من ميزة كاميرا مضحك الأشعة السينية سكانرللنقر الصور متعة عصبي! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيكتبدو كبيرة ... مخيفة!التعليمات:ضع هاتفك على يدك اليسرى، القدم، الرأس والصدر والمعدةفتح تطبيق الماسح الضوئي الأشعة السينية.إمالة الهاتف حتى انتقل لأعلى صورة الأشعة السينية..الهاتف الميل لأسفل للتمرير إلى أسفل.تحذير: الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئي هو التطبيق مزحة من أجل المتعةهل تخيلت من قبل انه بامكانك تحويل كاميرتك الى كاشف للملابس الداخليةنعم مع برنامجنا اصبح كل شيء ممكن .طبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أن ترى الملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه.ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عورات النساء والمحرمات.Prank لتتسلى به مع أصدقائك و أسرتك.Are you wondering how youcan get a real-time, and X-ray scanning with your cellphone thenwe, have a solution. This is a prank application to have fun andfool your friends. X-ray scanning application is a joke and a fakeX-ray scanner to fool your friends that you have between awesomephone application can X-ray that those left hand. This applicationof X-ray scanner application image fake XRAY left hand skeletaldisplay. Download X-ray scanner to scan your hand or leg or evenyour chest! Just point the camera a few inches of the selected partof your body, and wait for the scanning process to be completed,and within seconds you will be trusted to see the X-ray of yourhand or leg etc! Tilt your phone on your hand and pass the X-rayimage. You may need to practice a few times.You can AUSSI color, size and speed in the setup screen to change.X-ray Scanner funny application is fun for those who like practicaljokes! These X-rays are not real, so they are harmless and fun toplay with! Funny try out the X-ray scanner camera feature to clickpictures spooky fun! Try baring your teeth, make your eyes lookgreat ... scary!FAQ:Put your phone on your left hand, foot, head, chest andstomachOpen an application of X-ray scanner.Tilt the phone until he moved to the top of the X-ray image..Phone tendency to scroll down to the bottom.WARNING: X-ray scanner is a prank application to have funDo you imagine before that you can convert your camera to thedetector for clothes and linen yes with our program became anythingis possible.Thanks to the application of course "detector underwear" You cansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge.Free application, as well as remain along.We are not responsible in front of God, if the application used inthe detection of women's sins and taboos.Prank to him having fun with your friends and your family.
XRay Pregnant Ultrasound-prank 1.1.2
X ray pregnant ultrasoundThis application is intended solely for entertainment purposesand does not provide true X -Ray .X ray pregnant ultrasound - a joke simulation game where you canplay on your phone with both the speaker X -ray. The game uses acamera to a more realistic effect !Choose what you want to scan - pregnancy belly or a girl.Warning Only an X -ray simulator and will not harm yourhealth!Have fun and play your friends and family !How to use- Launch the application of ultrasound.- Select an image to the test results of ultrasound or ultrasoundpranks.- Here is the desired result of ultrasound test .Disclaimer: This app is for fun and pranks Smartphone can notlive ultrasound to please use this application of ultrasound forfun and joke , no ultrasound image is real in this app !!
Wifi Hacker 2016 simulated 1.4
Wifi Hacker simulated 2016 the process ofhacking any wireless network with your phone. Just one key to breakthe wifi and hack all the passwords. So it is a funny app used toprank your friends and have fun. Your friend will be surprise tosee this amazing thing happen. You will look awesome andprofessional.InstructionDetect the wireless networks nearby and then select the one youwant to hack. After that the breaking animation and start, wait fora while and this will come out a dialog with the wifi password.How to use* Download our Wifi Hacker simulated 2016.* Enable the wifi in your phone and launch our wifi hacker.* The wifi hack tool will quick and easy detect the entire wirelessnetwork when you press the start hack button.* Select the wifi you want to hack and the hacker will show thefake animations which analyzes the wifi Password* Get password and trick your friends that you can hack wifi.You can use it to trick your friends that you can hack intotheir private wifi network.Just run this app in their house and select their wireless networkname. Fake password will be displayed, but they will think that youhave just broken into their network!Disclaimer:Wifi Hacker simulated 2016 is a simulated app for free, it cannotcrack any wifi password. The simulation of password cracking isjust for fun.
wifi contraseña hacker -prank 1.1.1
Wifi gratuito Contraseña Hacker es unaaplicación de broma divertida que simula irrumpir en redesinalámbricas seguras protegidas con contraseñas AES, WPA2 o WPA.Este Password Breaker Wifi mostrará una animación de hacking yanálisis profesional. Después de que el programa de corte se hacompletado, se generará una contraseña falsa. Todo lo que losamigos quedarán impresionados que puede romper su punto de accesoWiFi y creer que eres un hacker de verdad y el genio técnico. Estoes una broma muy agradable para jugar en tus amigos.Cómo utilizar* Descarga nuestra Wifi Cracker Prank.* Habilitar el wifi en el teléfono y lanzar nuestro hackerswifi.* La herramienta de hackeo wifi va rápido y fácil detectar toda lared inalámbrica cuando se pulsa el botón de inicio de lagrieta.* Seleccione el wifi quieres hackear y el hacker mostrará lasanimaciones falsos que analiza el wifi contraseña* Obtener contraseña y engañar a tus amigos que se puede hackearwifi.Cómo broma:- Pulse el botón wifi exploración y mostrará todas las redesinalámbricas a tu alrededor. Usted puede decir a sus amigos queusted es un hacker de verdad y se puede romper en garantizadoswi-fi.- Seleccione la red wifi que desea cortar. Y el hacker wifimostrará las animaciones falsos, que analiza la información wifi yla contraseña.- Se mostrará la contraseña de la red.Descargo de responsabilidad:Por favor, recuerde que esta aplicación se hizo sólo por diversión-Prank y no va a hacer un hackeo real. Es sólo una simulación, porlo que todas las contraseñas se generan aleatoriamente y falso!PrankFree Wifi Password Hackeris an application that simulates funny joke secure wirelessnetworks to break into password protected AES, WPA2 or WPA. ThisPassword Breaker wireless display an animation of hacking andprofessional analysis. After the cutting program is completed, afalse password is generated. Everything that friends will beimpressed that can break your WiFi access point and believe thatyou are a real hacker and technical genius. This is a very nice toplay a joke on your friends.How to use* Download our Wifi Cracker Prank.* Enable wireless phone and launch our wireless hackers.* Wifi hacking tool is fast and easy to detect all the wirelessnetwork when the start button is pressed crack.* Select wifi and want to hack hacker animations that show thefalse analyzes the wifi password* Get password and fool your friends that you can hack wifi.How joke:- Press the wifi scan and display all the wireless networks aroundyou button. You can tell your friends that you are a real hackercan break in and secured wi-fi.- Select the wireless network you want to cut. And the hacker wifishow the false animations, which analyzes the information andpassword wifi.- The network password will be displayed.Disclaimer:Please remember that this application was only for amusement Pranknot going to make a real hack. It's just a simulation, so that allpasswords are randomly generated and false! Prank
Wifi Hacker Password Simulated 1.9
Wifi Hacker Password is a funny prank app thatsimulates breaking into secured wireless networks protected withpasswords AES, WPA2 or WPA encryption. This Wifi Password Breakerwill display a professional hacking and analysis animation. Afterthe hack program has completed, it will generate a fake password.All you friends will be impressed that you can break their WiFihotspot and believe you are a real hacker and technical genius.This is a very delightful prank to play on your friends.How to use* Download our Wifi Hakcer password.* Enable the wifi in your phone and launch our wifi hacker.* The wifi hack tool will quick and easy detect the entire wirelessnetwork when you press the start crack button.* Select the wifi you want to hack and the hacker will show thefake animations which analyzes the wifi Password* Get password and trick your friends that you can hack wifi.Description:> This app is a Fun Prank app detects all the wifi hotspotsin range, with either good or bad signal.> The detected wireless networks are displayed in a list ofwifi network identifiers.> You can choose the id of one of the wifi networks from thislist.> After a simulation of hacking a fake generated passwordwill be displayed and you can copy that password with this app WiFiHacker Prank Fun app.> See how the other persons will amaze as if you have reallybroken the network and you can enjoy with this app Wifi Hacker FunPrank app!Warning:This app, Wifi Hacker Fun Prank app is totally a Prank app, wejust developed only for fun, So enjoy.
The Cleaner Pro 2016 1.1
The Cleaner Pro 2016 is very easy to use, Itcan remove hidden junk files with just one touch.The Cleaner Pro 2016 also helps in increasing your phone batterylife by uninstalling unwanted applications and closing backgroundapplications.Tired of your Android acting slow and laggy wit every tasktaking longer than it should? Then tryThe Cleaner Pro 2016 NOW andget your device back to running smooth!Why The Cleaner Pro?Cleaner Pro is the perfect tool to get your phone back toperforming at its peak performance levels by shutting down andcleaning unwanted cache and residual files. It will get your gamesand tasks running smoothly again and kill processes that cause hightemperatures. No longer will your phone or device need to be pushedto the max.What We Can Do For You?We make it easy to free up more storage from your device and SDcard, boost games and memory, enhance speed, stop overheating andprotect your device against vulnerabilities. All of this forFREE.Features: Booster & Cleaner:☆ Targeted: Cleaner Pro knows automatically the behavior of appsand how to specifically and accurately target cache and residualfiles that take up unwanted space.☆ Fast & Intuitive: It has a simple, fast, and seamless layoutwith user friendly simulations to show you how the app isworking.☆ Speed: Scans your phone in under 10 seconds and fixes the issueswith lightening speed.Highlights:► DEVICE ICECool off your device by finding and stopping the apps that arecausing it to overheat.► TRASH REMOVALDelete cache and residual files to recovery storage, boost speedand improve the performance of your device.► MEMORY BOOSTBoost games and apps, while freeing up memory (RAM) to speed upyour device. One touch feature allows you to do all of this quicklyand efficiently.► CPU BOOSTCalculate CPU usage by app and stop them from draining your batteryor slowing down your device. This also helps to regulate thetemperature of the device.► APP TASK MANAGERUninstall unwanted apps quickly from one screen. Cleaner Pro canidentify those which are up to no good and help to get rid ofthem.
كشف الحمل بالأشعة -prank 1.1.1
يهدف هذا التطبيق فقط لأغراض الترفيه Prank ولايوفر صحيحا X-Rayلعبة يستخدم كاميرا لتأثير أكثر واقعية!اختر ما تريد مسح - بطن الحمل أو فتاة.هذا التطبيق هو تطبيق بالنسبة لك للحصول على نتائج الحمل وتقاسمها معأصدقائك، وقيام الموجات فوق الصوتية في خطوات سريعة وتبين أن لديهاتقرير الموجات فوق الصوتية حامل !!خداع أصدقائك مع هذا التطبيق الموجات فوق الصوتية الماسح الضوئي تبينلهم هاتفك لديه القدرة على مسح بالموجات فوق الصوتية. بحيث تكون غيرضارة ومتعة للعب مع! محاولة لمسح وظيفة الكاميرا الحمل مضحكالمميزات:* افتح الحمل التطبيق الأشعة السينية ماسحة المزحة،* ضع الكاميرا المحمولة أمام بطنك،الموجات فوق الصوتية الموجات فوق الصوتية* انقر على أيقونة مسح لاختبار مستواك في الحمل،* استمتع النتائج مع الأهل والأصدقاء، 7- لحظة الوصول إلى كمية لاتصدق من المحتوى- فيديو تظهر كل جوانب التحليل، بما في ذلك:* تطبيق مجاني* بالموجات فوق الصوتية أفضل تطبيق الروبوت - 2015 المزحة- الرسومات والأصوات بارد- سهل الاستخدامتنويه:الحمل اختبار الماسح لا يمكن كشف الحقيقة إذا كنت حاملا. انها مجردمزحة Prank للعب على أصدقائك.This application isintended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide truePrank X-RayGame uses the camera more realistic effect!Choose what you want to scan - pregnancy belly or a girl.This application is an application for you to get the results ofthe pregnancy and share it with your friends, and do ultrasound inquick steps and turns out to have a report of ultrasonic wavesholder !!Fool your friends with this application of ultrasonic waves scannershow them your phone has the ability to scan ultrasound. So thatthey are harmless and fun to play with! Try to scan camera functionfunny pregnancyAdvantages:* Open the X-ray scanner application load Prank,* Place the portable camera in front of your belly,Ultrasound ultrasound* Click on the scan icon to test your level of pregnancy,* Enjoy the results with friends and family, 7. instant access toan incredible amount of content- Video show all aspects of analysis, including:* Free application* Ultrasonic best Android application --2,015 Prank- Cool graphics and sounds- easy to useNotice:Pregnancy test scanner can not reveal the truth if you arepregnant. Prank It's just a joke to play on your friends.
كشف كلمة سر الويفي -Prank 1.5
هل تبحث عن برنامج كاشف رمز و كلمة السر الويفي؟هل مللت البحت عن تطبيق كاشف كلمات السر في شبكات الواي فاي مجانا ؟مل تبحث كتيرا عن برنامج كشف كلمة السر wifi و لم تجد أي نتيجة؟نقدم لك اليوم تطبيق كشف كلمة سر Wifi (Prank) الذي سيساعدك حتماعلى كشف كشف كلمة سر الويفي و عمل مقالب لأصدقائك و عائلتك عن طريقكشف كلمة سرهم أمامهم.مميزات التطبيق :✔ كشف كلمة السر wifi و الاطلاع على كلمة السر✔ يمكنك تشغيله دون أنترنيت و يعمل على جميع إصدارات الهواتف.✔ لا يأتر على بطارية الهاتف عكس التطبيقات الأخرى.✔ كشف كلمة السر wifi بدون انترنت.✔ سهل الإستخدام و حجمه قليل جدا.✔ يمكنك عمل به قوالب لأصدقائك عن طريق كشف رمز الويفي الخاصبهم.✔ كشف رمز وكلمة سر الويفي✔ التطبيق مجرد مزحةكشفية تشغيل التطبيق :عن الدخول للتطبيق ستجد تلات أزرار كل زر له دوره الزر الأول يأخدلدور التطبيق الرئيسي و هو كشف كلمة السر الويفي Prank عن الضغط عليهستظهر لك شبكات الويفي القريبة منك كل ما عليك فعله هو إختيار شبكة والضغط عليها تم تنتظر عملية كشف الويفي ستكلفك بضع تواني فقط و ستظهرلك كلمة السر.Are you looking for thedetector program code and password Aloeva?Tired purely on the application of reagent passwords in Wi-Finetworks for free?Ml Ktara looking for wifi password detection software and didnot find any result?We offer you today the application password Wifi detection(Prank) which will help you inevitably reveal a password Aloevadumps and work for your friends and family by their passwordrevealed detect them.Application features:✔ revealed the password and access to wifi password✔ you can run it without access to the Internet and works on allversions of phones.✔ not Aotr the phone battery Unlike other applications.✔ password wifi Internet without detection.✔ easy to use and very small size.✔ You can work with templates for your friends by detecting theirAloeva code.✔ detection code and password AloevaApplication ✔ just a jokeDetective run the application:For access to the application you will find petals each buttonbuttons his role as the first button Eachd of the role of the mainapplication and is password Aloeva Prank pressure it will show youthe nearby Aloeva networks you all you have to do is expose selecta network and press them have been waiting for detection Aloevaprocess will cost you a few Lithuanian only and you'll see thepassword.
كاشف العظام بالأشعة -simulated 1.9
هل كنت أتساءل كيف يمكنك الحصول على الوقتالحقيقي، والأشعة السينية المسح الضوئي مع الهاتف المحمول الخاص بك ثمنحن، يكون لها حل. هذا هو التطبيق مزحة للحصول على المتعة وخداعأصدقائك. الأشعة السينية مسح التطبيق هو وهمية مزحة الأشعة السينيةالماسح الضوئي لخداع أصدقائك أنك يكون بين رهيبة التطبيق الهاتف يمكنللأشعة السينية أن تلك اليد اليسرى. هذا التطبيق الأشعة السينية ماسحةعرض التطبيق صورة وهمية XRAY اليد اليسرى والهيكل العظمي. تحميلالأشعة السينية ماسحة لمسح يدك أو الساق أو حتى صدرك! نقطة الكاميرافقط بضع بوصات مختارة من جزء من الجسم الخاص بك، والانتظار لعمليةالمسح إلى أن تكتمل، وخلال ثوان سوف تكون موثوقة لرؤية الأشعة السينيةمن يدك أو الساق الخ! إمالة الهاتف الخاص بك على يدك وتمرير صورةالأشعة السينية. قد تحتاج إلى ممارسة عدة مرات.يمكنك أيضا تغيير لون والحجم والسرعة في شاشة الإعداد. الأشعةالسينية سكانر مضحك هو التطبيق متعة لأولئك الذين يحبون النكاتالعملية! هذه ليست الاشعات السينيه الحقيقية، لذا فهي غير ضارة ومتعةللعب مع! محاولة الخروج من ميزة كاميرا مضحك الأشعة السينية سكانرللنقر الصور متعة عصبي! محاولة تعرية الأسنان الخاصة بك، وجعل عينيكتبدو كبيرة ... مخيفة!التعليمات:ضع هاتفك على يدك اليسرى والقدم والرأس والصدر والمعدةفتح تطبيق الماسح الضوئي الأشعة السينية.إمالة الهاتف حتى انتقل لأعلى صورة الأشعة السينية.الهاتف الميل إلى أسفل للتمرير إلى أسفل.تحذير: الأشعة السينية الماسح الضوئي هو التطبيق مزحة ( Prank ) منأجل المتعة فإنه لا يحتوي على أي اشعة السينية الحقيقي.Are you wondering how youcan get a real-time, and X-ray scanning with your cellphone thenwe, have a solution. This is a prank application to have fun andfool your friends. X-ray scanning application is a joke and a fakeX-ray scanner to fool your friends that you have between awesomephone application can X-ray that those left hand. This applicationof X-ray scanner application image fake XRAY left hand skeletaldisplay. Download X-ray scanner to scan your hand or leg or evenyour chest! Just point the camera a few inches of the selected partof your body, and wait for the scanning process to be completed,and within seconds you will be trusted to see the X-ray of yourhand or leg etc! Tilt your phone on your hand and pass the X-rayimage. You may need to practice a few times.You can also change the color, size and speed in the setupscreen. X-ray Scanner funny application is fun for those who likepractical jokes! This is not a real ray X-rays, so it is harmlessand fun to play with! Funny try out the X-ray scanner camerafeature to click pictures spooky fun! Try baring your teeth, makeyour eyes look great ... scary!FAQ:Put your phone on your left hand, foot and head, chest andstomachOpen an application of X-ray scanner.Tilt the phone until he moved to the top of the X-ray image.Phone tendency to scroll down to the bottom.WARNING: X-ray scanner is a prank application (Prank) for fun, itdoes not contain any real ray radiation.
Face Stickers Editor 1.0
Hey gorgeous girls and women from all aroundthe world, get Mask Stickers Photo Editor that will add a littlemystery to your look with beautiful face mask photo effects forgirls! This one of a kind free face changing software gives you theopportunity to create amazing Italian masks virtual makeover injust a few simple steps! Let the fun pics art making begin rightaway! Download this interesting face sticker app and you will havethe coolest images for free!◆ Face Stickers Editor features ◆◆ Easy software for photo editing you will enjoy using!◆ The best photo collection of cool Venetian masks camerastickers!◆ Amazing Italian masks photo montage with luxurious costume maskstamps!◆ Free picture editing mask maker that will make you lookmysterious!◆ Upload your pictures and selfies to add beautiful mask stickersto your face!◆ Take new photos directly from elegant mask face changerapp!◆ Move, zoom in & out or rotate face mask stickers to positionthem perfectly!◆ Virtual makeover mask effects that will make you ready for amasquerade!◆ Make gorgeous pics & play one of the best face maskgames!◆ Write text on pictures to add your personal touch to them!◆ Don't forget to share these edited images to Facebook, Instagram,Twitter, etc!Fancy Mask Camera Stikering is a awesome funny Image pics stickerare in this application. Capture a photo directly from the camerato fit the Stickers directly on the people's photo.. Let’s try itby applying any number of Funny Fancy stickers and you will lovethis cool stuff. This application is great for everyone who justlooking to have some fun with photos.Note - kindly turn off auto rotate on your mobile before Editingthe Photo.We have included the following Photo Stickers categories:1. Fancy Mask Sticker==> In this category we have included all Fancy kind of Masks.Adjust mask position by draging on to face. You can Scale in andout image.2. Decoration Stamps==> In this Category we have included the Many Hats, Spects,Teeths, Mustches and so on ...3. Love Stamp Stickers.==> In this Category We have included different kinds of awesomeLove symbels4. Boom Sticker Stamps==> In this category we have included WOW, OUCH, POW POW, BOOM,BANG, OH !!! ,, Etc....5. Text on Photo==> You can Write differnt colors of TEXT on your photo and youcan rotate, Zoom in and out.
Wifi Password Hakcer Prank 1.4
WiFi Password Hacker application will allowyou to find the password of any WiFi network within the range. Thisapplication is just a prank. It only pretends hacking into securedWiFi networks. Anyone can use it to trick friends and family. Yourfriends gonna think that you can hack into their private wifinetwork. You can trick anyone with the help of this app.Free Wifi Password Hacker is a funny prank app that simulatesbreaking into secured wireless networks protected with passwordsAES, WPA2 or WPA encryption. This Wifi Password Breaker willdisplay a professional hacking and analysis animation. After thehack program has completed, it will generate a fake password. Allyou friends will be impressed that you can break their WiFi hotspotand believe you are a real hacker and technical genius. This is avery delightful prank to play on your friends.How to use:* Download our Wifi password Cracker Prank.* Enable the wifi in your phone and launch our wifi hacker.* The wifi hack tool will quick and easy detect the entire wirelessnetwork when you press the start crack button.* Select the wifi you want to hack and the hacker will show thefake animations which analyzes the wifi Password* Get password and trick your friends that you can hack wifi.Disclaimer:Once again, please remember that this app is not an actual hackertool. Displayed passwords are randomly generated. It is just forfun.
كشف شفرة الويفي -Simulated 1.7
تطبيق كشف شفرة الويفيقم باختيار الويفي القريب منك والضغط على زر التطبيق ليتم إظهار كلمةسر الويفييعمل على كشف رمز الويفييكشف لك شبكات ويفي بدون كود الويفي المحمي ب كلمة السر للويفيفقطيساعدك على الاطلاع على كلمة سر الواي فاي wifiيقوم بكشف كلمة سر واي فايالتطبيق لا يعمل على اختراق الواي فايكشف كلمة سر الويفي Prankالتطبيق خفيف جدا وسريع و جديديتميز بسهولة وسرعة الاستخدام في كشف رمز واي فايهل تريد إبهار أصدقائكم و التباهي أمامهم أنك هاكر محترف و خطييير؟؟هل تبحث عن برنامج كشف كلمة سر الويفي ؟؟هل تريد برنامج إختراق الويفي ؟؟إذن مرحبا بك في هذا الإصدار الأخير من تطبيق كشف شفرة الويفيمجانا و يجب التنويه إلى أن هذا التطبيق عبارة عن مقلب فقط و لا يقومبإختراق الويفي حقيقة أو شيئ من هذا القبيل .مميزات النطبيق :✔ يمكن تشغيل التطبيق بدون نت✔ الفايسبوك facebook✔ خفيف على الهاتف✔ الكشف و الإطلاع على كلمة السر wifi✔ سهل الإستخدام✔ واجهة أنيقة و إحترافية✔ يمكنك عمل قوالب لأصدقائكم عبر كشف كلمة السر الخاصة بهم✔ كشف كلمة و رمز السر للويفي prankAloeva application coderevealedSelect Aloeva near you and press the button for the application isshown password AloevaIt works to detect Aloeva codeYou reveal the networks and Levi without Aloeva code is protectedby password only for LoeweHelps you see the Wi-Fi password wifiThe disclosure of a password Wi-FiThe application does not work on breakthrough Wi-FiDetection password Aloeva PrankApplication very light and fast and newFeaturing easily and quickly use in the detection of Wi-Fi iconDo you want to impress your friends and brag about them that youare a professional hacker and Khteyer ??Are you looking for a password Aloeva detection program ??Do you want to get through the Aloeva program ??Hello your permission in this latest version of the applicationcode Aloeva detect free and should be noted that this applicationis a mold only and does not hacked Aloeva fact or something likethat.Alntbaiq features:✔ the application can run without the Net✔ Facebook facebookLight on the phone ✔✔ detection and access to password wifi✔ easy to use✔ elegant interface and professional✔ You can make templates to your friends via their own passwordrevealed✔ revealed word and the secret code of the Loewe prank
Christmas Photo Frames 2016 1.0
♥♥♥ CHRISTMAS IS COMING !!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Make the most beautiful Christmas Card EVER!!! ♥♥♥Christmas Photo Frames 2016 is the latest photo frame abouttopic christmas. Christmas Photo Frames 2016 app very professional,total FREE 100%.Christmas Photo Frames 2016 is an application helps you edit andcollage picture frame with over 50 Christmas Photo Frames 2016 verybeautiful and romantic then share it at a time!Christmas Photo Frames 2016 with a friendly interface, simpledesign, easy to use: with just a few simple steps as select frame,select images, rotate, zoom in, zoom out, move, save that you havea extremely artistic photographs.Application Christmas Photo Frames 2016 helps you share photos withfriends via popular social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,Picasa, G+, Email, SMS, Zalo, v.v…In addition Christmas Photo Frames 2016 also allows you to setpicture as live wallpaper on app with meteor shower effects andfalling star effects extremely beautiful and romantic .Features:* Import photo from gallery or take photo by camera** Take photo live with frames*** Gallery: browse the created photo.*** Add Text, Balloon, Stickers to photo
Wifi Hacker simulated 1.1.2
Wifi Hacker simulated is a new free wifi appwhich allows you to pretend to break the password of all thenetworks nearby and gain the access. It looks professional and itis the best app to prank your friends.WiFi hacker simulated is a prank app that gives the impressionyou can hack a WiFi network. This prank app creates the illusionthat it can hack into secured wireless networks protected with WEP,AES or WPA2 encryption. It doesn't actually harms or breaks intowireless networks. But it's an awesome tool to impress your friendsand with which you can have fun. It makes you look like aproficient hacker and a technical genius. This is a very delightfulprank to play on your friends.How to Use★move to a place where wifi is available.★Launch Wifi password Hack app and press the start button in themenu. The Wifi will detect all the wifi networks .★Click the wifi id you want to hack.★The Wifi password Hack will demand which process to apply to thiswifi victim ( hack password,turn off the wifi or change thepassword of the router).★( result of first wifi hack) the fake wifi password will bedisplayed.★( result of second wifi hack) turn off message confirmation willbe displayed.★( result of third wifi hack) you have to enter new wifi passwordthen a message will be displayed.Feature :1. Scan for WiFi hotspots around you.2. Search for available WiFi with one-tap3. Safe to wireless network4. Harm nothing.5. Beautiful Fun and Prank Friends.6. Easy to use, simple and real graphics.7. Professional animations and real touch looks awesome.8. Save data costs by connecting with free WiFi hotspots9. Enable your phone as a portable hotspot with one-tap.10. Enables WiFi in your phone.Disclaimer:There is no real wifi hacker in the market. They are allsimulator for fun including ours. Thank you!
Christmas Photo Montage 2016 1.0
Download Christmas Photo Montage 2016 appforfree, and take a look to amazing Xmas face photo suitframes.Christmas Photo Montage 2016 is new app which allows you toeditphoto, and montage it in some nice Xmas photo suit and dresses.Wecollected best Christmas photo suits for you. Thanks to greatphotoeditor you can make perfect photo montages with yourfavoritephotos. Choose photo from image gallery, or take a new onewithsmartphone camera. Adjust photo in best Christmas photo frame.Tryall xmas suits, and fashion dresses, add photo effects, useyourcreativity and fashion design skills.There are lots of Christmas dress photo suits, for girls. Soifyou have a wish to look like Santa’s wife, then fit your faceintotransparent area of xmas dresses photo suit. Try all xmasgirlphoto montage suits, frame photo of yourself, your bestfriend,person you love. Frame photos of all your family and makegreatsouvenir forever. At the and choose photo frame that bestsuitsyour face, save and show to everybody. Become great photomontagemaker, and in couple of minutes suit your face photo intoMaryChristmas photo montage frame. If you never be Santa Clausorsnowman, you can now. Thanks to incredible photo montage app,yourphotos, selfie, photos of your baby or children, or relatives,willget totally new, amazing look. There are variety of New Yearsphotosuits, dresses and funny costumes for all family. Take photoofyour baby and montage photo to body of elf, little Santa,reindeer,etc. Kids will be amazed. Make great souvenir and keepsakeforgrandparents.Amaze yourself and impress friends with your new fabulouslook.Save photo, and share on social networks. This is very funnyphotoframe montage application. Try all woman xmas photo framesandchoose one you like the most. Also try all man Christmas photosuitframes. Christmas is perfect time for everybody who would liketomake new photos. This new cool photo editing app offers youbestvirtual funny look. Just make perfect photo montages with yourfacephoto and suit your photo in transparent area. Surpriseyourselfwith your top good-looking. Frame the best moments of NewYear’svacation with amazing photo frames, decorated withbeautifulbackground, or xmas ornaments, such as jingle bells,Christmastree, and other decoration: snow effects, candles, xmaslights,etc.Just imagine the endless possibilities it offers. You can takeafamily photo, put it in a nice frame and use it as asymbolicChristmas gift for all of your beloved onesFeatures:** take a photo or select from image gallery** choose Photo Montage frame you like the most** montage your photo on frame you like the most** edit photo, rotate, resize** save model and share with friendsDownload now and have fun create unique Christmas photo themeandshare it with your friends or family with Christmas PhotoMontage2016 !
The Cleaner - speed booster 1.1
The Cleaner-speed booster is a small, fast,andtotally free Android device cleaner and booster featuring ajunkcleaner, memory booster, device optimizer, app manager. Withthisapp you can free up storage, boost RAM, remove ordisableunnecessary Apps, lock apps and get your device runningagain likewhen it was new.Is your Android device performance slowing down? Do unwantedAppsand redundant files occupy your mobile device storage space?PowerClean, the fast and powerful cleaner that helps you to freeupstorage, clean up memory, stop autostart Apps, remove ordisableunnecessary Apps, know your device, optimize and speed upit. Justone click, you’ll be the Optimize Master of Android.Junk CleanFree up storage and optimize performance by removing old junkfilesand clutter such as system cache, residual file, cleaning outthedownload folder, and more.Memory BoostClean up memory (RAM) and optimize phone speed byremovingredundant background tasks.Stop auto-start Apps to increase boot speed and reducememoryusage.1-tap memory cleaner and booster widget makes it easy to cleanyourphone directly from the homescreen.App ManagerEasy to batch uninstall unwanted Apps or backup importantones.Disable pre-installed and system Apps.Scan and clean redundant APK files.Device InformationHandy status of CPU, memory (RAM), GPU, camera, storage,ROM,battery and hardware features.Keep track of memory (RAM), storage space andCPU/batterytemperature.Stop Apps from wasting battery life and causing devicetooverheat.TuneUp task manager's memory thresholds to optimize yourphone'sperformance.This App is 100% FREE cleaner and booster. Try it free andgetyour Android phone or tab running like new!WHAT'S NEWNew theme addedAutokill improvedOn reboot improvedPrevious bugs fixedNotification improvedMemory monitor improvedAlways rate button removedSorting added to cache cleaner
Remove Clothes XRay2 simulated 1.7
Remove Clothes XRay2This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and doesnotprovide true XRay.Remove clothing X-Ray Joke - a joke simulation game where youcantry yourself as a spy for friends! Collect compromising photosorspyware into a joke! Make an X-ray girl or guy! Play yourfriendsand loved ones!Have you ever imagine to scan a cloth or body from mobilecamera?if no try out an xray simulator cloth vision. easiest wayfor you tosimulate it with this application- see under the coats or any cloth!- Camera xray to scan cloth- Scan lingerie- easy to use- It is simulator free application.This is a great application to make joke and fun.
X-Ray Camera Hd simulated 1.5
Have you ever imagine to scan a cloth orbodyfrom mobile camera? if no try out an xray simulator clothvision.easiest way for you to simulate it with thisapplication- see under the coats or any cloth!- Camera xray to scan cloth- Scan lingerie- easy to use- It is simulator free application.Specifications of X-RAY Camera HD PRANK APP:- Possibility of scanning any object near or far.- Possibility of manipulating any PIC.- Possibility of sharing PICS with your frends infacebook,instagram ect...- Making fake PICS out of the original ones.- Possibility of keeping all the manipulated PICS.- Possibility of Zipping or unzipping all themanipulatedPICS.- Possibility of keeping all the manipulated PICS in theFavouritefolder.- Take new PICS to manipulate theme later.EnjoyDownload this new appPoint your smartphone or tablet before of the body.Creates the effect of the x-ray.And laught at your friend for the result scanner.This is not real scanner.Make fun with your friendThis is a fake xray scanner, not a real X-ray, it's a prankxrayapp with moving x-ray skeletal left hand image, this app isforentertainment only.
كشف تحت الملابس آخر إصدارprank 1.6
كشف ما تحت الملابسXray تطبيق رائع ل كشف الملابس الداخلية . سهولة في العمل معتطبيقكاشف الملابس الداخلية .* برنامج كشف ما تحت الملابس* سهولة في العمل* كاميرا كشف تحت الملابسهل سبق لك أن تخيلت أن كاميرا هاتفك الأندرويد يمكنها اختراقالملابسعبر تقنية الـ X rayطبعا فبفضل تطبيق " كاشف الملابس الداخلية " يمكنك أن ترىالملابسالداخلية لأي شخص دون علمه باستعمال الأشعة السينية .ـ كاميرا التطبيق تخترق جميع أنواع الملابس و لو كانتغليضةكالمعاطف.ـ التطبيق سهل الاستعمال يكفيك أن تختار جنس الشخص الذي تريد رؤيةماتحت ملابسه، هل ذكر أم أنثى.ـ التطبيق مجاني و سيبقى كذلك على طول.نحن لسنا مسؤولين أمام الله لو استعمل التطبيق في كشف عورات النساءوالمحرمات.مميزات التطبيق :- كشف الناس بدون ملابس- كاشف الملابس الداخلية للنساء- كاشف أعضاء الجسم بأشعة فوق صوتية- فحص جسم المرأة بالأشعة- فحص الجسم بالأشعة- كاشف العظام و المفاصل.- فحص العظام.تحذير :تطبيق جهاز كشف الناس بدون ملابس مجرد مزحة PRANK ولا يقومبكشفالملابس الداخلية للمرأة والرجل ، انما هو تطبيق للمزحة فقط وخداعأصدقائك للحصول على بعض المرح و من أجل المتعةReveal whatunderclothingXray wonderful application for detecting underwear. Easy toworkwith the application of the detector underwear.* Reveal what under clothing program* Easy to work* Detection camera under clothesHave you ever imagined that your phone's camera Androidcanpenetrate clothing through the technique of X rayOf course thanks to the application of "reagent underwear" Youcansee the underwear to any person without his knowledge byusingX-rays.Application camera penetrates all kinds of clothing and ifGladhKalmatef.Application is user-friendly enough for you to choose the sex oftheperson that you want to see what's under his clothes, is maleorfemale.App is free and will remain well along.We are not responsible before God if it is used in the detectionofthe application see women's and taboos.Application features:- Expose people without clothes- Reagent women's underwear- Ray detector body organs ultrasound- Examination of a woman's body radiotherapy- The body scan- Reagent bones and joints.- Bone scan.Warning :Application revealed a people without clothes PRANK just a jokeanddoes not reveal underwear for women and men, but it is appliedtoonly a joke and fool your friends for some fun and forpleasure
كاشف أسفل الملابس حصريا prank 1.0
دع الآخرين يعتقدون أن لديك أداة يمكن أن ترىفيالواقع ما تحت الملابسهذا هو التطبيق ممتع جدا. ممتع جدا يمكن أن أقول لكم أصدقائك للعبمعهاتفك ونرى كيف يمكنك مسح لهم. يمكنك الذهاب من خلال عملية حيثيجبعليك أن تقرر أولا على جنس الشخص وجزء من الجسم الذي ترغب فيتحليل.يمكنك نقل في نهاية المطاف إلى التقاط صورة، الانتظار بينما يتمتحليلالبيانات ومن ثم الحصول على النتيجة الغريبة التي قد تبدو حقيقيةتبدأفي خداع الآخرين اليوم لجميع لهم لنرى كيف يمكن أن نرى وراءشخصالملابس. جعل الرجال والفتيات العصبي مع قدراتك. ويقترح آخرون أنكنتالوحيد الذي لديه كل أنواع من الميزات الرائعة على هواتفهم.جعلأصدقائك بالغيرة منكم. ري من التطبيق لدينا؟ المضي قدماوتركتعليقاتك، شكرا لكم على دعمكم. إذا كنت تتمتع منتجاتنا، وشكرالكملمتابعتنا والانتظار للحصول على التحديثات.يمكنك معرفة حجم حمالة الصدر من أي فتاة استخدام هذا البرازيليحجمماسحة المزحة التطبيق.هذا التطبيق يحتوي أيضا حقائق مثيرة للاهتمام حول الصدرية التيقدتساعدك على معرفة كيفية العثور على حمالة الصدر المثاليبالنسبةلك.ملاحظة: هذه هي المزحة Prank التطبيق وقدم لغرض التسلية فقط.Let others think thatyouhave a tool that can actually see what under clothingThis is a very interesting application. Very interesting thatyoucan tell your friends to play with your phone and see how youcanclear them. You can go through a process where you mustfirstdecide on the sex of the person and the part of the body thatyouwant to analyze. You can move in the end to take a picture,waitwhile the data is analyzed and then get a strange result thatmaylook like a real start to deceive others today for all of themtosee how you can see the person behind the clothes. Make guysandgirls nervous with your abilities. Others suggest that you aretheonly one who has all kinds of great features on their phone.Makeyour friends jealous of you. Rey of our app? Go ahead andleaveyour comments, thank you for your support. If you enjoyourproducts, and thank you to follow us and wait for updates.You can see the size of the bra of any girl you usethisBrazilian size scanner Prank application.This application also contains interesting facts about thechestthat may help you figure out how to find the perfect braforyou.Note: This is a Prank Prank application was made for the purposeofentertainment only.
Wifi Password Simulated 1.8
If you want to be hacker in front offriendsthen install our WiFi Password, generate password for your selected WiFi network, show ittofriends andmake them fool, This is basically a prank app that makes afakehacking process to makea fun with friends and prank them. You can impress your friendbyusing WiFi PasswordHacker and can show off that you know hacking.This app has a beautiful Graphical Interface, Easyandunderstandable Layouts,Either it is secure, protected or open wifi all the networksarescanned. The wifi networks are show in list. This app also showthewifi network name, wifi signal strength and their names.Allsecured wifi networks which are available in the range willbeshown to you. Select a network and after selection a falsewifihacking like processing will be shown. At the end of fakewifihacking simulation a random wifi password will be shown. Copythefake hacked password to the clip board and EnJoy!!The best wifi hacking joke software for android atthemarket.Start WiFi password in your friends house and , they willbelievethat you are really hacking their WiFi network key!Watch the reaction on their scared face and have a lot of fun.This is joke app to prank your friends. You can take thephoneand go to someone home and run this app pretending that youwillhack his security password but this is NOT a software that canfindpassword it just contains animations.Hackifi WiFi Hacker is a prank application that does NOTdohacking of the network key or network, its just for fun and itjusthave animations for entertainment.**THIS IS JUST A SIMULATION IT DOES NOT ACTUALLY HACKTHENETWORK***
Santa Face changer 2016 1.0
Christmas is coming soon !!! ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Make the most beautiful Christmas !!! ♥♥♥"Make something special with Santa Face changer 2016 and enjoyThebest christmas year 2016 in your life !!christmas Photo Frames "is a collection of over a lots ofbeautifulphoto frames of Christmas for you It has the same functionas theframe Nice picture, You can use theseapplication/./////////////////// to decorating your lovely photos.title: santa clausChristmas hats Photo Frame edit :Description These app santa claus in short :Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016Add picture frame, sticker, Hats elf face editor♥♥♥ Make the best photo christmas, frame !!! ♥♥♥"The best application christmas photo frames !!"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016Let's play Christmas New Year 2016 Christmas hats with yourfriendsand family!Make great fun on this Christmas with the Santa FaceChangerapp.Choose pictures from gallery, click photo from camera orselectphoto from facebook. Resize them with tool and decorate withlotsof Christmas stickers, santa gifts, cool santa hair and manymorecool stuff.Santa Face Changer has great collection of decorations formakingmore happy and memorable Xmas. Make great memories on thisXmas withSanta Face Changer and spread them on social world likefacebook,twitter, whatsapp, wechat, textgram, instagram,pinterest, pic art,photo collage, etc.Santa Face Changer cool features :★ Cool Santa Stickers★ Collection of colorful hair★ Share on single tap★ Great variety of santa gifts★★★★★ ♥♥ Best way to decorate Santa ♥♥★★★★★ ♥♥ Awesome collections for Santa face maker ♥♥Merry Christmas ♥
Wifi mot de passe Hacker prank 2.7
Coincé sans WiFi? Il suffit d'utiliser leWiFide quelconque avec notre candidature génial!Obtenez le mot de passe à de ne importe quel réseau WiFisécuriséavec WiFi Mot de passe Hacker Prank et ressembler à ungénie!Trick tous en pensant que vous êtes un génie de la!notreapplciation est la blague parfaite pour jouer sur les amis etlafamille!Il suffit de lancer l'application et afficher la listedesdisponibles WiFi. Sélectionnez le compte vous voulez pirater etunfaux mot de passe sera généré pour elle! Ils vont penser quevousvenez piraté dans leur compte WiFi!Remarque - WiFi Hacker Prank est seulement uneapplicationblague. Ce ne est pas une application réelle depiratage. Tous lesmots de passe générés sont aléatoires etfaux!Wifi mot de passe Hacker prank est une application blague. Ilneprétend piratage réseau wifi sécurisé.Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour piéger vos amis que vous pouvezpiraterleur réseau wifi privé.Il suffit de lancer cette application dans leur maison etchoisirleur nom de réseau sans fil. Faux mot de passe sera affiché,maisils vont penser que vous venez de rompre leur réseau!Nous vous rappelons que cette application a été faite seulementpourle plaisir et il ne fera pas un réel piratage. Ce n'estqu'unesimulation, de sorte que tous les mots de passe sontgénérésaléatoirement et faux!Pourquoi il est génial:Wifi mot de passe Hacker prank est la meilleure façon de blagueàvos amis en faisant croire que vous êtes un génie dans lepiratageet de montrer que si vous avez le mot de passe hack. WifiPrank aune très bonne interface utilisateur et vous semblez êtreuntechnophile très professionnel à vos amis. Facile pour tromperetPrank vos amis avec cette application blague.