- App naamLadybug Attack
- Naam of
- PubliceerdatumOctober 19, 2013
- Bestandsgrootte12M
- BenodigdhedenAndroid 2.1 and up
- Versie1.0
- OntwikkelaarKandang Software
- Installaties100 - 500
- PriceGratis
- CategoriePuzzle
- Ontwikkelaar
- Google Play Link
Kandang Software Meer...
Belajar Gitar 1.0 APK
Indonesia :Mungkin bagi anda yang sudah mahir bermain gitar bukanlah sesuatuyang sulit, namun bagi pemula seperti alangkah sulitnya walau hanyamenghafal satu lagu yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa chord saja.Buku ini akan memberikan bimbingan dan pengenalan atas Chorddasar, sehingga untuk orang yang sama sekalli belum mengenal gitarakan mudah belajar dan memahaminya, karena buku ini di susun denganbahasa yang sederhana dan dengan gambar-gambar ilustrasi yang akanmemudahkan dalam belajar.English :Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chord alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same sekalliguitar will be easy to learn and understand it, because the book isin the bunk with simple language and illustrated with pictures thatwill make it easier to learn.Indonesia:Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chord alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same sekalliguitar will be easy to learn and understand it, because the book isin the bunk with simple language and illustrated with pictures thatwill make it easier to learn.English:Perhaps for those of you who are already proficient guitar playingis not something that is difficult, but for a beginner like itwould be difficult if only memorize one song that only consists ofa few chords alone.This book will provide guidance and introduction to the basicChord, so for those who are not familiar with the same guitarsekalli will be easy to learn and understand it, Because The bookis in the bunk with simple language and illustrated with picturesthat will make- it Easier to learn.
Dongeng Anak Si Kancil 1.0 APK
Jika mendengar dongeng tentang si kancil, pasti kita sudah sangatfamiliar. Cerita mengenai binatang yang cerdik dan banyak akalnyaitu, lazim menjadi kisah pengantar tidur bagi anak-anak. Banyakversi dan selalu menarik untuk diceritakan. Begitu populernyacerita si kancil ini membuatnya menjadi salah satu dongeng fabelIndonesia yang terkenal.Tidak hanya anak kecil, banyak orang dewasa juga hafal mengenaikisah petualangan dari si kancil. Ini menunjukkan bahwa fabel sikancil popularitasnya menembus berbagai kalangan dan usia. Tokohutama fabel ini adalah binatang yang bertingkah polah sepertimanusia.If thestory about the deer, certainly we are very familiar. Stories aboutanimals that clever and ingenious, commonly becomes a bedtime storyfor children. Many versions and always interesting to tell. Oncethe popularity of the story is the deer making it one of the famousfables Indonesia.Not only children, many adults also memorized the adventurestory of the deer. This suggests that the hare fable popularitypenetrate a variety of backgrounds and ages. The main character ofthis fable are animals that behave like human doings.
Lagu Anak Sepanjang Masa 1.0 APK
Aplikasi yang menyenangkan untuk anak-anak, berisi lagu-lagu anaknusantara sepanjang masa.Saat ini sangat susah ditemukan lagu-lagu anak, aplikasi iniakan membawa kenangan pada masa lalu ketika lagu-lagu anak inibegitu populer.Aplikasi Berisi 15 Lagu disertai Syairnya01 Aku Anak Gembala02 Aku Seorang Kapiten03 Burung Hantu04 Burung Kutilang05 Cicak Didinding06 Dondong Apa Salak07 Gundul Gundul Pacul08 Jagung Bakar09 Kring Kring Ada Sepeda10 Kucingku Belang Tiga11 Layang Layang12 Menanam Jagung13 Pamanku Datang14 tik-tik bunyi hujan15 Tukang KayuDISCLAIMERTeks lagu atau syair yang ada dalam Aplikasi ini adalah hakcipta/hak milik dari pengarang, artis, dan label musik ygbersangkutan.Seluruh media termasuk syair serta lagu tersedia pada domainpublik.Aplikasi ini tidak menyediakan file MP3 atau bentuk file lainnyadan atau tautan atau link yang bisa di download.Konten yang disediakan dalam aplikasi ini tersedia di Internetdalam domain publik. Kami tidak berafiliasi dan tidak memilikiperjanjian dalam bentuk apapun dengan individu/orang atau badanatau lembaga yang mengunggah konten yang tampil di aplikasi iniAplikasi ini hanya sebuah cara terorganisir untuk menelusurikontentertentu di Internet.Jika Anda suka dengan single ini, belilah kaset/CD atau nadasambung pribadi (NSP/RBT)-nya untuk mendukung artis/penyanyi/grupbandyang bersangkutan agar terus berkarya.Apabila Anda tidak setuju dengan ketentuan ini, harapsegeramembuang/Uninstall Aplikasi iniApplications that are fun for kids, children's songs archipelago ofall time.While this is very hard to find children's songs, this app willbring memories of the past when the songs are so popular thesechildren.Application Contains 15 tracks with The poetry01 I Shepherd Boy02 I'm A Captain03 Owl04 Bird Kutilang05 Lizard on the wall06 Dondong What Salak07 Bald Bald Pacul08 Corn Fuel09 Kring Kring There Bikes10 cat Striped Three11 Layang Layang12 Planting Corn13 My uncle Coming14 tick-tick sound of rain15 CarpenterDISCLAIMERText of a song or poem that exist in this application iscopyright / property of the authors, artists and music labelshorse's mouth.All media including the lyric and the song is available in thepublic domain.This application does not provide MP3 files or other files andforms or links, or links that can be downloaded.The content provided in this application is available on theInternet in the public domain. We are not affiliated and does nothave any form of agreement with individuals / persons orinstitutions who upload content that appears on thisapplicationThis application is just an organized way to discovercontentin particular the Internet.If you like this single, buy a cassette / CD or a personal dialtone (NSP / RBT) to support the artist / singer / bandin question to continue working.If you do not agree with these terms, please immediatelydiscard / Uninstall This Application
Anatomi Tubuh Manusia 1.1 APK
English:Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from theGreek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting orslicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures(human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned tothe smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised,studied, and examined using a microscope.Anatomy is divided into two parts:Macroscopia anatomy, andAnatomy Microscopia.Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science ofanatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica coveringanatomy osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionalecovering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membriinferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region (chest) and Regioabdominal (stomach)Indonesia:Anatomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang struktur tubuhmanusia,berasal dari bahasa yunani “ana”yang berarti habis ataukeatas dan “tomos” yang berarti memotong atau mengiris. Maksudnyaanatomi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari struktur tubuh (manusia)dengan cara nenguraikan tubuh (manusia) menjadi bagian yang lebihkecil kebagian yang paling kecil, dengan cara memotong atau megiristubuh (manusia) kemudian diangkat, dipelajari, dan diperiksamenggunakan mikroskop.Anatomi dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaituAnatomi Macroscopia,danAnatomi Microscopia.Anatomi yang akan diajarkan untuk memperdalam atau untukmemahami ilmu gerak adalah anatomi macroscopia yang tergolong dalamanatomi systematica yang meliputi Osteologi, arthrologi danmmyologi, dan anatomi regionale yang meliputi Regio membrisuperioris (anggota gerak atas), Regio membri inferioris (anggotagerak bawah), Regio thoracalis (dada) dan Regio abdominalis(perut)English:Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from theGreek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting orslicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures(human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned tothe smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised,Studied, and Examined using a microscope.Anatomy is divided into two parts:Macroscopia anatomy, andAnatomy Microscopia.Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science ofanatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica coveringanatomy Osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionalecovering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membriinferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region ( chest) and Regioabdominal (stomach)Indonesia:Anatomy is the study of human body structure, derived from theGreek "ana" which means out or up and "Tomos" meaning cutting orslicing. That is the anatomy is the study of the body structures(human) body nenguraikan by (human) into smaller parts assigned tothe smallest, by cutting or megiris body (human) then raised,studied, and examined using a microscope.Anatomy is divided into two parts:Macroscopia anatomy, andAnatomy Microscopia.Anatomy will be taught to deepen or to understand the science ofanatomy macroscopia motion is classified in systematica coveringanatomy osteology, arthrologi and mmyologi, and anatomy regionalecovering Regio membri superioris (upper limbs), Regio membriinferioris (lower limbs), thoracalis region (chest) and Regioabdominal (stomach)
Lagu Perjuangan Indonesia 1.0 APK
Berbagai macam makna dan pesan yang terkandungpada lagu wajib nasional. Pertama, nasionalisme yang meliputi sifatkebanggaan terhadap Negara, cinta tanah air, mengutamakan rasapersatuan dan kesatuan. Kedua, patriotisme yang meliputi sifat,rela berkorban, berani berjuang, pantang menyerah, berjiwapembaharu. Pesan ini akan memberi nilai positif jikadiimplementasikan dalam pendidikan berkarakter.Tetapi kenyataannya lagu bersejarah ini semakin terlupakan olehgenerasi sekarang. Sebab umumnya lagu hanya dipahami sebatashafalan baik melodi maupun syairnya saja, yang kurang dipahamiadalah latar belakang sejarah dan pengarangnya, serta tujuanlagu-lagu itu diciptakan, dan yang lebih penting lagi makna sertapesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pengarang melalui lirik lagutersebut.Setidaknya Aplikasi ini mencoba untuk semakin medekatkanlagu-lagu perjuangan itu ke dalam gaget, sehingga bisa di dengarkanatau bahkan dipelajari dimana saja.Semoga bermanfaat.A wide variety ofmeanings and messages contained in the national anthem. First,nationalism which include the nature of the State pride,patriotism, promoting a sense of unity and oneness. The second,which includes the nature of patriotism, self-sacrificing,courageous fight, never give up, high-minded reformer. This messagewill give a positive value if implemented in character education.But the reality of this historic song is getting forgotten bythe present generation. Because generally track only understood asboth melody and poem recitation only, which is less understood isthe author's background and history, as well as the purpose of thesongs were created, and more importantly, the meaning and themessage to be conveyed by the author through the lyrics of thesong.At least this application tries to further medekatkan patrioticsongs into gaget, so that it can be listened to or even studiedanywhere.May be useful.
Kelahiran Yesus 1.0 APK
English:Christmas story of Jesus' birth is packaged in a simple languageand easy to understand, with interesting illustrations, so childrenlove to read.This book is suitable for reading during National Bible Month(BKSN). Also suitable for the community as a Sunday schoolliterature and storiesIndonesia:Cerita natal kelahiran Yesus dikemas dalam bahasa yang sederhanadan mudah dimengerti, dengan ilustrasi gambar yang menarik,sehingga anak senang membaca.Buku ini cocok untuk bacaan selama Bulan Kitab Suci Nasional(BKSN). Juga cocok untuk komunitas sekolah minggu sebagai bahanbacaan dan cerita
Teknik Pijat Refleksi 1.0 APK
Pijat refleksi merupakan ilmu yang mempelajariilmu tentang pijat di titik-titik tubuh tertentu. Pijat inidilakukan dengan alat tangan dan benda-benda lain berupa kayu,plastik, atau karet. Praktisi pijat ini mempunyai pengetahuantentang saraf-saraf manusia, dan masih berhubungan denganpengobatan tusuk jarum.Pengobatan ini banyak dijumpai di tempat-tempat pijat relaksasidan toko-toko sinshe. Umumnya pengobatan yang dilakukan adalahuntuk penyakit-penyakit yang sering dijumpai di kehidupansehari-hari, seperti sakit jantung, sakit lambung (maag), penyakitkulit, patah tulang, batu ginjal, batu empedu, kencing batu,diabetes melitus, hipertensi, dan sakit pinggang.Reflexology is a sciencethat studies the science of massage on specific points of the body.This massage is done with hand tools and other objects such aswood, plastic, or rubber. This massage practitioners have knowledgeof human nerves, and is still associated with acupuncture.This treatment is often found in places of relaxation andmassage shops sinshes. Generally, treatment is done for diseasesthat are common in everyday life, such as heart disease, stomachpain (gastritis), skin diseases, fractures, kidney stones, gallstones, bladder stones, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and painwaist.
Wayang Purwo 2 1.1 APK
ENGLISHThis book contains 48 figures including Wayang Puwo the Pandavas,presented in a picture and a brief description of the character.Still there are some figures that are included in the Pandavasbut not in this electronic book, it is because of the limitationsof Authors, and limitations of reference only. The hope with the 48figure is sufficient to represent as a beginning to recognize theWorld Puppet further.Puppet prototype itself is usually used stories of Ramayana andMahabharata. Shadow puppets prototype itself consists of some styleor genre as genre Kasunanan, Mangkunegaran, Ngayogjakarta,Banyumasan, Jawatimuran, Kedu, Cirebon, and so on.This book is dedicated to the preservation of the culture ofIndonesiaINDONESIA:Buku ini berisi 48 Tokoh Wayang Puwo yang termasuk keluargaPandawa, disajikan dalam gambar dan uraian singkat tokohtersebut.Masih ada beberapa tokoh yang termasuk dalam keluarga Pandawatetapi tidak ada dalam buku elektronik ini, hal tersebut karenaketerbatasan Penyusun, dan keterbatasan referensi saja. Harapannyadengan 48 Tokoh tersebut sudah cukup mewakili sebagai sebuahpermulaan untuk mengenal Dunia Wayang lebih lanjut.Wayang purwa sendiri biasanya menggunakan ceritera Ramayana danMahabarata. Wayang kulit purwa sendiri terdiri dari beberapa gayaatau gagrak seperti gagrak Kasunanan, Mangkunegaran, Ngayogjakarta,Banyumasan, Jawatimuran, Kedu, Cirebon, dan sebagainya.Buku ini di dedikasikan untuk kelestarian budaya Indonesia
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Maze Break-Out Free 1.0.1 APK
Maze game for children. Play anunlimitednumber of mazes and help the ladybug to get to the exit.Forget about pencil and paper mazes and start enjoyingdraggingthe ladybug to the exit through an unlimited number ofmazes.This game features five different difficulty levels thatwillprovide tons of hours of fun to children (and adults!) ofallages.This is the free (ad supported) version. If you wish to playtothe paid version (without ads) you can search "Maze Break-Out"inthe Android Market.
Ladybug Smasher 4.3 APK
Today do you take care of your garden yet? The harmful insects asladybug, ants, worms, grasshoppers are everywhere. They always seekto destroy your garden, carry food and lurk everywhere that youhardly kill all of them. Do you hate them? If yes, let’s join"LadyBug Smasher" to kill them and scored the highest points inorder to swanky with your friends. How to play: Is your reactionfast enough? Fast tapping with your fingers, beating, grinding andrepelling these ladybugs. - Hit all these harmful insects todestroy them - Don't hit the bees, they will burn you and let youlost one live Features: - Many kinds of characteristic inserts:ants, grasshoppers, cockroaches, together with the lightingprotective effect or contain life - The exciting action game thatcan release the pressure - More levels and modes are coming soon
Ladybug Puzzle 1.1 APK
Ladybug puzzle is a puzzle game with imagesofladybugs in different types and colors for each puzzle youcanchoose a ladybug, ladybugs are real and and a ladybug drawn-> Great User Interface-> Supports all devices of various screen sizes-> Supports Android versions 2.2 onwards-> 3 levels of difficulty-> Timer-> HD images-> Images up to date
FREE Marble Solitaire LadyBug 2.0.0 APK
Introducing FREE Marble Solitaire LadyBugPOP(FULL VERSION) the super addicting and fun puzzle game.Are you looking for way to entertain yourself duringbreaks,lunch time, waiting for the bus, sitting on the train, orany otherdown time?How would like to play a simple but yet a challenging,brainstretching, mental stimulating game that will provide hoursoffun?I am happy to tell you that you are in the right place attheright time because FREE Marble Solitaire LadyBug POP is thepuzzlebrain game for you…Kids Love It!!!Not only is this app beautiful but it jam packed with 30FunPuzzles Boards (More Coming Soon) that will test you andpopboredom every time.*Play against yourself*Challenge friends*Great for all ages*Play against familyIts super simple to play:The idea is to eliminate or POP as many LadyBugs as possiblebuyjumping over each another.How many Lady Bugs can you POP?Are you up to challenge?Download FREE Marble Solitaire LadyBug POP Now!
Ladybugs 1.0 APK
A simple game where colored ladybugs appearonthe screen one after another. By pressing colored buttons inthebottom of the screen you remove them from the screen in thesamesequence in which they appeared. If you choose the right color,youget one point. If you make a mistake, you lose 10 points.Goodluck!
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Slugterra: Slug it Out! 2.9.3 APK
PLEASE NOTE!The game does not support Android 7.0 or above.Slug it out! and become the best slugslinger of all time! Play ashero Eli Shane in this fast-paced action puzzle game based on thepopular animated television series Slugterra. Collect littlecritters called slugs then fire them out of your high-poweredblaster, transforming them into magical battle beasts! Each slughas its own unique power. The more you use your slugs, the morepowerful they become. Collect all the slugs and use them to battlea horde of villains and stop the evil Dr. Blakk!To play, quickly match tiles on the game board to power up yourslugs. Tap the slug icon to load them into your blaster then watchout as they transform and attack your opponents!The key to being the best slugslinger around is choosing the bestslugs for each round, and knowing when to use them!Players can collect new slugs and unlock slug powers in story mode,or duel an endless stream of opponents to compete for top leaderboard scores in challenge mode.Special items are now available in the store to boost your gameplay.***The Bottom Line: 9.5/10 (Super!) Slugterra: Slug it Out! isn’tthe first strategy match-3 that we’ve played but, by far itincorporates the need for strategy more than others. Tack on anadorable theme and you’ve got one of the best strategy-puzzlersthis year.” – Appstore ArcadeFeatures:• Match tiles on the playing board to power-up your slugs and blastyour opponents• Collect new slugs and unlock slug powers as you play• Battle all of your favourite villains from Slugterra andchallenge Dr. Blakk!• Add all of your favourite slugs to your arsenal, includingInfurnus, Frostcrawler, Tazerling, Flatulorhinkus, Arachnet,Fandango, Doc, Enigmo, Rammstone, Hoverbug, Aquabeek, Makobreaker,Flaringo, Thresher, Frightgeist, Negashade, Ping, Xmitter and manymore!!• Combine two slugs for an incredible fusion shot!• Ghoul your game and add ghoul slugs to your arsenal!• Play through story mode to collect slugs and unlock newpowers• Special items available in the store to boost your game playincluding blaster mods, slug chargers, new characters andmore
graBLOX Puzzle Game 3.4 APK
Use the unique powers of graBLOX to help these little aliens gethome. This dangerously challenging puzzle game will have youscratching your noggin and picking your brain for hours! Thepremise is simple: remove all the BLOX from the board. Since eachBLOX behaves and reacts differently, only those with the cleveresttricks will be able to solve all the puzzles. Think you’ve got whatit takes to think outside the BLOX?And NOW, you can create your OWN levels using the graBLOX LevelBuilder! Use any of the BLOX to create your own levels. Send yourlevels to your friends, or send them to us and you could see alevel with your name on it in a future update!
Tiny Thief 1.2.1 APK
Join Tiny Thief on a big adventure!“Utterly charming.” - Kotaku“Delightful” - The Guardian“A game anyone can enjoy, and it's probably going to make yousmile within the first minute.” - PC Mag“Cute, clever, and oddly rewarding.” - 148 Apps“If you need a good puzzle game today, or heck, even a smile,you should probably go grab Tiny Thief.” - Touch ArcadeIn a world of greed, corruption and injustice, one little guydecides to stand up for the little guy! Say hello to Tiny Thief, anunconventional hero who uses cunning and trickery to out-smart hisopponents across six epic medieval adventures. But beware! He facesfearsome foes, like the Dark Knight, rogue pirates and even a giantrobot!Tiny Thief brings back the magic from the point-and-click gamesof old, charming you with its very own visual style and offbeatsense of humor.The game throws some seriously mind-boggling puzzles at you,with tons of surprising interactive gameplay elements along theway. So get ready to embark on an epic quest to save a princess andkingdom in peril!Six big adventures – sneak and steal your way through six epicquests, featuring an awesome pirate ship and daring castlesiege!Use cunning and skill – out-smart your tricky opponents usingthe element of surprise and some downright sneakiness!Unexpected surprises – explore fully interactive levels anduncover hidden treasures and other surprises at every turn!Tiny Thief is ready to start his big adventure. Are you?What's new in update 1.2.0:UNLOCK A FULL NEW EPISODE WITH A SIMPLE PURCHASE: In this newmagical adventure, the King is kidnapped by the Wicked Witch! Torescue him, our tiny hero will have to turn to dark magic for help,and fight witches and their evil spells. The final battle is aclassic duel with a dragon! Can Tiny Thief break the spell and freethe King?EPISODE INCLUDES:- 5 New, magic-filled levels- 18 Hidden objects to find- 10 New characters including witches, ghosts and dragonsPlease be aware that Google Play is required to make in-apppurchases.Terms of Use: Policy: Message for ParentsThis game may include:- Direct links to social networking websites that are intended foran audience over the age of 13.- Direct links to the internet that can take players away from thegame with the potential to browse any web page.- Advertising of Rovio products and also products from selectpartners.
Cookie Jam 11.0.123 APK
JAM your cookies before they crumble in CookieJam! Sprinkled with a deliciously sweet twist, this match-3 game isequal parts fun and challenging.Blast through bakery islands and help Chef Panda match and crunchthrough hundreds of exciting levels! Hop in your traveling bakeryto set sail on this free puzzle adventure. Swap candy, cookies, andcakes to explore mouth-watering patisseries from around theworld.Got a sweet tooth? Curb your cravings with this calorie free treat!You can have all the cookies, cake, candy and treats that you want!Whip your way though hundreds of addictively sweet match 3challenges by concocting scrumptious cookie combos. Crunch andcrush as fast as you can, or your batch will be ruined by theGingerbread Man!KEY INGREDIENTS:◆ Never-ending fun with THOUSANDS of unique levels and more tocome◆ Deliciously sweet supply of power-ups and combos◆ Swap, crush, and jam your way through fantastical bakeryislands◆ Fun and easy game to learn, but a rewarding challenge tomaster◆ Free and filled with adventure!TOPPED WITH:◆ Special rewards and events all the time◆ Facebook connection so you can share the adventure withfriends◆ Seamless sync across multiple devices and platforms!LIKE: @SGNgamesDEVELOPER INFO: Jam City is the leading developer in trulycross-platform social gaming! Check out our other free match 3puzzle games! You'll love to swap, match, and crunch through everexpanding levels and events. Check back often to see all the newcake and sweet treats that we've added! You'll love to jam througheach sweet puzzle. Begin your bakery adventure on this free matchthree puzzle game today!
Fishdom 7.23.0 APK
Never Fishdomed before? Take a deep breath anddive into an underwater world of match-3 fun with Fishdom, anall-new free game!Try challenging and fun match-3 gameplay with unique puzzles as youdecorate aquariums to create cozy homes for lovely talking fish.Feed them, play with them, and watch them interact with each other.Hey, your finned friends are waiting for you, so dive in now andenjoy this amazing underwater adventure!Features:● Unique gameplay: swap and match pieces, design and decorateaquariums, play with and take care of fish—all in one puzzlegame!● Play hundreds of challenging and fun match-3 levels● Compete with other players to develop your aquarium evenfaster● Explore an exciting aquatic world with funny talking 3D fish thateach have their own personality● Liven up fish tanks with breathtaking underwater decor● Grab your scuba mask and enjoy amazing aquarium graphics● It’s a blast for everyone: share your Fishdom mania with yourFacebook friends!● No Wi-Fi or internet connection required to playPlease note that Fishdom is free to play, though some in-game itemscan also be purchased for real money.Enjoying Fishdom? Learn more: Facebook: Twitter: Contact our tech support at
Sokoban Garden 3D APK
Feed your brain with classic puzzle game incompletely new high-end 3d edition. Visit the magical garden andguide cute ladybug through mind-blowing puzzles to unlock newchallenges.*Silver Medal from magazine*"Beautiful graphics and easy controls. Easily the best Sokoban gameout there" - ***** review on Google PlayATTENTION: This game is an implementation of a great classic puzzlegame and can help you keep your brain in shape! What are youwaiting for? Get it for FREE now!Here are some distinctive features of this game:* Eye candy 3D cartoon graphics* Increasing difficulty - if you find first levels too easy thenplease don’t be upset - solve them quickly and get into seriouschallenge!* Game is optimized for tablets - looks great on Nexus7 or GalaxyNote 10.1* Switch-able 2d/3d view mode* More than 100 levels and counting* AI techniques are in use to improve control scheme* A lot of different control schemes: swype, box dragging, tap,graphical buttons.* No need to download additional files, just install and play* This game comes with in app payments and there are two featuresthat are accessible only through them: disabling ads and checkingsolution for problematic puzzles. But please be aware that if youcan't solve a puzzle you can simply 'surrender' and go to the nextone for free.* Also there is no need to pay for puzzles - you can unlock newones by collecting stars and improving your score.Are you ready to take the challenge?Original concept is also known as: "warehouse keeper", "push box"or "mouse and cheese"------We are a very small indie development team (only one programmer andone 3d artist), so please be tolerant for us!If you’ll find a bug or have any other suggestions please contactus:!This software was created with open source tools:Audacity, Blender, Eclipse, Gimp, Inkscape, libGDX, Ubuntu,Universal Tween Engine, Yasc
Roll the Ball® - slide puzzle 20.1028.09 APK
More than 80 M downloadsworldwide.Here comes new BRAIN TEASERS from the maker ofBlock!, Pipe Lines : Hexa & Words Crush:Hidden Word!.Roll the Ball® - slide puzzle is a simple addictive unblock puzzlegame, keep you playing it!Do you like the game genres as below? Great! Roll the Ball® - slidepuzzle has all the elements. ;)• Sliding Puzzles, Just move and move!• Puzzle Games, Thought-provoking fun.• Maze Puzzle Games, Escape the maze.• Brain Teasers, Test yourself. Exercise your brain.• Physics Puzzler, Physics-based gaming.• Match-3 Puzzle, Easy to learn but hard to master.• Retro Games, Revisit the classics• Exam Prep & Tutoring, Practice makes perfect. Trainyou brain to active mind.• Family Puzzle Games, Enjoy the game with yourfamily.Move the blocks with your finger to create a path for moving theball to the red GOAL block. But riveted blocks can't be moved. Areyou ready to play? Download and start solving puzzles now!FEATURES• SLIDING PUZZLE- An essential is for the adult to kids of all ages.• TONS OF EPIC LEVELS- You can enjoy the game enough.• NO TIME LIMIT- Play at your own pace.• NO WIFI? NO PROBLEM!- Games you can play offline.• MORE VARIATIONS- Moving, Rotation mode to challenge & Star mode torelax.• USEFUL IN-GAME FUNCTIONS:- RESTART: Just restart a level quickly.- UNDO : Have a mistake? Don't worry, just put it back.- HINTS : It's a good friend. Of course, it may be wrong.• GET DAILY BONUS & GIFTS- The Santa may give gifts to you. Check a message box often.• ANNOYING ADS? NO PROBLEM!- Buy AD FREE(USD 1.99) or Participate in ads improvement programby in-game Email.• OPTIMIZED ANDROID & GOOGLE PLAY GAMES- Support both PHONES & TABLETS.- Support both ARM & x86 DEVICES.- Support GOOGLE+ recommendation.- LEADERBOARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS from Google Play Games.- CLOUD SAVE: Your game progress is being saved online with GooglePlay. You can sync your game progress between devices, phones &tablets using the same Google Play Account. It's support gameprogress only, not hints, not auto-save. Be careful, if you tap the"Save" or "Load" button, it will works at once.- MULTIPLAYER GAME : It's required to sign-in Google Play Games. Itconsists of Basic, Star and Rotation modes. The Star mode inmultiplayer game is fake, easy to say, Ignore the stars. Beat theother players worldwide. Invite your friends and enjoy the gametogether!• UP-TO-COMING WITH GOOGLE PLAY- QUEST, GIFTS, APP INDEXINGNOTES• Roll the Ball® - slide puzzle contains the ads like banner,interstitial, video and house ads.• Roll the Ball® - slide puzzle sells In-app products like AD FREE,Hints and level packages.E-MAIL• contact@bitmango.comHOMEPAGE• us on FACEBOOK•'s ROLL THE BALL. Let's CRUSH THE PUZZLE. lol[AWARD]- 2016-01-08 : New & Updated Games (133 countries)- 2015-12-17 : New & Updated Games (98 countries)
Trainyard Express APK
"The best puzzle game ever.""Devilishly addictive!" - Gizmodo"You'll wrack your brains for hours!" - TapMagazine"All aboard! Trainyard is a five star puzzle experience whose railseveryone should ride." - Gamezebo"Trainyard is as fully featured as a puzzle fan could want." -Appspy"It's a clever concept, simple to grasp but with a lot of variety."- 148AppsTrainyard Express is a puzzle solving game unlike any that you'veever played. It's easy to learn but very tough to master. Your jobis simple: get each train to a goal station. Red trains go to redstations, blue trains go to blue stations, etc. You control thetrains by drawing track for them to follow. There isn't a timelimit or even a score; the only thing you need to do is figure outa solution for each puzzle.Trainyard Express Features:+ Innovative and challenging puzzle mechanic+ Smooth difficulty curve+ Over 60 fantastic puzzles+ Hundreds of ways to solve each puzzle+ Solutions can be found on Looks GREAT on tablets!+ Engineered for low battery usage+ Colour-blind mode+ A year in the making+ Developed in one person's spare time(support indie games!)The first few puzzles are almost too easy, but as the difficultyincreases you'll be thankful that you were able to practice thefundamentals of drawing track. As the game progresses, you'll haveto use basic colour theory to combine trains of different colours,use timing to merge, and use every inch of your brain in your questto beat the game.What's the difference between Trainyard and Express? In the fullgame there are more than 100 more puzzles!The full game also has splitter pieces, which are AWESOME.Stuck on a puzzle? There are over 1.2 MILLION player submittedsolutions at out more at http://www.trainyard.caDeveloped by Matt Rix (